I Have a Table (Accommodation) with All information about a holiday home. Inc ID Name etc.
I have another Table (Schedule) with a Schedule ID, Date and Price
I have a final table to join the two (SchdAccom) with A schdaccom id, the AccomodationID and Schdule ID.
What this allows is me to add dates a holiday home is available for use by linking its id with an id of a date and 1 home can link with many dates/price.
Heres my issue I can query this fine no problem works great but im unsure how to go about inserting new ones. For instance, at the moment you as an admin select the holiday home click a button to see the dates and a gridview pulls this info. I want to be able to add more dates but the tableadapter wont generate insert code.
Any idea on how to go about this?
The best method would be to generate SQL that would inject data into both tables when you submit the request. Because you're working with 2 different tables, you're going to have to write a bit of manual code.
I would like to create an SQL query for a "Role Call" which would show me the people who are inside the building only. Each person has his own access card and has to go in or out of the building using 1 of 4 turnstiles. So far I managed to retrieve the 4 turnstiles (in and out) data for todays date. I need to filter the list to only show people who had an "in" entry but did not leave yet. People can come and go as they please and use any of the 4 turnstiles and have multiple "ins" and "outs" per day.
I am bit stuck here how to do this.
I am joining 2 tables which have the device information (turnstiles) and the log of all swiped cards. I am filtering for the turnstiles data only and todays date.
SELECT [dbo].[lACLog].[LogID],[dbo].[lACLog].[LogDate],[dbo].[lACLog].[DeviceAddress],[dbo].[pPeriphery].[Name],[dbo].[pPeriphery].[PeripheryUID],
FROM [dbo].[lACLog]
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[pPeriphery]
ON [dbo].[lACLog].[DeviceAddress]=[dbo].[pPeriphery].[DeviceAddress]
WHERE [dbo].[lACLog].[LogDate]>=CAST(GETDATE()AS Date) AND [dbo].[pPeriphery].[PeripheryUID]
IN ('2130B72E-D8E9-4269-B6B0-68BEC95CB483',
I have a table with 2 date fields and other columns. I have to be able to show stats on some of these columns between 2 dates that can be selected from a dropdown list.
All of this must be done in Apex. The client must be able to select a Start Date and an End date and then the count of for instance the number of Referrals between 01/SEP/17 and 30/SEP/17 must be shown.
The SQL code I used in Oracle to achieve this is:
'Total Referrals' as Details,
count(REFERRED) as Total
I am now struggling to get this build in Apex. I only started working with Apex when I was brought onto this project. Have never worked with this before and am currently the only one working on it.
You can create 2 seperate page items and make them datepicker fields (P1_EVENT_DATE and P1_EVENT_DATE_END)
Your SQL query could look like this:
Total Referrals as Details
, count(REFERRED) as Total
Then you need to make an dynamic action (on change of one of the items, or make a go button) which submits the page or refreshes the report region (then you have to set the page items into the session state).
Something like this
I am new to SQL Server. I have been assigned to do some simple queries to start off, then eventually move on to more complex queries.
I have spent a lot of time on this website: http://www.w3schools.com and I understand it, I think, but then when I go back to my company's database, I find myself searching from many, many, different tables with different information.
For example, a table would say [Acct_Name] and the query comes back with not the correct account name (s) that I need. Any advice that you think might help me? Thank you.
It sounds like you are looking to limit your results to specific accounts. There are many ways to go about this, so no one will be able to give you a all encompassing answer but if you are looking to just pull a single account
SELECT * FROM (your table name) WHERE Acct_Name = 'the account name'
The * means you are selecting all columns in the table and your WHERE clause is where you set your search conditionals, like account name or by account ID. If you had a account creation date, you could get all accounts created on or before a date like this
SELECT * FROM (your table name) WHERE Created < '2016-06-01 00:00:00'
Replace the column name 'Created' with the column that holds the date field of account creation
Learning the WHERE clause and what you can do there to limit your results will get you on a solid footing to start, from there you will want to learn JOINs and how to link tables by primary keys.
Code academy has some great tutorials https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-sql
Been rattling my brain for a while and I could not get pass how to do the SQL query that will show the relationship/connections between my two tables.
I'm working on an IT equipment inventory program. I have two tables;
SELECT serial_number, model, ship_dat, status FROM items_list
SELECT item_serial, connected-to_serial FROM connections
All items like desktops, laptops, monitors, etc are on the items_list table. To track down the relationship/connections of the items, I created the connections table. IE, Monitor with serial_number=Screen#1 is connected to a Desktop with serial_number=Serial#1. It works ok with my Window Form application because I
used a datagridview control to list all devices simple SQL query.
However, when trying to show the relationship/connection on SQL Reports I've ran out of ideas how to do it. I'm aiming to get the report look like below or something along the lines. I just need to show the connections between the items.
Thank you
You should be able to do this with a table in SSRS if that is what you are using. The query you would need to drive the table of all related items would be:
SELECT item_serial, connected-to_serial, mainItem.*, connectedItem.*
FROM connections
INNER JOIN items_list mainItem ON connections.item_serial = items_list.serial_number
INNER JOIN items_list connectedItem ON connections.connected-to_serial = connectedItem.serial_number
You can of course tailor the SELECT statement to your needs, mainItem.* and connectedItem.* will not give you the most descriptive column names. Using column aliases (found under column_alias here) you can give a more descriptive name to each column.
From here you should be able to use a table and create a row group on the main item (either name or serial number) to get the type of look you are looking to achieve here. I believe the Report Wizard actually has most of the functionality you are looking for and should handle the bulk of this. You may have to move some of the cells around to get the look you are going for though.
In MS Access I have 3 tables:
to store users information
tblCourse(CourseID,...)to store course information
tblInformation(CourseID,UserID,...)to store which user takes which cCourse
I need to make a report that shows me how many (teen,adult,old) users each company has, and that company take which course, and how many users in each company take each course.
Example report how I would want it to look, made in Excel
+ tables with some data:
Based on the data in your tables in the screenshot, I created this query:
SELECT tblUsers.Company, tblCourses.CourseName, tblUsers.Age
FROM (tblInformation LEFT JOIN tblCourses ON tblInformation.CourceCode = tblCourses.Course) LEFT JOIN tblUsers ON tblInformation.UserID = tblUsers.UserID;
Which resulted in this data:
I then put this data into a spreadsheet formatted as a table (you can either export it to spreadsheet and then format the data as a table or link your spreadsheet to this query in Access; linking is better in my opinion because you can just refresh the spreadsheet for new data from Access):
Highlighting the above table in Excel, I inserted a pivot table, and set up the fields in this configuration:
...which creates this pivot table:
Is this what you're after?
Please see my comment above, but this link might prove useful in your investigation.
Create a Simple Report