Retrieving Page from HTTPS Website - ssl

I am registered user of a website that provides stock quotes values and I want to create a desktop application where in I will display the stock updates of a specific quotes.
For that, I need to parse a web page which is visible only when I login to the website. If I try to access that page, without logging in, it redirects me to the login page.
The Website does not provide any API for developing such a client application. Is there any way I can login to the website using the desktop client and thus access the required web page?

You'll need to first do a HTTP POST to the login page, store the cookies that come back, then pass these along with any furture request you make.
Same as the browser does.

Hopefully this question is in earnest and not spam but the answer is no


Is it possible to use Jira api with "in-page" auth?

The idea is I want to be able to make requests to jira api to e.g. create new issue, but I don't want to hardcode user credentials in my web app, nor in the request itself.
When a user clicks a button on my page to, for example invoke api call to automatically create 10 issues, I want them to be redirected to jira to enter credentials. Is it possible?
Ok, it seems that it certainly can be done through OAuth, described e.g here:

Adding another Website URL to Facebook Login App

I am trying to add another website url to my facebook app in order to use the login functionality not only on one page but on both. Is it possible to do so, since I don't see the option to add a second website url.
Thanks in advance!
You need to add all the website url's you are using to the "Valid OAuth redirect URIs" you can find that under settings! or do you mean that you wanna use the same login for a different website because then the only way to do it is making another login functionality.

Using oauth2 in an iframe application

I have a web application that uses google & facebook oauth2 to authorize the users.
But, the application can also be hosted in other sites in a frame.
The problem is that in that case google blocks the login phase (since it's in a frame), is there a way to overcome it?
I don't think so. If possible stay away from embedding other site with frames.
You could contrive something where your client makes an ajax call to your server. If your server send the login redirect, your client can use the 302 location to open a popup window. You will of course need to make sure the user isn't blocking popups.

Foursquare authorization without losing context on a website

I am adding the ability for a user to link their foursquare account with their account on my website. Foursquare's oauth account authorization takes the user to foursquare's website, and after authorizing my website it redirects the user back to a url.
I want to avoid breaking the user's context on my website when they decide to add foursquare functionality to their account, so I'm planning on doing foursquare's account authorization in a new window using
var foursquare_popup ="foursquare_url_to_authenticate_user");
and redirecting the popup to a static success page once the authorization has been completed.
I've seen oauth popups done in a couple places like Wired's tweet button.
Is this a good way to handle oauth with things like twitter/facebook/foursquare?
i would recommend against opening a popup window as part of the oauth signin process, purely because some browsers do not support popup windows - particularly browsers on mobile phones. also, the browser may support popups but the user may have a popup blocker turned on.
a better way would be to redirect the user from your website to the service provider all in the same window.
i am currently working on a way to do this with an invisible iframe on the page of my website. this way, if the user is already logged in to the service provider then they would not need to be directed away from my website. however, i am half way through this functionality so i cannot confirm that it will work yet.
You can specify display=webpopup if you want to use a pop-up window (see
Also, you can specify additional parameters in your callback URL, which will be preserved by the oauth flow. So if you passed "&state=settings/accounts" or something as parameter of your redirect_uri, you can parse it out upon success and resume your session with the user appropriately.

App: Bypass authentication for Open Graph facebook requests

I have a Facebook app that can't be used before a user log in via Facebook (OAuth). Some pages (e.g. should be accessible for Open Graph requests (when they have been liked). Currently, Facebook isn't able to retrieve those pages since authentication is required (redirect). How can I determine if an incoming request is coming from Facebook or not? Or should I take another approch?
Thank you!
Just add an exception so that Facebook's crawler can reach the page, The user agent is currently facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
(but the version number may increment someday)