I am new to programming in VB. I am trying to use a built-in interface in the Adobe3DReviewer in my code. I need to use a method of the interface so I am trying to create an object. However, when I try to use the object to access the method I get this error:
System.NullReferenceException was unhandled.Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
I am not sure where I am going wrong. Any suggestions/comments will be greatly appreciated.Here is my code snippet:
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim attVal As New Object
Dim geomItemObject As Adobe3DReviewer.GeomItem
geomItemObject = Nothing
attVal = "value"
//The error is thrown at this line.
geomItemObject.AddAttribute("hi", attVal)
End Sub
End Module
You set geomItemObject to Nothing, which is causing the exception. Perhaps you need Dim geomItemObject as New Adobe3DReviewer.GeomItem.
Sorry, can't be more specific but i don't know Adobe3DReviewer.
So, here it goes. To start, A disclaimer, I understand that MS Access is not built for this kind of work. It is my only option at this time.
I have done just a bit of Automation using UIAutomationClient and I have successfully used its other features, however I cannot for the life of me get it to subscribe to events.
Normally, it is supposed to be a bit like this:
Dim CUI as new CUIAutomation
Dim FocusHandler as IUIAutomationFocusChangedEventHandler
Set FocusHandler = new IUIAutomationFocusChangedEventHandler(onFocusChanged)
C.AddFocusChangedEventHandler(Element,TreeScope_Children, null, FocusHandler)
end function
Function onFocusChanged(src as Object, args as AutomationEventArgs)
''my code here
end function
Yet when I attempt this, I get the error "expected end of statement" on the line:
FocusHandler = new IUIAutomationFocusChangedEventHandler(onFocusChanged)
additionally, if I leave off the (onFocusChanged) I get the error "Invalid use of new Keyword".
It seems like I am missing a reference somewhere. The usual drop down when using "new" does not contain the IUI handler classes though they are in the object library.
I am not sure if there is just some piece I am not accounting for in the code since I am using vba, but all examples seem to be for .net or C#/C++. Any help would be appreciated.
Additionally, I have no problem finding the element in question and all other pieces work fine. If you need any other pieces of the code let me know.
Edit: added set to line 3. No change in the problem though.
After two years this probably isn't relevant any more, but perhaps somebody else encounters this problem... The answer is to create a new class that implements the HandleAutomationEvent method.
Here I created a class named clsInvokeEventHandler and (importantly) set the Instancing property to PublicNotCreatable:
Option Explicit
Implements IUIAutomationEventHandler
Private Sub IUIAutomationEventHandler_HandleAutomationEvent(ByVal sender As UIAutomationClient.IUIAutomationElement, ByVal eventId As Long)
Debug.Print sender.CurrentName
End Sub
And to use it:
Sub StartInvokeHandler()
Dim oUIA As New CUIAutomation8
Dim oRoot As IUIAutomationElement
Dim InvokeHandler As clsInvokeEventHandler
Set InvokeHandler = New clsInvokeEventHandler
Set oRoot = oUIA.GetRootElement
oUIA.AddAutomationEventHandler UIA_Invoke_InvokedEventId, oRoot, TreeScope_Descendants, Nothing, InvokeHandler
End Sub
I wanted to first thank you all for the help you've given me implicitly over the last few months! I've gone from not knowing how to access the VBA IDE in Excel to writing fully integrated analysis programs for work. I couldn't have done it without the community here.
I'm currently trying to overhaul the first iteration of a data analysis program I wrote while learning how to code in VBA. While purpose driven and only really legible to myself, the code worked; but was a mess. From folks on this site I picked up Martin's Clean Code and gave it a read on how to try and be a better programmer.
From Martin's Clean Code, it was impressed on me to prioritize abstraction and decoupling of my code to allow for higher degrees of maintenance and modularization. I found this out the hard way since very minor changes requested above my pay grade would require massive and confusing rewrites! I'm trying to eliminate that problem going forward.
I am attempting to rewrite my code in terms of single responsibility classes (at least, where it is possible) and I am a bit confused. I apologize if my question isn't clear or if I'm using the wrong terminology. I want to be able to generate a collection of specific strings (the names of our detectors to be specific) with no duplicates from raw instrument data files from my lab. The purpose of this function is to assemble a bunch of metadata in a class and use it to standardize our file system and prevent clerical errors from newbies and old hands when they use the analysis program.
