IIS and Apache (WAMP) running - apache

How can we run IIS 6 and Apache (wamp) in same machine at same time?

IIS and Apache should have different port.
To change the port of Apache(WAMP)
Click on WAMP icon that you can see on your tray or other shortcut icons for wamp.
Look for the Apache and open the httpd.conf or if you know where it is stored.
Find the "80" then change
Listen 80 to Listen 8080
ServerName localhost:80 to ServerName localhost:8080
Note: You can change the port which you desired as long as it will not conflict with your other port. It is more safe and common if the port is at this range.
Then click on Restart All Services.
See here for more info.
If you prefer to change your IIS rather Apache, check on this IIS

Another thing to watch out for is the port used for VirtualHosts (443). In your Apache folder, in conf/extra there should be a file called http-vhosts.conf
You should change all instances of 443 to a different port.
Listen 443
Then you should be good to run both services.

In the WAMPSERVER 3.0.6 and above right Click WAMPSERVER icon and navigate to tools option.(only if its green color- i.e all services are running). It will list all the options for Apache and MySQL. Test the available port or if not click on 'Use a port other than 8080, it will give you a pop up box and you can enter the value and text the port.Image attached

Or like in my case, I wanted wamp to run on port :80 on a secondary ip on the same network card.
This allows me to use my main ip to run IIS on :80 and the secondary ip :80 apache.
How to get multiple IP's on same networkcard? stackoverflow alias IP
Browse to 'C:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.23\conf'
open httpd.conf
Look for Line ~72 Listen and change this to the secondary ip (in my case
I had to restart pc because IIS did not want to restart. Start IIS first, then Wamp.

You can run both server simultenously by changing port number of Apache or IIS.
A) How you can change Apache port number:
1) Open “httpd.conf” file located in folder “C:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.23\conf”. You can also open file directly from system try if your wamp is running.
2) Search for “listen” text in file and update the default port 80 to 8080.
3) Now Restart the WAMP server to make new port number effective.
4) Open the browser with url “http://localhost:8080/” wamp will show home page.
Reff: http://sforsuresh.in/iis-and-wamp-servers-on-the-same-system/
B) How you can change IIS port:
1) Go start and type IIS.
2) IIS Manager will open. click on “Default Web Site” on left hand side.
3) click on “bindings…” from the right side action section.
4) Popup will open with 80 port listed. select it and click the edit button.
5) Update the port and restart the server.Now try to access using browser.
Reff: http://sforsuresh.in/change-iis-port-windows/


How to change the port number of Apache in Xampp

I am a novice I do not know anything about port numbers and how to change them. While installing Xampp on my windows 8.1 it is showing Error in port that apache has to use. How can I resolve this port issue and which port number I should change it to
Please help me out
This is the error coming while running xampp
Open xamp, click on http.conf and search ServerName localhost
ServerName localhost:8181
I have set 8181 as my port, it will be 80 change it to 81 (since 80 is being used VMware in your case and it is used by skype too).
Reset the server after saving it..
This is a common issue. For an example Developers can run Java web applications on JBoss server and at the same time test PHP project on XAMMP server. To make both servers up and carry out developments, port numbers need to be changed. Following is the way for changing port number in XAMMP Server.
If the XAMPP server is running for the moment, stop XAMPP server.
Follow these steps to change the port number.
Open the file in following location.
[XAMPP Installation Folder]/apache/conf/httpd.conf
Open the httpd.conf file and search for the String:
Listen 80
This is the port number used by XAMMP.
Then search for the string ServerName and update the Port Number which you entered earlier for Listen
Now save and re-start XAMPP server.

Xampp port 80 already use

I have installed XAMPP on my pc and I change all port from '443' to '4433' and '80' to '8080' but when I start Apache it say me that port '80' is already use but Apache must use '8080' and when I go to 'http://localhost/' it display me a 404 error then I don't know what to do.
With netstat -ao on 'cmd' I see that port '80' is using by a program whit 'PID=4' and I see in the task manager that this PID is for "NT Kernel & System" so I can not kill it.
Please try with the port number http://localhost:8080
it seems like you have changed the port from here C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf
Listen to 8080
Listen 80 to 8080
Alternative if want to use port 80 then
If the skype is open try to change the port from the select options(80/443).Sometimes this is the problem.IIS server if running it might use the same port
You can use some tools to kill the process for example, currports, TCPview etc.Hope it helps to solve your problem.
I had the same problem after upgrading to Windows 10. I had to stop the IIS service: "World Wide Web Publishing Service". After stopping/disabling it, it freed up port 80.
Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc (opens taskmanager), Services and stop W3SVC service - World Wide Web Publishing Service;
I had same problem.
You change your port 80 to 8080.
Therefore to log localhost, you have to use http://localhost:8080/xampp/ and not http://localhost/xampp/
Then when you use xampp control panel, sometime you have to face same problem as I was.
Can't go to admin page using admin button in mysql. To get rid of this problem you can do following changes.
Go to xampp control panel.
Using config button open configuration of control pannel. Then click service and port setting and under appache setting you can change your main port 80 to 8080.

