Getting ManyToMany relationship to load - nhibernate

I have User object with a list of groups that it belongs to:
public UserHeaderMap()
Id(x => x.Id, "USER_ID");
HasManyToMany(x => x.Groups)
How do I need to modify my mapping or the way I'm retrieving my user object to fill the Groups list upon retrieval? I'm sure there are different options here but I'm not sure which is the best. The collection is currently null whenever I retrieve a User object from the database. I retrieve it using this:
UserHeader userFound = session.Load<UserHeader>(newUser.Id);
public class UserHeader
public virtual Guid Id { get; set; }
public virtual IList<GroupHeader> Groups { get; set; }
public UserHeader(IList<GroupHeader> groups)
Groups = groups;
public UserHeader()
Groups = new List<GroupHeader>();
public override bool Equals(object obj)
bool retVal = false;
if (obj is UserHeader)
UserHeader otherUser = (UserHeader)obj;
if (Id == otherUser.Id)
retVal = true;
return retVal;
public override int GetHashCode()
return Id.GetHashCode();
This is the way I was originally querying the data. It's grabbing everything except the many to many relationship.
UserHeader userFound = session.CreateCriteria<UserHeader>()
Edit3: Unit test
The following unit test fails on foreach (GroupHeader group in userFound.Groups). I can clearly see from the SQL that it is creating the relationship between User and Group in the SQL output. I can post it if necessary.
public void CanAddUserToGroup()
using (NHibernate.ISession session = SessionOrigin.Current.GetSession())
using (NHibernate.ITransaction tran = session.BeginTransaction())
using (NHibernate.ITransaction tran = session.BeginTransaction())
GroupHeader groupFound = session.CreateCriteria<GroupHeader>()
UserHeader userFound = session.CreateCriteria<UserHeader>()
UserHeader userFound2 = session.Load<UserHeader>(newUser.Id);
Assert.IsNotNull(groupFound, "Failed to find group after insertion");
Assert.IsNotNull(userFound, "Failed to find user after insertion");
UserHeader userInGroup = null;
GroupHeader groupInUser = null;
foreach (UserHeader user in groupFound.Users)
if (user.Equals(newUser))
userInGroup = user;
foreach (GroupHeader group in userFound.Groups)
if (group.Equals(newGroup))
groupInUser = group;
Assert.IsNotNull(userInGroup, "Failed to add a new user to group");
Assert.IsNotNull(groupInUser, "Failed to add a new group to a user");
using (NHibernate.ITransaction tran = session.BeginTransaction())

Your unit test code is not correct.
Since both the group and the user are already loaded in the session, the criteria queries return the same instances.
If the collections were null in memory, they'll still be null after the query. Also, you're adding to just one side of a bidirectional association.
Last but not least, you are testing too many unrelated things in the same test method.


RavenDB querying metadata

I want to prevent documents from being deleted in my project and I decided to use metadata to mark document as Archived. I used below code to do that:
public class DeleteDocumentListener : IDocumentDeleteListener
public void BeforeDelete(string key, object entityInstance, RavenJObject metadata)
metadata.Add("Archived", true);
throw new NotSupportedException();
After that I wanted to alter query to return only documents which have Archived metadata value set to false:
using (var session = _store.OpenSession())
var query = session.Advanced.DocumentQuery<Cutter>()
.WhereEquals("#metadata.Archived", false);
Unfortunately this query return empty result set. It occurs that if Document doesn't have this metadata property then above condition is treated as false. It wasn't what I expected.
How can I compose query to return Documents which don't have metadata property or this property has some value ?
You can solve it by creating an index for you Cutter documents and then query against that:
public class ArchivedIndex : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Cutter>
public class QueryModel
public bool Archived { get; set; }
public ArchivedIndex()
Map = documents => from doc in documents
select new QueryModel
Archived = MetadataFor(doc)["Archived"] != null && MetadataFor(doc).Value<bool>("Archived")
Then query it like this:
using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession())
var cutters = session.Query<ArchivedIndex.QueryModel, ArchivedIndex>()
.Where(x => x.Archived == false)
Hope this helps!
Quick side note. To create the index, the following code may need to be run:
new ArchivedIndex().Execute(session.Advanced.DocumentStore);