The testing initialization sub is below. It pops open a userform asking for the user to select the filepaths of the three files in the rawdatafiles class; then it kills the userform to free memory. The metadata object is currently for testing and will be rewritten properly when I get the output I want:
Sub setup()
Set rawdatafiles = New cRawDataFiles
rawdatafiles.labjobFile = GrabFiles.tboxLabJobFile.value
rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount = GrabFiles.tboxOriginal.value
rawdatafiles.rawdatasecondcount = GrabFiles.tboxRecount.value
Set GrabFiles = Nothing
Dim temp As cMetaData
Set temp = New cMetaData
temp.labjobName = rawdatafiles.labjobFile
'this works fine!
temp.detectorsOriginal = rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount
' This throws run time error 424: Object Required
End Sub
The cMetadata class I have currently is as follows:
Private pLabjobName As String
Private pDetectorsOriginal As Collection
Private pDetectorsRecheck As Collection
Private Sub class_initialize()
Set pDetectorsOriginal = New Collection
Set pDetectorsRecheck = New Collection
End Sub
Public Property Get labjobName() As String
labjobName = pLabjobName
End Property
Public Property Let labjobName(fileName As String)
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
pLabjobName = FSO.GetBaseName(fileName)
Set FSO = Nothing
End Property
Public Property Get detectorsOriginal() As Collection
detectorsOriginal = pDetectorsOriginal
End Property
Public Property Set detectorsOriginal(originalFilepath As Collection)
pDetectorsOriginal = getDetectors(rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount)
End Property
When I step through the code it starts reading the "public property get rawdatafirstcount() as string" and throws the error after "End Property" and points back to the "temp.detectorsOriginal = rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount" line in the initialization sub.
I think I'm at least close because the temp.labjobName = rawdatafiles.labjobFile code executes properly. I've tried playing around with the data types since this is a collection being assigned by a string but I unsurprisingly get data type errors and can't seem to figure out how to proceed.
If everything worked the way I want it to, the following function would take the filepath string from the rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount property and return for me a collection containing detector names as strings with no duplicates (I don't know if this function works exactly the way I want since I haven't been able to get the filepath I want to parse properly in the initial sub; but I can deal that later!):
Function getDetectors(filePath As String) As Collection
Dim i As Integer
Dim detectorsCollection As Collection
Dim OriginalRawData As Workbook
Set OriginalRawData = Workbooks.Open(fileName:=filePath, ReadOnly:=True)
Set detectorsCollection = New Collection
For i = 1 To OriginalRawData.Worksheets(1).Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
detectorsCollection.Add OriginalRawData.Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 4).value, CStr(OriginalRawData.Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 4).value)
On Error GoTo 0
Next i
getDetectors = detectorsCollection
Set detectorsCollection = Nothing
Set OriginalRawData = Nothing
End Function
Thanks again for reading and any help you can offer!
temp.detectorsOriginal = rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount
' This throws run time error 424: Object Required
It throws an error because, as others have already stated, the Set keyword is missing.
Now with that out of the way, a Set keyword is NOT what you want here. In fact, sticking a Set keyword in front of that assignment will only buy you another error.
Let's look at this property you're invoking:
Public Property Get detectorsOriginal() As Collection
detectorsOriginal = pDetectorsOriginal
End Property
Public Property Set detectorsOriginal(originalFilepath As Collection)
pDetectorsOriginal = getDetectors(rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount)
End Property
You're trying to assign detectorsOriginal with what appears to be some String value that lives in some TextBox control on that form you're showing - but the property's type is Collection, which is an object type - and that's not a String!
Now look at the property that does work:
Public Property Get labjobName() As String
labjobName = pLabjobName
End Property
Public Property Let labjobName(fileName As String)
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
pLabjobName = FSO.GetBaseName(fileName)
Set FSO = Nothing
End Property
This one is a String property, with a Property Let mutator that uses the fileName parameter it's given.
The broken one:
Public Property Set detectorsOriginal(originalFilepath As Collection)
pDetectorsOriginal = getDetectors(rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount)
End Property
Is a Set mutator, takes a Collection parameter, and doesn't use the originalFilepath parameter it's given at all!
And this is where I'm confused about your intention: you're passing what has all the looks of a String except for its type (Collection) - the calling code wants to give it a String.
In other words the calling code is expecting this:
Public Property Let detectorsOriginal(ByVal originalFilepath As String)
See, I don't know what you meant to be doing here; it appears you're missing some pOriginalFilepath As String private field, and then detectorsOriginal would be some get-only property that returns some collection:
Private pOriginalFilePath As String
Public Property Get OriginalFilePath() As String
OriginalFilePath = pOriginalFilePath
End Property
Public Property Let OriginalFilePath(ByVal value As String)
pOriginalFilePath = value
End Property
I don't know what you're trying to achieve, but I can tell you this:
Don't make a Property Set member that ignores its parameter, it's terribly confusing code.
