Testing in Lisp - testing

I am new to Lisp, and I am learning Scheme through the SICP videos. One thing that seems not to be covered (at least at the point where I am) is how to do testing in Lisp.
In usual object oriented programs there is a kind of horizontal separation of concerns: methods are tied to the object they act upon, and to decompose a problem you need to fragment it in the construction of several objects that can be used side by side.
In Lisp (at least in Scheme), a different kind of abstraction seems prevalent: in order to attack a problem you design a hierarchy of domain specific languages, each of which is buil upon the previous one and acts at a coarser level of detail and higher level of abstraction.
(Of course this is a very rough description, and objects can be used vertically, or even as building blocks of DSLs.)
I was wondering whether this has some effect on testing best practices. So the quetsion is two-fold:
What are the best practices while testing in Lisp? Are unit tests as fundamental as in other languages?
What are the main test frameworks (if any) for Lisp? Are there mocking frameworks as well? Of course this will depend on the dialect, but I'd be interested in answers for Scheme, CL, Clojure or other Lisps.

Here's a Clojure specific answer, but I expect most of it would be equally applicable to other Lisps as well.
Clojure has its own testing framework called clojure.test. This lets you simply define assertions with the "is" macro:
(deftest addition
(is (= 4 (+ 2 2)))
(is (= 7 (+ 3 4))))
In general I find that unit testing in Clojure/Lisp follows very similar best practices to testing for other languages. It's the sample principle: you want to write focused tests that confirm your assumptions about a specific piece of code behaviour.
The main differences / features I've noticed in Clojure testing are:
Since Clojure encourages functional programming, it tends to be the case that tests are simpler to write because you don't have to worry as much about mutable state - you only need to confirm that the output is correct for a given input, and not worry about lots of setup code etc.
Macros can be handy for testing - e.g. if you want to generate a large number of tests that follow a similar pattern programatically
It's often handy to test at the REPL to get a quick check of expected behaviour. You can then copy the test code into a proper unit test if you like.
Since Clojure is a dynamic language you may need to write some extra tests that check the type of returned objects. This would be unnecessary in a statically typed language where the compiler could provide such checks.

RackUnit is the unit-testing framework that's part of Racket, a language and implementation that grew out of Scheme. Its documentation contains a chapter about its philosophy: http://docs.racket-lang.org/rackunit/index.html.

Two testing frameworks that I am aware of for Common Lisp are Stefil (in two flavours, hu.dwim.stefil and the older stefil), FiveAM, and lisp-unit. Searching in the quicklisp library list also turned up "unit-test", "xlunit", and monkeylib-test-framework.
I think that Stefil and FiveAM are most commonly used.
You can get all from quicklisp.
Update: Just seen on Vladimir Sedach's blog: Eos, which is claimed to be a drop-in replacement for FiveAM without external dependencies.


OOP Performance after compilation

I got into a conversation with someone about OOP, who said that OOP costs to much performance. Now I know that in some cases it might, but as I see it, it would depend on different things.
Language execution. In languages using an interpretor, I can see that it could be a possibility. But what about compiled language like C++ or half compiled like Java? In any case it would just slow down the compilation vs. C, but as native or byte code I would think that the compilers would have optimized it to a point where this is not a problem.
Language structure. If we take PHP as an example, it is quite a flexible language with little rules. Java on the other hand uses strict naming schemes, strict file structure rules and is strict about data types. This speeds up lookup quite a bit. What if we used the same rules in PHP? Made it 100% OOP and adapted the same rules as Java has, would this not speed up PHP?
I found a really great OOP example, but this example does not prove the upside of OOP, but rather the upside of overview and structure. It's no problem using PP to do the same, at least not in PHP.
OOP is a very moot term and that's why your question is moot as well.
On the most generic level, OOP is about objects (let's not dive into what they are) encapsulating some state and passing each other messages to enquire or change that state. As you can see, these objects might be processes running on separate network-connected machines and message passing might be done quite literally—by passing messages of some application-level protocol over that network; this is the one extreme. The opposite edge of this spectrum is, say, C or C++ or Object Pascal etc which are compiled down to machine instructions and in which objects are just memory regions. I reckon the only "interesting" topic is a language on this side of the OOP spectrum, right?
In this, down-to-machine, level, the only relevant slow down I perceive is dynamic dispatch which is what is typically used to implement implementation inheritance (class Bar extends class Foo as in PHP) which allows you to pass objects of derived classes to the code expecting objects of their base class. This is typically requires a lookup through the table of methods at runtime to select a relevant method.
Note that this is not somehow inherent to the concept of OOP. For instance, dynamic lookup like this has been routinely used in plain C code even before C++ came to existence, and C is not an OOP language.
What I'm leading you to, is that some ways to access data and code cost more than others in terms of performance but provide powerful programming tools. Picking such an algorythm while considering a resulting tradeoff is not at all peculiar to implementing OOP concepts and happens in any computing field and any computing paradigm or a combinations of them.
In the end, I would say that the most visible slow-downs will come not from the code running on a CPU but rather from the runtime system. For instance, PHP is known for its ability to dynamically load code at runtime. Does this count as a feature of it being an OOP-enabled language? On the one hand, in these days of heavy frameworks, when PHP loads something it usually loads definitions of classes. On the other hand, if these frameworks were, say, purely procedural the same performance cost would be incurred (as the most loading time is spent waiting on I/O). Interpreted or JIT-compiled languages have to interpret or compile the code they execute and this incurs pefrormance hits. Does this depend on some of these languages implementing OOP concepts? Unlikely, IMO.

