How to track the depth in this object graph depth-first search algorithm? - objective-c

I have this code which iterates over a tree, doing a depth-first search. Every element is tackled exactly once. Very good.
-(void)iterateOverTree:(TreeNode *)node
NSMutableArray * elements = [NSMutableArray array];
[elements addObject:node];
while([elements count])
TreeNode * current = [elements objectAtIndex:0];
[self doStuffWithNode:current];
for(TreeNode * child in current.children)
[elements addObject:child];
[elements removeLastObject];
BUT: How can I keep track of the current depth in the graph? I need to know the level of depth. So for example I have these nodes:
A has childs B, J.
B has child C.
C has child D.
D has childs E, F, I.
When A is at depth level 1, then B is 2 and C is 3.
With recursion it was very easy to keep track of the current depth level. Just inrement a variable before calling itself and decrement it after calling itself.
But here with this fancy while loop that is not possible. There is no box in the box in the box happening like with recursion.
I don't really want to have to add properties (or instance variables) to the TreeNode object as this should be re-usable in a generic way for any kind of object graph.
Does anyone have an idea how to do this? Must I introduce another array to keep track of visited nodes?

I think you do need to stack the depths as well. This is what you would actually have done anyway, if you had a recursive version. It's just that the storage would be “invisible”, since you would have used the call stack instead of an explicit stack like you are doing now.
If it helps you, you could easily convert the depth-first search to a breadth-first search, by using the array as a queue instead of a stack. (Just do removeFirstObject instead of removeLastObject.) Then you would know that you always look at the nodes in order of non-decreasing depth. However, if you need exact depths, I think you still need to add some storage for keeping track of when you have to increment the current depth.
You should be able to do a DFS without the stack altogether, if instead you follow parent pointers of the node to back up the tree. That would make maintaining the depth simple. But you would have to be careful not to break linear-time worst-case complexity by rescanning children to find out where you were.
If you don't have parent pointers, it should be possible to stack just enough information to keep track of the parents. But this would mean that you put some more information on the stack than you are currently doing, so it would not be much of an improvement over stacking the depths directly.
By the way, looking carefully on your algorithm, aren't you looking at the wrong side of the array when you get the next current node? It should work like this:
push root
while stack not empty:
current = pop
push all children of current

Im not understanding your notation, but if I read correctly you process a node and add all children to your list of work to do.
If you could change that part to using a recursion, you could track the tree-depth since it would be the recursion depth.
So instead of adding the child node, recurse for each child node.

I believe what you are doing actually is BFS. You are working with lists. For doing DFS, you should use a stack;
This might be useful for the depth track, you might look into the vector p (of parents)

Supposing you are doing BFS, the easiest thing to do is to introduce another queue for depth that mirrors your nodes queue. Initialize the depth to zero. Each time you push to the node queue, push the current depth + 1 to the depth queue.


