What is the difference between PL/SQL and T-SQL? - sql

All that I know is that the former is Oracle and the latter is SQL Server. I assume some things might be easier in one versus the other but are there certain things I can do in PL that I can't in T?
Are there fundamental differences that I should be aware of? If so, what are they?

T-SQL and PL/SQL are two completely different programming languages with different syntax, type system, variable declarations, built-in functions and procedures, and programming capabilities.
The only thing they have in common is direct embedding of SQL statements, and storage and execution inside a database.
(In Oracle Forms, PL/SQL is even used for client-side code, though integration with database-stored PL/SQL is (almost) seemless)

The only fundamental difference is that PL/SQL is a procedural programming language with embedded SQL, and T-SQL is a set of procedural extensions for SQL used by MS SQL Server. The syntax differences are major. Here are a couple good articles on converting between the two:

They're not necessarily easier, just different - ANSI-SQL is the standard code that's shared between them - the SELECT, WHERE and other query syntax, and T-SQL or PL/SQL is the control flow and advanced coding that's added on top by the database vendor to let you write stored procedures and string queries together.
It's possible to run multiple queries using just ANSI-SQL statements, but if you want to do any IF statements or handle any errors, you're using more than what's in the ANSI spec, so it's either T-SQL or PL/SQL (or whatever the vendor calls it if you're not using Microsoft or Oracle).

One tid bit I can add is take what you know in one and while using the other forget what you know(except for using set based logic when ever possible).
One example of the differences is cursor's are typically considered a less ideal solution in T-SQL unless there is a really good reason to use them which there is often not. In Oracle the cursor's are much more optimized for example they have bulk abilities, that is the ability to work on a set of data much like a normal SQL statement can. So in Oracle using a cursor isn't an instant failed code review where it might in a TSQL code review.
Overall T-SQL is much easier to learn as there's not much to it as far as languages are concerned. PL/SQL is a richer language, and therefore more complicated. It is not a hard language to pick up if have a good book. Overall I really like PLSQL for it's depth and I really like TSQL for it's simplicity.

PL/SQL and T-SQL are extensions for SQL. PL/SQL is used for Oracle databases and T-SQL is used for Microsoft databases.
Here are more useful informations:


Using Oracle SQL syntax for custom developed database server

Is it possible to implement own database server taking Oracle PL/SQL syntax as the bases or i would like to ask why different database solutions have different syntax eg: SQL server, MySql, Sqlite etc. can't they have some specific standard of syntax for basic operations including PL/SQL(excluding SQLite) why everyone is having a different syntax, sorry for diversion of question into patent issues but i could not find a better place to ask this question.
Of course you can, but you have to parse the PL/SQL yourself into something other platforms understand. (You can use ANTLR for example as parser tool. There is even a full featured grammar for PL/SQL) This is possible for small solutions with a small instruction set, but for large, full support of PL/SQL you need to be Oracle-sized.
To answer the why: two reasons:
There is no standard, so everyone picks his own;
You don't want customers to leave, so your own 'best' framework that is incompatible with others, that is your USP, and it prevents users from just porting their code to the other platform. They are stuck on yours.

Make stored procedures generic

I have to make my stored procedures written in SQL to be generic, so that they can be used in different versions of SQL (also MySQL if possible). I think it can be done if the scripts are written according to ANSI standards. But I have to convert large procedures. There is no tool for direct conversion. Is there any set of rules which can be followed to perform this conversion?
I have found a tool to validate scripts # http://developer.mimer.com
But this will be very time consuming as I have large SP's and I think by using some rule book, this task can be done in a shorter time.
There is no generic stored procedure language.
If you need something to work across database platforms, you would be better to implement the SP functionality in code, using ANSI standard SQL for the database access.

