Inheriting ConstructorArguments in Ninject - ninject

I'm trying to find a method of passing a constructor argument to the constructors of child classes.
These objects are immutable so I'd prefer to use constructor arguments.
The issue I have encountered is that ConstructorArgument does not inherit to child instantiations and the following statements are not interchangeable:
_parsingProcessor = _kernel.Get<IParsingProcessor>(new ConstructorArgument("dataFilePath", dataFilePath);
_parsingProcessor = _kernel.Get<IParsingProcessor>(new Parameter("dataFilePath", dataFilePath, true);
So, how can get an inheritable ConstructorArgument and when does it makes sense, if ever, to new the Parameter class?

Yes, you can do this, but it's probably not what you really want. If the container is not actually responsible for instantiating its own dependencies, then its dependencies probably shouldn't be sharing its constructor arguments - it just doesn't make sense.
I'm pretty sure I know what you're trying to do, and the recommended approach is to create a unique binding specifically for your one container, and use the WhenInjectedInto conditional binding syntax, as in the example below:
public class Hello : IHello
private readonly string name;
public Hello(string name)
{ = name;
public void SayHello()
Console.WriteLine("Hello, {0}!", name);
This is the class that takes a constructor argument which we want to modify, depending on who is asking for an IHello. Let's say it's this boring container class:
public class MyApp : IApp
private readonly IHello hello;
public MyApp(IHello hello)
this.hello = hello;
public virtual void Run()
Now, here's how you do up the bindings:
public class MainModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
.WithConstructorArgument("name", "Jim");
.WithConstructorArgument("name", "Bob");
Basically all this binding is doing is saying the name should be "Jim" unless it's being requested by Hello, which in this case it is, so instead it will get the name "Bob".
If you are absolutely certain that you truly want cascading behaviour and understand that this is very dangerous and brittle, you can cheat using a method binding. Assuming that we've now added a name argument to the MyApp class for some unspecified purpose, the binding would be:
Bind<IHello>().ToMethod(ctx =>
.Where(c => c.Name == "name")
Please, please, make sure you are positive that this is what you want before doing it. It looks easy but it is also very likely to break during a simple refactoring, and 95% of the "customized dependency" scenarios I've seen can be addressed using the WhenInjectedInto binding instead.


Avoid adding/extending methods to interface

I have a scenario , where my current interface looks like
public interface IMathematicalOperation
void AddInt();
After an year i expect the interface to be extended with AddFloat method and also expect 100 users already consuming this interface. When i extend the interface with a new method after an year i don't want these 100 classes to get changed.
So how can i tackle this situation ? Is there any design pattern available already to take care of this situation ?
Note: i understand that i can have a abstract class which implement this interface and make all the methods virtual , so that clients can inherit from this class rather than the interface and override the methods . When i add a new method only the abstract class will be changed and the clients who are interested in the method will override the behavior (minimize the change) .
Is there any other way of achieving the same result (like having a method named Add and based on certain condition it will do Float addition or Integer addition) ?
Edit 1:
The new method gets added to the interface also needs to be called automatically along with the existing methods(like chain of responsibility pattern).
There are at least two possible solution I can think of:
Derive your new interface from your old interface
public interface IMathematicalOperation
void AddInt();
public interface IFloatingPointMathematicalOperation : IMathematicalOperation
void AddFloat();
Have simply a parallel interface which contains the new method and have all classes which need the new interface derive from it
I'd suggest the second solution, since I don't understand why you would want an established interface to change.
I encountered a similar issue some time ago and found the best way was not to try and extend an existing interface, but to provide different versions of the interface with each new interface providing extra functionality. Over time I found that was not adding functionality on a regular basis, may once a year, so adding extra interfaces was never really an issue.
So, for example this is your first version of the interface:
public interface IMathematicalOperation
void AddInt();
This interface would then be implemented on a class like this:
public class MathematicalOperationImpl : IMathematicalOperation
public void AddInt()
Then when you need to add new functionality, i.e. create a version 2, you would create another interface with the same name, but with a "2" on the end:
public interface IMathematicalOperation2 : IMathematicalOperation
void AddFloat();
And the MathematicalOperationImpl would be extended to implement this new interface:
public class MathematicalOperationImpl : IMathematicalOperation, IMathematicalOperation2
public void AddInt()
public void AddFloat()
All of your new/future clients could start using the version 2 interface, but your existing clients would continue to work because they will only know about the first version of the interface.
The options provided are syntactically viable but then, as is obvious, they won't apply to any previous users.
A better option would be to use the Visitor pattern
The pattern is best understood when you think about the details of OO code; // is identical to
Remember that there is always a hidden 'this' parameter passed with every instance call.
What the visitor pattern attempts to do is generalize this behavior using Double dispatch
Let's take this a hair further
public interface MathematicalOperation
void addInt();
void accept(MathVisitor v);
public interface MathVisitor {
void visit(MathematicalOperation operation);
public class SquareVistor implements MathVisitor {
void visit(MathematicalOperation operation) {
operation.setValue(operation.getValue() * 2);
public abstract class AbstractMathematicalOperation implements MathematicalOperation {
public void accept(MathVisitor f) {
f.visit(this); // we are going to do 'f' on 'this'. Or think this.f();
public class MyMathOperation extends AbstractMathematicalOperation {
someMathOperation.visit(new SquareVisitor()); // is now functionally equivalent to
The best bet would be for you to roll-out your initial interface with a visitor requirements, then immediately roll-out an abstract subclass that gives this default implementation so it's cooked right in (As the above class is). Then everyone can just extend it. I think you will find this gives you the flexibility you need and leaves you will the ability to work with legacy classes.

