How to arrange fields in a report -

I am using VS2010. I am trying to make reports using Report Viewer. This is how I have arranged my fields (using Table).
I want to make it look like this

You could use a list for this, which is like a repeater control in if you are familiar:


Can I use SQL in Script editor inSharepoint ( webpart)?

I am working on Sharepoint site that already exists and I need to create a new webpart dedicated for a certain form to complete, then I should use the answers collected from the form to produce a "result page". When I open the "Edit source" Or "Embeded code", I can easily use html or javascript to display whatever I want, my question is: In that script editor(snippet) can I use Sql as well?
As I said, I'm going to need some sql queries to extract the answers from the form.
Thank you in advance.
As far as I know, that is not possible.
If what you are doing is something like storing a form submission in a list and then displaying the result in a different page:
Create a form - using normal HTML/JS etc.
On submit button click - store the information in the list
Retrieve the information from the list using the ID(or any other criteria) on the results page and display it (again using HTML/JS)
Have a look at this JS library, which has SQL like syntax, for working within SharePoint:

listview to crystal report

I'm developing a SMDR application, Now the thing I need is, I'm filtering the relevant information to list view through access Database. So i want to view the list view data in a Crystal report. Please help me. Im Using Vb2010
Thank You
You can pass an ADO.NET data source in to crystal and report off it. There are many, many articles dealing with how to do this, so I wont document it here.
Check out:

Data entry form in sharepoint

I was wondering if anyone knows what a simplest way to create a data entry form in Sharepoint 2010 Foundation would be. Basicly I am looking to create a form that will submit its data to a custom list on the site, I don't want the users to interact with the list directly but use the form to enter data instead.
Also I can't use Designer or InfoPath, not being able to use these is what is causing the problem it seems. Just curious if anyone else has done something like this or could point me in the right direction.
Every list is born with forms by default - one for item creation, one for edition and one for displaying. If you use content types, then you get a trio of these for each different type.
You never interact with the list directly, you do it through these forms. If you can't use either Infopath nor Sharepoint Designer, you can still edit them by clicking on the Page tab, then the Edit Page button. From there you can add or remove web parts, and connect them among themselves.
However, the amount of control you have is too limited when compared to editing pages through either of the tools or mentioned, or Visual Studio. For example, there is no straightforward way to add or remove list fields based on content type. Be prepared for ever increasing frustration if you can't use those tools.

Insert javascript code in a list form.

I have a list, and want to insert custom javascript code in a new form for this list (when form loaded). For example, when new form for this list is opened, I want to make some layout modifications for this form.
How it can be done? And how many ways exist to achieve this?
Upd: I ask about SharePoint list, and SharePoint list forms, I suppose you look at the tags of the question :).
You put tags for both SharePoint 2007 and 2010 and the methods are a bit different.
I agree with the previous post that with SP2010 you can simply use InfoPath designer for form design and do whatever you like to the look.
In SharePoint 2007, there are a couple ways incuding using SharePoint Designer, editing the form .aspx file, hiding the out of the box form and inserting a custom form which you will then be able to edit. You can also add in JavaScript code there as well.
My preferred method if you are just making some visual modifications is always JQuery which you can add in to a content editor and you can look for the particular tags surrounding rows or columns and attach to them and make your changes.
I think your question and tags need further clarification to get an articulate answer from anyone that will actually help you.
You can edit the layout using InfoPath 2010 like described here:
If you've got the SP2010 Foundation or SP2007 version, you can create custom list forms using SP Designer which gives you the option to do whatever you like since those are .aspx files.
You can also edit the aspx List form in SP designer. To add Javascript or jQuery you should create a form for New in PS design then edit in Advanced mode to insert your Javascript in the proper place. There are many tutorials on the Web that talk about this... Also, you can add content editor webparts to the new aspx page where you can insert your Javascript or jQuery.

Displaying multiple Reports in a single report viewer

i want to know is it possible to bind my all crystal reports to a single reportviewer, somewhat in tabbed view or treevie. If tabbed then visible through navigation button.
If yes then how?
any help would be highly appreciated.
Amit Ranjan
Having reviewed the micrososft documentation, it seems you can not bind multiple reports to a viewer. As suggested here:
"Displaying a report using the CrystalReportViewer control
The CrystalReportViewer control displays only one report at a time. Which report is displayed by the control is determined by which report you bind to your code. To tell the control which report to display, you bind the ReportSource property of the control to a particular report. At runtime, the control loads the report that is bound to the ReportSource property and displays it. "
The diocumentation goes on to say you can only bind a report type to the report source.
So, basically you need to build the multi view yourself. In my mind this can be done in two ways.
Create a report viewer for each
report (maybe using a tab control)
Create a single viewer and display
different reports based on what the user
selects in your application. i.e.
I have done something simular in the past, but rather than using the report viewer, i used crystal to export the report to pdf and displayed those to the user.
I hope this is clearer. :-)
Could you not hold your reports in a hierarchical structure in memory , which relates to a visible tree view and displayed the relevant report one at a time as the users selects various nodes..
If you can't pass a colection of reports to your viewer. I would hold a list of reports in a Dictionary or some other kind of list , which has a report and an identifier for that report.
Then display a tree view which represents the reports structure you have, with each node holding the id of the report it represents, when the user selects the a TreeView node, you can look up you report from the dictionary and load it into the report viewer.
I hope that makes sense...