Eclipse plug-in editor extension tab show “Generic” in “New” submenu - eclipse-plugin

I am using "eclipse-rcp-helios-SR1-win32-x86_64"
64-bit eclipse running on JDK.
I am trying to add an action in my plugin via menu contribution. When I add "org.eclipse.ui.menus," right-click on it then select "New," I only the "Generic" option. I am expecting to see "menuContibution"
The issue is described in detail here, which also seems to include the solution: link
From what I understand, the version of eclipse I have - helio SR1 - is an SDK version and should have the source included in the package. I am not sure what I need to do to make those additional options show up.

if you have the "Generic" it means that you don't have the source plugins. But you have downloaded the right package (RCP one). I guess your download might be corrupted. Can you try downloading it again from a different mirror?

i am try to this answer is useful.
step-1: Eclipse menu bar Select Help menu
step-2: select Install New Software
step-3: Eclipse project update link (Required version) below image
step-4: Choose Eclipse plugin Development Tool and
step-5: After Next button click to finish.
Eclipse can Restart after working successful.

Installing Eclipse plugin Development Tool, as per Bharat Zala answer, is not enough. It still did not work for me:
I had to install Eclipse SDK and Eclipse Platform SDK packages:
Then it finally worked:
Lars Vogel in his book "Eclipse Rich Client Platform", in chapter 8 Install Eclipse IDE for RCP development, he advises for to
Download the Eclipse Software Development Kit (SDK) as a recommended Eclipse edition for RCP/PDE development.
Most people probably have installed more mainstream Eclipse editions like Eclipse for Java developers. Installing Eclipse SDK and/or Eclipse Platform SDK as packages to them later should re-create SDK installation as advised by Lars.

It did not work for me even after installing both.
I did go Update site "" and when it lists the different components.
Please unflag the "Group items by category" check box and Install "Eclipse RCP SDK" and related components.
Thant should fix the issue.


Can I use the Telosys wizard without installing Eclipse?

I am trying to learn telosys. The eclipse demo seems great.
However, I tried to install the plugin for VSCode, and it did not add any option/menu item anywhere in the VSCode editor.
The eclipse demo shows a great wizard based interface. Is there any way to get that interface without having to install eclipse.
Also, in case it is not possible, which package of eclipse do I need to install to optimally use telosys? I wanted to try out the python & angular bundles of telosys.
Yes indeed, the Telosys VS Code plugin provides only syntax coloration for Telosys files edition (".entity" files for example). Thus there's no particular changes in the VSCode menu.
VSCode is just one code editor (among others) that you can use with Telosys-CLI. The editors extensions are just provided to be more confortable when you're editing Telosys files. All the code generation is supposed to be launch from the command line in Telosys-CLI.
If you want a fully integrated tool, Eclipse + Telosys plugin is the best solution. Telosys Eclipse plugin is installable with all Eclipse versions, so you can choose one of these Eclipse packages :
for example "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" and use "Eclipse Marketplace" to install :
Telosys plugin
Python plugin

Does it exist a Weblogic plug-in for Java Mission Control 7.1.2?

The previous version of JDK Mission Control 5.5.2 bundled with Oracle JDK 7 had the possibility to add a WebLogic plug-in, which allows viewing the SQL queries, servlets between other components as seen in this image.
Then the new JDK Mission Control 7.1.2+b04 doesn't seem to have a similar plug-in or at least it's more complicated to apply it.
When trying to investigate, the JMC is pointing to
stating that the plugin must be installed via Eclipse 4.8 or later, so the latest Eclipse is 2012-12 was installed, and then the plugin with as well, as seen in this image:
The Eclipse IDE was restarted and now it got a new icon in the menu bar:
which connects (or at least it tries to connect) with the Java processes running in this local station:
but that's not the WebLogic plug-in I expected, similar to the one available in the previous version of JMC.
Does it exist a WebLogic plug-in in JMC7.1.2 similar to the existing in JMC5.5.2?
To install WebLogic plug-in for JMC, go to Help menu and select Install New Software menu item. Expand "Mission Control (Oracle)" and then "Flight Recorder" and you will find "WebLogic Pages" plug-in. Follow the instructions on screen to complete installation of plug-in.
This is described in the Oracle JMC 7 User Guide under Install JMC Standalone Application in the "Install Plug-ins for JMC Standalone Application" sub-section.