Getting 'Context is not constructible. Add a default constructor or provide an implementation of IDbContextFactory."

I am getting this error when I try to use code first migrations.
My context has a constructor with the connection name.
public class VeraContext : DbContext, IDbContext
public VeraContext(string NameOrConnectionStringName = "VeraDB")
: base(NameOrConnectionStringName)
public IDbSet<User> Users { get; set; }
public IDbSet<Product> Products { get; set; }
public IDbSet<IntCat> IntCats { get; set; }
This connection name is injected with ninject when the project runs, I have also specified it as a default as in the above code but this did not help.
.WithConstructorArgument("NameOrConnectionStringName", "VeraDB");
When I try to add migrations with "Enable-Migrations" is throws up the error:
The target context 'VeraData.EF.Infrastructure.VeraContext' is not
constructible. Add a default constructor or provide an implementation
of IDbContextFactory.
If I remove the constructor from VeraContext it will work but creates another database with VeraData.EF.Infrastructure.VeraContext as its name.
I presume that ninject only passes the connection string when the project runs and not when I use code first migrations. Anyway I can inject/provide a default for the connection name when using code first migrations ?
Essentially you need a default ctor (that's the error) - but just implementing it would lead to problems.
You'd have to implement the IDbContextFactory for the results to be consistent (or your migration from code won't work etc.).
Migrations actually call your default constructor to make a
connection. So you're other ctor won't matter much.
Here is the basic factory...
public class MyContextFactory : IDbContextFactory<MyContext>
public MyContext Create()
return new MyDBContext("YourConnectionName");
You should combine that with injection, to inject and construct your DbContext as you wish.
If you don't want to spend time looking into the IDbContextFactory option, and to get things working create a default constructor and hard-code the name of the connection string when calling the base DbContext:
public class CustomContext : DbContext
public CustomContext() :base("name=Entities") {}
To complement #nccsbim071 answer, I have to add one more thing... this option doesn't like constructor with default parameters... for instance:
public MyContext(bool paramABC = false) : base("name=Entities") {...}
instead you have to create a non-parameter (default) constructor and the parameter-constructor like old fashion way.
public MyContext() :base("name=Entities") {...}
public MyContext(bool paramABC) : this() {...}
Entities in this case means the connection string name... By convention, the name of the context is the same as the connection string name and since MyContext is not the same as Entities, it's necessary specify it manually.
In my situation I wanted to use the default connection factory, instead of explicitly providing one. Somewhere inside EF6 it'll try to lookup the factory, but it fails with this exception message. Stepping through the EF6 code, I found that Glimpse.Ado was wrapping the connection factory, which made the lookup fail to find a match.

