Output recaptcha through js.erb - ruby-on-rails-3

I need to display content in a lightbox along with recaptcha.This was very easy except that recaptcha can be used only one per page.So, that threw the hidden div option away. Now, iam trying to render the content via js.erb using jquery's html() method. Rest of the content is rendered correctly.But, i'm having trouble rendering recaptcha.Is there a way to render recaptcha via jQuery html() method? I am using Ambethia reCaptcha.

Found a solution. I used a single Div(main lightbox container).Within that div, i added another div which wrapped <%=recaptcha_tags%>.This inner div was placed using absolute positioning.For the rest of the content, i used jquery's append() function instead of html() function.


Get Dijit from Parent HTML from embedded iframe

I have a dashboard built using dojo dijits. One of the dijit is dojo calendar widget.
In this dashboard I am embedding an iframe to it. I want to change the value of the calendar widget from within the iframe.
The issue is since it is not just about changing the text value in the input box of calendar dijit it is also about calling the on change event. So I am using the following
dijit.byId('dijit_form_DateTextBox_1').set('value', datFrom);
This way the value gets updated as well as the change event is fired.
Now since I want to do this from within the iframe I need to get reference to calendar dijit in parent HTML page.
If this is a simple Javascript I would have used following to get to that DOM Element and change the value.
const targetNode = $('#'+divId, window.parent.document)[0];
But since this is dojo so I am unable to get this as a dijit object. Is there a way to get dijit from Parent page
Since the dataTextBox is inside iframe, it's in different scope, and looks like you are not using dojo in AMD pattern.
What you could do is get the object from iFrame's contentWidow and call byID() like any other function, example
var _dijit = document.getElementById("iframeId").contentWindow.dijit;
var dateTextBox = _dijit.byId('dijit_form_DateTextBox_1');
dateTextBox.set('value', datFrom);
or better is, you just call a global reference your own function rather than taking reference of dijit.

Blazor component - inline styling

I've created a simple blazor app that has a slider on top. There is a javascript self executing function that adds some inline css to this slider so it makes its' height the same as window.height.
I'm adding this javascript file in _Host.cshtml, before closing the body tag.
My issue is that this inline styling isn't applied. I've debugged the javascript code and it gets the correct height, the element on which I want to add the styling is found, the element.css('height', myHeight) is being called with the correct value, but in the end there is no style attribute on that element. I've also tried, after the component has been rendered, to remove the script tag from the page and add it again, hoping that it will re-run and then change the height, but no success there as well.
I've created a .NET Core WebApp using that same slider and everything works as expected (I have the style attribute on my element). In this second app I add the script before closing the body tag, in _Layout.cshtml.
Seems preety much the same as the blazor app, but for some reason, on that one doesn't work.
Do you guys have any idea why?
I've found something interesting. In the beginning, the page is loaded correctly, but the component is being reloaded after the app connects to the we socket Information: WebSocket connected to wss://localhost:44361/_blazor?id=cepYgPnJYddq2bHSywwwYw.. This is when I lose the inline styles.
So how can I stop it from reloading? I guess this is the question.

Clear mounted html in vue.js

I have 2 components. I have some checkboxes in first component.It resides in left side of the Web Page like Nav bar. In second component I would like to load some HTML Div element on the basis of those checkbox. Now I can load the divs while clicking on those checkboxes using below code.
mounted () {
But when I am clicking on a new checkboxes the loaded divs of previous checkboxes will not disappear. I can see both output of current and previous checkboxes as like output of .append() of jQuery.
How can I clear/disappear previous HTML outputs ?
You need use jQuery's clear() on the elements innerHTML which you're appending too. A better approach would be to instead of appending content, use a v-for directive and maintain an array in the data property with the content you want visible. That would be leveraging vue's reactivity for its intended purposes and offer a more flexible implementation.

Seaside calling a component inside javascript

I have a seaside application with a master-detail page. The master page has a table that consists of a list of tr records. When the user clicks a particular tr element, I want to call a detail component, which'll show the individual record's data.
Since I cannot make a tr element with callback or have it contain an anchor with a callback, I want the tr's onClick property to have some JavaScript which'll call: subcomponent . When I tried this, I got an error saying call: can only be used in callbacks and tasks.
Using ajax is a workaround, however it breaks the back button.
More generally, I'd like to know how to set callback like behaviour for various JavaScript events.
Well, you cannot render a component in a tr element, but you could add some anchor or other element in one of its td children.
For my project I did roughly the following: I added an anchor to each row with a special css class, e.g. '.dblclick-action'. This anchor has a normal Seaside callback.
Then I bound a dblclick handler to the tr element that does something like document.location=$(this).find('.dblclick.ction').get(0).href;
I am not close to a Smalltalk image now to give you source code, but I hope you get the idea: you don't use Ajax to click the link in that particular row, but instead have the browser navigate to the callback that is associated to the link in that row. You could say you use the tr.'s dblclick handler to click the link and then let the normal Seaside stuff do its work. No magic there. You can find a little bit more info here.
If you don't want the anchor to be visible you may want to experiment with making the anchor invisible (display: none) or the like.
If you are a bit more experiment friendly, you can also try saving a callback on the server and render its url with callback id as an attribute of the tr element and use the dblclick handler to follow the link from that attribute you extract the value of an attribute in query using attr().
I forgot to answer your initial question: you cannot issue a call: from javascript. But you can use the document.location trick to re/misuse an existing link to a callback on the page using the technique I described in my first answer.

using .aspx page as Jquery Cluetip?

I am using an .aspx page as cluetip bound to an anchor tag. I need to pass a parameter from anchor to this page and then call a WCF service to populate my template with returned JSON. I tried putting body onload function but that doesnt seems to work.
response to comment
You want to use the .mouseenter() event. This new event in 1.4 is better than .blur() which is what you will see in most examples (and probably why you can find it, a search of blur jquery popup should give you lots of examples). But mouseenter is better in the lastest jQuery
Docs: (very nice example code at the bottom of the page.)
old version
just add the function to the onclick handler. You can do this in jquery with something like this
$(selector).click(function () {
code to do stuff (call wcf and populate)
you can use $(this) to see what was clicked on. ("passed" as you put it)
see fab new jQuery docs http://api.jquery.com/click/