WCF Services not working from Silverlight Application after Deploying - wcf

Okay I have seen some very similar questions here but none seem to be answered to my liking. I have created a Silverlight application that calls a couple of services to populate various comboboxes from the database. I got this working without too much trouble on my local machine.
So now I want to deploy it to our webserver. It was relatively straight forward to get ISS7 to load the Silverlight application. However, none of my services seem to be working properly, in that the comboboxes are empty. In IE I get the following error:
Message: Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application An exception occurred during the operation, making the result invalid. Check InnerException for exception details. at System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary()
at MyTestPage.ViewModel.MyService.GetInfoCompletedEventArgs.get_Result()
at MyTestPage.ViewModel.MainPageViewModel.b__2(Object s, GetInfoCompletedEventArgs ea)
at MyTestPage.ViewModel.MyService.MyServiceClient.OnGetInfoCompleted(Object state)
Line: 1
Char: 1
Code: 0
URI: http://www.mywebsite.com/MyTestPage.aspx
My problem is that this error only occurs when deploying on the webserver and I have no clue how to debug this problem. The error says to check the InnerException but I haven't found an answer yet (after hours of searching) that tells me how I should do this.
I have tried browsing to the services and I am able to do so using the domain name i.e. http://test.myserver.com/Services/MyService.svc. However when logged onto the server and using http://localhost:3456/Services/MyService.svc - which is the path in the ServicesReferences.ClientConfig file - It cannot be found.
Some answers here seem to suggest using a clientaccesspolicy.xml file but I don't understand why this should be necessary if the services are hosted on the same server as the application - they aren't required when debugging on my local machine. Despite my reservations I have tried adding a clientaccesspolicy.xml file to the root of the application but this still doesn't make any difference.
So I have a couple of questions:
1) How do I get access to the InnerException when I am running the application on the webserver? Is there a specific log file I can view or turn on?
2) If, for some reason, I am trying to access the service in a cross domain fashion (even though they are located on the same server) how do I configure the application so that this isn't required?
Ok, I was able to get the tracing to work. I can now see the trace details on the page when it loads but it doesn't really tell me anything useful. I have also added the option to write the details to the disk. Initially this file wasn't being written and I couldn't understand why. Then I noticed that refreshing my silverlight application was not triggering a write to the log. It was only when I manually browsed to the services that the log file was updated. This seems to indicate to me that my silverlight application is not hitting the services at all (for some reason). I tried cutting out the View Model object and hitting the service directly from the xaml code behind file but this didn't make any difference either.
At this point after spending more than two days trying to figure this out, I am thinking about starting again from scratch.
For my mind it shouldn't be this difficult to deploy something that works on a development machine to a webserver.

I pretty much gave up on my initial approach. I had another go following along from this video http://www.silverlight.net/learn/videos/all/net-ria-services-intro/. It uses Domain services instead of the WCF Services and it was actually fairly straight forward to get it going on the webserver. The example is two years old now so maybe there are better ways to do this now (I am open to suggestions) but at least it worked within an hour of trying it (compared to 2.5 days and getting nowhere).


Persits ASPPDF ImportFromUrl ServerXMLHTTP Error: The request has timed out

We have a test website that uses Persits ASPPDF to build a PDF using the ImportFromUrl method. It works fine on our test domain, but when I use the same code on another domain (and crucially perhaps, a sub-domain) I get the "MSXML2::ServerXMLHTTP Error: The request has timed out." error.
This leads me to think its related to the problem outlined in
"the calling Active Server Page (ASP) should not send requests to an ASP in the same virtual directory or to another virtual directory in the same pool or process. This can result in poor performance due to thread starvation."
So perhaps the config of the two servers hosting the two sites (test and live) are different - and if so what would that be? - Or you can't run this method on a sub-domain? Any guidance out there please?
I've had the same issue for weeks and finally found out what the problem was. In my case, it was because I had set to True the options that allow the debug of classic ASP code, without which I could not debug using visual studio. Setting those options back to False fixed the issue.

how to log errors in iis7.5 and MVC4?

I have written an application using MVC4.
After I depolyed it to production, I noticed I get the errors
server could not process you request
from time to time. Its not function related as if I do the same action as before the system works no errors. So I want to find more information about what is causing the issue
how do I log errors in iis 7.5? where should I be looking?
I looked at C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC2 which is where logging is occuring in my application through iis, but I went through the files and could not see anything that looked like an error..
is there something in particular I should be looking for?

Want to deploy WCF web service on Azure platform

I want to deploy my WCF web Service on Azure plateform.
I have created a Storage account for my website, and also created a cloud Service and uploaded my package file and config file to the staging site.
But while uploading, The message displays
'Your staging deployment is starting. Hang on, the page will refresh once the deployment begins.'
I am waiting sice 2-3 hours and not getting the desired output.
Am I doing correctly? Or is there anything that I forgot?
Please Help...!
Most likely there is a problem in your code or the packaging that is causing the role to continuously restart. This is a fairly common problem, but there are a lot of possible causes (missing an assembly reference, an uncaught exception, the Run() method is exiting, a Startup Task is failing, or many other things). You need to gather more information to know exactly what the problem is and how to fix it.
There are many threads here on SO about this topic. There's also a Microsoft post discussing how to diagnose this type of issue. Those are good places to start.