Composition, I don't quite get this?

Referring to the below link:
The composition approach to code reuse provides stronger encapsulation
than inheritance, because a change to a back-end class needn't break
any code that relies only on the front-end class. For example,
changing the return type of Fruit's peel() method from the previous
example doesn't force a change in Apple's interface and therefore
needn't break Example2's code.
Surely if you change the return type of peel() (see code below) this means getPeelCount() wouldn't be able to return an int any more? Wouldn't you have to change the interface, or get a compiler error otherwise?
class Fruit {
// Return int number of pieces of peel that
// resulted from the peeling activity.
public int peel() {
System.out.println("Peeling is appealing.");
return 1;
class Apple {
private Fruit fruit = new Fruit();
public int peel() {
return fruit.peel();
class Example2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Apple apple = new Apple();
int pieces = apple.peel();
With a composition, changing the class Fruit doesn't necessary require you to change Apple, for example, let's change peel to return a double instead :
class Fruit {
// Return String number of pieces of peel that
// resulted from the peeling activity.
public double peel() {
System.out.println("Peeling is appealing.");
return 1.0;
Now, the class Apple will warn about a lost of precision, but your Example2 class will be just fine, because a composition is more "loose" and a change in a composed element does not break the composing class API. In our case example, just change Apple like so :
class Apple {
private Fruit fruit = new Fruit();
public int peel() {
return (int) fruit.peel();
Whereas if Apple inherited from Fruit (class Apple extends Fruit), you would not only get an error about an incompatible return type method, but you'd also get a compilation error in Example2.
** Edit **
Lets start this over and give a "real world" example of composition vs inheritance. Note that a composition is not limited to this example and there are more use case where you can use the pattern.
Example 1 : inheritance
An application draw shapes into a canvas. The application does not need to know which shapes it has to draw and the implementation lies in the concrete class inheriting the abstract class or interface. However, the application knows what and how many different concrete shapes it can create, thus adding or removing concrete shapes requires some refactoring in the application.
interface Shape {
public void draw(Graphics g);
class Box implement Shape {
public void draw(Graphics g) { ... }
class Ellipse implements Shape {
public void draw(Graphics g) { ... }
class ShapeCanvas extends JPanel {
private List<Shape> shapes;
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
for (Shape s : shapes) { s.draw(g); }
Example 2 : Composition
An application is using a native library to process some data. The actual library implementation may or may not be known, and may or may not change in the future. A public interface is thus created and the actual implementation is determined at run-time. For example :
interface DataProcessorAdapter {
public Result process(Data data);
class DataProcessor {
private DataProcessorAdapter adapter;
public DataProcessor() {
try {
adapter = DataProcessorManager.createAdapter();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not load processor adapter");
public Object process(Object data) {
return adapter.process(data);
static class DataProcessorManager {
static public DataProcessorAdapter createAdapter() throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
String adapterClassName = /* load class name from resource bundle */;
Class<?> adapterClass = Class.forName(adapterClassName);
DataProcessorAdapter adapter = (DataProcessorAdapter) adapterClass.newInstance();
return adapter;
So, as you can see, the composition may offer some advantage over inheritance in the sense that it allows more flexibility in the code. It allows the application to have a solid API while the underlaying implementation may still change during it's life cycle. Composition can significantly reduce the cost of maintenance if properly used.
For example, when implementing test cases with JUnit for Exemple 2, you may want to use a dummy processor and would setup the DataProcessorManager to return such adapter, while using a "real" adapter (perhaps OS dependent) in production without changing the application source code. Using inheritance, you would most likely hack something up, or perhaps write a lot more initialization test code.
As you can see, compisition and inheritance differ in many aspects and are not preferred over another; each depend on the problem at hand. You could even mix inheritance and composition, for example :
static interface IShape {
public void draw(Graphics g);
static class Shape implements IShape {
private IShape shape;
public Shape(Class<? extends IShape> shape) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
this.shape = (IShape) shape.newInstance();
public void draw(Graphics g) {
System.out.print("Drawing shape : ");
static class Box implements IShape {
public void draw(Graphics g) {
static class Ellipse implements IShape {
public void draw(Graphics g) {
static public void main(String...args) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
IShape box = new Shape(Box.class);
IShape ellipse = new Shape(Ellipse.class);
Granted, this last example is not clean (meaning, avoid it), but it shows how composition can be used.
Bottom line is that both examples, DataProcessor and Shape are "solid" classes, and their API should not change. However, the adapter classes may change and if they do, these changes should only affect their composing container, thus limit the maintenance to only these classes and not the entire application, as opposed to Example 1 where any change require more changes throughout the application. It all depends how flexible your application needs to be.
If you would change Fruit.peel()'s return type, you would have to modify Apple.peel() as well. But you don't have to change Apple's interface.
Remember: The interface are only the method names and their signatures, NOT the implementation.
Say you'd change Fruit.peel() to return a boolean instead of a int. Then, you could still let Apple.peel() return an int. So: The interface of Apple stays the same but Fruit's changed.
If you would have use inheritance, that would not be possible: Since Fruit.peel() now returns a boolean, Apple.peel() has to return an boolean, too. So: All code that uses Apple.peel() has to be changed, too. In the composition example, ONLY Apple.peel()'s code has to be changed.
The key word in the sentence is "interface".
You'll almost always need to change the Apple class in some way to accomodate the new return type of Fruit.peel, but you don't need to change its public interface if you use composition rather than inheritance.
If Apple is a Fruit (ie, inheritance) then any change to the public interface of Fruit necessitates a change to the public interface of Apple too. If Apple has a Fruit (ie, composition) then you get to decide how to accomodate any changes to the Fruit class; you're not forced to change your public interface if you don't want to.
Return type of Fruit.peel() is being changed from int to Peel. This doesn't meant that the return type of Apple.peel() is being forced to change to Peel as well. In case of inheritance, it is forced and any client using Apple has to be changed. In case of composition, Apple.peel() still returns an integer, by calling the Peel.getPeelCount() getter and hence the client need not be changed and hence Apple's interface is not changed ( or being forced to be changed)
Well, in the composition case, Apple.peel()'s implementation needs to be updated, but its method signature can stay the same. And that means the client code (which uses Apple) does not have to be modified, retested, and redeployed.
This is in contrast to inheritance, where a change in Fruit.peel()'s method signature would require changes all way into the client code.

