How do I do a callback of the result of this objective-c function? - objective-c

First of all, I'm fairly new to programming, so bear with me.. though I'm certain I learn quickly from examples.
I have the following code as part of my project:
any help is greatly appreciated, I've already wasted hours on this...

Add a new block parameter to searchPointer:and call this block with an address you found.


How do I use the batch ultility of Graphics Magick?

I'm sure that my mistake is plain simple. I'm fair new to this application and after seeing the online help for batch I copy and paste the code for jpg conversion (to tiff) and it didn't work. The error it gives is: "gm: unrecognized command 'for'. Use help ... " and I don't get it, isn't batch utily this for (the use of shell script)? If someone can copy a simple script for this porpouse it will help me a lot. Thanks
PD: Sorry for my english
This blog post gives a deeper explanation of how GM batch mode works. Try out the examples there should help you to understand the examples used in the online help.

Quick way to add Stopwatch.start and Stopwatch.end to all functions

Just trying to look at a quick way to find the timings for each individual function in my application. Would like to optimize code and see if some function is taking longer than others but was wondering if there was some quick way i could add the Stopwatch.start and Stopwatch.end to the beginning and ending of each function. Could someone assist me in what to google? I can see how I want it to work but have no clue on how to start.
Not looking for answers, just guidance :)
You can use ReSharper (or something similar) to create a macro for your functions that would include the stopwatch code.
You could use a select-case block in your class. Use an enum to call the functions by name. The select block can then run the correct function according to the enum value. It'll be rather long but you only need the stopwatch calls around the select block and they will get called for each function.

Function System.bytescopy

I have been searching for this function and haven't found any reference to what it does, so I would like to know if anyone of you could tell me what it receives and the functionality.
The function Im copying is this: System.bytescopy(buffer, cutsize*8, buffer, 0, (bufend-cutsize)*8); but I dont know what it does and what it receives.
I have to copy this function (from haxe) to actionscript code cause I'm fixing a code that may help me to develop what I need. Please help!
System.bytescopy isn't Haxe's native function. Maybe you are referring to this.

API for Dictionary and Translator

Again. I've been searching for the best API for my Application. Dictionary and Translator. Can someone Recommend One. Please. i need it. I downloaded "microsoft-translator-jar" and I'm having an error in my line of code.
'com.memetix.mst.translate.Translate.execute(text, Language.ENGLISH, Language.ITALIAN);'
The error is at the (execute). the method execute(String,Language,Language)in the type Translate is not applicable for the arguments (String, Language, Language).
i've tried all the execute methods but No luck. Can someone help me how to solve it or refer a new API. Thanks.
You may be lost json-simple-1.x.jar.
Please go website to download that package.
I think your problem may be resolved.

WEPopoverController view init warning

I googled trying to find the answer, but failed.
It's actually a quick question, and i just don't have enough memory-management and objective-understanding to solve it properly by myself.
If someone ever user WEPopover library(great tool, thanks to developers, they remember that there is a warning in WEPopoverController.m:
//First force a load view for the contentViewController so the popoverContentSize is properly initialized
and the warning as follows:
Property access result unused - getters should not be used for side effects
I'm not pretty sure what are they trying to achieve, but i truly believe it's not a propoer way to initialize things, but i am not sure if i should use any methods, because i don't want to disturb the functionality.
Any advices and hints will be hihgly appreciated!
I just solved it, I had the same issue! :)
just replace contentViewController.view; with [contentViewController view];
That's all. You might solved it, as you've asked it a longtime before! But it would be helpful to other if they will find the same issue:)