Silverlight wcf connection error

I'm about a month away developing my silverlight application (this is my first). Everything went rather smoothly until today, when out of the blue I started getting this message:
An error occurred while trying to make a request to URI 'http://localhost:2682/Services/Authentication/LoginService.svc'. This could be due to attempting to access a service in a cross-domain way without a proper cross-domain policy in place, or a policy that is unsuitable for SOAP services. You may need to contact the owner of the service to publish a cross-domain policy file and to ensure it allows SOAP-related HTTP headers to be sent. This error may also be caused by using internal types in the web service proxy without using the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute. Please see the inner exception for more details.
I'm using WCF Services and this issue never appeared until now.
I've added a clientdomain.xml and clientaccesspolicy.xml file to my [projectname].web folder, and re-wrote them about a 1000 different ways.
I've also used Fiddler and it shows me that the error is on both those files, the error is
[Fiddler] The socket connection to localhost failed. ErrorCode: 10061. No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
I've searched the error "10061" and it has to do with socket definition. But I couldn't find any solution to that.
Don't know if it has anything to do with it, but my "ASP.net Development Server" port is 6939.
Keep in mind that the app has NOT been deployed, so this is only happening locally. I'm using MS VS 2010 and MS SQL Server 2008.
Am I doing anything wrong or is this a silverlight issue??
On a last note, I haven't changed anything on Port, socket or service configuration. Last thing I was doing was editing a XAML file on client side and and the app started throwing me this error.
Need help, can't do anything until this is solved!!!!
i think you are using you app on localhost and a dynamic port is getting assigned and this port is not fixed and every run and that causes the refuse problem. if you want to fix this, create a solid url for example,
Well, last night, just before I went to bed, I noticed something odd. In my "ServiceReferences.ClientConfig" file, the endpoint ports for each one of my services where diferent from the ones the silverlight machine used, so going on a hunch (and because I was reaching my sanity breakpoint) I decided to eliminate all my Service References and re-add them again.
I worked... go figure. Still don't know why this happened and if anyone could shed some light on the subject, I would appreciate it. It's kinda of annoying having to re-add all my services references. Right now I have only 6 of them, but in the near future they may go over 20, and if this happens again... well, it's going to be a real pain...

Error 404 - file not found on Silverlight RIA service call

I have search everywhere for a solution to my problem, but I am not able to find one. I have built a Silverlight 4 Navigation app, and am using RIA Services to process a custom entity (which is essentially running server-side calls to COM dlls). In my debug environment, everything works fine, but when I try to deploy to IIS7 (on the development machine) as a website, it gives me the following error when calling the Get query on the entity:
Load operation failed for query 'GetNewHWCoil'. The remote server returned an error: NotFound.
at System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.OperationBase.Complete(Exception error)
at System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.LoadOperation.Complete(Exception error)
at System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.DomainContext.CompleteLoad(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.DomainContext.<>c__DisplayClass1b.<Load>b__17(Object )
Everything I found online says to check the Authentication area on IIS and make sure that it is set only to Anonymous Authentication, which it is. And they also say to enable WCF logging, which when I add the necessary text to the web.config file, I still don't get any logs. They also say to use Fiddler2 to trace the HTTP calls, but I only get a 404 error on there with the textview giving me the standard IIS file not found website. I cannot figure out how to debug this problem.
The Silverlight app needs to make calls to a set of 3rd party COM dlls to calculate the performace of water coils. Since I do not want to have the app run OOB, (this will negate the whole point of it being a web app instead of a WPF app) I have the ASP.net project interacting with the dlls using the custom entities.
The function (or Query as RIA services calls it) GetNewHWCoil is located in the DomainService class and uses this code:
Public Function GetNewHWCoil() as HWCoil 'HWCoil is a custom object
If bRanCalc then 'bRanCalc is a global boolean variable that gets set to true if the calc call on the dlls have been made
Return mHWCoil 'global copy of the calculated coil object
bRanCalc = False
Return New HWCoil
end if
End Function
The error runs before any calculation should be called, so it is assumed that it is erroring on the 'Return New HWCoil' part.
Any help on this would be appreciated.
I found the solution to my problem. I fonud out that I can have VS run the debug from IIS, and when I had it create the virtual directory it told me I needed to install ASP.NET 4 on the server. I thought that by checking the ASP.NET checkbox in the Add Windows Features dialog that I had already done that. But it only installed .NET 2 version. So after looking online for this new problem, I found that I needed to run the command
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis -i
and everything worked fine after that.