XML Import with "alternate" form or xml formatting - sql

I have successfully imported an XML file parsing elements info table attributes using this xml data formating:
but it errors whwen I input an XML in this format:
<PN guid="aaaa"
Is this later form usable? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

It's usable, but you're looking at the difference between using tags (your first example) and attributes (your second example). Your processing is slightly different.


Exception cx_st_match_element when deserializing XML?

I'm having trouble getting a simple transformation for XML to work in ABAP. I keep getting the exception cx_st_match_element when I try to execute it on a test XML document inside of a report.
I have the following XML that I want to transform into an ABAP internal table:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<studenten xmlns="http://www.foo.be/bar/preinschrijvingsflow"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.foo.be/bar/preinschrijvingsflow bar_studenten.xsd">
<straatNummer>Grote Markt 1 bus 0102</straatNummer>
To this end I defined the following simple transformation I called zc_tr_student:
<?sap.transform simple?>
xmlns:ddic=" http://www.sap.com/abapxml/types/dictionary">
<tt:root name="studenten" type="ddic:ZCTT_bar_STUDENT"/>
<tt:loop ref=".studenten" name="studenten">
<barGuid tt:value-ref="$studenten.bar_guid"/>
<familienaam tt:value-ref="$studenten.familienaam"/>
<voornaam tt:value-ref="$studenten.voornaam"/>
<geslacht tt:value-ref="$studenten.geslacht"/>
<nationaliteit tt:value-ref="$studenten.nationaliteit"/>
<geboortedatum tt:value-ref="$studenten.geboortedatum"/>
<geboorteplaats tt:value-ref="$studenten.geboorteplaats"/>
<email tt:value-ref="$studenten.email"/>
<straat_nummer tt:value-ref="$studenten.straat_nummer"/>
<postcode tt:value-ref="$studenten.postcode"/>
<gemeente tt:value-ref="$studenten.gemeente"/>
<land tt:value-ref="$studenten.land"/>
<telefoonnummer tt:value-ref="$studenten.telefoonnummer"/>
<academiejaar tt:value-ref="$studenten.academiejaar"/>
In the tt:value-refattributes I refer to the field in the DDIC line type of the ABAP internal table corresponding to the tag in the XML.
If I call this simple transformation from an ABAP report like this:
call transformation zc_tr_student
source xml lv_bxml
result studenten = p_student.
The cx_st_match_element is thrown.
I validated both the syntax of the file and its adherence to the schema. The XML file and the XSD file are present in the same directory on the application server. I have no idea why the ST fails as the cx_st_match_element instance does not have any useful information except that it expected a studenten element. That element is clearly present in the XML file as the root element.
I'm inexperienced with defining simple transformations and I can't spot my error myself. Thank you in advance for your help,

Error: XML declaration must be the first node in the document, and no white space characters are allowed to appear before it

The functionality is like, we could write the plane SQL queries in XML and then we could import that xml in Product to see the changes in database.
In Update statement, I need to use the below update query. But getting 'XML declaration must be the first node in the document' error when trying to set column value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Metadata ClientSchemaVersion="1.1" Name="DummyName">
Set //In next line, error is comming
ColumnName='<?xml version=''1.0'' encoding=''utf-16le'' ?><scenario xmlns='Text'><id>12345</id><title>
WHERE Condition
How I could achieve that use case. Could someone help me out here.
Note- The same Update Query is working fine if ran in SQL Server directly
Two XML declarations (<?xml ... ?>) are not allowed in an XML document. Only one is permitted, and it must be at the very top of the document.
Here are two ways you can repair your XML:
Remove the second XML declaration. The default for that SQL-embedded XML will then be XML version 1.0 with UTF-8 encoding.
If the processing application supports it, wrap the SQL in a CDATA section such that the SQL-embedded XML document is no longer parsed as XML.
... SQL with embedded XML that can contain its own XML declaration ...
See also
Error: The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed

How to split xml blob content in database into multiple files based on tag in mule

How to split xml file into multiple files based on a tag in xml file using mule
In xml we have <EOF> data based on <EOF> we need to chunk the xml.
You can do something similar to:
<splitter expression="#[xpath('//EOF')]" />
That would generate many messages one for each EOF tag in your XML. Depending on the structure you may need to fix the Xpath expression to be more precise.
Use splitter component in Mule

Parsing using NSXMLParser

I am being returned some XML from a web service. Basically, the xml looks like this:
More XML here but the it's escaped by XML entities
so, as you can see, I have xml that is valid, but the stuff inside data tag is escaped with XML entities. what's the best (most efficient) way for me to feed this into the parser?
What I am doing right now is, when I get the data from web service, I convert it into NSString....then replace the "XML escaped entities" with real ones.....then convert it back into NSData...then feed it into the parser. This doesn't seem like a very good solution so I was wondering if there's a better way to do it?
Alright, here's the xml that I am getting:
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><s:Header><ActivityId CorrelationId="d39007b5-ee69-41c7-a61d-831b456f9ea3" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2004/09/ServiceModel/Diagnostics">aa88d1cd-253c-48d1-abeb-62a880bea806</ActivityId></s:Header><s:Body xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"><LoginResponse xmlns="http://MSS"><LoginResult><LoginInformation>
<UserName>Demo User</UserName>
<CompanyName>PlanET Demonstration Agency</CompanyName>
As you can see, everything in is escaped.
That's kind of horrifying. Why don't you just take the contents of that tag (e.g. the data with the entities) and just pass that through another NSXMLParser? The first parser will have decoded the entities, and the second parser will be presented with the decoded version of the contents of that tag.

Import Xml nodes as Xml column with SSIS

I'm trying to use the Xml Source to shred an XML source file however I do not want the entire document shredded into tables. Rather I want to import the xml Nodes into rows of Xml.
a simplified example would be to import the document below into a table called "people" with a column called "person" of type "xml". When looking at the XmlSource --- it seem that it suited to shredding the source xml, into multiple records --- not quite what I'm looking for.
Any suggestions?
<line1>123 Bedrock Way</line>
<!-- more of the same -->
I didn't think that SSIS 2005 supported the XML datatype at all. I suppose it "supports" it as DT_NTEXT.
In any case, you can't use the XML Source for this purpose. You would have to write your own. That's not actually as hard as it sounds. Base it on the examples in Books Online. The processing would consist of moving to the first child node, then calling XmlReader.ReadSubTree to return a new XmlReader over just the next <person/> element. Then use your favorite XML API to read the entire <person/>, convert the resulting XML to a string, and pass it along down the pipeline. Repeat for all <person/> nodes.
Could you perhaps change your xml output so that the content of person is seen as a string? Use escape chars for the <>.
You could use a script task to parse it as well, I'd imagine.