WCF Data Services error "The given name 'Foo' was not found in the entity sets" - wcf

I'm developing a WCF Data Service to expose a database. I want to provide access to one of the tables (call it 'Foo'), so I put this in the InitializeService method of my DatabaseService.svc.cs:
config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("Foo", EntitySetRights.AllRead);
However, when the service is initialized it throws an ArgumentException with the message "The given name 'Foo' was not found in the entity sets."
The table is definitely in the .edmx file with that name, case and spelling correct. It's also in the .Designer.cs file, like this:
[EdmEntityTypeAttribute(NamespaceName="FooDBModel", Name="Foo")]
public partial class Foo : EntityObject
The service class itself is declared as:
public class FooDatabaseService : DataService<FooDBEntities>

Have you tried using the fully qualified name?


WCF Service Reference Error in WIndows Service

I have a windows service with a base namespace of XXXX. I have a number of WCF services with a base namespace of WebServices. These are hosted in IIS.
When I add one of the WCF services (DataManagement) as a service reference to my windows service, I get the following errors when I build the service:
Error 162 The type name 'WebServices' does not exist in the type 'XXXX.XXXX'
Reference.cs Line 200 Col 61
Error 163 The type name 'WebServices' does not exist in the type 'XXXX.XXXX'
Reference.cs Line 205 Col 94
Error 164 The type name 'WebServices' does not exist in the type 'XXXX.XXXX'
Reference.cs Line 205 Col 134
Reference.cs is an automatically generated file, The lines of code created are:
Error 1:
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.ServiceModel", "")]
public interface IDataManagementChannel : XXXX.WebServices.IDataManagement, System.ServiceModel.IClientChannel {
Errors 2 & 3:
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.ServiceModel", "")]
public partial class DataManagementClient : System.ServiceModel.ClientBase<XXXX.WebServices.IDataManagement>, XXXX.WebServices.IDataManagement {
I have been struggling to resolve these without much success. None of the suggestions I have found that appear to be related to this issue work for me. There was one issue with the same problem, but there were no answers. Any ideas?
I'm pretty certain your issue is as demonstrated by the following code
namespace XXXX
class XXXX
namespace XXXX.WebServices
class A
class B : XXXX.WebServices.A // compiler error : CS0426 The type name 'WebServices' does not exist in the type 'XXXX'
The compiler is attempting to find a nested type within the class XXXX called WebServices and not the XXXX.WebServices namespace hence the error "does not exist in the type".
You can be explicit about the fact that you're referring to a namespace by prefixing the namespace with global::. It's not ideal to do this on a generated file like Reference.cs. If possible maybe consider generating your proxy in a different namespace.
See the help for compiler error CS0426 here
A bit late, but in case someone stumbles upon this...
Steps to reproduce:
Create a windows service project "TestService".
Rename the Service1 class to TestService.
Compile - it works.
Add reference to a WCF service.
Compile - it no longer works.
error CS0426: The type name 'SomeWCFService' does not exist in the type 'TestService'
Solution: Change the name of the TestService class to something else, as it conflicts with the TestService namespace.

The server encountered an error processing the request. See server logs for more details

I have a simple problem.
I've created a WCF Data Service 5.6 in visual studio 2013, and in its *.svc.cs file, modified line
public class CustomdataService : DataService< /* TODO: put your data source class name here */ >
to connect my entities
public class CustomdataService : DataService< SchedulerEntities >
But when I want to see the service in browser it gives me following error
Request Error
The server encountered an error processing the request. See server logs for more details.
The entity framework is nothing but a single table...
The actual error can be different. In my case I got the same general error message when starting with AdventureWorks2012 database.
So the actual problem can be seen by appending an attribute to the service class as described at here:
[ServiceBehavior(IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = true)]
public class WcfDataServiceAW : EntityFrameworkDataService<AdventureWorks2012Entities> { ... }
Hope it helps someone.
PS. My error is:
The exception message is 'The property 'SpatialLocation' on type 'Address' is of type 'Geography' which is not a supported primitive type.'.
It seems that Entity Framework 6 and WCF Data Services 5.6.0 need some provider to work together, read more on Using WCF Data Services 5.6.0 with Entity Framework 6+.
You can download the provider simply by using NuGet Package Console Manager:
Install-Package Microsoft.OData.EntityFrameworkProvider -Pre
Its version is alpha 2, so in future, search for final release. it worked for me however.
Final thing is, instead of using DataService<T>, you need to use EntityFrameworkDataService<T>. T is the name of your entities.
According to this post, you have to change inherited type of CustomdataService.
Replace the base type of your DataService. For EF 5 or below, your data service should inherit from DataService where T is a DbContext or ObjectContext. For EF 6 or greater, your data service should inherit from EntityFrameworkDataService where T is a DbContext. See What’s the difference between DataService and EntityFrameworkDataService below for more details.
go to edmx, in the diagram, remove all the tables until the only one you want is remain,
then should be okay, cannot have all the tables, this is what I found,
KT Wong