Using Ninject to bind an interface to multiple implementations unknown at compile time

I just recently started using Ninject (v2.2.0.0) in my ASP.NET MVC 3 application. So far I'm thrilled with it, but I ran into a situation I can't seem to figure out.
What I'd like to do is bind an interface to concrete implementations and have Ninject be able to inject the concrete implementation into a constructor using a factory (that will also be registered with Ninject). The problem is that I'd like my constructor to reference the concrete type, not the interface.
Here is an example:
public class SomeInterfaceFactory<T> where T: ISomeInterface, new()
public T CreateInstance()
// Activation and initialization logic here
public interface ISomeInterface
public class SomeImplementationA : ISomeInterface
public string PropertyA { get; set; }
public class SomeImplementationB : ISomeInterface
public string PropertyB { get; set; }
public class Foo
public Foo(SomeImplementationA implA)
public class Bar
public Bar(SomeImplementationB implB)
Elsewhere, I'd like to bind using just the interface:
kernel.Bind<ISomeInterface>().To ...something that will create and use the factory
Then, when requesting an instance of Foo from Ninject, it would see that one of the constructors parameters implements a bound interface, fetch the factory, and instantiate the correct concrete type (SomeImplementationA) and pass it to Foo's constructor.
The reason behind this is that I will have many implementations of ISomeInterface and I'd prefer to avoid having to bind each one individually. Some of these implementations may not be known at compile time.
I tried using:
The provider retrieves the factory based on the requested service type then calls its CreateInstance method, returning the concrete type:
public class SomeProvider : Provider<ISomeInterface>
protected override ISomeInterface CreateInstance(IContext context)
var factory = context.Kernel.Get(typeof(SomeInterfaceFactory<>)
var method = factory.GetType().GetMethod("CreateInstance");
return (ISomeInterface)method.Invoke();
However, my provider was never invoked.
I'm curious if Ninject can support this situation and, if so, how I might go about solving this problem.
I hope this is enough information to explain my situation. Please let me know if I should elaborate further.
Thank you!
It seems you have misunderstood how ninject works. In case you create Foo it sees that it requires a SomeImplementationA and will try to create an instance for it. So you need to define a binding for SomeImplementationA and not for ISomeInterface.
Also most likely your implementation breaks the Dependency Inversion Princple because you rely upon concrete instances instead of abstractions.
The solution to register all similar types at once (and the prefered way to configure IoC containers) is to use configuration by conventions. See the Ninject.Extensions.Conventions extenstion.

