I want to integrate Maven with Clearcase, I am using 7.1 version in UCM mode with dynamic view.
I am new to maven and need to integrate for an existing project. Please let me know what steps I need to follow to integrate Maven and clearcase.
Have a look at the Maven documentation: http://maven.apache.org/scm/clearcase.html
I am writing a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA that depends on the Android plugin.
The IntelliJ Community Edition source code doesn't seem to include the Android plugin. I want to access the APIs like AndroidFacet and AndroidUtils in my plugin project. How can I go about doing this? I tried pulling code from https://android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/adt/idea/ and adding it to classpath but no luck so far.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Edit: The above might be confusing. What i really need is the JARs for the Android plugin so that I can add them to the ClassPath and access stuff like AndroidFacet, etc.
You can read this manual Developing IDEA plugin with dependency on Scala plugin. Change Scala plugin with the android plugin.
I am trying to configure Aspectj in eclipse but its not working can someone please share the full configuration of aspectj. I also explored different tutorials but of no use if some one has usefull stuff regarding this please share.
Can i download the eclipse ide having builtin support for Aspectj
I don't think Eclipse comes bundled with AspectJ. You can download it here:
Install it as you would any other Eclipse plugin, e.g. via Help -> Install New Software (in Eclipse 3.7.1).
Once installed, you can create AspectJ projects using the New -> Project menu.
Now you will have an AspectJ project that you can write aspects (.aj files) in.
We are using Maven to build our projects and Nexus as repository manager.
Is there a way to know where an artifact is a dependency of another artifact?
For example, we want to know which of the artifacts in our Release repository have a dependency on commons-io 1.2, or version x.y of our framework2, or ...
mvn dependency:tree should help you get this info.
Have you looked at the Maven Site plugin in conjunction with the dependencies and dependencies-convergence report from the Maven Project Info Reports plugin?
This will generate an html report that shows all the artifacts that the project uses and what other artifacts that are dependent on that artifact.
The Maven client will only tell you the dependencies of a single project. I'd recommend using Sonar as part of your build process. It's primarily used for source code analysis, but it will also report usage of a particular library by other projects in the same Sonar database.
I am using maven with subversion and clearcase for more than 4 years.
My new project is in Jazz RTC with Ant as a build tool.
I want to move from Ant to Maven2 or Maven3.
I am new to Jazz RTC. Please guide me on how to use Maven with Jazz RTC?
This article is a great introduction: "When Maven meets Rational Team Concert"
once the user has chosen to create a Build Definition using the Maven Build template, he needs to specify:
in which folder is stored the pom.xml (Project location) and
which Maven goals to reach during the build. That’s it!
The wiki page on Maven build is quite complete.
The FAQ on How do I use the Jazz SCM Provider for Maven? refers to the Maven SCM Plugin.
I am developing a web application in GWT 1.7.Now I am planning to move to GWT 2.0. I am using maven build tool and intellij idea IDE.Can any one tell me the maven plugin for GWT2.0 and how to run/debug using intellij idea IDE?RIght now I am using GWT Mojo plugin http://mojo.codehaus.org/gwt-maven-plugin/ ?
I've provided detailed steps and a pom.xml to use Maven, GWT 2.0 and the Maven GWT Plugin 1.2 in this answer. All the non Eclipse specific steps (i.e. the Maven part) should apply and help you to update from GWT 1.7 to 2.0.
gwt-maven-plugin 1.2 has been released and now full supports GWT 2.0.
I'm not familiar with IntelliJ IDEA. But, they do support maven integration like any other IDE. You can integrate your maven-gwt project like any other one into IntelliJ.