Saving WCF Data to isolated storage and reading it in WP7 - wcf

How can I store WCF Data or Odata to my WP7 isolated storage and also correctly read these objects later on?

I know this is CTP but its work taking a look considering the title has everything to do with what you asked:
Accessing WCF Data Services from WP7 CTP
Here's an article on how to save to isolated storage:
Working With Isolated Storage
Then of course check MSDN:
How to perform Isolated Storage Tasks

I know you don't want to hear this but it depends on the data and how you want to access it later.
For instance it may make sense to store the data in a database.
In all likelihood you will probably just want to serialize the response and store it in a file though. Then to retrieve it, just read from the file and deserialize.


Storing Uploaded Files in Azure Web Sites: File System or Azure Storage

When using Azure Web Sites (WAWS) general opinion seems to be that uploaded content such as photo's or files should be stored in Azure Storage Blobs and not in the WAWS File System.
Clearly using Azure Storage is a great idea if you have a lot of data and need scale and redundancy however for small or simple sites it seems to add another layer of complexity and also means you can't easily use things like ImageResizer without purchasing the Azure compatible licence etc.
So given that products like WordPress from the Azure Gallery uses "/site/wwwroot/wp-content/uploads/" to store all uploaded files on WAWS is there anything wrong with using the WAWS file system for storage or are there other considerations to take into account when using Azure WAWS?
The major drawback to using the WAWS storage is that your data is now intermingled with the application. By saving all of your plugins/images/blobs externally in a database or blob storage, you retain the flexibility to redeploy your application to a new region/datacenter by just pushing your code to the new website and changing connection strings.
If your plugins/images are stored on disk in WAWS, then you need to make sure that you are backing it up appropriately. If anything happens, you need to restore the site along with all of the data that had been uploaded.
Azure Web Sites is using Azure storage as a file storage so essentially the level of complexity you're talking about is abstracted.
Another great benefit that comes with this approach is if you scale your web site to multiple instances all of them will work with exact same file content.
Of course if you want to use pure Azure Storage features like snapshots or sharing specific content to specific users this is not available as is. But for the web site purposes is quite good.
Hope that helps

saving data for WCF Service in Windows Azure - very basic

I have a few (small size) tables, saved in Table Storage which I use only for reading from.
When my service starts, I'd like to read all tables, save the data in a data structure (i.e. List), and read from that List from there on.
Is there a way to do that, or must I read from the Table Storage each time I need data?
If there is a way, where should the List be declared, and where should it be initialized?
Azure cache may be the best route, but there is an obvious cost.
Could you declare the WCF service as a singleton and store the data as a static property?
You could use the Windows Azure Cache service to store the data. See
If your list is not too big, you could use the Windows Azure caching component . During the initialization process of your service, read the information from your tables, and stored it there. You are also asking where the list should declared and initialized. Are you also hosting your service on Windows Azure? Is this a web service runnig on IIS, or a windows service? Are you using WCF to expose your service?
I see others are suggesting static properties (good choice) and Azure Chache. Anyway it is good to cache the data if it is not often updated, and not read it every time from the Table Storage.
I want to give my two cents:
I would not use Azure Cahce if the data is small enough (1MB is small enough for me). Static property would do the work. But there is also something new to .NET 4.0 and obviously missing from most of programmes view. It's the System.Runtime.Caching namespace. I haven't presonally used it yet, but it seems to be a good for small local caches. You could use the MemoryCache object and store your data in-memory. And, of course program like against any other type of chache - in the getter of a property, check if data exists in the chache. If exists - return it. If does not exists - retrieve from tables, store in chache, and then return it.

