combobox with first row blank -

I have a a ComboBox bound to a DataSet. I would like to have combobox with very first row blank. How can I do this?
I've tried following
With .RoomComboBox
.DataSource = Me.aRoomsBindingSourse
.DisplayMember = "Room"
.ValueMember = "BedCode"
.DataBindings.Add("text", aRoomsBindingSourse, "Room", False,DataSourceUpdateMode.Never)
.SelectedIndex = -1
End With
Thank you in advance.

I don't think you can do this. Because .net framework doesn't allow to modify items if the DataSource set.

Hook into the post data bind event and add a row at the first location.


FullColumnSelect not working in DataGridView

Actually i'm trying to hightlight whole the column when a user click on a cell of the DataGridView.
The source is load dynamically from the user so initially DataGridView is null.
The issue is that if i change SelectionMode to FullColumnSelect or anyother SelectionMode options nothing change, the DataGridView will still have the SelectionMode as FullRowSelect even if i change it programmatically.
How can i solve that problem and hightlight entire column on user click?
Actually i had to set SortMode to NotSortable for each column of the DataGrid but only after i've called .DataSource
So the code is the following
Grid.DataSource = dt
For Each c In Grid.Columns
c.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable
Grid.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullColumnSelect

combobox default value,

i have a combobox that populates from a database column but when the form loads, the combobox appears with the first item on the database. the value of this particular combobox determines the value of some other controls on the form so i want the combobox to load with an empty entry. thanks as i'll appreciate any help i can get.
here is my code:
'all variables declared...
command = New MySqlCommand("SELECT PUMP FROM test.pump", connection)
dataadapter.SelectCommand = command
With Me.PumpComboBox
.DisplayMember = "pump"
.DataSource = dataset
End With
combobox1.SelectedIndex = -1
This sets the value of the combo box to a blank entry.
Maybe adding empty value and then selected that empty value using selectedindex after the combbobox populated will work
In your Form.Load include the following:
ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 1
Here "ComboBox1" is your ComboBox and "1" equals index you want to be set by default.

DataGridView with dropdown column

I got back to VB.NET after being some years abstinent to VB. Offcourse you can do everything with the designer, but.
I want to implement database functionalities by code. I have a DataGridView which will be filled like I expect. Changes will be safed, ok for now.
But I'd like to change the field which represents an foreignkey value to a dropdown field. I tried by myself and searched for a good solution, but nothing found.
This is part of my code:
.AutoGenerateColumns = True
.DataSource = TMitarbeiterBindingSource
.AutoSizeRowsMode = _
.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D
.EditMode = DataGridViewEditMode.EditOnEnter
There a six columns and I want the third to be a dropdown field which should use another BindingSource. Propably I have to change AutoGenerateColumns to false, but then how to add the columns manually. And after that I have to change one of the columns, but how?
If anybody would have an example that fits with my code would be helpful.
I got it, I used the following code and it works:
With rufnummer
.DataPropertyName = "Rufnummer"
.DataSource = db.TGeraeteBindingSource
.DisplayMember = "Rufnummer"
.ValueMember = "Rufnummer"
.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat
.HeaderText = "Rufnummer"
.Width = 70
End With

How do I manually insert an item in a Combobox?

I've created a Combobox and the list selections are being populated by a DataTable. I can populate it with no problems, but I need to add a default item for the list before the results from the DataTable appears.
The list should contain:
All Rooms and Facilities
Class Room
PE Facility
THE Facility
Drawing Room
But I'm always getting:
I've been using this link as my resources:
And here's my code:
cboByRoomType.Items.Insert(0, "All Rooms and Facilities")
With cboByRoomType
.DataSource = tempDTRoomType
.DisplayMember = "Description"
.ValueMember = "Room Type ID"
.SelectedIndex = 0
End With
Also, I already tried to add the default item using the Items in the Properties Window, still no good.
Try replacing your first row with this (which probably has a more compact form):
tempDTRoomType.Rows.InsertAt(tempDTRoomType.NewRow(), 0)
tempDTRoomType.Rows(0).Item("Description") = "All Rooms and Facilities"
tempDTRoomType.Rows(0).Item("Room Type ID") = 0

Combobox Make First Row As Display

So my combobox is used to populate a datagridview when user clicks the customersID in the combobox it will popupate the grid. I have the code for populating but the problem is that they combobox does no reset itself. It still shows the current value that was Selected. I wanted to know it is posible to reset the combobox after selected index event. The code below is how i got my combobobox.
' after a command and connection was made
customerAdapt = New SqlDataAdapter(customerQuery,con)
customerSet = New DataSet
customerCb.DataSource = adoAddtRs.tables(0)
customerCb.DisplayMember = "custID"
customerCb.ValueMember = "custID"
customerCb.Visible = False
customerCb.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList
Try this piece of coding
customerCb.selectedindex = -1