NHibernate Dynamic Component Default Value Issue

All of my entities (that are mapped to a database table) inherit from an entity class with a dynamic component on it called Attributes e.g.:
public abstract class Entity<T> {
public virtual T Id { get; set; }
private IDictionary _attributes;
public virtual IDictionary Attributes {
get { return _attributes ?? (_attributes = new Hashtable()); }
set { _attributes = value; }
The Attributes collection allows me to add extra fields to each entity without directly changing the entity itself. This allows me to make my application more modular.
For example say I have the following entity:
public class User : Entity<int> {
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
Now say I have a Forum module which needs a NumPosts property against the User. I would add the field against the Users table in the database. This field is non nullable and has a default value of 0. I then map the field using the dynamic component against the User entity.
However when I try inserting the user by saying:
session.Save(new User() { Name = "Test" });
It throws an error as it's expecting me to set a value for NumPosts and the generated SQL would be something like:
INSERT INTO Users (Name, NumPosts) VALUES ('Test', NULL)
However NumPosts does not allow nulls and hence the error. Ideally I'd like it to say the following if the Attributes collection does not contain an entry for NumPosts:
INSERT INTO Users (Name) VALUES ('Test')
An alternative is to say the following which would work fine:
session.Save(new User() { Name = "Test", Attributes = new Hashtable() { { "NumPosts", 0 } } });
The problem I have is that I don't want the modules to have a dependency on each other and I can't really say this.
For reference here's a bare bones version of session factory method which maps the NumPosts field:
return Fluently.Configure()
.ExposeConfiguration(c => {
// Get the persistent class
var persistentClass = c.GetClassMapping("User");
// Create the attributes component
var component = new Component(persistentClass);
// Create a simple value
var simpleValue = new SimpleValue(persistentClass.Table);
// Set the type name
simpleValue.TypeName = "Int32";
// Create a new db column specification
var column = new Column("NumPosts");
column.Value = simpleValue;
column.Length = 10;
column.IsNullable = false;
column.DefaultValue = "0";
// Add the column to the value
// Ad the value to the component
component.AddProperty(new Property() { Name = column.Name, Value = simpleValue });
// Add the component property
persistentClass.AddProperty(new Property() { Name = "Attributes", Value = component });
I'd appreciate if someone could let me know if this is possible. Thanks
You know how to make it working as described above:
... An alternative is to say the following which would work fine:
session.Save(new User()
Name = "Test", Attributes = new Hashtable() { { "NumPosts", 0 } }
... The problem I have is that I don't want the modules to have a dependency on each other and I can't really say this...
In case, that the biggest issue is the explicit Attributes initialization ("...I don't want the modules to have a dependency...") we can use:
12.2. Event system
So, with Listener like this:
public class MyPersistListener : NHibernate.Event.ISaveOrUpdateEventListener
public void OnSaveOrUpdate(SaveOrUpdateEvent #event)
var entity = #event.Entity as Entity<int>; // some interface IHaveAttributes
if (entity == null) // would be more appropriate
var numPosts = entity.Attributes["NumPosts"] as int?;
if (numPosts.HasValue)
entity.Attributes["NumPosts"] = 0;
Based on this doc snippet:
Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
ILoadEventListener[] stack = new ILoadEventListener[] { new MyLoadListener(), new DefaultLoadEventListener() };
cfg.EventListeners.LoadEventListeners = stack;
This should be the init in our case:
.ExposeConfiguration(c => {
var stack = new ISaveOrUpdateEventListener [] { new MyPersistListener() };
c.EventListeners.SaveEventListeners= stack;

