NHibernate ( NullReferenceException using Query<> and NHibernate Facility - nhibernate

I have a problem with NHibernate, I can't seem to find any solution for.
In my project I have a simple entity (Batch), but whenever I try and run the following test, I get an exception.
I've triede a couple of different ways to perform a similar query, but almost identical exception for all (it differs in which LINQ method being executed).
The first test:
public void QueryLatestBatch()
using (var session = SessionManager.OpenSession())
var batch = session.Query<Batch>()
Assert.That(batch, Is.Not.Null);
The exception:
System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at NHibernate.Linq.NhQueryProvider.PrepareQuery(Expression expression, ref IQuery query, ref NhLinqExpression nhQuery)
at NHibernate.Linq.NhQueryProvider.Execute(Expression expression)
at System.Linq.Queryable.FirstOrDefault(IQueryable`1 source)
The second test:
public void QueryLatestBatch2()
using (var session = SessionManager.OpenSession())
var batch = session.Query<Batch>()
.OrderBy(x => x.Executed)
Assert.That(batch, Is.Not.Null);
The exception:
System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at NHibernate.Linq.NhQueryProvider.PrepareQuery(Expression expression, ref IQuery query, ref NhLinqExpression nhQuery)
at NHibernate.Linq.NhQueryProvider.Execute(Expression expression)
at System.Linq.Queryable.SingleOrDefault(IQueryable`1 source)
However, this one is passing (using QueryOver<>):
public void QueryOverLatestBatch()
using (var session = SessionManager.OpenSession())
var batch = session.QueryOver<Batch>()
.OrderBy(x => x.Executed).Asc
Assert.That(batch, Is.Not.Null);
Assert.That(batch.Executed, Is.LessThan(DateTime.Now));
Using the QueryOver<> API is not bad at all, but I'm just kind of baffled that the Query<> API isn't working, which is kind of sad, since the First() operation is very concise, and our developers really enjoy LINQ.
I really hope there is a solution to this, as it seems strange if these methods are failing such a simple test.
I'm using Oracle 11g, my mappings are done with FluentNHibernate registered through Castle Windsor with the NHibernate Facility.
As I wrote, the odd thing is that the query works perfectly with the QueryOver<> API, but not through LINQ.

There is an issue with the current implementation of the LINQ extensionmethods for NHibernate used together with NHibernate Facility 2.0RC (and previous versions) (see: https://nhibernate.jira.com/browse/NH-2626 and discussion here: http://groups.google.com/group/castle-project-devel/browse_thread/thread/ac90148a8d4c8477)
The fix I am using at the moment is to simply ignore the LINQ extensionmethods provided by NHibernate and create it myself. They're really just one-liners:
public static class NHibernateLinqExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Performs a LINQ query on the specified type.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type to perform the query on.</typeparam>
/// <param name="session"></param>
/// <returns>A new <see cref="IQueryable{T}"/>.</returns>
/// <remarks>This method is provided as a workaround for the current bug in the NHibernate LINQ extension methods.</remarks>
public static IQueryable<T> Linq<T>(this ISession session)
return new NhQueryable<T>(session.GetSessionImplementation());
/// <summary>
/// Performs a LINQ query on the specified type.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type to perform the query on.</typeparam>
/// <param name="session"></param>
/// <returns>A new <see cref="IQueryable{T}"/>.</returns>
/// <remarks>This method is provided as a workaround for the current bug in the NHibernate LINQ extension methods.</remarks>
public static IQueryable<T> Linq<T>(this IStatelessSession session)
return new NhQueryable<T>(session.GetSessionImplementation());
Then, when I need to do a LINQ query, I just use session.Linq<EntityType>() instead of session.Query<EntityType>.
Hope it helps someone in the same situation that I was.

I found the following: http://groups.google.com/group/castle-project-users/browse_thread/thread/5efc9f3b7b5d6a08
Apparently there is an issue with the current version of the NHibernate Facility and NHibernate
I guess I'll just have to wait for a fix :)


Fluent NHibernate Conventions : OptimisticLock.Is(x => x.Version()) doesn't work

I am having problems with using OptimisticLock as a Convention.
However, using OptimisticLock within Individual ClassMap's works fine. It throws Stale State Object Exceptions.
Each Class corresponding to a Table in the database has a property (which corresponds to a Column in the Table) of type DateTime which I am trying to use for Locking using OptimisticLock.Version().
It works only when I use it within every ClassMap, I don't want to write so many ClassMaps, I instead want to use Auto Mapping.
It WORKS like this within the Class Map
Version(x => x.UpdTs).Column("UPD_TS");
So, I started using Convention below, but it DOESN'T WORK.
OptimisticLock.IsAny(x => x.Version());
I tried setting the DynamicUpdate, etc. Nothing seems to work for me.
Please help !
Here's what I did to get it work using a Convention :
/// <summary>
/// Class represents the Convention which defines which Property/Column serves as a part of the Optimistic Locking Mechanism.
/// </summary>
public class VersionConvention : IVersionConvention, IVersionConventionAcceptance
public void Accept(IAcceptanceCriteria<IVersionInspector> criteria)
criteria.Expect(x => x.Name == "%COLUMN_NAME%");
/// <summary>
/// Method applies additional overrides to the <see cref="IVersionInstance"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="instance"><see cref="IVersionInstance"/></param>
public void Apply(IVersionInstance instance)
%COLUMN_NAME% above is the Property being used for Locking using Version.
Then specified that the Version should be used for Optimistic Locking, when creating a FluentConfiguration Object, like this
OptimisticLock.Is(x => x.Version();

Moq - Is it possible to specify in a Setup the Verify criteria (e.g. Times called)?