Build compiler Object Oriented

I'm currently working on a project for my class. I'm building a compiler with Flex (lex) and Bison (YACC) and C. I have done just a little bit of semantic an syntax analysis but i have been thinking how im going to implement the object oriented part. That is, how can I handle classes, overloading, polymorphism and heritage.
I can't seem to find something useful on google and the dragon book its just too low level. I mean too focused on building a compiler from scratch. So I was hoping that someone could point me to a good book, tutorials,example, something that can help me to clear my doubts.
Thanks in advance for the help, and im sorry if someone thinks this is asking to have my homework done.
I agree with the first comment that this question is far too broad to be answered. But I'll try anyway.
There are several aspects to your question:
What are the semantics of the commonly used concepts of object-oriented programming?
How can they be implemented in a compiler?
How are they usually implemented in other compilers?
What are good resources for further studies?
Varies widely between languages and there also is quite a bit of confusion/controversity about what OOP actually means (a nice presentation on that topic: http://www.infoq.com/presentations/It-Is-Possible-to-Do-OOP-in-Java which also has some examples of implementing OOP-features). Just pick one model and look up a reference that defines the semantics such as a language specification or a scientific paper on the model.
Javascript probably is the easiest model to implement as it very directly maps to the implementation without much of a necessary surrounding framework in the compiler. A static version of the Java model (compile time class compilation instead of runtime classloading) shouldn't be too hard either. More sophisticated models would be C++ (which allows multiple inheritance) and Smalltalk or Common Lisp/CLOS (with Meta-object-protocols).
Possible Implementations
Again a wide range of choices. As the semantics are fixed and mostly rather straightforward the implementation effort most strongly depends on the performance you want to archive and the existing infrastructure of your compiler. Storing everything in lists and scanning them for the first entry that satisfies the rules probably is the easiest implementation.
Usual Implementation
Most programming languages out of the Java/C#/C++ area do static compile-time name/signature lookups to find the definitions of the things referred to and use a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_method_table to resolve polymorphic calls. They also use the Vtable pointer for instanceof-checks and for checking down-casts.
While only 30 pages are directly concerned with objects I still think Lisp in Small Pieces (LiSP) is a great book for learning to work at that level within a compiler. It focusses on implementing language features, trade-offs in implementations and fitting the pieces together. (if (you can get over the the syntax used) (it's great)).

Mathematica OO System ( or alternatives )?