Html5 local datastore, and sync across devices

I am building a full featured web application. Naturally, you can save when you are in 'offline' mode to the local datastore. I want to be able to sync across devices, so people can work on one machine, save, then get on another machine and load their stuff.
The questions are:
1) Is it a bad idea to store json on the server? Why parse the json on the server into model objects when it is just going to be passed back to the (other) client(s) as json?
2) Im not sure if I would want to try a NoSql technology for this. I am not breaking the json down, for now the only relationships in the db would be from a user account to their entries. Other than the user data, the domain model would be a String, which is the json. Advice welcome.
In theory, in the future I might want to do some processing on the server or set up more complicated relationships. In other words, right now I would just be saving the json, but in the future I might want a more traditional relational system. Would NoSQL approach get in the way of this?
3) Are there any security concerns with this? JS injection for example? In theory, for this use case, the user doesn't get to enter anything, at least right now.
Thank you in advance.
EDIT - Thanx for the answers. I chose the answer I did because it went into the most detail on the advantages and disadvantages of NoSql.
It's not a bad idea at all to store JSON on the server, especially if you go with a noSQL solution like MongoDB or CouchDB. Both use JSON as their native format(MongoDB actually uses BSON but it's quite similar).
noSQL Approach: Assuming CouchDB as the storage engine
Baked in replication and concurrency handling
Very simple Rest API, talk to the data base with HTTP.
Store data as JSON natively and not in blobs or text fields
Powerful View/Query engine that will allow you to continue to grow the complexity of your documents
Offline Mode. You can talk to CouchDb directly using javascript and have the entire app continue to run on the client if the internet isn't available.
Make sure you're parsing the JSON documents with the browers JSON.parse or a Javascript library that is safe(json2.js).
I think the reason I'd suggest going with noSQL here, CouchDB in particular, is that it's going to handle all of the hard stuff for you. Replication is going to be a snap to setup. You won't have to worry about concurrency, etc.
That said, I don't know what kind of App you're building. I don't know what your relationship is going to be to the clients and how easy it'll be to get them to put CouchDB on their machines.
CouchDB # Apache
CouchDB the definitive guide
After looking at the app I don't think CouchDB will be a good client side option as you're not going to require folks to install a database engine to play soduku. That said, I still think it'd be a great server side option. If you wanted to sync the server CouchDb instance with the client you could use something like BrowserCouch which is a JavaScript implementation of CouchDB for local-storage.
If most of your processing is going to be done on the client side using JavaScript, I don't see any problem in storing JSON directly on the server.
If you just want to play around with new technologies, you're most welcome to try something different, but for most applications, there isn't a real reason to depart from traditional databases, and SQL makes life simple.
You're safe as long as you use the standard JSON.parse function to parse JSON strings - some browsers (Firefox 3.5 and above, for example) already have a native version, while Crockford's json2.js can replicate this functionality in others.
Just read your post and I have to say I quite like your approach, it heralds the way many web applications will probably work in the future, with both an element of local storage (for disconnected state) and online storage (the master database - to save all customers records in one place and synch to other client devices).
Here are my answers:
1) Storing JSON on server: I'm not sure I would store the objects as JSON, its possible to do so if your application is quite simple, however this will hamper efforts to use the data (running reports and emailing them on a batch job for example). I would prefer to use JSON for TRANSFERRING the information myself and a SQL database for storing it.
2) NoSQL Approach: I think you've answered your own question there. My preferred approach would be to setup a SQL database now (if the extra resource needed is not a problem), that way you'll save yourself a bit of work setting up the data access layer for NoSQL since you will probably have to remove it in the future. SQLite is a good choice if you dont want a fully-featured RDBMS.
If writing a schema is too much hassle and you still want to save JSON on the server, then you can hash up a JSON object management system with a single table and some parsing on the server side to return relevant records. Doing this will be easier and require less permissioning than saving/deleting files.
3) Security: You mentioned there is no user input at the moment:
"for this use case, the user doesn't
get to enter anything"
However at the begining of the question you also mentioned that the user can
"work on one machine, save, then get
on another machine and load their
If this is the case then your application will be storing user data, it doesn't matter that you havent provided a nice GUI for them to do so, you will have to worry about security from more than one standpoint and JSON.parse or similar tools only solve half the the problem (client-side).
Basically, you will also have to check the contents of your POST request on the server to determine if the data being sent is valid and realistic. The integrity of the JSON object (or any data you are tying to save) will need to be validated on the server (using php or another similar language) BEFORE saving to your data store, this is because someone can easily bypass your javascript-layer "security" and tamper with the POST request even if you didnt intend them to do so and then your application will be sending the evil input out the client anyway.
If you have the server side of things tidied up then JSON.parse becomes a bit obsolete in terms of preventing JS injection. Still its not bad to have the extra layer, specially if you are relying on remote website APIs to get some of your data.
Hope this is useful to you.

Write-though caching of large data sets in WCF?

We've got a smart client that talks to a SQL Server database via WCF, displaying the entities in the database, and allowing the user to edit those entities.
Some of the WCF calls return a large data set. Since this data set doesn't change very often, I'm considering some sort of write-through cache on the client, and only getting the deltas from the WCF service.
That is: the client both reads from the service and writes to the service.
I'm not looking for disconnected/offline operation, but since the majority of the data doesn't change very often, I'd probably implement this with a local data store.
I don't want the local store to get too stale, and I don't think I'm too concerned about conflict resolution, because updates will always go straight to the WCF service -- think of it as a write-through cache.
Would Microsoft's Sync Framework be good for this? Could I use a local SQL-CE cache and perform the updates over WCF? The service end has a SQL Server 2005/2008 backend, but I don't want to talk to it directly. Does Sync Framework integrate well with WCF?
Are there other solutions out there? Should I roll something myself?
I don't think you have to couple it to WCF at all. FeedSync allows you to publish directly to an RSS feed.
The only that I'm not too sure about is if it would be suitable for a "large dataset" though. Since you don't need two way replication, if your dataset is extremely large, you might want to write your own WCF implementation to optimize it; especially for the initial population.