WCF Service Reference Will not compile

I currently have a simple WCF service with the following operation:
int InsertApplication(Application application);
The Application Parameter is defined as follows:
public class Application
int test = 0;
public int Test
get { return test; }
set { test = value; }
This service is being consumed within a Windows service with a namespace SpringstoneColoAgent. I added a service reference with no problems called OfficeInternalService. The code that calls the service method is as follows:
Application application = new Application();//= ConvertToApp(app);
application.Test = 1;
int oracleID = client.InsertApplication(application);
However, visual studio is telling me that 'application' is an invalid parameter. On further research I try to build anyway. I get a bunch of errors pointing to the Reference.cs file. Looking at this file I determine all the errors revolve around code that uses the following:
Where anything it is trying to reference under the service reference name is incorrect. So for example this code is giving an error:
[System.ServiceModel.OperationContractAttribute(Action="http://tempuri.org/IOfficeInternalService/InsertApplication", ReplyAction="http://tempuri.org/IOfficeInternalService/InsertApplicationResponse")]
int InsertApplication(SpringstoneColoAgent.OfficeInternalService.Application application);
If I do not fully qualify the namespace and remove SpringstoneColoAgent.OfficeInternalService. so that the code looks like this:
[System.ServiceModel.OperationContractAttribute(Action="http://tempuri.org/IOfficeInternalService/InsertApplication", ReplyAction="http://tempuri.org/IOfficeInternalService/InsertApplicationResponse")]
int InsertApplication(Application application);
This will fix the error. I repeated this everywhere I could find the error and everything compiled fine. The downside is that everytime I make a change to the WCF service and need to update the service reference it loses these changes and I have to go back and change them.
I'm guessing I am missing something here and was curious if anyone had any direction or has run into a similar situation.
Thanks for any advice!
The Application class is a known .NET type: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.application.aspx. Try to work with a different class name to avoid name clashes.
Also try to avoid the int private member in the datacontract. Because it is not a datamember, it is not exposed in the WSDL and a generated proxy class on the client side does not know this private member. This can also cause problems.

Adding field to WCF data contract breaks clients?

I have a WCF service that returns a class that implements IExtensibleDataObject. I need to add a new field to this class. I updated the DataContract interface and made the change to the class. Now when I try to run my client application I get the following error:
Could not load file or assembly
'xxx.yyyy.zzzz, Version=,
PublicKeyToken=b09e2f3e9b5894f0' or
one of its dependencies. The located
assembly's manifest definition does
not match the assembly reference.
(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
The AssemblyVersion of the WFC class has been changed - does that break client?
There are clients in production that use this service. I do not want to make them update their service reference and redeploy their clients for this simple change if possible.
It depends on how you have set up your data contract.
In WCF, using all the defaults, your service will use the DataContractSerializer (DCS) to serialize your object into XML. The DCS will serialize your fields in order - first the public ones, then the private ones. Within each visibility group, it will order the fields/properties alphabetically by name.
Thus, if you introduce a new public property MiddleName and you already had FirstName and LastName, you would be fine: the old XML would have been
and your new one would just simply add a new property at the end:
Such an update "add something at the end" should work just fine, the DCS will just simply ignore additional tags in the XML.
However: had you introduced a property called Gender, that would be stuck between <FirstName> and <LastName> and would thus break the order of the data in your XML and thus would break the data contract - no "old" client will be able to call your new service.
In order to take control of this, you can put specific Order= attributes on your data members in your data contract:
public class SomeAddress
public string FirstName;
public string LastName;
Then you could easily add a new property - just add it to the end of the list!
public class SomeAddress
public string FirstName;
public string LastName;
public string Gender;
So by using the Order= attribute on your data contracts, you can take control of your XML layout, and you can make simple extensions of existing data contracts non-breaking updates.
For more background and in-depth know-how, you ought to read Serialization in Windows Communication Foundation on MSDN Magazine's web site - highly recommended.
From your service reference context menu choose... "Update Service Reference"

Consume WCF Data service in client application throws error

I am working on WCF Data service which imported stored procedure, as below.
public List<GetMTSearchResultTest_Result> GettMTSearchResultTest()
MediaMarketResearch_PRODEntities ent = new MediaMarketResearch_PRODEntities();
return ent.GetMTSearchResultTest().ToList();
when i consuming this in my client application it says error as "The closed type MMRClient.MMRServiceReference.GetMTSearchResultTest_Result does not have a corresponding element settable property."
I am getting this error while bind to the grid view as below.
DataServiceContext context = new DataServiceContext(new Uri("http://localhost:4131/MMRDataService.svc/"));
IEnumerable<GetMTSearchResultTest_Result> empResult = context.Execute<GetMTSearchResultTest_Result>(new Uri("http://localhost:4131/MMRDataService.svc/GettMTSearchResultTest"));
GridView1.DataSource = empResult;
Note: I imported this stored proc as complex type.
Please advice me on this.
I think this link may help you (see the selected answer).
Essentially, what the solution may be is to create a partial class for GetMTSearchResultTest_Result and decorate it with a DataServiceKey attribute, providing a non-nullable column that acts as a primary key (although I don't think it has to be unique).
So your partial class would look something like:
public partial class GetMTSearchResultTest_Result {
If you're just doing reads, I don't think you'll need any implementation.
Hopefully this works. Let me know if there are issues/questions and I'll update accordingly.
You can always make a new service reference to a non data service. That is to a normal WCF service. You can simply have a [ContractOperation] returning a list of the troubled "complex types" and that's it.
This way you would have two services the original data service and a new normal WCF service. But this shouldn't be such an issue. You don't have to make the troubled "complex type" as a Entity.