Simple, but dynamically generated flow chart or process chart view for iOS - objective-c

Perhaps "flow chart" or "process chart" isn't even the correct terminology for what I'm looking for, but it's the best analog I can come up with. Basically, I'm trying to find a library or class that allows for the dynamic creation (in code) of connected cells/UIViews within a given space. In code, you could add/delete ordered cells from the view and it will arrange accordingly. Normally, if the superview size permits (i.e. iPad), it would arrange these connected cells horizontally. If it's space constrained (iPhone), it would arrange as many cells as possible on one line horizontally, then continue the rest of the cells horizontally below ... akin to a graphical "word wrap".
Granted, I doubt there's a magical library that does all of this, but if the SO community can point me to some better terminology and/or some potential candidates to fork, I would be incredibly appreciative.
I've looked at AQGridView and it is such a vast library, I believe it's overkill with a compiled size of +700 Kb. SSCollectionView is really close, but you have to manually center cells and it doesn't yet support variable cell height/width.
To give you a better sense of what I'm imagining, here's a pic:

Done. I had to write my own, but it works just like I wanted it to. Feel free to fork my AppendingFlowView repository at GitHub.
It's dynamic (add stages on demand).
It responds to changes in the master view by reorienting and resizing the cells as necessary with animation!
It handles multiple rows automatically, depending on the desired cell size and number of cells.

I created this open-source ios-lib to easily create a graph or tree and draw it in a view.
Please feel free to make pull requests :)


Do we have to do two image layout transitions when creating a new image?

When I want to upload an image to device local memory I first create an image, then I issue a layout transition to transition from UNDEFINED to TRANSFER DESTINATION, then I do a copy buffer to image. Then I transition from TRANSFER DESTINATION to whatever layout I want. Is there a more direct way to do this? In vkCmdCopyBufferToImage there is an argument 'dstImageLayout'. I made the mistake of thinking that the argument tells Vulkan to transition the image automatically to that layout as it copies it. This 'would' seem to me to be more efficient and make more sense, but it's not what I thought it was.
Is there a way to do this without two layout transitions? It's OK if there isn't, I think this is the proper way to do it, I just wanted to make sure.
You do not strictly speaking have to perform two layout transitions. The GENERAL layout can be used with basically anything. So you could just transition it once, copy into it, and use it from there.
However, this would be pointless for several reasons. First, it's reasonable to assume that any layout transition from UNDEFINED will be a no-op as far as actual GPU processing is concerned. Such transitions conceptually trash any of the contents of the image, so there's no point in having the GPU do anything to the image's bytes.
Second, in order to use an image you copied into, you will need some kind of explicit synchronization between the copy operation and the usage of it. Whatever that synchronization is, it may as well include a layout transition. The GPU is going to have to make sure the two don't overlap, so you may as well toss in a layout transition.
Lastly, using GENERAL like this is a premature optimization and therefore should be avoided unless you have profiling data telling you that layout transitions are an actual performance problem (or you have no other choice).
LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST is by definition the most efficient target for copies. So no other layout can be more efficient.
Some actual GPU might perform no actual layout transitions. The layout system is just a general API abstraction. It is not even defined what "layout" actually is, and the GPU driver may use the API concept whichever way it is beneficial for it.
If a particular picky GPU needs the image in such specific layout when copying into it, then there's no way around it, and there would be two layout transitions no matter how you shape the API. If the GPU does not need it, then it will just elide the layout transitions on its own.

Custom UITableViewCell to draw or not?

I'm designing whole UI using storyboard and all is well but for table view cells it seems to be too much. Get's crowded in designer and views can vary good deal which calls for many outlets.
I decided to custom draw them. I understand process of doing it but 2 things bother me:
Performance. Will custom-drawn cells be slower than storyboarded ones?
Reuse. I understand how reuse works and it seems that completely "erasing" contents and re-drawing might be slower than just creating new cell every time. Is that true?
If you look at design - to me it seems to be easer to write and maintain complete drawing through the code because of font backgrounds, colors, lines, etc.

General design for a Mac app, document based versus?