Don't make a Property (Get/Let/Set) member that does anything non-trivial. If it's not trivially simple and has a greater-than-zero chance of throwing an error, it probably shouldn't be a property. Make it a method (Sub, or Function if it needs to return a value) instead.
A word about this:
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
pLabjobName = FSO.GetBaseName(fileName)
Set FSO = Nothing
Whenever you Dim something As New, VBA will automatically instantiate the object whenever it's referred to. In other words, this wouldn't throw any errors:
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
Set FSO = Nothing
pLabjobName = FSO.GetBaseName(fileName)
Avoid As New if you can. In this case you don't even need a local variable - use a With block instead:
With New FileSystemObject
pLabjobName = .GetBaseName(fileName)
End With
May not be your issue but you're missing Set in your detectorsOriginal Set/Get methods:
Public Property Get detectorsOriginal() As Collection
Set detectorsOriginal = pDetectorsOriginal
End Property
Public Property Set detectorsOriginal(originalFilepath As Collection)
Set pDetectorsOriginal = getDetectors(rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount)
End Property
So the error is one I've made a time or two (or more). Whenever you assign an object to another object, you have to use the Set reserved word to assign the reference to the Object.
In your code do the following:
In Sub setup()
Set temp.detectorsOriginal = rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount
And in the cMetadata class change the Public Property Set detectorsOriginal(originalFilepath As Collection) property to the following:
Public Property Get detectorsOriginal() As Collection
Set detectorsOriginal = pDetectorsOriginal
End Property
Public Property Set detectorsOriginal(originalFilepath As Collection)
Set pDetectorsOriginal = getDetectors(rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount)
End Property
Also in your function Function getDetectors(filePath as String) as Collection change the statement afterNext i` to
Set getDetectors = detectorsCollection
Also, I'm very glad to hear that you've learned how to use VBA.
When you're ready to create your own Custom Collections, check out this post. Your own custom Collections.
I also book marked Paul Kelly's Excel Macro Mastery VBA Class Modules – The Ultimate Guide as well as his Excel VBA Dictionary – A Complete Guide.
If you haven't been to Chip Pearson's site you should do so. He has a ton of useful code that will help your delivery your projects more quickly.
Happy Coding.
I am struggling with a piece of code that places a custom class in a collection. Every time I run the code I get a runtime error 91. The error is occuring on the Set pjt = New CProject line.
Dim Projects As Collection
Private Sub BuildProjects()
Dim pjt As CProject
Set Projects = New Collection
Set pjt = New CProject '<-----ERROR OCCURS HERE
'Do some other stuff
End Sub
This is obviously the simplest form of the Sub, but it still throws the error! What am I doing wrong? Do I need to set the access for the CProject class file somehow?
All your help will be greatly appreciated.
The line Set pjt = New CProject is calling the constructor for CProject.
The error will most likely be in the constructor of CProject.
Error 91 is a null reference
I am getting an error trying to arrange asynchronous loading and parsing of an XML document in VBA using a wrapper class.
Following the ideas described in this msdn article and this tutorial which have worked perfectly for asynchronous handling of MSXML2.XMLHTTP40.send method I attempted to do a similar thing for DOMDocument.loadXML.
Here is the code from the wrapper class DOMMonitor
Private domDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument
Public Event onXmlLoadComplete(d As MSXML2.DOMDocument)
Public Sub loadXML(XmlFilePath As String)
Set domDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
domDoc.async = True
domDoc.onreadystatechange = Me ' error occurs here
domDoc.Load XmlFilePath
End Sub
Public Sub onLoadComplete()
If domDoc.readyState = "4" Then
RaiseEvent onXmlLoadComplete(domDoc)
End If
End Sub
I have made onLoadComplete the default method by setting VB_UserMemId = 0, so it is supposed to be invoked when domDoc fires onreadystatechange .
However when I invoke loadXML
Dim dm As DomMonitor
Set dm = New DomMonitor
dm.loadXML txtXMLData
i get the following runtime error in this line:
domDoc.onreadystatechange = Me
This object cannot sink the 'onreadystatechange' event. An error occurred marshalling the object's IDispatch interface
What am I doing wrong and is there a good workaround here?
Thanks in advance.
P.S. The reason I am republishing the event is that I do not necessarily want use the default method of the final subscriber for this purpose. However, as things stand now I do not even get to that stage.
The way I read that msdn article is that to assign a wrapper class to the readystatechange, the object has to be either an IXMLHTTPRequest or an IServerXMLHTTPRequest object (bullet 3). Since your object is a DOMDocument, readystatechange doesn't accept an object.
