Business Entity - should lists be exposed only as ReadOnlyCollections? - oop

In trying to centralize how items are added, or removed from my business entity classes, I have moved to the model where all lists are only exposed as ReadOnlyCollections and I provide Add and Remove methods to manipulate the objects in the list.
Here is an example:
public class Course
public string Name{get; set;}
public class Student
private List<Course>_courses = new List<Course>();
public string Name{get; set;}
public ReadOnlyCollection<Course> Courses {
get{ return _courses.AsReadOnly();}
public void Add(Course course)
if (course != null && _courses.Count <= 3)
public bool Remove(Course course)
bool removed = false;
if (course != null && _courses.Count <= 3)
removed = _courses.Remove(course);
return removed;
Part of my objective in doing the above is to not end up with an Anemic data-model (an anti-pattern) and also avoid having the logic that adds and removes courses all over the place.
Some background: the application I am working with is an application, where the lists used to be exposed as a list previously, which resulted in all kinds of ways in which Courses were added to the Student (some places a check was made and others the check was not made).
But my question is: is the above a good idea?

Yes, this is a good approach, in my opinion you're not doing anything than decorating your list, and its better than implementing your own IList (as you save many lines of code, even though you lose the more elegant way to iterate through your Course objects).
You may consider receiving a validation strategy object, as in the future you might have a new requirement, for ex: a new kind of student that can have more than 3 courses, etc

I'd say this is a good idea when adding/removing needs to be controlled in the manner you suggest, such as for business rule validation. Otherwise, as you know from previous code, there's really no way to ensure that the validation is performed.
The balance that you'll probably want to reach, however, is when to do this and when not to. Doing this for every collection of every kind seems like overkill. However, if you don't do this and then later need to add this kind of gate-keeping code then it would be a breaking change for the class, which may or may not be a headache at the time.
I suppose another approach could be to have a custom descendant of IList<T> which has generic gate-keeping code for its Add() and Remove() methods which notifies the system of what's happening. Something like exposing an event which is raised before the internal logic of those methods is called. Then the Student class would supply a delegate or something (sorry for being vague, I'm very coded-out today) when instantiating _courses to apply business logic to the event and cancel the operation (throw an exception, I imagine) if the business validation fails.
That could be overkill as well, depending on the developer's disposition. But at least with something a little more engineered like this you get a single generic implementation for everything with the option to add/remove business validation as needed over time without breaking changes.

I've done that in the past and regretted it: a better option is to use different classes to read domain objects than the ones you use to modify them.
For example, use a behavior-rich Student domain class that jealously guards its ownership of courses - it shouldn't expose them at all if student is responsible for them - and a StudentDataTransferObject (or ViewModel) that provides a simple list of strings of courses (or a dictionary when you need IDs) for populating interfaces.


How to determine which class should have a specified method

This is a question regarding the concept of OOP.
Let's say I'm creating a game and I have a few objects:
Field - representig some field on the map.
User - representing a player.
Item - representing an item that user can have (for example shovel)
Now I know that player can dig a field using shovel. And this action will be a method of one of those classes. Is there some rule to determine which of those classes should have this method.
The most obvious performer of this action is the player (User), so User class could have method like digField(Field field). But actually the field itself is most affected by this action, so maybe it shold be the Field class method, like dig(User performer) or dig(Item toolUsed). Or maybe the Item itself should have a child class like Tool with a method like digField(Field field).
There are lots of ways to solve this problem and I was just wondering if there is some kind of simple best practice there.
Like said in other answers, it depends on what else is happening (or can happen in the future).
For example, for digging there can be some options:
user.digField(field, tool): this way can be helpful when your user also needs to spend time, or maybe he gets tired, i.e. use this way if you want to FOCUS on the user.
field.dig(user, tool): this way can be helpful when the field itself should be focussed on, like setting the status of the field.
tool.dig(user, field): this way can be used to change e.g. the status of the tool, or the maintenance needed.
However, in most cases there are a multiple of statuses/changes need to be set. So maybe it is best to create a separate class Action like:
public class Action
public void DigField(User user, Location location, Tool tool)
user.Status = Digging;
user.Energy -= 50;
location.Status = Digging;
tool.Status = Digging;
As you can see this function may grow as action might get more complex. So what is a good way to call separate functions in the appropriate classes, like a mix:
public class Action
public void DigField(User user, Location location, Tool tool)
public class User
public void DigField()
Status = Digging;
Energy -= 50;
public class Field
public void Dig()
Status = Digging;
public class Tool
public void Dig()
Status = Digging;
This has the advantage to keep the functionality where it belongs.
Nothing prevents you from passing parameters, like if the energy drain for auser depends on the type of field, use:
public class User
public void DigField(Field field)
Status = Digging;
Energy -= field.Type == Clay ? 30 : 20;
It depends on the rest of your game. You can't architect your classes without thinking about all of it. So questions such as:
Are there many tools, do they perform different actions on different objects?
Are there many types of land masses (field, stream, etc)
Does the user have any effect (such as with strength) on the action
These types of questions are useful to think about before laying out your classes. As an example, if you have many different tools, then you could tie the digging with the shovel, which will detail what it does to different types of land (and which ones it can work with). Then maybe there is a tractor, which does something different to the land.
One last thought, the closer your classes match the real world, the better the classes work as the code expands. In other words, if you were describing a shovel to someone who has never seen one, your class should model itself after that kind of description.
This not a case of overloading, I think you have recognise the complexity but you are trying to escape it. It's been you take time to model it now,it may be costly later.
Here is what I think:
User object performs the action so it must have the User.Dig() method. Maybe you can decide to pass in an Item object (eg Shovel).
Field object reacts to the action (Dig) of the User object. You now have to determine what this reaction is. Also you determine what the action is.
Like you said there are likely many approach and I think game engines have solved problems like this but I don't use them so I can't recommend. If I would have to model what explain I first try out Observable Pattern
Good luck

