What are the API limits for the Google Search API for Shopping? - google-search-api

What are the API limits for the Google Search API for Shopping?
I read here that there is a limit of 2500 queries per day. However, I can't find any reference to the limits in the official documentation. Can anyone advise, or point to an authoritative source?

This thread talks more about the limits. Apparently it's a 'starter' plan of 2500 queries per day. You can request to have that limit increased.
According to "Raz":
Go to
. On the left side is the Traffic
Controls link where you can instantly
set you requests/user/second and
request a higher daily per user quota.
Also, on the same page it says the
default 2500 is per end user IP
address which can be specified via a
request parameter.


Enterprise or Self-Service API - Request suggestion

I'm in the process of devolving a new tool for a company app. The tool will be sending homogeneous number of searches to amadeus API. Is every search result is considered as a request? A sample search of a user will have to search the api 1000 times are these searches considered as requests? Because if the company has 10000 request limit per month it's going to be over by 10 users! I need to understand this please.
Every time you call an API (every time you use GET/POST verb) you do a "request".
The limitation (quota) is only in the test environment, you don't pay for it but you have a limited number of calls and you only have access to a subset of data.
In production, you don't have any limitation on the total number of queries you can do. You get access to our full set of data (live) but you pay per use (you pay for each request you do).
You have a limitation on the number you can do per second (TPS: 10 in production / 5 in test).

AWS Rekognition API call per/time limit

I have been searching for a while, but have not found any information on whether there are limits on calls to Amazon Rekognition service.
Does anyone know the numbers, or any source where I can look?
What I want to know is if they limit the number of calls allowed per minute or second. I'm looking for information on the the paid (not free) service tier.
You can find documentation on service limits for Rekognition at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws_service_limits.html#limits_rekognition.
The limits vary depending on which API you are accessing and from which region. Ex. DetectLabels has a limit of 5 transactions per second in US East (Ohio). You may request a limit increase on these numbers.
Here are the limits they have, at no time says anything about maximum number of requests per second as in other services
For example in amazon polly if it says the limits it has per second:
Any 2 transactions per second (tps) from these operations(DeleteLexicon, PutLexicon, GetLexicon, ListLexicons) combined.
Maximum allowed burst of 4 tps.
That's why I believe that it has no operations limit per minute, otherwise I would put it as they do in other services. I am using it to authenticate in the company where I am, that we are 23 and at the moment it has not given me any problems of operations per second.

Google Custom Search Engine pricing

The pricing regarding CSE is a little bit vague:
For CSE users, the API provides 100 search queries per day for free. If you need more, you may sign up for billing in the API Console. Additional requests cost $5 per 1000 queries, up to 10k queries per day
Does one query equal one keyword regardless of pagination used, or one request? (in this sense XML is more efficient than JSON, as it allows 20 in num parameter, as opposed to JSONs 10)
Are the queries counted per API key, or per cx key?
It is vague and you are not the first to be puzzled. When I did my research I found this blog post helpful.
Assume you are talking about Custom Search Engine (terms you noted in your Q) and NOT Google Site Search (paid from the start). The reason I ask is that the XML function is only for Google Site Search customers. There is the JSON/Atom API and Custom Search API available for CSE.
For Q1, one Query = one request. You can use as many keywords or other parameters in your request (see comments in the blog post I referenced), but you will always be limited to 100 results.
For Q2, the billing is enabled through the API console. Once enabled (and in order to allow the 101st query) your code must include both your cx and API key. So in theory you could set up multiple search engines within your API and stay under the 100 request limit, but I have not seen a way to allow an API to support multiple cx keys.

Translations API Usage by API Key

Here is what I have:
Project in Google API (Translate API)
Billing Enabled
Upgraded Quota limit up to 10 000 000 chars per day
One server key
Many sites, which use this key to translate text
And here is the problem: it seems our sites request more texts for translations than we expect and we can't find which of the sites sends so many texts. We have looked at our sites and found nothing. We want to determine translations requests volume by each site or module.
I can see overall usage and quota usage in API Manager. But there is no information about IP / domain name input to the overall usage. Is it possible to see translations usage by site / API usage / other parameter.
I have some ideas and questions. First, I can create a unique API key for each site/module so each site will use its own key. But it seems it is not possible to see translations usage by keys within one project.
The second idea was about adding parameter in URL like user_id. That method was mentioned in API docs but, again, I can't see how to generate translations usage by a certain parameter.
Could you please advise?

Twitter Issue : Rate limit exceeded

I am using Twitter's API for finding location / place of Tweets.I am using Twitters Status/Show/:Id
which gives me location of Tweet by Tweet Id.
however i am getting 'Rate limit exceeded. Clients may not make more than 150 requests per hour' Error.
Does anyone know the solution for this? I had searched it on Google but it says pasing access_token to url will exceed requests to 350 Only. I want more requests.
Or does anybody has better solution / alternative way of finding place /location of Twitters Tweers?