OO system is a free, open source package for OOP in Mathematica. By using OO-System I hope to benefit from the best of both worlds (OOP/Functional).
What are the do's and don'ts of OO
System for Mathematica?
Are you aware of (better) open
source alternatives?
Are you willing to show some of your
OO-system classes?
Any remarks about OOP in general with
Mathematica ?
A disclaimer: I have not used any of the existing OO mma extensions (and OO System in particular), so this post is based on general arguments (but I used OO heavily when worked in Java, and used some OO elements in mma, which I implemented myself). I agree with the opinion that OO is a moving target, so you have to be more specific in terms of features you want, to get a more useful answer. It also greatly depends on what are your goals - do you want to simplify your own life and make your own project scale, or do you want to simplify the communication for the project which is going to be developed by several (many) developers, and enforce certain rules and protocols (coding standards, best practices, design patterns, whatever), or do you want OO to reuse existing libraries.
I'd argue that most of OOP use in the industry fall into the second and third categories. If this is also your case (which I suspect it is not), then it may make sense to use OOP in Mathematica, although even this is not clear. WolframAlpha, for example, has tens of millions of lines of code in its codebase, and AFAIK no OO system was used there. If you want the benefits for the solo developer, then I'd choose those features of OO that I like and implement them myself - i.e., create your own object model. This is not too difficult in Mathematica.
It would make much more sense to use some specific OO extension of Mathematica if there would be a large number of well-tested open-source libraries built using this extension, with an easy deployment mechanism. I am not aware of any significant mma code base (libraries) built with any of existing OO mma extensions (which could as well be due to my ignorance). So if you need OO to reuse existing libraries, then things like J/Link or .Net/Link may serve you better, since you will have access to all of Java or .Net.
If you want the techniques to scale your project, then OO is not your only friend. While this is probably not a very well explored territory for mma (except may be by WRI), some techniques from other functional languages such as closures, LISP macros, run-time code generation, etc, may well be applicable to mma. For example, one of the mma projects I am working on has more than 40 packages and more than 10 thousand lines of mma code, and it is quite managable (with WorkBench). I am using closures and macros a lot, and also some OO features, but not any generic OO extension. The important things are information hiding, lose coupling, composability and testability, and again, OO is not the only way to do that.
IMO, one very nice thing that could be accomplished by an OO-capable language layer in mma (perhaps, Python-like) would be to hide the complexities of the evaluator and pattern-matcher, because in many cases those are not needed and may be confusing to less experienced users. I was (and still am) missing such language layer quite a bit at times. The designer of such layer will face a hard task of making it really well integrated with the rest of mma. Apart from that, I see the two major obstacles for a generic OO system built in the top-level mma: slow performance and no automatic garbage collection. I think, until these are solved, they rule out the heavy production use of OOP at the lower-level (creating millions of objects etc). Some features of OOP may still be quite useful for high-level project architecture, but as I said, they are easily implemented. This is not to say you should not try existing OO extensions, I'd just weight their benefits specifically for mma against the necessary limitations they will impose on your code.
You may also find MathOO interesting (note that I have never used it).

