vb.net parsing json - vb.net

How can I parse json from such as twitter etc in vb.net applications.

Use the DataContractJsonSerializer class of the System.Runtime.Serialization.Json namespace. You can use it's ReadObject method to deserialize the JSON stream.

You can use the JSon.Net library. I've never used it from VB.net but I assume it's CLS-compliant and it should work OK.


In Kotlin How to read and parse json file

I am new to Kotlin and trying to understand how I can read and parse the .json file.
Say, I have a file Test.json with some json array and need to read the array and stored the content in mutable list.
I tried searching the blog but could not find the answer.
Thanks in advance.
It depends, if you know the format of the JSON file maps to one of your Kotlin classes then you could use a library such as Jackson, Gson, Klaxon or Moshi to convert the contents of the file to an instance of this class.
Alternatively you could manually parse the JSON using Java's JSONObjects and work through the nested map of JsonObjects/Values.
I personally use this Klaxon library to parse json file and use in in my android application.
which I think will do your work.
Add dependncy to your gradle.build file
compile 'com.beust:klaxon:0.30'

Jax-rs convert to object Mule

I am using RAML for design api.
Then I convert raml to jaxrs and get java classes (https://github.com/mulesoft-labs/raml-for-jax-rs ).
It gives two classes: interface and *impl classes.
Then I Import them into my project In Anypoint Studio. I want to use them.
But JsonToObject Transfer cannot use convert classes.
org.mule.api.transformer.TransformerMessagingException: Failed to transform from "json" to "classImpl".
I try use without interface classes. It work correct.
How to use interface and *impl Classes for convert json to Object?
I solved the problem. 1. RAML need to convert using jackson 2. In Anypoint need to deserialize from the json to the object by ObjectMapper
You should make sure your classImp support JSON binding using Jackson annotations. See the related Mule documentation on JSON Support for details.

convert an object to JSON in objective c

I work in tool theos projects and i want convert an object into JSON.
I need a easy to use library with examples for converting NSObjects to JSON and back again
I check a lot of question like this but i can't use them.
I use JSONModel library but i have a lot of errors.
Anybody body have a good tutorial or a sample code to convert NSObject to JSON?
I don't have any idea whether I can created a json or not.
How can I fix this?
Look at my library - https://github.com/DimasSup/BaseMangedObjectModel
With it you can serialize/deserialize any your class. aslo can save it to SQLite database if needed. Also there are NetworkHelper class which help you send/receive your classes from remote server.

C# WCF REST - How do you use JSON.Net serializer instead of the default DataContractSerializer?

In .NET 3.5, Is it possible to override the default DataContractJsonSerializer and use the JSON.net serializer instead?
NOTE: We do not want to use attributes on the class
Yes, it's possible to do so. But it's not too simple. You'll need a new message formatter which uses the JSON.NET serializer instead of the default one to convert between the operation parameters and the message object needed by the WCF stack. The post at http://blogs.msdn.com/b/carlosfigueira/archive/2011/05/03/wcf-extensibility-message-formatters.aspx has an example that does exactly that. The code is written for 4.0, but it should work for 3.5 as well.

How to convert JSON object to Objective-C Cocoa object?

Am developing a cocoa application, where I have to invoke java web scripts and fetch the response of the web script object and convert it into Objective C readable objects. I would then need to manipulate the fetched data for import, print, etc.
How to I interact with the web script and convert into cocoa readable objects?
Any pointers on the same, will be appreciated.
Convert the JSON string into an NSDictionary using tools like yajl, JSONKit or iOS5 JSON
Use https://github.com/elado/jastor to convert this NSDictionary to a real Objective-C class with typed properties, nested properties, arrays etc.
In iOS 5 native JSON parsing is supported (documentation). In addition you can use a number of third party libraries to download and parse JSON (see JSONKit and HTTPRiot or RestKit)
A full reference of awesome libraries can be found here.