How to change XAMPP apache server port?

This is my Apache httpd.conf settings :
Listen 8012
ServerName localhost:8012
Every time I start Apache via XAMPP I see this message:
Status Check OK
Apache Started [Port 80]
Anybody, please help me can I change any other settings ?
To answer the original question:
To change the XAMPP Apache server port here the procedure :
1. Choose a free port number
The default port used by Apache is 80.
Take a look to all your used ports with Netstat (integrated to XAMPP Control Panel).
Then you can see all used ports and here we see that the 80port is already used by System.
Choose a free port number (8012, for this exemple).
2. Edit the file "httpd.conf"
This file should be found in C:\xampp\apache\conf on Windows or in bin/apache for Linux.:
Listen 80
ServerName localhost:80
Replace them by:
Listen 8012
ServerName localhost:8012
Save the file.
Access to : http://localhost:8012 for check if it's work.
If not, you must to edit the http-ssl.conf file as explain in step 3 below. ↓
3. Edit the file "http-ssl.conf"
This file should be found in C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra on Windows or see this link for Linux.
Locate the following lines:
Listen 443
<VirtualHost _default_:443>
ServerName localhost:443
Replace them by with a other port number (8013 for this example) :
Listen 8013
<VirtualHost _default_:8013>
ServerName localhost:8013
Save the file.
Restart the Apache Server.
Access to : http://localhost:8012 for check if it's work.
4. Configure XAMPP Apache server settings
If your want to access localhost without specify the port number in the URL http://localhost instead of http://localhost:8012.
Open Xampp Control Panel
Go to Config ► Service and Port Settings ► Apache
Replace the Main Port and SSL Port values ​​with those chosen (e.g. 8012 and 8013).
Save Service settings
Save Configuration of Control Panel
Restart the Apache Server
It should work now.
4.1. Web browser configuration
If this configuration isn't hiding port number in URL it's because your web browser is not configured for. See : Tools ► Options ► General ► Connection Settings... will allow you to choose different ports or change proxy settings.
4.2. For the rare cases of ultimate bad luck
If step 4 and Web browser configuration are not working for you the only way to do this is to change back to 80, or to install a listener on port 80 (like a proxy) that redirects all your traffic to port 8012.
To answer your problem :
If you still have this message in Control Panel Console :
Apache Started [Port 80]
Find location of xampp-control.exe file (probably in C:\xampp)
Create a file XAMPP.INI in that directory (so XAMPP.ini and xampp-control.exe are in the same directory)
Put following lines in the XAMPP.INI file:
apache = 8012
Now , you will always get:
Apache started [Port 8012]
Please note that, this is for display purpose only.
It has no relation with your httpd.conf.
The best solution is to reconfigure the XAMPP Apache server to listen and use different port numbers. Here is how you do it:
1) First, you need to open the Apache “httpd.conf” file and configure it to use/listen on a new port no. To open httpd.conf file, click the “Config” button next to Apache “Start” and “Admin” buttons. In the popup menu that opens, click and open httpd.conf
2) Within the httpd.conf file search for “listen”. You’ll find two rows with something like:
Listen 80
Change the port no to a port no. of your choice (e.g. port 1234) like below
Listen 1234
3) Next, in the same httpd.conf file look for “ServerName localhost:” Set it to the new port no.
ServerName localhost:1234
4) Save and close the httpd.conf file.
5) Now click the Apache config button again and open the “httpd-ssl.conf” file.
6) In the httpd-ssl.conf file, look for “Listen” again. You may find:
Listen 443
Change it to listen on a new port no of your choice. Say like:
Listen 1443
7) In the same httpd-ssl.conf file find another line that says <VirtualHost _default_:443>. Change this to your new port no. (like 1443)
8) Also in the same httpd-ssl.conf you can find another line defining the port no. For that look for “ServerName”. you might find something like:
ServerName www.example.com:443 or ServerName localhost:433
Change this ServerName to your new port no.
8) Save and close the httpd-ssl.conf file.
9) Finally, there’s just one more place you should change the port no. For that, click and open the “Config” button of your XAMPP Control Panel. Then click the, “Service and Port Settings” button. Within it, click the “Apache” tab and enter and save the new port nos in the “main port” and “SSL port” boxes. Click save and close the config boxes.
That should do the trick. Now “Start” Apache and if everything goes well, your Apache server should start up.
You will also see the Apache Port/s no in the XAMPP control panel has change to the new port IDs you set.
If the XAMPP server is running for the moment, stop XAMPP server.
Follow these steps to change the port number.
Open the file in following location.
[XAMPP Installation Folder]/apache/conf/httpd.conf
Open the httpd.conf file and search for the String:
Listen 80
This is the port number used by XAMMP.
Then search for the string ServerName and update the Port Number which you entered earlier for Listen
Now save and re-start XAMPP server.
Have you tried to access your page by typing "http://localhost:8012" (after restarting the apache)?
I had problem too.
I switced Port but couldn't start on 8012.
Skype was involved becouse it had the same port - 80. And it couldn't let apache change it's port.
So just restart computer and Before turning on any other programs Open xampp first change port let's say from 80 to 8000 or 8012 on these lines in httpd.conf
Listen 80
ServerName localhost:80
Restart xampp, Start apache, check localhost.
if don't work above port id then change it.like 8082,8080
Restart xammp,Start apache server,Check it.It's now working.
If its Ubuntu SYSTEM:
Go to
cd /opt/lampp/etc/
vim httpd.conf
Here you can change the Listen Port Number
If you want to change the SSL Port:
`vim /opt/lampp/etc/extra/httpd-ssl.conf` -> Change the SSL Listen port
and vim /opt/lampp/properties.ini -> Do the changes here as well