Is it OK to call virtual properties from the constructor of a NHibernate entity?

take a look at this example code:
public class Comment
private Comment()
{ }
public Comment(string text, DateTime creationDate, string authorEmail)
Text = text;
CreationDate = creationDate;
AuthorEmail = authorEmail;
public virtual string Text { get; private set; }
public virtual DateTime CreationDate { get; set; }
public virtual string AuthorEmail { get; private set; }
i know it's considered bad practice to call virtual member functions from the constructor, however in NHibernate i need the properties to be virtual to support lazy loading. Is it considered OK in this case?
I'm pretty sure this is fine, but if your worried you could always just assign the properties after a parameter less constructor call.
To expand on Paco's answer:
In most cases it doesn't hurt. But if the class is inherited, virtual allows the properties get/set to be overriden, so the behavior is no longer fully encapsulated and controlled, so it can break, in theory. FxCop warns about this because it's a potential problem.
The point of FxCop is to help warn you about potential problems though. It is not wrong to use properties in a constructor if you know you who/what is ever going to inherit from the class, but it isn't officially 'best practice'.
So, the answer is that it's fine as long as you control any inheritence of the class. Otherwise, don't use it and set the field values directly. (Which means you can't use C# 3.0 automatic get/set properties--you'll have to write properties wrapping fields yourself.)
Side note: Personally, all of my projects are web sites that we host for clients. So assuming this setup stays the same for a project, than it's worth the trade-off of having to duplicate the various null/argument checking. But, in any other case where I am not sure that we'll maintain complete control of the project and use of the class, I wouldn't take this shortcut.
It's OK in this sample, but it might cause problems when you inherit the class and override the properties. Generally, you can better create fields for the virtual properties.
IMHO the best-practice is to use properties with backing fields:
public class Comment
private DateTime _creationDate;
private string _text;
private string _authorEmail;
private Comment() { }
public Comment(string text, DateTime creationDate, string authorEmail)
_text = text;
_creationDate = creationDate;
_authorEmail = authorEmail;
public virtual string Text
get { return _text; }
private set { _text = value; }
public virtual string AuthorEmail
get { return _authorEmail; }
private set { _authorEmail = value; }
public virtual DateTime CreationDate
get { return _creationDate; }
set { _creationDate = value; }
So you can avoid problems on child classes and you don't see any warning anymore
I know that FxCop complains if you call a virtual method in your constructor, but I don't know what FxCop says whether you're calling a virtual property in your constructor ...
I would think that FxCop will complain as well since a property is translated to a method in IL.
You can also create your properties as 'non-virtual', and just specify 'lazy=false' on your 'class mapping' in NHIbernate.
This won't affect the lazy-load behavior of collections.
(I do it all the time, since I do not like that my infrastructure (NHibernate) requires me to have the properties virtual.
I also don't know whether the performance benefit of having dynamic proxies in NHibernate is significant).
I think, you should not call it in the constructor.
You can provide a method Initialize() which you can call after constructing the object.
In Initialize() you can call the required virtual methods