OOP design - many objects each with unique interactions to limited subset of others

If class A has a unique interaction with each of classes B, C and D, should the code for the interaction be in A or in B, C and D?
I am writing a little game whereby lots of objects can have unique interactions with other objects. For example, an EMP hits a sentry gun and disables it. It could also hit a grenade and detonate it, it could also hit a player and applying a slowing effect.
My question is, should this code go in the EMP class, or be spread amongst all the other classes? My gut tells me to do this polymorphically so that I simply tell each class to deal with the EMP strike however it likes, which would allow me to add more items and change how they deal with the EMP without changing the EMP code.
However, the EMP only currently interacts with about 4 out of 50 of my objects, so filling 46 objects with empty RespondToEMP() calls seems wrong. It also seems somewhat unintuitive, if I decide to remove the EMP, I need to change every other class, and the EMP class itself ends up fairly tiny. It also means if I want to change how the EMP behaves I need to go looking through all the different classes to find all the possible usages. Additionally, if the EMP has some generic effects such as an explosion, this effect would definitely be inside the EMP code, away from all the other effects which would be distributed.
My thoughts would be that sentry gun, grenade and player should all be implementing a common interface that enforces the method RespondToEMP. This way, if you later decide that one of your other 46 objects can be hit by an EMP, you'll know to implement this interface.
you may want to consider if you have more than 2 things interacting together take a look at my answer to Managing inter-object relationships
You are right, having a dummy method is a code smell. There are a couple ways to get around this:
Switch statements to handle events works well if you expect to add more objects because you will avoid having to modify events when you add more objects:
enum Event { EMP, Bomb }
class SentryGun {
void handleEvent(Event e) { switch(e) {
case EMP: disable();
void disable() {}
class Grenade {
void handleEvent(Event e) { switch(e) {
case EMP: detonate();
void detonate() {}
Events that visit objects works well if you expect to add more events because you avoid having to modify every object that can now react to that event:
class EMP {
void hit(SentryGun object) {
void hit(Grenade object) {
This isnt the most elegant solution, but one thing that you could do is to have a base class that your objects extend that have a default behavior for an event, and objects could override it if there was something to do.
In your case at some point you need to distinguish objects that can interact or not. There are three options:
Common interface with possibly empty implementations
interface and checking whether object implements it
define some map/table with interactions and reactions
As first two were presented in other answers I will describe third option.
We define mapping: Thing x Object -> Command. In this case EMP_hit would be Thing (maybe names could be better ..), potentially contain information about its source. Objects would be all your stuff. Command would be similar to Command Pattern (see I would store this in maps instead of table to keep only non-empty Commands and use some String IDs that would be shared across Things/Objects of the same class to find proper entries in this mapping.
This solution has this advantage that you can define it in some config file or/and change dynamically in the run-time. No recompiatlion would be needed to change configuration

Type conversion when iterating over a collection of super-type. Alternatives?