How to change port number for apache in WAMP

I am new to WAMP server and installed it on my system but after installing it when I check it by going to localhost url like this http://localhost/ in the browser it is not working. I am getting a 404 error and blank page.
This is because my 80 port which default in Wamp server is being used by IIS server. So please let me know how to change port number in Wamp server and solved this problem.
Click on the WAMP server icon and from the menu under Config Files select
httpd.conf. A long text file will open up in notepad. In this file scroll
down to the line that reads Port 80 and change this to read Port 8080,
Save the file and close notepad. Once again click on the wamp server icon and
select restart all services. One more change needs to be made before we are
done. In Windows Explorer find the location where WAMP server was installed
which is by Default C:\Wamp.
Update : On a newer version of WAMP, click the WAMP server icon > Apache > httpd.conf, then change the line Listen 80 to Listen 8080 or any port you want.
Update: On 3.1.6 version of WAMP , right click on the wamp server icon in the taskbar ,select "tools"-> "Port used by Apache:80" -> "use a port other than 80", an input box will pop up , input a new port in it,click confirm button , then restart wamp .
Just go to httpd.conf file, for ex. under WAMP environment its situated at:
go to line no. 46 and edit Listen 80 to your requirement for ex.
Listen 8383
newer versions of WAMP uses these 2 lines:
Listen [::0]:8383
Next go to line no. 171 and edit ServerName localhost:80 to your requirement for ex.
ServerName localhost:8383
Restart Apache and its done !!
Now, you can access with your URL:
http://localhost:8383 or
Hope it helps to people looking for solution here.
From the wampserver 3.x onwards, changing the listening port number of Apache does not require any particular Apache skills (http.conf, virtualhost,...), you just have to click button - assuming you're running Windows OS! :
In the tray, right click green/running WAMP icon
Select menu Tools
In the section Port used by Apache: xx, click Use a port other than 80 (i.e. default port configuration)
Enter the desired port number in the popup window - usually 8080 as alternative Web port
NB: For alternative port: check official IANA Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry
Change port number for Xampp
Go to the file
Listen 80
Change 80 to 82
Listen 82
now your url will be
In lieu of changing the port, I reclaimed port 80 as being used by IIS.
So I went to services, and stopped the following:
World Wide Web Publishing Services.
Web Management Service
Web Deployment Agent Service.
set them to manual so that it will not start on dev environment restart.
In addition of the modification of the file C:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.27\conf\httpd.conf.
To get the url shortcuts working, edit the file C:\wamp64\wampmanager.conf and change the port:
apachePortUsed = "8080"
Then exit and relaunch wamp.
You could try changing Apache server to listen to some other port other than port 80.
Click on yellow WAMP icon in your taskbar
Choose Apache -> httpd.conf
Inside find these two lines of code:
Listen 80
ServerName localhost:80
and change them to something like this (they are not one next to the other):
Listen 8080
ServerName localhost:8080
Click on the WAMP server icon and from the menu under Config Files select
httpd.conf. A long text file will open up in notepad. In this file scroll
down to the line that reads Port 80 and change this to read Port 8080,
Save the file and close notepad. Once again click on the wamp server icon and
select restart all services. One more change needs to be made before we are
done. In Windows Explorer find the location where WAMP server was installed
which is by Default C:\Wamp.

Wamp wont use Apache but IIS instead ?

I just installed the WAMP service The wamp page
The problem I am having is that, when I try running the local host, or the phpmyadmin it runs it automatically with my IIS7 server. I did stooped the IIS server from running, but then it says that the page it could not be found?
How to I prevent the IIS from starting on the start up, since I don't really use it?
How do I make the Apache my default server or something like that?
On each port only one server can listen to incoming requests. Http uses port 80 by default and it seems like IIS is configured to listen on that port on your machine.
To change this you have to edit the binding settings of iis (in "Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager" -> click on Sites\"Default Web Site", then there should be a link "Bindings" on the right side of the screen). In apache you have to edit on of the config files: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/en/mod/mpm_common.html#listen and restart apache.
You can reach your other webserver (not listening on port 80) by explicitly specifying the port number in the address: e.g. http://localhost:85/phpmyadmin