eclipse cdt - 2 ways to install it, confused about them

i go to eclipse download website
i find Eclipse CDT - a version of eclipse that is standalone
in my standard Eclipse SDK(not cdt)
i can do this:
Help->install new software-> then i get a window popup and ask me to give the url
it looks like this:
so then you can install it
this is a separate standalone Eclipse CDT :
this is a standalone Eclipse SDK:
my question is:
1.what is the difference between separate Eclipse CDT and installing CDT plugin onto Eclipse SDK OR are they same thing?
2. what is better? is it better to use a separate Eclipse CDT or just install a plugin inside my Eclipse SDK?
thanks in advance!
Short answer: there is no important difference[1] between the two.
Longer answer: The Eclipse IDE is nothing more than a bunch of plugins that work together to create the functionality for code editing (and other things).
When you go to, you'll see a bunch of different packages. Each package provides a certain set of features, but this is no more than a convenience so that you don't have to install the vanilla SDK and then install the stuff that you really need on top of that. The php dev will not need the C++ compiler and vice-versa. But, you can install it if you want. At it's core, the same small set of plugins are re-used between all distributions.
You can compare the different distributions here:
[1]: Actually, the difference is that the SDK includes source code for all features as well as the Java compiler and plugin development tools. The C++ tools do not include these.

Eclipse new plugin Project: Not choosable

just an easy quesition but I can't find any answer in this wonderful world wide web...
I just want to create a new Plugin Project based on Eclipse Helios. Normally this feature should be shipped with this version (Version: Helios Service Release 2 Build id: 20110301-1815) but I can't choose it via "file->new->Project". Do I have sth. to install previously?
Thanks a lot for any help guys ... :)
It is also possible to do plugin development with any eclipse classic version. (I am working with 4.2)
For plugin development in eclipse classic version you need to go
Help-->Install New Software--> In work with select version url provided by eclipse it self. e.g. in case of 4.2 Juno it will be Juno -
It will render all the possible plugin provided by eclipse it self.
In that list there will a Eclipse plugin development environment in General purpose tools.
Or you can get that one by writing plug in filter text box.
Select Eclipse plugin development environment and install it.
Now you can able to do plugin development in classic version also.
Hope this will be helpful.
Install Eclipse for RCP and RAP developers.
If you already installed Eclipse you can add on the Plug-in Environment from within Eclipse
The Plugin Perspective is not installed.
To get it: Help->Install New Software
Work With: --All Available Sites--
In the Filter Box, type "Plug-in"
Look for something that says "General Purpose Tools" and expand it.
Look for "Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment"
Click Next a few times and install it, then restart.
Exact verbiage may depend on your Eclipse version. IDE - Eclipse Plugin doesn't work?

I'm new to Apex and have just downloaded Eclipse to get to work
Eclipse SDK 3.3.2
I've followed the instructions on
and have added the Remote site:
but i get a dialog telling me
"No features found on the selected site(s). Choose a different site or site category"
Any ideas what i've done wrong??
Try that process from a clean eclipse install, and repeat the installation steps, making sure that before clicking on "Finish" you unselect the checkbox at the lower left: "Ignore features not applicable to this environment".
Also, check if is accessible from your workstation.
Please check your proxy setting by accessing "" URL in any of browser and update proxy setting in eclipse. now has a standalone development environment that you don't need to download Eclipse for. Just putting it out there for people who stumble across this post.
Install the latest Eclipse Ganymede and try that.
Another good news for you is, is coming with Eclipse galileo plugin in coming release.