Confused about the role of a query language

So, I haven't had any luck finding any articles or forum posts that have explained to me how exactly a query language works in conjunction with a general use programming language like c++ or vb. So I guess it wont hurt to ask >.<
Basically, I've been having a hard time understanding what the roles of the query language are ( we'll use SQL as an example for query language and VB6 for norm language) if i'm creating a simple database query that fills a table with normal information (first name, last name, address etc). I somewhat know the steps in setting up a program like this using ado objects for the connection and whatnot, but how do we decide which language of the 2 gets used for certain things ? Does vb6 specifically handle the basics like loops, if else's, declarations of your vars, and SQL specifically handles things like connecting to the database and doing the searching, filtering and sorting ? Is it possible to do certain general use vb6 actions (loops or conditionals) in SQL syntax instead ? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
SQL is a language to query a database. SQL is an ISO standard and relational database vendors implement to the ISO standard and then add on their own customizations. For example in SQL Server it is called T-SQL and in Oracle it is called PL-SQL. They both implement ISO standards and so each will have identical queries for a simple select like
select columname from tablename where columnname=1
However, each have different syntax for string functions, date functions, etc....
The ISO SQL standard by design is not a full procedural language with looping, subroutines, ect as in a full procedural language like VB.
However, each vendor has added capabilities to their version to add some of this functionality in.
For example both T-SQL and PL-SQL can "loop" through records using various constructs in their language.
There is also a difference when working with data that many developers are not well in tuned with. That is set based operations vs. procedural based.
Databases can work with procedural constructs but are often more performant with set based. A developer who is not versed in this concept may end up creating a very innefficient query. Here's an example of this discussion.
With any situation you have to weight out the pro's/con's of where it is best to do this work.
I tend to favor using procedural constructs such as loops in the language I am using over SQL. I find it easier to maintain and the language I am using offers more powerful syntax for me to get the job done.
However, I keep both options as a tool in the toolbox. For example, I have written data conversion scripts in SQL and in this case I have used the looping constructs in SQL.
Usually programming language are executed in the client side (app server too), and query languages are executed in the db server, so in the end it depends where you want to put all the work. Sometimes you can put lot of work in the client side by doing all the calculations with the programming language and other times you want to use more the db server and you end up using the query language or even better tsql/psql or whatever.
Relational databases are designed to manage data. In particular, they provide an efficient mechanism for managing memory, disk, and processors for large quantities of data. In addition, relational databases can handle multiple clients, guarantee transactional integrity, security, backups, persistence, and numerous other functions.
In general, if you are using an RDBMS with another language, you want to design the data structure first and then think about the API (applications programming interface) between the two. This is particularly true when you have an app/server relationship.
For a "simple" type of application, which uses a lot of data but with minimal or batch changes to it, you want to move as much of the processing into the database as is reasonable. Here are things you do not want to do:
Use queries to load things into arrays, and then do array manipulations at the language level. SQL provides joins for this.
Load data into an array and do manipulations and summaries on the array. SQL provides aggregations for this.
Save data into a file to have a backup. Databases provide backup mechanisms.
If you data fits into an array or on an Excel spreadsheet, it is often sufficient to get started with the data stored there. Only when you start to expand the needs (multiple clients, security, integration with other data) do the advantages of a database become more apparent.
These are just for guidance and to give you some ideas.
In terms of doing what where, do as much as is sensible in SQL (given it runs on a server) as you can.
So for instance don't do stuff like this (psuedo code)
foreach(row in "Select * from Orders")
if (row[CustomerID] = 876)
foreach(row in "Select * from Orders where CustomerId = 876")
First it's likely Orders is indexed by CustomerID so it will find all 876s order way quicker.
Second to do the first one you just sucked every record in that table into the client's memory space probably across your network.
What language is used is essentially irrelevant, you could invent your own DBMS with it's own language.
It's where you do what processing that matters. It's Rule with exceptions, but the essential idea is let your backend do as much as it can.

Which SQL Implementation can translate to many other(s)?

I'm looking for a SQL Implementation (and its Editor) that can be used for translating it to many other(s) SQL Languages.
For example, when i code in that SQL Language to script file(s), and then i translate to other(s) SQL Language script file(s) (for ex: MS SQL's , MySQL's , ...).
If you're sure to use only ANSI SQL to construct your scripts, you should be good to go.
I agree with #Justin Niessner: all SQL vendors pay attention to the SQL Standards, notably core SQL-92. To take SQL Server as an example, although they find Sybase legacy code is tricky to deprecate they are not afraid to do so and entirely new features (e.g. MERGE in MSSQL2008) tend to extend their Standard SQL equivalents, rather than reinventing the wheel.
For a product that has good Standards compliance, take a look at Mimer
Here at Mimer Information Technology, we pride ourselves on conforming
to the SQL standard and we play an active role in the Database
Languages standardization group which determines exactly what is SQL
Mimer also provide extremely useful SQL validators for SQL-92, SQL-99 and SQL:2003 respectively.
I've been researching the same thing a while ago. What I've found is that there is a project liquibase. It is aimed at change tracking but also converting between different DBMS. You can download source code and see different datatypes conversions across databases. Source at github browse for java files there, probably you'll find something helpful
If all you want are basic operations, these are fairly universal. For instance:
...are all at the most basic level the same across implementations.
However, the more complicated your scripts get, the more difficult it becomes to make them "universal". Things like aggregation, subqueries, cursors, while loops, functions, indexes, constraints, temp tables, variables, string manipulation, window operations etc. are all pretty much database-specific.
Some of these do have "universal" equivalents but the more generic you make your code the worse it will perform.

