Can I view the command line to be executed in IntelliJ - intellij-idea

I am trying to diagnose an issue I am having with IntelliJ 10.0.2 not being able to launch a run configuration due to an (potentially) excessively long command line. It is an 'OSGI Bundles' configuration using the Equinox Framework.
I would like to be able to get the command line that Idea is trying to execute so I can diagnose the issue but I'm not sure how to.
The 'run' tool window does not open but a tooltip appears above the 'run' tool window tab stating that the command line is too long and that this could potentially be solved by enabling a classpath file. However 'dynamic.classpath' has already been enabled and is working (I can run my unit tests only with this set to true).
Any thoughts? Thanks

I don't use a CLASSPATH in the command used to launch an app in IntelliJ. I add all the JARs I need as libraries when I configure the module. If those are making your run command unnecessarily long, perhaps using IntelliJ as it is intended will sort you out.


IntelliJ 2017.1.4 - Refusing to open terminal window

I recently downloaded the latest version of IntelliJ Ultimate (at this time, it is 2017.1.4) for work.
For some reason, I cannot get it to open a new terminal window. When clicking the plus button here:
...nothing happens. Additionally, nothing shows up in the event log. I restarted IntelliJ, my computer, and did the "invalidate caches and restart" option.
Any ideas? Is there a log file I can look at?
It could be a known issue that is already fixed in 2017.2.
Another possible case is that the native terminal library fails to initialize on your system (check idea.log for exceptions). This can be caused by an antivirus or a corrupted IDE installation.
Thanks to #CrazyCoder for reminding me to check idea.log - the native terminal library, as well as other plugins, failed to initialize.
The root cause of the issue is that at my workplace, there is a security restriction to not run any executable that exists outside of C:\Program Files. As a result, IntelliJ cannot run certain plugins, jars, etc. that exist outside of that location, because it will attempt to execute them from your user directory.
To fix this, in IntelliJ, go to Help > Edit Custom Properties and point the config and system path to a known path where you can run executables, like so:
# custom IntelliJ IDEA properties
idea.config.path=C:\\Program Files\\JetBrains\\.IntelliJIdea2017.2\\config
idea.system.path=C:\\Program Files\\JetBrains\\.IntelliJIdea2017.2\\system
You will need to make sure to copy the contents of both directories to the new location. Hopefully this helps anyone else who runs into this issue.

Did something Change with Pycharm 2016.3.2 - UnitTests no longer auto discovered

I have upgraded my Community version of PyCharm to 2016.3.2, and I'm not positive it was this exact version, but when I went to run files that had unittests in them, only some of them are recognized as UnitTests that I can right click and run.
I have looked to make sure that my classes implement unittest.TestCase
class clWorkflowWebClientTest(unittest.TestCase):
all of my tests begin with test_blahblah()
If I go into Edit Configurations and add one manually, I can right click and run it from the project tree, and it runs as a UnitTest. But I don't get the "Run UnitTests in Blah' dialog when I right click the file.
This turned out to be an issue I caused myself. we had added a folder called 'UnitTest' and introducing this to the path caused issues with PyCharm knowing what was a true UnitTest file.
I still don't know exactly what caused some files to work, but there appears to be one method in those files that did work that was probably being imported from another file that had the proper pathing.

How do I run a EXE Go executable from within IntelliJ IDEA?

I have a Go program which I'm working on in IntelliJ IDEA on a Windows machine. The program's structure is a little unconventional (don't want to go into detail here as its besides the point) because of which I first have to compile the program using the following command:
go build -o cli.exe
And then I can run cli.exe directly in the command prompt.
But how do I configure the run configuration in IntelliJ IDEA so that it doesn't mind running a Windows executable ? Because if I try to tell it to run an EXE file as it's run configuration, it gives me error "Main file is invalid"
How do I solve this ?
Make sure you have a file name (not a folder name) in field File on Run/Debug Configuration window (In IntelliJ IDEA go to menu Run->Edit Configuration...->your_configuration). That was my case.
You may be able to install the Bash plugin on Windows, then create a run configuration using the Bash plugin, and just run your executable from a script.
Create a Go Application run configuration and that should work. You can choose to run either a file or a package. If you would share more details then the answer would be more complete. If you still have an issue with this, please open an issue to the bug tracker and I'll be able to help out (please follow the issue template there).

Gradle Script parameters(such as -Penv) with Intellij

I've been using Eclipse for a while and am trying out Intellij now.
I checked out my project from Git (via Intellij) and recognized it as a gradle project. Its created the WAR(& the exploded WAR) all of which are fine.
When I was using Eclipse, I used the command:
gradlew -Penv=Development :my_webapp:assemble
This used to do a few things including creating a file that my dev specific env could use (for selecting database instances etc) based off of -Penv=Development...I'd like the Intellij gradle build to do the same... What's a way to configure Intellij's gradle process to do these custom things or provide same features as provided by this specific command line tool (Note - the code for this is already written in build.gradle file)...
I looked at some of Intellij's docs, but could not find an answer to this.
I've found the solution, for anyone interested - read on...
Seeking guidance from #Stanislav, I was able to add the property as follows:
In your server's run configuration (Run/Debug Configuration -->Your server's config(Jetty etc), there is a section called Before launch, which should have Make/Build Gradle already included
Hit the + sign -->Run Gradle Task --> Select your gradle project (i.e. the web app) --> Select the task (most likely loadEnvironmentConfiguration) --> set the script parameters such as -Penv=Development, hit OK
Move this to before the Build Gradle function (by using the up arrow - to the right of + sign you hit in step 2)
It seems, that you need to create your specific run or debug configuration. You can read about it in official IntelliJ Idea help. All you need, is to modify your configuration for the task you need, by providing the argument -Penv=Development, since it is running with gradle.
You may also need to define Gradle instance, which will be used via settings, if the defaul wrapper wont work for you. You can find almost all you need in the the official help.

How to run sbt-assembly tasks from within IntelliJ IDEA?

Is it possible to run sbt-assembly from within IntelliJ IDEA?
Also I read in the doc that one could add task within the SBT Tool window. But what I see is that it only helps you view your project not task? I cannot add any tasks there. How does the Tool window work exactly?
I have the last version of IntelliJ IDEA.
You can find the SBT plugin useful for your needs. With it, you can execute any tasks or command available in your build so sbt-assembly ones should work, too.
The plugin gives you SBT Console in which you start a sbt shell as if you were running it on the command line. The plugin gives you a more IDEA-like environment to work with the interactive console.
This answer is now out-of-date.
IntelliJ now allows you to create a run configuration for an SBT task. You create the Run Configuration by :
choosing "Edit configurations" from the "Run" menu (or the toolbar
click the "+" button to add a configuration and select
"SBT Task" as the type of configuration you want to make.
fill out the details such as the name of the task and the
working directory if necessary
You can now run the task in the same way as any other run configuration; select it in the run configuration popup in the toolbar and click the run button (or if you're one of those keyboard-only people press shift-ctrl-r and select the task from the popup that appears)
official documentation here :