When deploying iPad App to device, it just shows a blank screen - objective-c

I just created a simple iPad app and dragged a few components on its mainform.
When I debug it in the Simulator it works fine, but when debugging it on an actual iPad I only get a blank screen. What may I do wrong?

Check the console log of the device using the Organizer in Xcode.

open main window's xib file and go to first tab in inspector and select "Visible at launch" in window property.


How to prevent the app from automatically open a window when launched?

I am developing a OS X app and want it to run without dock icon but with a icon in the menubar. I have added the menubar utility and tried to set the following code in applicationDidFinishLaunching:
[NSApp setActivationPolicy:NSApplicationActivationPolicyAccessory];
It works well, except that the app will still show the window when launched. How to prevent this? I can't set the LSUIElement in Info.plist because I want this behavior to be changeable in the runtime.
Thanks in advance!
It seems that the Visible At Launch is unchecked by default... I am using storyboard so I created a new project, choose Main.storyboard -> Window Controller Scene -> Window, and found it unchecked, but the window will still open automatically.
image (cannot post it directly with <10 reputation)

Re-create Cocoa application menubar

I'm making a statusbar application and load a new xib containing the main window for the application when clicking on a statusbar menu item. However, in the process I deleted the application menu bar. I don't see a way to hook up the NSMenu object I created in the interface builder.
The window loads just fine, and the status bar icon is still present, but when I make the main window the key window, the application menu bar doesn't change, it just shows the previous app that was active.
I have followed the instructions/suggestions here and here, but neither of them work. Is there some other step I've missed?
The behavior you're describing is normal for background applications. If you don't have an icon in the Dock, you don't get your own menubar, even if you have a window in the foreground.

Menubar App: Desktop Switch Bug

I have build a cocoa mac application which is a menubar app. When you click it, it opens a NSWindow.
The problem:
1. When I open the menubar app on Desktop1.
2. Then go to Desktop2 and open the app by clicking the menubar icon, the app opens, but the desktop moves back to Desktop1 !
It's a rather tricky thing.
I appreciate your help !
Try setting your window collection behavior to NSWindowCollectionBehaviorCanJoinAllSpaces so that, well, it isn't restrained to a single desktop.
[newWindow setCollectionBehavior:NSWindowCollectionBehaviorCanJoinAllSpaces];
NSWindowCollectionBehaviorMoveToActiveSpace should also work, but is a little more finicky.

Graphics error with NSStatusItem

My application uses NSStatusItem to be visible to the user.
So I set 'Application is agent (UIElement)' to YES, which basically hides the menu bar of the application, and hides the icon from the dock.
Now, I didn't delete the menu bar, so I can still react to shortcuts like cmd+W to close the preference window, or cmd+q to quit the application. The problem is, that anytime I use such a command, the menubar get's messed up.
I've noticed that other Apps which run in the background, like Growl 2, have the same issue.
I have no idea how to fix this.
Hopefully someone of you can help me
I'm running Mountain Lion.
It probably has something to do with the 10.8 SKD. I have never noticed this issue before in any application.
How about move the whole Window menu to be Application menu submenu and then hide it?
You will still receive shortcuts and the highlited menu will be the application menu that is by anyway there (i suppose so, how else you will open preferences window? also shortcut?).

OS X Lion: NIB/XIB doesn't seem to get loaded if app is launched as a Startup Item

I have a problem which is driving me nuts.
Suppose you have an app with a window that is set to "Visible at Launch". When you launch the app, the window immediatly appears.
If you add this simple app to the login startup items list, when you log in, the app is automatically launched and you have the window just opened in front of you. This is what was happening in Snow Leopard.
If you repeat the same steps in Lion, as soon as you log-in, the app is launched but the window does not appear.. It seems that the NIB doesn't get loaded.
To make it appear you have to click on the app icon in the dock (even if the app is already launched).
This happens even if you specify [NSApp disableRelaunchOnLogin] according to Apple documentation here.
Things become worst if your app has NSUIElement = 0 and therefore it doesn't have neither an icon in the Dock, nor a Menubar. In this case there's no way to make the window to appear.
Is there a way to obtain the expected behavior of Snow Leopard? Am I missing something?