Dynamic SQL in production systems

SO has plenty of Q&As about how to accomplish various tasks using dynamic SQL, frequently the responses are accompanied with warnings and disclaimers about the advisability of actually using the approach provided. I've worked in environments ranging from "knowing how to use a cursor is a bad sign" to "isn't sp_executesql neat!".
When it comes to production systems should dynamic sql always be avoided or should it have a valid place in the programming toolbox. If not/so, Why?
Answers to some of your questions can be found here The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL
Sometimes you have to use dynamic SQL because it will perform better
It depends on what you mean by dynamic sql. Queries built where parameter values substituted directly into the sql string are dangerous and should be avoided except for the very rare case where there is no other option.
Dynamic SQL using the appropriate parameterized query mechanism supported by your platform can be very powerful.
There are several considerations when evaluating the use of dynamic SQL:
performance can vary widely, and specific to which database engine is targeted
maintenance can vary widely, in both directions (e.g., dynamic SQL can employ
modularization techniques that static SQL cannot)
dynamic SQL is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks, but static SQL is (mostly) not
sometimes your needs make static SQL (nearly) impossible, but that should be rare
Remember, SQL is code, and an RDBMS is another API. It is NOT special, or at least not much; deal with it like you would any other code and API. In particular, don't just code directly against the API: modularize your code and write some helper methods to make it easier and reusable.
The cost of 'dynamic SQL' varies between DBMS.
In IBM DB2, where query plans can be pre-compiled down to machine code, the cost of Dynamic SQL is significant.
In IBM Informix (IDS - Informix Dynamic Server), most queries are effectively 'dynamic SQL' (the exception is queries in stored procedures) in that the SQL is interpreted at run-time, even though the client-side notation uses static SQL.
I believe - though a DB2 expert might be able to contradict me - that the CLI (ODBC, aka CCC) and JCC (JDBC) systems for DB2 do all SQL as dynamic SQL.
I don't know what Oracle, Sybase, MS SQL Server do - my suspicion is that they hew closer to the line adopted by IDS than the line adopted by DB2. For MySQL and PostgreSQL, I'd be surprised if they did not behave more like IDS than DB2.
As a result, with IDS, there is no particular overhead to using Dynamic SQL; at the server level, your SQL is dynamic anyway. Other DBMS may have other factors at play.
One issue for all servers is 'how do you identify the pre-compiled query from the SQL sent over the wire'. With DB2, the pre-compilers identify the package which is used, and the communications protocol between application and server identifies that. My understanding is that the DB2 clients such as ODBC and JDBC do not use a pre-compiled package - hence I think that they effectively do dynamic SQL all the time.
Beware SQL injection with Dynamic SQL!
My previous shop would never allow such things to execute against the database (SQL Server).
It was prohibited as practice, and the DB was locked down to prevent it.
All work goes through objects (SPs, etc).
This is the right way to do it always, IMHO.
There are edge cases where dynamic SQL is both easier and faster than the alternative. As long as you keep them few and far between and they are dynamically generated prepared parameterized SQL I see no big problem with them.
Dynamic SQL has a place - even in production code. Executing arbitrary code with security holes does not.
In general, I would avoid using dynamic SQL if there is not a good reason to use it. Dynamic SQL does not get checked until it runs, so you obviously have a bigger testing burden. However, there are plenty of good times to use it when dealing with administrative tasks, static code-generation, accommodating changing systems without excessive maintenance based on querying metadata, using DRY to avoid redundancy, etc.
Our system has what I think is a lot of dynamic SQL in it, mostly because we have a lot of dynamically created objects (tables, indexes, views mostly). A lot of this is legacy; things like partitioned tables in 2k5 help somewhat in some of our use cases. But as mentioned you need to make a good case for it; on-the-fly SQL inside the procs usually has a better (static) solution.