Steps for compiling Pro*C code - oracle-pro-c

Please let me know how to compile Pro*C code. How are the queries converted to a C file?

Better off looking at the Oracle documentation, say here, but basically you precompile the Pro*C into regular C. The precompiler converts your SQL calls into library statements. Then you link and it all works magically.
The docs use this image to help describe it:

I assume you have unix or linux.
Have a .pc file ready for precompilation with the pro*c compiler, use the command below to get the cpp file.
proc CODE=cpp CPP_SUFFIX=cpp PARSE=NONE sample.pc
After getting "sample.cpp" file compile on unix/linux with the following command to get the executable.
g++ *.cpp -I $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/ -L $ORACLE_HOME/lib -lclntsh -o a.out
That should do it. For windows I haven't had any luck compiling with pro*c. Here is the question I have asked on SO.


importing one ml file into another

I have an file that contains an interpreter and some type definitions.
I've developed some test batteries to check if the interpreter works well or not.
When I put the functions I use to test the behaviour of the interpreter in the same file of the interpreter all works well, but if I try to use a different file for the tests (let's say it did not load the interpreter functions and definitions.
the and are in the same folder
I tried both with open Interpreter and #use "./" from inside but it wont compile nor shut down the warnings in the IDE (kind of...I'm using Visual Studio Code on MacOs )
I've already tried to follow the official documentation but it won't compile with ocamlopt -c
As a result of discussions, the executable is obtained by compiling the 2 files & in the right order ( relies on objects defined in; as a consequence has to reference to interpreter objects either via the clause open Interpreter or by prefixing all relevant items with Interpreter ):
ocamlc -o exec
ocamlbuild is easier as it resolves by itself the dependencies:
The following command:
ocamlbuild test.native
will produce the executable.

How do I save preprocessor output using the Dev-C++ IDE?

I'd like to be able to view preprocessor output in order to make sure my preprocessor directives run correctly. Dev-C++ has an option in Tools > Compiler Options... > General to add commands when calling the compiler, and I've added the command -E C:\Personal\preprocessed.cpp. I got a compiler error saying the file didn't exist, but shouldn't the compiler just create the file in that case? I created the file, and now I'm getting this error: cannot specify -o with -c, -S or -E with multiple files.
Why am I using Dev-C++ instead of Visual Studio? Since I'm still learning, I'd like to be able to test just a few lines of code without having to create an entire new project.
Yes, I've seen this question and no adequate answer was given. Please don't mark this as a duplicate.
Thanks in advance for your help!
I've added the command -E C:\Personal\preprocessed.cpp. I got a compiler error saying the file
didn't exist, but shouldn't the compiler just create the file in that case?
No, because the -E option
takes no argument, filename or otherwise. It simply instructs the
compiler to do nothing but preprocessing. The preprocessed code is written to the standard output. Thus:
g++ -E C:\Personal\preprocessed.cpp foo.cpp
tells the compiler that you want run g++ -E with the pair of input files C:\Personal\preprocessed.cpp and foo.cpp,
which as you've discovered is not allowed.
The simple thing that you want to do is absurdly difficult with your IDE of choice. Assuming
the source file you want to preprocess is C:\Personal\foo.cpp and the g++ is in your PATH,
just open a command window in C:\Personal and run:
g++ -E foo.cpp > foo.ii
I suggest the output file foo.ii - though you can call it whatever you like - because g++ recognizes the extension .ii as denoting C++ source code that has already been preprocessed. You can run:
g++ -Wall -o prog foo.ii
and foo.ii will be compiled and linked as program prog without being preprocessed again.

Downloading JUST g++ binary

This question may seem stupid to you guys, but I am in a situation where I have no access to command line, and I need a version of g++ on my computer so I can compile my c++ code.
I looked on the GNU repository, and I have NO idea how to build and also install the environment.
Where can I simply just download the 'g++' file, without going through all these trouble?
Thanks in advance
Where can I simply just download the 'g++' file, without going through all these trouble?
Downloading the g++ file will not do you any good: the GNU C++ compiler distribution consists of several hundreds of files. The g++ is just the compiler front end, you'll also need cc1plus (the actual compiler), header files and libraries.

Objective-C syntax checker

Is there an Objective-C syntax checker?
I have tried gcc -fsyntax-only but it is not really 'syntax only'. It still produces errors if run on an individual implementation file which has references to external frameworks.
I am looking for something that can perform a syntax check on individual header or implementation files without attempting to link or produce object files.
Can gcc do this with additional flags I am unaware of, or is there another tool up to this task?
I want to do this from the command-line. Can xcodebuild do this for an individual file? Running xcodebuild for the entire project to check the syntax of one file is a bit much.
There's no way for it to check the syntax without it knowing about the header files for the frameworks you are using. You need to use the -framework flag to include the relevant header files.
You could try using clang -fsyntax-only instead, especially if you're using 10.6/Xcode 3.2. Clang/LLVM has much better separation between the parser and the other parts of the compiler chain. You can find clang in /Developer/usr/bin.
So after trawling through the gcc man page I discovered the -F flag which lets you add a framework directory to the list of directories gcc searches for header files.
This solves my issue.
Use it like this: gcc -fsyntax-only -ObjC -F/Path/To/A/Framework -F/Path/To/Another/Framework File.m
You can compile a single file in Xcode[1] using Build->Compile (cmd-K) which is effectively a syntax check (there's no linking step).
[1] I assume you're using Xcode, as there's little point in using Objective-C without OS X (really the Cocoa frameworks).

How to configure cmake to compile informix *.ec files?

I'm just found cmake and I want to use it to create make files for a little project that uses the esql compiler.
I've not used cmake yet (it is on my list of things that I need to look at - round about the time some spare tuits become available), but...
I do have several sets of rules for compiling ESQL/C to object code etc for regular make.
You can find one set of those rules online at the IIUG Software Archive in the SQLCMD package. Or you can contact me directly to discuss the niceties in detail (and/or the differences between cmake stuff and regular make stuff). You can also find Informix-related autoconf macros in the SQLCMD package - file acinformix.m4.
You will probably need to use the cmake ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND command to create the rule for compiling each source file with the esql compiler.