where i can find input panel, i can't find it in toolbox? - dll

I want to handle SIP. So i have gone through the article http://www.christec.co.nz/blog/archives/42
. I don't find Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms.dll in the references. Then i downloaded the dll and tried to add it to the project, then it gives an error that it can't be added because its not build in Microsoft.Phone.Runtime environment.
So how can i get the dll and input panel.

That dll is for Windows CE, which is NOT the same as Windows Phone 7. The SIP for WP7 is handled by the operating system and is displayed automatically when a text input control receives focus (TextBox, PasswordBox, etc).
There is an article that discusses creating a Bulgarian keyboard, but it requires a custom input control, too.


The “Navigtionmenu” control is not showing up in the Toolbox in a .NET project VS2010 and 2012

Why The “Navigtionmenu” control is not showing up in the Toolbox in a .NET project VS2010 and 2012?
but why did the screenshot I got from google below appear toolbox "NavigtionMenu"?
I just did a search here for "navigationmenu" and got no relevant matches, so I don't think that such a control even exists. Given the generic icon in that screenshot, it's probably a third-party control or even second-party, i.e. created by the person who posted that screenshot. In fact, I think that that is the icon that used to denote a user control and is still used for a user control in the Add New Item dialogue. I suggest that you check that link you found and see whether it includes instructions for creating it.

App modeller, Identify button not showing up in blueprism spying

I am creating calculator VBO in blueprism object studio.
In application modeller I gave calc.exe path and able to launch calculator, but I am not getting identify option to spy on any element..
In Element, After clicking Launch buttion, identify is appearing for a split of sec and Launch button is coming back instead of Identify
PS- As mentioned in videos and links, I have launched calc via application modeller not directly via windows..
I am using windows 10, BluePrism V. versionenter image description here
Windows 10 calculator is complicated case, please consider using different application in your training. For example paint is much simpler to get started.
If you really need to get that going, then you may need to launch application first, using one object, and afterwards use second object to attach and interact with it.
can be two reasons
1. Either your application is not launched properly.
2. Sometimes we face problems with some versions of applications.
The best way to fix your problem is
Edit your settings remove the application path from the navigate stage.
Launch the application separately
Open Navigate stage > Action > Attach
Provide the window title within quotes (example: "Calculator")
Click OK then run the object
Now if you go to application modeller
You will be able to see the identify button under the element.
Hope this will help you.
I resolved this by unchecking "Disable invasive techniques (hooking)".
The Windows 10 calculator runs with process name win32calc which is also located under c:\windows\system32.
So when you launch the application please make you identify the applications process name and its location
I resolved this by circumventing to windows 7 calculator instead of a windows 10 calculator on windows 10.
Link to download win 7 calculator for win 10-
This will be installed in the same place as your default calculator.
The name of the app in my case was "calc1.exe" to avoid collisions with the default calculator.
I used this as my base reference app for spying and it worked.
Also note, the hover to highlight button seems to be a bit buggy, try a bit hit and trail to get you required button to be highlighted and mark using "Ctrl+LeftClick"

Listbox that can 'snap'

I'm making a Windows Phone application that needs a listbox that can "snap" to positions as it scrolls (just like the one in the Media Hub that shows current/future songs).
I've spent awhile looking all over google and can't find anything. Is there a native control that does it, or a third party library that contains it.
There are no built in controls that do this.
The SlideView from the Telerik RadControls can do this.
It's $99 or free if you sign up for the Nokia Premium Developer Program rather than sign up with the App Hub directly.

Get keyboard keyPress in windows service (vb)

I am working on a windows service application that required to get the barcode reader characters and saving the value in database, I have tried some methods like this one:
But they not working in the windows service app, does anyone knows how can I get the keyboard/barcode reader characters in the windows service?
Appreciate the help in advance,
As already mentioned you can't get access to the keyboard and screen from a windows service in Windows platforms starting from Vista (the interact with desktop setting is no longer supported)
So you are better off just writing a standard application that launches when a user logs into the workstation.
Since most barcode readers function like keyboards your other problem will be determining when a barcode has been entered as opposed to normal keyboard activity. Either using some kind of attention sequence (like clicking on a tray icon) or timing the speed of characters (barcode characters will appear to be "typed" very quickly)
Your global keyboard hook will work just fine from a user-mode application too :-)
Happy coding

How can I include Flash in VB.NET?

I would like to create a .exe wrapper for a Flash Player using VB.NET. I am having a few problems.
1.I seem to remember being able to import Flash Player as a control into Visual Studio (2008 Pro). For some reason, I can't seem to VS to import it anymore. (I tried using the OCX from Visual Studio) Perhaps I'm looking for the wrong file. What file am I looking for?
2.Is including Flash inside of a VB program legal?
3.When a control is included in a VB.NET program (such as Flash) does the control need to be distributed in a separate file, or will the compiled application contain it in the ".exe"?
I was able to import the control as the Flash10b.ocx from c:\Windows\System32\Macromed directory as a COM component. Question 2 and 3 still remain.
Edit 2:
Is there documentation on the ActiveX control? I am trying top figure out the API for ExternalInterface. Any tips on that?
Using flash inside a VB program is perfectly legal, it is just an activeX control.
You will need to distribute the interop library with your application (it will be in your output directory) and the ActiveX object (flash10b.ocx) will need to be installed on the system, it wont package it all up for you.