This is quite a common problem I run into. Let's hear your solutions. I'm going to use an Employee-managing application as an example:-
We've got some entity classes, some of which implement a particular interface.
public interface IEmployee { ... }
public interface IRecievesBonus { int Amount { get; } }
public class Manager : IEmployee, IRecievesBonus { ... }
public class Grunt : IEmployee /* This company sucks! */ { ... }
We've got a collection of Employees that we can iterate over. We need to grab all the objects that implement IRecievesBonus and pay the bonus.
The naive implementation goes something along the lines of:-
foreach(Employee employee in employees)
IRecievesBonus bonusReciever = employee as IRecievesBonus;
if(bonusReciever != null)
or alternately in C#:-
foreach(IRecievesBonus bonusReciever in employees.OfType<IRecievesBonus>())
We cannot modify the IEmployee interface to include details of the child type as we don't want to pollute the super-type with details that only the sub-type cares about.
We do not have an existing collection of only the subtype.
We cannot use the Visitor pattern because the element types are not stable. Also, we might have a type which implements both IRecievesBonus and IDrinksTea. Its Accept method would contain an ambiguous call to visitor.Visit(this).
Often we're forced down this route because we can't modify the super-type, nor the collection e.g. in .NET we may need to find all the Buttons on this Form via the child Controls collection. We may need to do something to the child types that depends on some aspect of the child type (e.g. the bonus amount in the example above).
Strikes me as odd that there isn't an "accepted" way to do this, given how often it comes up.
1) Is the type conversion worth avoiding?
2) Are there any alternatives I haven't thought of?
Péter Török suggests composing Employee and pushing the type conversion further down the object tree:-
public interface IEmployee
public IList<IEmployeeProperty> Properties { get; }
public interface IEmployeeProperty { ... }
public class DrinksTeaProperty : IEmployeeProperty
int Sugars { get; set; }
bool Milk { get; set; }
foreach (IEmployee employee in employees)
foreach (IEmployeeProperty property in employee.Propeties)
// Handle duplicate properties if you need to.
// Since this is just an example, we'll just
// let the greedy ones have two cups of tea.
DrinksTeaProperty tea = property as DrinksTeaProperty;
if (tea != null)
MakeTea(tea.Sugers, tea.Milk);
In this example it's definitely worth pushing these traits out of the Employee type - particularly because some managers might drink tea and some might not - but we still have the same underlying problem of the type conversion.
Is it the case that it's "ok" so long as we do it at the right level? Or are we just moving the problem around?
The holy grail would be a variant on the Visitor pattern where:-
You can add element members without modifying all the visitors
Visitors should only visit types they're interested in visiting
The visitor can visit the member based on an interface type
Elements might implement multiple interfaces which are visited by different visitors
Doesn't involve casting or reflection
but I appreciate that's probably unrealistic.
I would definitely try to resolve this with composition instead of inheritance, by associating the needed properties/traits to Employee, instead of subclassing it.
I can give an example partly in Java, I think it's close enough to your language (C#) to be useful.
public enum EmployeeProperty {
public class Employee {
Set<EmployeeProperty> properties;
// methods to add/remove/query properties
And the modified loop would look like this:
foreach(Employee employee in employees) {
if (employee.getProperties().contains(EmployeeProperty.RECEIVES_BONUS)) {
This solution is much more flexible than subclassing:
it can trivially handle any combination of employee properties, while with subclassing you would experience a combinatorial explosion of subclasses as the number of properties grow,
it trivially allows you to change Employee properties runtime, while with subclassing this would require changing the concrete class of your object!
In Java, enums can have properties or (even virtual) methods themselves - I don't know whether this is possible in C#, but in the worst case, if you need more complex properties, you can implement them with a class hierarchy. (Even in this case, you are not back to square one, since you have an extra level of indirection which gives you the flexibility described above.)
You are right that in the most general case (discussed in the last sentence above) the type conversion problem is not resolved, just pushed one level down on the object graph.
In general, I don't know a really satisfying solution to this problem. The typical way to handle it is using polymorphism: pull up the common interface and manipulate the objects via that, thus eliminating the need for downcasts. However, in cases when the objects in question do not have a common interface, what to do? It may help to realize that in these cases the design does not reflect reality well: practically, we created a marker interface solely to enable us to put a bunch of distinct objects into a common collection, but there is no semantical relationship between the objects.
So I believe in these cases the awkwardness of downcasts is a signal that there may be a deeper problem with our design.
You could implement a custom iterator that only iterates over the IRecievesBonus types.

Is this a ddd anti-pattern?