Insert in nested field

I'm a new user in LINQ to SQL and I have some problems using it.
I've used LINQ to SQL Designer and I have created my classes, mapped on the DB tables.
In particular, I have one class, named voice:
public partial class voce : INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged
private static PropertyChangingEventArgs emptyChangingEventArgs = new PropertyChangingEventArgs(String.Empty);
private int _id_voce;
... other private fields;
private int _category;
private EntityRef<category> _category1;
public voce()
this._riepilogo = new EntitySet<riepilogo>(new Action<riepilogo>(this.attach_riepilogo), new Action<riepilogo>(this.detach_riepilogo));
this._hera = default(EntityRef<hera>);
this._category1 = default(EntityRef<category>);
[global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ColumnAttribute(Storage="_id_voce", AutoSync=AutoSync.OnInsert, DbType="Int NOT NULL IDENTITY", IsPrimaryKey=true, IsDbGenerated=true)]
public int id_voce
return this._id_voce;
if ((this._id_voce != value))
this._id_voce = value;
[global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ColumnAttribute(Storage="_category", DbType="Int NOT NULL")]
public int category
return this._category;
if ((this._category != value))
if (this._category1.HasLoadedOrAssignedValue)
throw new System.Data.Linq.ForeignKeyReferenceAlreadyHasValueException();
this._category = value;
As you can see, voce class has a field named category that refers to a table named category.
When I add a new voce to my database, I create a new voce istance and, using the DataContext, i simply add it, using:
voce v = new voce(){...field, category1 = //create or retrieve category};
In particular, the category field is retrieved from the DB if already exists or, if not, it is inserted, before I insert the voice.
The problem is that when I add the voice in the database:
it inserts the category again, failing with the unique contraint.
How can I add a voice without adding every nested object?
Thank you and sorry for my bad English.
internal category GetCategoryFromDescription (string desc, Utility.VOICE_MODALITY mode)
bool type = mode == Utility.VOICE_MODALITY.ENTRATA ? true : false;
var query = from cat in dc.category
where cat.description == desc && cat.type == type
select cat;
if (query.Count() == 0)
category newC = new category() { description = desc };
return newC;
return query.Single();