TDD and BDD Differences

I honestly don't see the difference between BDD and TDD. I mean, both are just tests if what is expected happens. I've seen BDD Tests that are so fleshed out they practically count as TDD tests, and I've seen TDD tests that are so vague that they black box a lot of code. Let's just say I'm pretty convinced that having both is better.
Here's a fun question though. Where do I start? Do I start out with high level BDD tests? Do I start out with low level TDD tests?
I honestly don't see the difference between BDD and TDD.
That's because there isn't any.
I mean, both are just tests if what is expected happens.
That's wrong. BDD and TDD have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with testing. None. Nada. Zilch. Zip. Nix. Not in the slightest.
Unfortunately, TDD has the word "test" in pretty much everything (not only in its name, but also in test framework, unit test, TestCase (the class you tpyically inherit from), FooTest (the class which typically holds your tests), testBar (the typical naming pattern for a test method), plus a lot test-related terminology such as "assertion" and "verification") which leads some people to believe that it actually does have something to do with tests. So, some smart people said: "Hey, let's just change the name" to remove any potential for confusion.
And that's what BDD is. It's just TDD with any test-related terminology replaced by examples-of-behavior-related terminology:
Test → Example
Assertion → Expectation
assert → should
Unit → Behavior
Verification → Specification
… and so on
BDD is just TDD with different words. If you do TDD right, you are doing BDD. The difference is that – provided you believe at least in the weak form of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis – the different words make it easier to do it right.
BDD is from customers point of view and focuses on excpected behavior of the whole system.
TDD is from developpers point of view and focuses on the implementation of one unit/class/feature. It benefits among others from better architecture (Design for testability, less coupling between modules).
From technical point of view (how to write the "test") they are similar.
I would (from an agile point of view) start with one bdd-userstory and implement it using TDD.
From what I've gathered on Wikipedia, BDD includes acceptance and QA test that can't be done without stakeholders/user input. Also BDD uses a natural language to specify its test while TDD usually uses programming language. There might be some overlap between the two but I think it's not the vagueness but BDD's language that is the main difference.
As for where you are to start, well that really depends on your development process, doesn't it? I assume if you are doing bottom-up that you're going to write TDD first and once you reach higher level you'll use BDD to test if those features work as expected.
As k3b noted: main difference would be that BDD is problem-domain oriented while TDD is more oriented solution-domain.
Just copying the answer from Matthew Flynn which I agree more than "TDD and BDD have nothing to do with tests":
Behavior Driven Development is an extension/revision of Test Driven Development. Its purpose is to help the folks devising the system (i.e., the developers) identify appropriate tests to write -- that is, tests that reflect the behavior desired by the stakeholders. The effect ends up being the same -- develop the test and then develop the code/system that passes the test. The hope in BDD is that the tests are actually useful in showing that the system meets the requirements.
Units of code (individual methods) may be too granular to represent the behavior represented by the behavioral tests, but you should still test them with unit tests to guarantee they function appropriately. If this is what you mean by "TDD" tests, then yes, you still need them.
BDD is about getting your TDD right. It provides "structure and diciplene" to your TDD. It guides you in testing the right thing and doing the right amount of test. Here is a fantastic small post on BDD and TDD,
I think the biggest contribution of BDD over TDD or any other approaches, is making non-technical people(product owners/customers) part of the software development process at all levels.
Writing executable scenarios in natural languages have almost bridged the gap between the requirement and the delivery.
Product owners can himself run the scenarios he had written and test with different data sets if he wants to play around the behavior of the code written by the development team.
That's amazing! Customer is sitting right at the center and precisely not just asking what he really wants but verifying and experiencing the deliverables as well.
A fantastic article on the differences between TDD and BDD:
Should give you everything you need to know, including problems with both, and examples.
Terminology are different, but in my work, i use TDD to dev detail, mainly for unit test, and the BDD is more high level, for customer, QA or no-tech man .
BDD is really Design-by-Contract using different terms. Generally speaking, BDD is in the form of Given-When-Then, which is roughly analogous to Preconditions (Given), Check-conditions/Loop-invariants (When), and Post-conditions/Invariants (Then).
Note that BDD is very much Hoare-logic (i.e. {P}C{Q} or {P}recondition-[C]ommand-{Q}Post-condition). Therefore:
Preconditions (Given) must hold true for the command (method/function) to compute correctly. Any violation of the Given (precondition) signals a fault in the calling Client code.
Command(s) (When) are what happens after the precondition(s) are met. In Eiffel, they can be punctuated within the method or function code with other contracts. Think about these as though they are QA/QC checks along a process assembly line.
Post-conditions (Then) must hold true once the Command (When) is finished.
Moral of the Story
Because BDD is just DbC (Hoare-logic) repackaged in different words, this means it is not TDD. Why? Because TDD is not about preconditions/checks/post-condition contracts tied directly to methods, functions, properties, and class-state. TDD is the next step up the ladder in testing methods, functions, properties, and classes with their discrete states. Once you see this and fully appreciate that TDD is not BDD and BDD is not TDD, but that they are separate and complementary technologies for software correctness proofs—THEN—you will finally understand these topics correctly. You will also use and apply them correctly.
Eiffel is the only language I am aware of where BDD (Design-by-Contract) is baked raw into both the language specification and compiler. It is not a Frankenstein bolt-on monster with limitations. In Eiffel, BDD (aka DbC) is an elegant, helpful, useful, and direct participant in the software correctness toolbox.
See Also
Wikipedia helps defined Hoare-logic. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoare_logic
I have created an example in Eiffel that you can look at. See:
Primary class: https://github.com/ljr1981/stack_overflow_answers/blob/main/src/so_73347395/so_73347395.e
Test class: https://github.com/ljr1981/stack_overflow_answers/blob/main/testing/so_73347395/so_73347395_test_set.e
The main difference is just the wording. BDD uses a more verbose style so that it can be read almost like a sentence.

OOP vs Functional Programming vs Procedural [closed]