Is it a violation of the Persistance igorance to inject a repository interface into a Entity object Like this. By not using a interface I clearly see a problem but when using a interface is there really a problem? Is the code below a good or bad pattern and why?
public class Contact
private readonly IAddressRepository _addressRepository;
public Contact(IAddressRepository addressRepository)
_addressRepository = addressRepository;
private IEnumerable<Address> _addressBook;
public IEnumerable<Address> AddressBook
if(_addressBook == null)
_addressBook = _addressRepository.GetAddresses(this.Id);
return _addressBook;
It's not exactly a good idea, but it may be ok for some limited scenarios. I'm a little confused by your model, as I have a hard time believing that Address is your aggregate root, and therefore it wouldn't be ordinary to have a full-blown address repository. Based on your example, you probably are actually using a table data gateway or dao rather than a respository.
I prefer to use a data mapper to solve this problem (an ORM or similar solution). Basically, I would take advantage of my ORM to treat address-book as a lazy loaded property of the aggregate root, "Contact". This has the advantage that your changes can be saved as long as the entity is bound to a session.
If I weren't using an ORM, I'd still prefer that the concrete Contact repository implementation set the property of the AddressBook backing store (list, or whatever). I might have the repository set that enumeration to a proxy object that does know about the other data store, and loads it on demand.
You can inject the load function from outside. The new Lazy<T> type in .NET 4.0 comes in handy for that:
public Contact(Lazy<IEnumerable<Address>> addressBook)
_addressBook = addressBook;
private Lazy<IEnumerable<Address>> _addressBook;
public IEnumerable<Address> AddressBook
get { return this._addressBook.Value; }
Also note that IEnumerable<T>s might be intrinsically lazy anyhow when you get them from a query provider. But for any other type you can use the Lazy<T>.
Normally when you follow DDD you always operate with the whole aggregate. The repository always returns you a fully loaded aggregate root.
It doesn't make much sense (in DDD at least) to write code as in your example. A Contact aggregate will always contain all the addresses (if it needs them for its behavior, which I doubt to be honest).
So typically ContactRepository supposes to construct you the whole Contact aggregate where Address is an entity or, most likely, a value object inside this aggregate.
Because Address is an entity/value object that belongs to (and therefore managed by) Contact aggregate it will not have its own repository as you are not suppose to manage entities that belong to an aggregate outside this aggregate.
Resume: always load the whole Contact and call its behavior method to do something with its state.
Since its been 2 years since I asked the question and the question somewhat misunderstood I will try to answer it myself.
Rephrased question:
"Should Business entity classes be fully persistance ignorant?"
I think entity classes should be fully persistance ignorant, because you will instanciate them many places in your code base so it will quickly become messy to always have to inject the Repository class into the entity constructor, neither does it look very clean. This becomes even more evident if you are in need of injecting several repositories. Therefore I always use a separate handler/service class to do the persistance jobs for the entities. These classes are instanciated far less frequently and you usually have more control over where and when this happens. Entity classes are kept as lightweight as possible.
I now always have 1 Repository pr aggregate root and if I have need for some extra business logic when entities are fetched from repositories I usually create 1 ServiceClass for the aggregate root.
By taking a tweaked example of the code in the question as it was a bad example I would do it like this now:
Instead of:
public class Contact
private readonly IContactRepository _contactRepository;
public Contact(IContactRepository contactRepository)
_contactRepository = contactRepository;
public void Save()
I do it like this:
public class Contact
public class ContactService
private readonly IContactRepository _contactRepository;
public ContactService(IContactRepository contactRepository)
_contactRepository = contactRepository;
public void Save(Contact contact)

Using NHibernate Collection Filters with DDD collections

I am trying to map a domain model in NHibernate. The domain model is implemented with what I think is DDD style. The mapping works mostly but then when I try to use a collection filter on an a collection I get an exception which says: The collection was unreferenced.
I know the problem comes from how I've implemented the collection. My question: Is it possible to use collection filters in nHibernate on collections implemented this way or should I just forget it, i.e. nHibernate cannot work with this.
The code is as follows:
IList<Address> _addresses = new List<Address>();
public string FirstName {get; set;}
public void addAddress(Address address)
// ... do some checks or validation
public void removeAddress(Address address) {...}
public ReadOnlyCollection<Address> Addresses
get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<Address>(_addresses); }
The main issue is that I don't want to expose the internal addresses collection publicly.
Every other thing works, I use the field.camelcase-underscore access so nHibernate interacts directly with the field. I've been working through the Hibernate in Action book, an now I'm in chapter 7 where it deals with collection filters.
Is there any way around this. I've got it to work by exposing the internal collection like this:
public ReadOnlyCollection<Address> Addresses
get { return _addresses; }
but I really dont want to do this.
Help would really be appreciated.
If I recall correctly - NHibernate filter works as additional clause in sql queries to reduce returned rows from db.
My question to You is - why do You need that?
I mean - how much addresses one person might have? 1? 5? 10?
About collection isolation...
I myself just accept it as a sacrifice for NHibernate (just like argument-less ctor's and "virtual`ity") and use exposed IList everywhere (with private setters) just to reduce technical complexity. Their contents surely can be modified from outside, but I just don't do that.
It's more important to keep code easily understandable than making it super safe. Safety will follow.