NHibernate QueryOver on an IUserType

First let me apologize a bit for the length of this post, it's mostly code though so I hope you all bear with me!
I have a scenario in dealing with a legacy database, where I needed to write an IUserType using NHibernate 3.2 to take a 2 character "status" field and return a Boolean value from it. The status field can hold 3 possible values:
* 'DI' // 'Disabled', return false
* ' ' // blank or NULL, return true
Here is what I have simplified.
Table Definition:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Client](
[clnID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[clnStatus] [char](2) NULL,
[clnComment] [varchar](250) NULL,
[clnDescription] [varchar](150) NULL,
[Version] [int] NOT NULL
Fluent Mapping:
public class ClientMapping : CoreEntityMapping<Client>
public ClientMapping()
Id(x => x.Id, "clnId").GeneratedBy.Identity();
Version(x => x.Version).Column("Version").Generated.Never().UnsavedValue("0").Not.Nullable();
Map(x => x.Comment, "clnComment").Length(250).Nullable();
Map(x => x.Description, "clnDescription").Length(250).Nullable();
Map(x => x.IsActive, "clnStatus").Nullable().CustomType<StatusToBoolType>();
My IUserType Implementation:
public class StatusToBoolType : IUserType
public bool IsMutable { get { return false; } }
public Type ReturnedType { get { return typeof(bool); } }
public SqlType[] SqlTypes { get { return new[] { NHibernateUtil.String.SqlType }; } }
public object DeepCopy(object value)
return value;
public object Replace(object original, object target, object owner)
return original;
public object Assemble(object cached, object owner)
return cached;
public object Disassemble(object value)
return value;
public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
if (ReferenceEquals(x, y)) return true;
if (x == null || y == null) return false;
return x.Equals(y);
public int GetHashCode(object x)
return x == null ? typeof(bool).GetHashCode() + 473 : x.GetHashCode();
public object NullSafeGet(IDataReader rs, string[] names, object owner)
var obj = NHibernateUtil.String.NullSafeGet(rs, names[0]);
if (obj == null) return true;
var status = (string)obj;
if (status == " ") return true;
if (status == "DI") return false;
throw new Exception(string.Format("Expected data to be either empty or 'DI' but was '{0}'.", status));
public void NullSafeSet(IDbCommand cmd, object value, int index)
var parameter = ((IDataParameter) cmd.Parameters[index]);
var active = value == null || (bool) value;
if (active)
parameter.Value = " ";
parameter.Value = "DI";
However this doesn't work. This unit test fails with an inaccurate count.
public void GetAllActiveClientsTest()
var count = Session.QueryOver<Client>()
.Where(x => x.IsActive)
.SelectList(l => l.SelectCount(x => x.Id))
Assert.AreNotEqual(0, count);
Assert.AreEqual(1721, count);
The reason it fails is because it generates the following SQL:
SELECT count(this_.clnID) as y0_ FROM Client this_ WHERE this_.clnstatus = #p0;
/* #p0 = ' ' [Type: String (0)] */
But I need it to generate this instead:
SELECT count(this_.clnID) as y0_ FROM Client this_ WHERE (this_.clnstatus = #p0 <b> OR this_.clnstatus IS NULL);</b>
After some debugging I saw that the NullSafeSet() method in my StatusToBoolType class is invoked before the query is generated, so I was able to get around this by writing some hackish code in that method to manipulate the SQL in the cmd.CommandText property.
public void NullSafeSet(IDbCommand cmd, object value, int index)
var parameter = ((IDataParameter) cmd.Parameters[index]);
var active = value == null || (bool) value;
if (active)
parameter.Value = " ";
if (cmd.CommandText.ToUpper().StartsWith("SELECT") == false) return;
var paramindex = cmd.CommandText.IndexOf(parameter.ParameterName);
if (paramindex > 0)
// Purpose: change [columnName] = #p0 ==> ([columnName] = #p0 OR [columnName] IS NULL)
paramindex += parameter.ParameterName.Length;
var before = cmd.CommandText.Substring(0, paramindex);
var after = cmd.CommandText.Substring(paramindex);
//look at the text before the '= #p0' and find the column name...
var columnSection = before.Split(new[] {"= " + parameter.ParameterName}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Reverse().First();
var column = columnSection.Substring(columnSection.Trim().LastIndexOf(' ')).Replace("(", "");
var myCommand = string.Format("({0} = {1} OR {0} IS NULL)", column.Trim(), parameter.ParameterName);
paramindex -= (parameter.ParameterName.Length + column.Length + 1);
var orig = before.Substring(0, paramindex);
cmd.CommandText = orig + myCommand + after;
parameter.Value = "DI";
But this is NHibernate!!! Hacking the sql statement like this can't possibly be the correct way to handle this? Right?
Because it is a shared legacy database, I can't change the table schema to NOT NULL otherwise I would have just done that, and avoided this scenario.
So finally after all this prelude my question is simply this, where can I tell NHibernate to generate a custom SQL criteria statement for this IUserType?
Thank you all in advance!
Solved it!
After I posted my question I went back to the drawing board, and I came up with a solution that doesn't require hacking the generated SQL in the IUserType implementation. In fact this solution doesn't need the IUserType at all!
Here is what I did.
First, I changed the IsActive column to use a formula to handle the null checking. This fixed my issue with the QueryOver failing, because now everytime NHibernate deals with IsActive property it injects my sql formula to handle null.
The downside to this approach was that after I put in the formula all of my save tests failed. It turns out that formula properties are effectively ReadOnly properties.
So to get around this issue, I added a protected property to the entity to hold the status value from the database.
Next, I changed the IsActive property to set the protected status property to " " or "DI". And finally I changed the FluentMapping to Reveal the protected Status property to NHibernate so that NHibernate can track it. Now that NHibernate is aware of Status it can include it on its INSERT/UPDATE statements.
I am going to include my solution below in case anyone else is interested.
Client class
public class Client
protected virtual string Status { get; set; }
private bool _isActive;
public virtual bool IsActive
get { return _isActive; }
_isActive = value;
Status = (_isActive) ? " " : "DI";
Changes to Fluent Mapping
public class ClientMapping : CoreEntityMapping<Client>
public ClientMapping()
Map(Reveal.Member<E>("Status"), colName).Length(2);
Map(x => x.IsActive).Formula("case when clnStatus is null then ' ' else clnStatus end");