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What are the differences between these programming paradigms, and are they better suited to particular problems or do any use-cases favour one over the others?
Architecture examples appreciated!
All of them are good in their own ways - They're simply different approaches to the same problems.
In a purely procedural style, data tends to be highly decoupled from the functions that operate on it.
In an object oriented style, data tends to carry with it a collection of functions.
In a functional style, data and functions tend toward having more in common with each other (as in Lisp and Scheme) while offering more flexibility in terms of how functions are actually used. Algorithms tend also to be defined in terms of recursion and composition rather than loops and iteration.
Of course, the language itself only influences which style is preferred. Even in a pure-functional language like Haskell, you can write in a procedural style (though that is highly discouraged), and even in a procedural language like C, you can program in an object-oriented style (such as in the GTK+ and EFL APIs).
To be clear, the "advantage" of each paradigm is simply in the modeling of your algorithms and data structures. If, for example, your algorithm involves lists and trees, a functional algorithm may be the most sensible. Or, if, for example, your data is highly structured, it may make more sense to compose it as objects if that is the native paradigm of your language - or, it could just as easily be written as a functional abstraction of monads, which is the native paradigm of languages like Haskell or ML.
The choice of which you use is simply what makes more sense for your project and the abstractions your language supports.
I think the available libraries, tools, examples, and communities completely trumps the paradigm these days. For example, ML (or whatever) might be the ultimate all-purpose programming language but if you can't get any good libraries for what you are doing you're screwed.
For example, if you're making a video game, there are more good code examples and SDKs in C++, so you're probably better off with that. For a small web application, there are some great Python, PHP, and Ruby frameworks that'll get you off and running very quickly. Java is a great choice for larger projects because of the compile-time checking and enterprise libraries and platforms.
It used to be the case that the standard libraries for different languages were pretty small and easily replicated - C, C++, Assembler, ML, LISP, etc.. came with the basics, but tended to chicken out when it came to standardizing on things like network communications, encryption, graphics, data file formats (including XML), even basic data structures like balanced trees and hashtables were left out!
Modern languages like Python, PHP, Ruby, and Java now come with a far more decent standard library and have many good third party libraries you can easily use, thanks in great part to their adoption of namespaces to keep libraries from colliding with one another, and garbage collection to standardize the memory management schemes of the libraries.
These paradigms don't have to be mutually exclusive. If you look at python, it supports functions and classes, but at the same time, everything is an object, including functions. You can mix and match functional/oop/procedural style all in one piece of code.
What I mean is, in functional languages (at least in Haskell, the only one I studied) there are no statements! functions are only allowed one expression inside them!! BUT, functions are first-class citizens, you can pass them around as parameters, along with a bunch of other abilities. They can do powerful things with few lines of code.
While in a procedural language like C, the only way you can pass functions around is by using function pointers, and that alone doesn't enable many powerful tasks.
In python, a function is a first-class citizen, but it can contain arbitrary number of statements. So you can have a function that contains procedural code, but you can pass it around just like functional languages.
Same goes for OOP. A language like Java doesn't allow you to write procedures/functions outside of a class. The only way to pass a function around is to wrap it in an object that implements that function, and then pass that object around.
In Python, you don't have this restriction.
For GUI I'd say that the Object-Oriented Paradigma is very well suited. The Window is an Object, the Textboxes are Objects, and the Okay-Button is one too. On the other Hand stuff like String Processing can be done with much less overhead and therefore more straightforward with simple procedural paradigma.
I don't think it is a question of the language neither. You can write functional, procedural or object-oriented in almost any popular language, although it might be some additional effort in some.
In order to answer your question, we need two elements:
Understanding of the characteristics of different architecture styles/patterns.
Understanding of the characteristics of different programming paradigms.
A list of software architecture styles/pattern is shown on the software architecture article on Wikipeida. And you can research on them easily on the web.
In short and general, Procedural is good for a model that follows a procedure, OOP is good for design, and Functional is good for high level programming.
I think you should try reading the history on each paradigm and see why people create it and you can understand them easily.
After understanding them both, you can link the items of architecture styles/patterns to programming paradigms.
I think that they are often not "versus", but you can combine them. I also think that oftentimes, the words you mention are just buzzwords. There are few people who actually know what "object-oriented" means, even if they are the fiercest evangelists of it.
One of my friends is writing a graphics app using NVIDIA CUDA. Application fits in very nicely with OOP paradigm and the problem can be decomposed into modules neatly. However, to use CUDA you need to use C, which doesn't support inheritance. Therefore, you need to be clever.
a) You devise a clever system which will emulate inheritance to a certain extent. It can be done!
i) You can use a hook system, which expects every child C of parent P to have a certain override for function F. You can make children register their overrides, which will be stored and called when required.
ii) You can use struct memory alignment feature to cast children into parents.
This can be neat but it's not easy to come up with future-proof, reliable solution. You will spend lots of time designing the system and there is no guarantee that you won't run into problems half-way through the project. Implementing multiple inheritance is even harder, if not almost impossible.
b) You can use consistent naming policy and use divide and conquer approach to create a program. It won't have any inheritance but because your functions are small, easy-to-understand and consistently formatted you don't need it. The amount of code you need to write goes up, it's very hard to stay focused and not succumb to easy solutions (hacks). However, this ninja way of coding is the C way of coding. Staying in balance between low-level freedom and writing good code. Good way to achieve this is to write prototypes using a functional language. For example, Haskell is extremely good for prototyping algorithms.
I tend towards approach b. I wrote a possible solution using approach a, and I will be honest, it felt very unnatural using that code.