Hiding a subdomain - apache

I have a website on a subdomain, and would like to hide the fact that it's a sub-domain. How can I do so?
For example, the site is www.example.com, and it's a sub-domain of www.mydomain.com. I don't want people to know that example.mydomain.com is the same as www.example.com. How do I hide this? With .htaccess? How?

www.example.com is impossible to be a sub-domain of www.mydomain.com. I think you mean they point to the same IP address and, therefore, they point to the same website (or there are some kind of redirect).
A domain is simply, example.com or mydomain.com. Examples of sub-domains of these domains are: www.example.com, mobile.example.com, whatever.mydomain.com and they could, or not, point to the domain root.
I'll present you an example:
Google App Engine let's you chose a appspot.com subdomain, for instance, myapp.appspot.com. If you call this subdomain you access your website. But people usually want to use their own domain, or a subdomain, for instance, myapp.mydomain.com. Both subdomains will return the same content. If you'd wish to disable the appspot.com subdomain, you may follow this solution.

You could use the 'proxy|P' (force proxy) flag.
Read the manual http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_rewrite.html
Note: mod_proxy must be enabled in order to use this flag.


How can I redirect a domain to another domain that includes a path (using DNS)?

I have two domains with GoDaddy: foo.com and bar.com
I want to redirect foo.com to bar.com/foo
I tried setting up Domain Forwarding from within the GoDaddy Dashboard and it did work, but not for HTTPS (which is the URL indexed within Google).
I checked with GoDaddy Support and received this response:
That will not work because your domain does not have an SSL Certificate active and there is no way to activate an SSL Certificate on it with a forward.
Maybe I'm overthinking this, but here's an alternative approach I had in mind:
Set the A record of foo.com to the same IP address that bar.com is using
Within the website code of bar.com, check the $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] and redirect appropriately
By using plain DNS this is not possible, the reason for this is that DNS is a protocol different than HTTP.
Some providers offer "forwarding" options but behind the scenes, they point your domain to an HTTP server the one later does the redirect.
For example, using CloudFlare this could be very easy to achieve, you need to setup up only one domain, let's say foo.com and then just create a page rule to redirect traffic to bar.com/foo, the rule could be something like:
More info about the page rules can be found here: https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200168306-Is-there-a-tutorial-for-Page-Rules-

Cloudflare and cPanel issue - Reidrects back to main hostname

So I setup a subdomain off my regular domain. I then make an A record on Cloudflare to point to the IP address of my server. However, whenever I go to the subdomain, it just takes me back to the main hostname. (So i have sub.domain.com and when I go to sub.domain.com in my browser, it redirects me back to domain.com)
What could be the issue? I've checked .htaccess.
I've had similar issues with cPanel and Cloudflare before where cloudflare won't properly direct to the proper subdomain.
This is very difficult to look at without knowing the actual domain or subdomain in question. We don't do anything that would put a redirect in by default, so it sounds like it may be an issue on your server directly.

How to map subdomain to a domain with CNAME?

I would like to point CNAME records for www.example.com to sub.example2.com. The hosting for example2.com is a shared hosting (cPanel without Addon domain feature).
So, what I did was to add a subdomain in the cPanel: sub.example2.com
I then added a CNAME record for www (and without www) of example.com to sub.example2.com
After propagation, www.example.com shows the default server page of the hosting instead of showing the sub domain contents. If I access this subdomain directly, it works fine.
Can somebody help me with these, please? Thanks.
If I understood your intent correctly, you have to tell cPanel that you want to serve www.example.com, not the other thing. Either that, or create a third virtual host somewhere (anywhere) that would handle www.example.com by doing a HTTP redirect to sub.example2.com.
Note also that you can't have a CNAME record for example.com without www, because a domain record already has SOA and NS records, and CNAME can't be combined with anything else - it has to be an A record.
Another thing to know about what you're doing:
You can't use a CNAME in the zone apex
(so as in the example.com zone a record "# IN CNAME example2.com")
Theoretically it is, but in reality too many (resolving) nameservers get confused.

replacing domain names using .htaccess

I have a new website as http://abc.com/case_studies/casstudy20/.
I have an old website as http://xyz.com/clients/home.php?client=myclient
There are loads of case studies and stories under old domain that is xyz.com. Now that I am using abc.com is it possible to replace the URL, so it shows abc.com but access the code from the same old place.
meaning when my users goes to old site instead of xyz.com. It should say http://abc.com/clients/home.php?client=myclient. But runs from the same old xyz.com.
Is it possible to do it using htaccess.
Sort of. You can redirect all the traffic from xyz.com to the proper path on abc.com but this requires you to maintain control of both domains.
If you can, it's actually better to put this in the virtual host config for xyz.com then you don't need a complete configuration at all. Assuming you have permissions it will work in .htaccess as well though.
RedirectMatch ^(.*)$ http://www.abc.com$1
If you can keep control of both domains then you are looking for a http 301 redirect. You can do that by adding the following line to your htaccess file to redirect an entire website. Without control of your original domain it's impossible for your old xyz.com website to be routed to the appropriate server so your htaccess file will never have anything to redirect.
redirect 301 / http://abc.com/

How to Redirect any subdomain request to main domain?

I'm trying to redirect all subdomain requests for domain.com to www.domain.com even when the subdomain does not exist, for example if we have:
abc.domain.com to www.domain.com
Where abc can be any requests. Furthermore, that subdomain abc may be exists or not. But whatever it is, I want to redirect it to main domain.
And less important request is. How it is possible to keep the input address at the address bar and redirect to main domain?
It will be best for me if it is done by .htaccess
I use apache server.
Thank you.
Since you haven't specified the environment you use, here are some general tips:
First, there is a difference between redirecting:
The user types sub.domain.com into the browser's address bar, but is redirected to domain.com -> domain.com is in the address bar, as the user is now on domain.com
...and rewriting an URL in the background:
The user types in sub.domain.com and stays at this address. The user sees sub.domain.com but in the background some other page (in your case, that one under domain.com) is loaded and shown.
(Quickly explained.)
If you are using Apache, take a look at 301 redirects and url rewriting.
In addition to what Piedone said (which is on the HTTP server side), you also need to configure the DNS to have a catch-all for all subdomains, directing them all to your HTTP server.
This implicitly means that all possible subdomains will exist automatically.