How do I remember the root of a binary search tree in Haskell

I am new to Functional programming.
The challenge I have is regarding the mental map of how a binary search tree works in Haskell.
In other programs (C,C++) we have something called root. We store it in a variable. We insert elements into it and do balancing etc..
The program takes a break does other things (may be process user inputs, create threads) and then figures out it needs to insert a new element in the already created tree. It knows the root (stored as a variable) and invokes the insert function with the root and the new value.
So far so good in other languages. But how do I mimic such a thing in Haskell, i.e.
I see functions implementing converting a list to a Binary Tree, inserting a value etc.. That's all good
I want this functionality to be part of a bigger program and so i need to know what the root is so that i can use it to insert it again. Is that possible? If so how?
Note: Is it not possible at all because data structures are immutable and so we cannot use the root at all to insert something. in such a case how is the above situation handled in Haskell?
It all happens in the same way, really, except that instead of mutating the existing tree variable we derive a new tree from it and remember that new tree instead of the old one.
For example, a sketch in C++ of the process you describe might look like:
int main(void) {
Tree<string> root;
while (true) {
string next;
cin >> next;
if (next == "quit") exit(0);
A variable, a read action, and loop with a mutate step. In haskell, we do the same thing, but using recursion for looping and a recursion variable instead of mutating a local.
main = loop Empty
where loop t = do
next <- getLine
when (next /= "quit") $ do
let t' = insert next t
doSomethingWith t'
loop t'
If you need doSomethingWith to be able to "mutate" t as well as read it, you can lift your program into State:
main = loop Empty
where loop t = do
next <- getLine
when (next /= "quit") $ do
loop (execState doSomethingWith (insert next t))
Writing an example with a BST would take too much time but I give you an analogous example using lists.
Let's invent a updateListN which updates the n-th element in a list.
updateListN :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
updateListN i n l = take (i - 1) l ++ n : drop i l
Now for our program:
list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] -- The big data structure we might want to use multiple times
main = do
-- only for shows
print $ updateListN 3 30 list -- [1,2,30,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
print $ updateListN 8 80 list -- [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,80,9,10]
-- now some illustrative complicated processing
let list' = foldr (\i l -> updateListN i (i*10) l) list list
-- list' = [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100]
-- Our crazily complicated illustrative algorithm still needs `list`
print $ zipWith (-) list' list
-- [9,18,27,36,45,54,63,72,81,90]
See how we "updated" list but it was still available? Most data structures in Haskell are persistent, so updates are non-destructive. As long as we have a reference of the old data around we can use it.
As for your comment:
My program is trying the following a) Convert a list to a Binary Search Tree b) do some I/O operation c) Ask for a user input to insert a new value in the created Binary Search Tree d) Insert it into the already created list. This is what the program intends to do. Not sure how to get this done in Haskell (or) is am i stuck in the old mindset. Any ideas/hints welcome.
We can sketch a program:
data BST
readInt :: IO Int; readInt = undefined
toBST :: [Int] -> BST; toBST = undefined
printBST :: BST -> IO (); printBST = undefined
loop :: [Int] -> IO ()
loop list = do
int <- readInt
let newList = int : list
let bst = toBST newList
printBST bst
loop newList
main = loop []
"do balancing" ... "It knows the root" nope. After re-balancing the root is new. The function balance_bst must return the new root.
Same in Haskell, but also with insert_bst. It too will return the new root, and you will use that new root from that point forward.
Even if the new root's value is the same, in Haskell it's a new root, since one of its children has changed.
See ''How to "think functional"'' here.
Even in C++ (or other imperative languages), it would usually be considered a poor idea to have a single global variable holding the root of the binary search tree.
Instead code that needs access to a tree should normally be parameterised on the particular tree it operates on. That's a fancy way of saying: it should be a function/method/procedure that takes the tree as an argument.
So if you're doing that, then it doesn't take much imagination to figure out how several different sections of code (or one section, on several occasions) could get access to different versions of an immutable tree. Instead of passing the same tree to each of these functions (with modifications in between), you just pass a different tree each time.
It's only a little more work to imagine what your code needs to do to "modify" an immutable tree. Obviously you won't produce a new version of the tree by directly mutating it, you'll instead produce a new value (probably by calling methods on the class implementing the tree for you, but if necessary by manually assembling new nodes yourself), and then you'll return it so your caller can pass it on - by returning it to its own caller, by giving it to another function, or even calling you again.
Putting that all together, you can have your whole program manipulate (successive versions of) this binary tree without ever having it stored in a global variable that is "the" tree. An early function (possibly even main) creates the first version of the tree, passes it to the first thing that uses it, gets back a new version of the tree and passes it to the next user, and so on. And each user of the tree can call other subfunctions as needed, with possibly many of new versions of the tree produced internally before it gets returned to the top level.
Note that I haven't actually described any special features of Haskell here. You can do all of this in just about any programming language, including C++. This is what people mean when they say that learning other types of programming makes them better programmers even in imperative languages they already knew. You can see that your habits of thought are drastically more limited than they need to be; you could not imagine how you could deal with a structure "changing" over the course of your program without having a single variable holding a structure that is mutated, when in fact that is just a small part of the tools that even C++ gives you for approaching the problem. If you can only imagine this one way of dealing with it then you'll never notice when other ways would be more helpful.
Haskell also has a variety of tools it can bring to this problem that are less common in imperative languages, such as (but not limited to):
Using the State monad to automate and hide much of the boilerplate of passing around successive versions of the tree.
Function arguments allow a function to be given an unknown "tree-consumer" function, to which it can give a tree, without any one place both having the tree and knowing which function it's passing it to.
Lazy evaluation sometimes negates the need to even have successive versions of the tree; if the modifications are expanding branches of the tree as you discover they are needed (like a move-tree for a game, say), then you could alternatively generate "the whole tree" up front even if it's infinite, and rely on lazy evaluation to limit how much work is done generating the tree to exactly the amount you need to look at.
Haskell does in fact have mutable variables, it just doesn't have functions that can access mutable variables without exposing in their type that they might have side effects. So if you really want to structure your program exactly as you would in C++ you can; it just won't really "feel like" you're writing Haskell, won't help you learn Haskell properly, and won't allow you to benefit from many of the useful features of Haskell's type system.