I am learning cocoa, and I am creating an application that will require similiar layout to the screenshot below (this seems like a very common layout approach).
What kind of controls/architecture would this type of Cocoa application be?
I'm still in my early stages of learning/reading, and I know of document based applications only so far, but this type of layout doesn't seem to look like a document based app since it doesn't really require multiple windows opened.
If it isn't document, is there a name for other design patters or layouts?
From what I now so far, I would describe this like:
I would be grateful if someone could give me a detailed overview of the high level design for an app like this i.e. things like: # of panels, views used, controls, controllers etc?
Also, a few quick sub-questions:
what kind of menu controls are those in the left pane, then expand and display sub elements?
When preferences windows are displayed, what is that effect called that makes it display in an animated way (like the address book does), where it is a small window that expands to its correct size in an animated fashion.
You are right that this is probably not a document based application, as they open documents in new windows by default.
To layout the window like that, there’d be an NSSplitView that contains the 3 panes. Each pane may optionally contain a view loaded from an NSViewController, which can help keep the code modularised, but it depends on what you’re trying to do if this is appropriate.
The left pane would be an NSOutlineView (a NSTableView subclass), the middle an NSTableView, but I’m not sure exactly how the right-hand side view would be created (lots of custom NSViews and other things, possibly WebView)
That popover options window is possibly a NSPopover (which contains an NSViewController), but that’s only compatible with OS X 10.7, so may also be totally custom for backwards compatibility and easier customisation.
Also note this is a fairly complicated example you’ve given, with lots of custom controls that are probably harder to create than they look:
To get the outline views on the left to have unread counts and icons (from memory) is not built into AppKit, so was all custom created. To do things like that, you’ll need a solid understanding of NSCell vs NSView, and ideally also know about Core Animation layer backed views, and what to use for different aspects.
The window has a taller-than usual title bar. This means the developer probably had to do some crazy stuff to get it to work, if not create the whole window from scratch.
That’s just the start. There’s lots of really nice design in there that’s custom and done from scratch.
Designing Mac apps can be hard sometimes. AppKit is pretty old (back from the NEXT days), and has lots of legacy stuck in it. UIKit on iOS on the other hand is quite nice – Apple clearly learned from their past and made things much better.
I’ve hardly touched on the controllers and model behind all that. There’s lots of different ways you could do it. For persistence, you could use CoreData, sqlite, NSKeyedArchived, just to name a few. Brent Simmons (past developer of another RSS reader, NetNewsWire) wrote some interesting blog posts about that:
The way you design your model & controllers really depends on the specific problem. Cocoa really forces you to stick to MVC though – if you don’t, things are guaranteed to end up messy.
I hope that all helps! I’m really only just learning myself too.
Apple refers to this type of application design as Single-window, library- (or “shoebox”) style and gives a number of recommendations for this design choice in the docs.
(see Mac App Programming Guide)

Create mock 3D "space" with forwards and backwards navigation

In iOS, I'd like to have a series of items in "space" similar to the way Time Machine works. The "space" would be navigated by a scroll bar like feature on the side of the page. So if the person scrolls up, it would essentially zoom in in the space and objects that were further away will be closer to the reference point. If one zooms out, then those objects will fade into the back and whatever is behind the frame of refrence will come into view. Kind of like this.
I'm open to a variety of solutions. I imagine there's a relatively easy solution within openGL, I just don't know where to begin.
Check out Nick Lockwood's iCarousel on github. It's a very good component. The example code he provides uses a custom carousel style very much like what you describe. You should get there with just a few tweaks.
As you said, in OpenGL(ES) is relatively easy to accomplish what you ask, however it may not be equally easy to explain it to someone that is not confident with OpenGL :)
First of all, I may suggest you to take a look at The Red Book, the reference guide to OpenGL, or at the OpenGL Wiki.
To begin, you may do some practice using GLUT; it will help you taking confidence with OpenGL, providing some high-level API that will let you skip the boring side of setting up an OpenGL context, letting you go directly to the drawing part.
OpenGL ES is a subset of OpenGL, so essentially has the same structure. Once you understood how to use OpenGL shouldn't be so difficult to use OpenGL ES. Of course Apple documentation is a very important resource.
Now that you know a lot of stuff about OpenGL you should be able to easily understand how your program should be structured.
You may, for example, keep your view point fixed and translate the world (or viceversa). There is not (of course) a universal solution, especially because the only thing that matters is the final result.
Another solution (maybe equally good, it depends on your needs), may be to simply scale up and down images (representing the objects of your world) to simulate the movement through the object itself.
For example you may use an array to store all of your images and use a slider to set (increase/decrease) the dimension of your image. Once the image becomes too large for the display you may gradually decrease alpha, so that the image behind will slowly appear. Take a look at UIImageView reference, it contains all the API's you need for it.
This may lead you to the loss of 3-dimensionality, but it's probably a simpler/faster solution than learn OpenGL.

Recreate the BookCase in iBooks

I just wanted to know how you could implement a bookcase, like in iBooks, into your iPhone app.
I presume you would need to use a UIScrollView, but then I read somewhere that you need to use a UITableView. Which is it?!
You'd use code that others have already written, such as AQGridView.
I'm not sure if there's a better way, but you could create multiple small views or images (these would represent each book) then add these small views/images to the subview of a larger view in a linear format (leaving a space between each element). Then just set the background of your larger view as an image of a bookcase. Sorry I don't know of a better way.
And for the above solution I would use a UIScrollView.
You can implement it anyway you like, but it seems to me that a UITableView would be the easiest (which will scroll anyway). All of the magic will happen in your UITableViewDataSource, which is where you will decide what books are placed on what row.
Once you have decided which books to display you will have create a custom tableview cell that draws the appropriate objects.
To be honest, while not too difficult of a task, it will take a lot of effort to get looking right. If you are not comfortable with custom drawing then be prepared to spend time learning about the various image/graphic APIs.