However, you can instantiate a DOMDocument WithEvents (bullet 2), making the other way redundant, I guess. I don't have an xml file large enough to test, but I think this should work. I assume that if the class loses scope, all bets are off, so I made it a global variable.
In a standard module
Public clsDOMMonitor As CDOMMonitor
Sub test()
Set clsDOMMonitor = New CDOMMonitor
clsDOMMonitor.loadXML "C:\Users\dkusleika\Downloads\wurfl-2.3.xml"
End Sub
In CDOMMonitor class
Private WithEvents mDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument
Private Sub mDoc_onreadystatechange()
If mDoc.readyState = 4 Then
MsgBox "second"
End If
End Sub
Public Sub loadXML(XmlFilePath As String)
Set mDoc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument
mDoc.async = True
mDoc.Load XmlFilePath
MsgBox "first"
End Sub
I assume that setting async to True is all that is needed for this to work properly. My 100k xml file is probably done so fast that that the event never gives up control. But if you had a sufficiently large xml file, I think you would get "first" before "second".
Change the class' Instancing property from Private to PublicNotCreatable when late binding, whilst also applying the tweak which you have mentioned.
Use the above example when early binding (as in your case).
Looking for help trying to figure out why this typecast is not working on my machine.
This code was provided as an answer to another question I had and it's not working for me. It works for the answer poster on their machine, but I'm get a an exception on the line trying to typecast from ShellBrowserWindow to ShellFolderView.
I am using Visual Studio Express 2013, running on Windows 7 Pro X64 Sp1. The target framework for the project is .Net Framework 4. I've added references to Microsoft Internet Controls and Microsoft Shell Controls and Automation and I've added the Imports statements for Shell32 and SHDocVw. DLL versions are as follows: shell32.dll = 6.1.7601.18517 and shdocvw.dll = 6.1.7601.1822 I'm not sure what I could be missing.
The code looks like this. (This code is in a form object)
Imports EdmLib
Imports Shell32
Imports SHDocVw
Public Class BlankForm
Private Sub BlankForm_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim bar As String() = GetExplorerSelectedFiles()
Exit Sub
'The rest of my program is below this line - I'm just trying to test this one function right now...
End Sub
'Uses the windows shell to get the files selected in explorer
Public Function GetExplorerSelectedFiles() As String()
Dim ExplorerFiles As New List(Of String)
Dim exShell As New Shell32.Shell
Dim SFV As Shell32.ShellFolderView
For Each window As SHDocVw.ShellBrowserWindow In DirectCast(exShell.Windows, SHDocVw.IShellWindows)
If (window.Document).GetType.Name <> "HTMLDocumentClass" Then
SFV = CType(window.Document, ShellFolderView) '<--This is where it fails!!
For Each fi As FolderItem In SFV.SelectedItems
End If
Return ExplorerFiles.ToArray
End Function
End Class
The line SFV = CType(window.Document, ShellFolderView) results in the following message:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred
in LaunchTemplateEPDM.exe
Additional information: Unable to cast COM object of type
'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'Shell32.ShellFolderView'. This
operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component
for the interface with IID '{29EC8E6C-46D3-411F-BAAA-611A6C9CAC66}'
failed due to the following error: No such interface supported
(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)).
I've taken a screenshot of a quickwatch on the window object. A quickwatch on the window.document object shows an error saying it's either undefined or inaccessible.
I ran the query Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.TypeName(window.document) and it returns "IShellFolderViewDual3".
I fixed it.
Not sure why this happens on my system and not yours.
What I found was that GetType.Name always just returns "System.__ComObject", regardless of whether the object is of type ShellFolderView, HTMLDocumentClass or something else. So what was happening was no matter what the actual type of the object was, it was passing the <>"HTMLDocumentClass" test because it was always evaluating to "System.__ComObject". Then when we tried to run the CType function on an object that didn't implement the ShellFolderView interface, it would throw that exception.
I eventually stumbled upon this article which led me to experiment with the TypeName Function which seems to return the actual type, and so I ended up with the working code below:
Public Function GetExplorerSelectedFiles() As String()
Dim ExplorerFiles As New List(Of String)
Dim exShell As New Shell32.Shell
For Each window As SHDocVw.ShellBrowserWindow In DirectCast(exShell.Windows, SHDocVw.IShellWindows)
If TypeName(window.Document) Like "IShellFolderViewDual*" Then
For Each fi As FolderItem In DirectCast(window.Document, ShellFolderView).SelectedItems
End If
Return ExplorerFiles.ToArray
End Function