Does ordering of mesh element change from run to run for constrained triangulation under CGAL?

I iterate over finie_vertieces, finite_edges and finite_faces after generating constrained delauny triangulation with Loyd optimization. I am on VS2012 using CGAL 4.12 under release mode. I see for a given case finite_verices list is repeatable (so is the vertex list under finite_faces), however, the ordering of the edges in finite_edges seems to change from run to run
for(auto eit = cdtp.finite_edges_begin(); eit != cdtp.finite_edges_end(); ++eit)
const auto isConstrainedEdge = cdtp.is_constrained(*eit);
auto & cFace = *(eit->first);
auto cwVert = cFace.vertex(>second));
auto ccwVert = cFace.vertex(cFace.ccw(eit->second));
I use the above code snippet to extract vertex list, and vertex list with a given edge changes from run to run.
Any help is appreciated resolving this, as I am looking for consistent behavior in the code. My triangulation involves many line constraints on a two dimensional domain.
I was told it's likely dependable behaviour, but there is no guarantee of order. IIRC the documentation says the traversal order is not guaranteed. I think it's best to assume the iterators' transversal is not deterministic and could change.
You could use any of the _info extensions to embed information into the face, edge, etc (a hash perhaps?) which you could then check against to detect a change.
In my use case, I wanted to traverse the mesh in parallel and OpenMP didn't support the iterators. So I hold a vector of the Face_handles in memory which I can then easily index over. In conjunction with the _info data, you could use this to build a vector of edges,faces, etc with a guaranteed order using unique information in the ->info() field.
Another _info example.

Removing and adding children of a physics node

I am writing a Cocos2d V3, chipmunk game, which involves loading in a ccbfile - a node -, and initializing its class, called redLight. I then add that ccbfile with a certain number of children to an overarching level node, creat an array of redlight's, and then remove them as children of itself, and add them as children of the overarching level node.
When I remove a node and add it to another parent inside a physics body, its physics node's position is not transformed
I need to do this in order to make the redLight instance aware of its children, but add them to its parent so that any future positional calculations do not need to involve transforming the position of the children in its parent node (redLight) to its position in the overarching level node.
The problem I am facing is that when I execute the following code, under debug draw, the light's positions are transformed to the overarching level node, but the physics bodies are not. The character is supposed to collide with the physics bodies and then execute an action, but since the physicsbodies don't transform their position, nothing useful happens.
Here is my code:
for (int i = 0; i < [redLights count]; i++) {
lightSource *switchLight = [redLights objectAtIndex:i];
CGPoint diffPos = ccpAdd(switchLight.position, self.position);
[self removeChild:switchLight cleanup:NO];
switchLight.physicsBody = nil;
switchLight.position = diffPos;
//switchLight.physicsBody.absolutePosition = switchLight.position;
switchLight.physicsBody = [CCPhysicsBody bodyWithCircleOfRadius:[switchLight radius] andCenter:switchLight.position];
switchLight.physicsBody.type = CCPhysicsBodyTypeStatic;
[[[gameData sharedData].GamePlayNode level] addChild:switchLight];
switchLight.physicsBody.collisionType = #"redLight";
//switchLight.physicsBody.absolutePosition = switchLight.position;
I would appreciate help with this.
Of course, closer to release date, I will completely update the graphics and make the UX more remarkable with more interactivity, but now, I am focusing on the core gameplay
Transforms of CCNodes with physics bodies in Cocos2D 3.x are relative to the CCPhysicsNode not relative to the parent node ( This means there is no real alternative to setting the absolute position of the physics objects manually. Another option to move CCNodes with physics together with their parent would be using physics joints but that does not seem the right solution for this problem.