EntityFramework, Insert if not exist, otherwise update

I'm having a Entity-Set Countries, reflecting a database table '<'char(2),char(3),nvarchar(50> in my database.
Im having a parser that returns a Country[] array of parsed countries, and is having issues with getting it updated in the right way. What i want is: Take the array of countries, for those countries not already in the database insert them, and those existing update if any fields is different. How can this be done?
void Method(object sender, DocumentLoadedEvent e)
var data = e.ParsedData as Country[];
using(var db = new DataContractEntities)
//Code missing
I was thinking something like
for(var c in data.Except(db.Countries)) but it wount work as it compares on wronge fields.
Hope anyone have had this issues before, and have a solution for me. If i cant use the Country object and insert/update an array of them easy, i dont see much benefict of using the framework, as from performers i think its faster to write a custom sql script that inserts them instead of ect checking if an country is already in the database before inserting?
See answer of post instead.
I added override equals to my country class:
public partial class Country
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is Country)
var country = obj as Country;
return this.CountryTreeLetter.Equals(country.CountryTreeLetter);
return false;
public override int GetHashCode()
int hash = 13;
hash = hash * 7 + (int)CountryTreeLetter[0];
hash = hash * 7 + (int)CountryTreeLetter[1];
hash = hash * 7 + (int)CountryTreeLetter[2];
return hash;
and then did:
var data = e.ParsedData as Country[];
using (var db = new entities())
foreach (var item in data.Except(db.Countries))
I would do it straightforward:
void Method(object sender, DocumentLoadedEvent e)
var data = e.ParsedData as Country[];
using(var db = new DataContractEntities)
foreach(var country in data)
var countryInDb = db.Countries
.Where(c => c.Name == country.Name) // or whatever your key is
if (countryInDb != null)
I don't know how often your application must run this or how many countries your world has. But I have the feeling that this is nothing where you must think about sophisticated performance optimizations.
Alternative approach which would issue only one query:
void Method(object sender, DocumentLoadedEvent e)
var data = e.ParsedData as Country[];
using(var db = new DataContractEntities)
var names = data.Select(c => c.Name);
var countriesInDb = db.Countries
.Where(c => names.Contains(c.Name))
.ToList(); // single DB query
foreach(var country in data)
var countryInDb = countriesInDb
.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Name == country.Name); // runs in memory
if (countryInDb != null)
The modern form, using later EF versions would be:
context.Entry(record).State = (AlreadyExists ? EntityState.Modified : EntityState.Added);
AlreadyExists can come from checking the key or by querying the database to see whether the item already exists there.
You can implement your own IEqualityComparer<Country> and pass that to the Except() method. Assuming your Country object has Id and Name properties, one example of that implementation could look like this:
public class CountryComparer : IEqualityComparer<Country>
public bool Equals(Country x, Country y)
return x.Name.Equals(y.Name) && (x.Id == y.Id);
public int GetHashCode(Country obj)
return string.Format("{0}{1}", obj.Id, obj.Name).GetHashCode();
and use it as
data.Countries.Except<Country>(db, new CountryComparer());
Although, in your case it looks like you just need to extract new objects, you can use var newCountries = data.Where(c => c.Id == Guid.Empty); if your Id is Guid.
The best way is to inspect the Country.EntityState property and take actions from there regarding on value (Detached, Modified, Added, etc.)
You need to provide more information on what your data collection contains i.e. are the Country objects retrieved from a database through the entityframework, in which case their context can be tracked, or are you generating them using some other way.
I am not sure this will be the best solution but I think you have to get all countries from DB then check it with your parsed data
void Method(object sender, DocumentLoadedEvent e)
var data = e.ParsedData as Country[];
using(var db = new DataContractEntities)
List<Country> mycountries = db.Countries.ToList();
foreach(var PC in data)
if(mycountries.Any( C => C.Name==PC.Name ))
var country = mycountries.Any( C => C.Name==PC.Name );
//Update it here
var newcountry = Country.CreateCountry(PC.Name);//you must provide all required parameters
newcountry.Name = PC.Name;