Is there any open source library for rendering doc, xls, ppt and pdf to html code? - rendering

I would like to write a "quick look" feature for my web application, that allow user "view" these kind of document on the web page, how can I do so? Thank you.

You could use OpenOffice which can open all of those formats. OpenOffice can also be used to convert a document to HTML. All that can be done through a Java API on the server (no GUI required).
I do not know how good the generated HTML is though, but it might be worth trying.
For PDF you will need an OpenOffice plugin that enables OpenOffice to open PDFs (for editing).

Check out the Crocodoc API. Crocodoc provides an HTML5 viewer (no Flash!) which you can embed in your web pages. It's free for non-commercial use.


Edit Adobe Illustrator PDF in web browser

I am wondering if there is a way to edit pdf file (generated by Adobe Illustrator) in a web browser? They types of 'edit' that I'm after such as reposition element, changing color, changing text...etc and finally save the edited file.
iText seem like a good framework but not sure about it's capability.
Theoretically this is possible. But it would mean you would have to use a client-side PDF library capable of doing such edits. Such libraries are not common; in fact the only one I know of that could enable you to write something like this is created by PDFTron (
(I know nothing more about that product; haven't used it or looked at it in detail)

PDF file custom zoom level

i have a task about .PDF files that pdf file should open in browser with custom zoom level of 125% or 150%, i tried many times, but it is not working properly in firefox, as it implements zoom on PDF file but it switch on page#2, i study the adobe's given parameters for PDF file and tried to use them as following in href,
but no success, anyone here can help me please ?
thank you so much in advance.
The adobe partner reference states on page 5 that this is for IE and Netscape. I'm not sure how old this document is, but you might want to check the Firefox support for this functionality as it could be incomplete.
Reference: Adobe Partner
Another thing you could do is modify the PDF content to make sure the document opens properly. Depending on which tool you're using you could use a free library like the Perl API2 library or a paid tool like the Java iText library. Maybe there are command line tools out there that do the same, but I'm not aware of them.

Save Secured Page as PDF

I have a page that has a good deal of XHTMl, CSS and Javascript on it, and I need to get a PDF version of it (it is generating a chart on the page along with some text).
All the websites and bookmarklets I have founds don't work on a secured page (understandably).
PDF Generation tools such as tcpdf allow javascript, but I think that throwing in the entire Rafael library + some Javascript is a bit much, though I will do it if necessary.
I am looking for some simple scripts that will turn the page being viewed into a PDF for our users. It can be Flash, Adobe Adobe Air, Microsoft Silverlight, Javascript, PHP or anything of that nature.
Anyone have a suggestion?

Render various document types on a BlackBerry

I need an application which can read a variety of document formats. I am looking for something that can handle word, excel, powerpoint and pdf.
I want to invoke that application from my application and then return back to my application. Are there any open source or third-party applications available that do this?
Do you need to create application which handles pdf's and other formats or you just need to be able to open docs?
AFAIK there are some pdf viewers but those i have tried are not free.

PDF rendition on Sharepoint

I'm currently running a SharePoint 2007. The documents in my libraries will get a PDF rendition when they are approved.
Is there a way to show the PDF rendition in stead of the file when browsing the libraries. Users should be able to edit these files when selecting edit from the context menu.
Disclaimer: I work at Atalasoft
We sell a SharePoint solution (Vizit) that has PDF rendition and annotation capabilities:
There is no support for doing this in SharePoint alone unless you implement a solution. You'd need to turn PDF into something web-browser compatible, and then implement the editing features you need.
If you have Acrobat installed on clients, you may be able to do what you need by using their ActiveX controls. The trick is getting the edits back into SharePoint and playing nice with version control, etc (Vizit does all of this for you).
If you just need reading, you can serve the PDF with an HTTP header called "Content-disposition" set to "inline" -- they will not be able to edit.