Handling player on turn with Objective C

I'm creating a simple app which has a list of characters and a list of (4) players, the players is simply a reference to a playable character.
I'm stuck on how to do the following:
Make a reference to the current player on turn
Find out who the next player on turn is
Handling the last player so that it will return to the first player on turn.
Ideally, I would like to be able to do AFTER, FIRST, LAST BEFORE commands on a NSMutableArray, of these I'm able to do lastObject, but there is no firstObject, afterObject, etc.
I believe you can fake BEFORE,AFTER,FIRST commands with objectAtIndex; but ideally I do not want to rely on numeric references because it could be incorrect -- also if its mutable, the size will always change.
Typically, I would be able to do the following in Pseudocode.
Global player_on_turn.player = Null //player_on_turn is a pointer to the player object
; Handle next player on turn
If (player_on_turn.player = Null) Then Error("No player on turn assigned")
If (sizeOf[playerList]==0) Then Error("There are no players in the game")
If After player_on_turn = null Then
; We reset it
player_on_turn.player = First player
; Move to the next player on turn
player_on_turn.player = After player_on_turn.player
End If
With this in mind, what is the best strategy to help handle a player on turn concept as described in the 1-2-3 example above.
It probably doesn’t matter what data structure you’re using - at some level you will have to rely on a numerical index (except if you are using linked lists). And this is alright. If you don’t want to use it in your main game implementation that is alright, too. Just create a class that encapsulates those things. First think of the operations you need it to support. My guess here would be those:
- (PlayerObject *) currentPlayer;
- (void) startNextTurn;
If you have this you can write your game using those primitives and worry about how to best implement that later. You can change those at any time without breaking your actual game.
My recommendation would be something like this:
- (PlayerObject *) currentPlayer; {
return [players objectAtIndex: currentPlayerIndex];
- (void) startNextTurn; {
if (currentPlayerIndex >= [players count]) {
currentPlayerIndex = 0;
Using the index there is OK, even if the array is mutable. If you have methods that change the player array they also can take care of the necessary changes to the currentPlayerIndex.
Having this object makes it easy to write unit tests. The global variable you suggest in your pseudo-code makes it impossible to write meaningful unit tests.
Use a State Pattern for the main runloop of the software. Draw it out as a diagram and create variables to control which state the system is in.
You should use a circular list of the players to return current, next, and previous players.
This is also a great question for GameDev on the Stack Exchange.
CocoaHeads puts out a relatively nice set of data objects, including a circular buffer.

create a process tree in C

How would I approach creating a process hierarchy that would look like a balanced ternary tree of depth N? ... meaning each process has 3 children so there would be (3^N-1)/2 processes in a tree of depth N. To create the new processes, I only want to use fork().
This is what I have so far but I don't think it works because I don't deal with process IDs and also I really don't think I should do this recursively:
void createTernaryTree(int n) {
if((n-1) == 0) return;
else {
int x;
for(x=0; x<3; x++) {
This bit does not look right to me:
for(x=0; x<3; x++) {
The problem is that both the parent and the child continue looping and do the recursion.
Based on the return from fork (0 in the child, > 0 in the parent, -1 on error), you should decide whether to loop or recurse.
The code shown would do the job The code shown would nearly do the job (but there's a subtle problem). The other difficulty would be showing that it does the job.
The problem is that the code doesn't behave differently for the child and the parent processes after the fork. The parent process needs to complete its loop. Each child needs to restart a loop at the next level:
for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) // C99
if (fork() == 0)
break; // Per comment from R Samuel Klatchko
pause(); // See below
You could (should) add a 'pause();' call after the loop; this would send the parent process into suspended animation until it receives a signal. You could then show that you have a tree of processes. Alternatively, use 'sleep(30)' or some other way of suspending the processes. You don't want them to exit immediately; they'll do that too quickly for you to be able to demonstrate the tree structure.
In theory, you might want to track whether 'fork()' succeeds; in practice, it isn't clear what you'd do differently except, perhaps, not try to create the second child if the first fails (but that's likely to fail anyway, so blindly trying is probably best in the circumstances - but remember that in other situations, it would usually matter a lot).
Trees are inherently recursive structures; using recursion to manage them is often the neatest way to deal with them. This looks like it is tail recursion which means that it can be converted into a looping structure fairly easily. However, managing a data structure to keep tabs on what is happening is going to be harder than just doing it recursively.