WCF/Silverlight/SQL DB Caching Strategies

Ok, I have a pretty complex silverlight app that gets its data from a WCF service ( hosted service layer) which in turn calls into a data layer that calls stored procedures in a SQL 2005 DB to extract the needed data. So the round trip goes like this:
Silverlight App --> WCF Service --> Data Layer --> DB --> Data Layer --> WCF Service transforms Data Entity into corresponding DTO (Data Transfer Object) or List<> thereof --> Silverlight App
Much of the data is highly relational (so it needs to exist in the DB), but it will change infrequently. It seems that I have several choices of locations to cache this "semi-constant" data:
I can cache it in the data layer. My data layer is already set up to use the SQLDependency class and cache the results from a stored procedure call. I think that this is or can be an application level cache.
I can cache the resulting DTO in an application level (or session level depending on the call) cache within the WCF service itself.
2(a) I could even take this a step further by serializing the XML for the resulting DTO(s) into a file on the WCF service side so that I could (a) check memory cache, then (b) check file cache and (c) hit the data layer
I could do something similar to 2(a) with isolated storage on the client side within the SL app. I could serialize the data to the local isolated storage with a hash (or a moddate or something) and then just make a call to check that.
One more thing to add: I am hosting this WCF service in IIS7 with dynamic compression turned on so that the (often very large and easily compressed) XML response gets gzip-ed. Ideally, it would seem, I would like IIS to cache this gzip-ed result to avoid all the extra processing. I think that it may do this already but I am not sure.
I am pretty sure that the final answer to this is some flavor of "it depends", but I would love to hear how others are approaching this. A good tactical recipe of Do X, Test Performance with tool Y, the do Z if needed would be great to have.
A few links (I will add to this as I research this):
WCF Caching Approach
If you have data that are user that will change quite rarely and need fast response, going for a custom mechanism bases on local storage is a great advantage quite faster than having to wait for a server roundtrip.
Dino Sposito published an interesting article about local storage and caching on MSDN Magazine there you can find as well an approach to catch assemblies (imagine just loading the minimum package required and just go loadin the rest of assemblies in background, ... performance rocket, more complexity on your code :)).
As you said is matter to go putting in a balance and decide.
My approach would be this:
Determine if there is actually a problem with performance (isn't it alreade acceptable to my users?)
Measure the performance at each teir (how long does it take the database to come up with data? how long does it take the service to respond with data? how much time does it take from the service to the client?)
Based on the measurements I would then determine where to do my caching. Remember that, the closer to your data storage you do caching, the easier it is, but the closer to the client you do caching, the better the performance gain (usually).
Also remember that caching should not be the first thing to do to improve performance. You should also look into other performance gains as well. Are the stored procedures slow? Is there a lot of overhead in the WCF messages? Is there some inefficient processing in the service? Do I realy need all that data in one message?
I think #2 is your best bet for maintainability and architecture. IIS provides caching, why not use it?
You don't want to have to reference System.Web from a data layer. Client side is not the best option either, because you'd have to write a bunch of additional code to keep the data synchronized.
Is System.Web caching even available to WCF when it's not running in ASP.NET compatible mode? Probably best not to depend on it and write your own.
On the other hand, look into Microsoft's Velocity project, which looks like it will produce a very interesting caching technology not dependant on ASP.NET.
We just recently implemented #3, the client-side caching using Isolated Storage.
In our app we have lot of drop downs and custom fields which the app used to get from the server every time it loads. Moving these data to IS really helped. The app now makes a call to check if there were any changes on the server, and if not - loads the data from the IS, otherwise ( which is pretty rare ) refreshes IS.
That eliminated a lot of WCF calls and data transfers, the SL pages' loading time is shorter, and the app in general became more scalable because of the reduced network traffic and db access.
Yes, there are some coding involved, but the benefits for the end users are essential.
If you use RIA Services, then a simple approach is to have two separate edmx definitions. One for cached entities, one for transactional ones.
One domain context can reference the entities on another domaincontext via AddReference see.
The cached entities could be loaded immediately after user has authenticated. For simplicity, transactional data should not load until cached entities have loaded.
Depending on the size of the cache, you may also wish to consider serializing these values to local storage.