If you need to Setup a return value, as well as Verify how many times the expression was called, can you do this in one statement?
From what I can gather, Moq's Setup(SomeExpression).Verifiable() called along with Verify(), basically does a Verify(SomeExpression, Times.AtLeastOnce)? i.e. it verifys the expression was called only.
Here's an example to explain the question better. For an interface:
interface IFoo
int ReturnSomething();
Are the following two blocks equivalent (other than the first will Verify all setups marked as verifiable)?
void Test()
var mock = new Mock<IFoo>();
mock.Setup((m) => m.ReturnSomething()).Returns(1).Verifiable();
void Test()
var mock = new Mock<IFoo>();
mock.Setup((m) => m.ReturnSomething()).Returns(1);
mock.Verify((m) => m.ReturnSomething(), Times.AtLeastOnce());
If I wanted to verify the number of calls (say twice), is this the only way, where the expression is repeated for the Setup and Verify?
void Test()
var mock = new Mock<IFoo>();
mock.Setup((m) => m.ReturnSomething()).Returns(1);
mock.Verify((m) => m.ReturnSomething(), Times.Exactly(2));
I just don't like having to call Setup and Verify. Well, since this is a good idea for AAA, to rephrase, I don't like having to repeat the expression for the Setup and Verify. At the moment I store the expression in a variable and pass it to each method, but doesn't feel so clean.
PS - The context for this is for a test checking when a cache is updated or not (expirations etc.)
I have this problem all the time. I use strict mocks, and I want to specify strictly (i.e. I used It.Is<>() instead of It.IsAny()) as well as verify strictly (i.e. specifying Times). You cannot use verifiable for this sadly, because Moq is missing a Verifiable(Times) overload.
The full expression of the call, including It.Is<>() is generally big. So in order to avoid duplication I generally resort to the following:
Expression<Action<MockedType>> expression = mockedTypeInstance => mockedTypeInstance.MockedMethod(It.Is<TFirstArgument>(firstArgument => <some complex statement>)/*, ...*/);
/* run the test*/
_mock.Verify(expression, Times.Once);
Not extremely readable, but I don't think there is another way to both use strict setup and strict verification.
To answer the first question, yes the two blocks are equivalent. Both will fail when .Verify is called if the method on the mock wasn't called.
You can't specify the verify up front as far as I am aware and if you think about it, it makes sense.
This is specifying the behavior of the mock:
mock.Setup(m => m.ReturnSomething()).Returns(1);
This is verifying the behavior of the caller:
mock.Verify(m => m.ReturnSomething(), Times.AtLeastOnce());
Personally I prefer calling verify individually to confirm the required behavior of the caller, the .Verifiable() and .Verify() are shortcuts that are less strict (they just check the method was called one or more times) however if you know your code should only call a method once, put the verify in at the end to confirm it.
I started doing that after a code merge resulted in a method being called twice, the test still passed since it was called at least once but it also meant that something else happened multiple times which shouldn't have!
Expounding on the answer by Evren Kuzucuoglu, I created the following extension methods to make creating the expressions a little simpler:
/// <summary>
/// Creates a method call expression that can be passed to both <see cref="Setup"/> and <see cref="Verify"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Mocked object type.</typeparam>
/// <param name="mock">Mock of <see cref="T"/>.</param>
/// <param name="expression">Method call expression to record.</param>
/// <returns>Method call expression.</returns>
public static Expression<Action<T>> CallTo<T>(this Mock<T> mock, Expression<Action<T>> expression) where T : class
return expression;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a method call expression that can be passed to both <see cref="Setup"/> and <see cref="Verify"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Mocked object type.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TResult">Method call return type.</typeparam>
/// <param name="mock">Mock of <see cref="T"/>.</param>
/// <param name="expression">Method call expression to record.</param>
/// <returns>Method call expression.</returns>
public static Expression<Func<T, TResult>> CallTo<T, TResult>(this Mock<T> mock, Expression<Func<T, TResult>> expression) where T : class
return expression;
Usage example:
var createMapperCall = mockMappingFactory.CallTo(x => x.CreateMapper());
mockMappingFactory.Verify(createMapperCall, Times.Once());
I created a utility class that takes care of this:
public class TestUtils
private static List<Action> verifyActions = new List<Action>();
public static void InitVerifyActions() => verifyActions = new List<Action>();
public static void VerifyAllSetups()
foreach (var action in verifyActions)
public static ISetup<T> SetupAndVerify<T>(Mock<T> mock, Expression<Action<T>> expression, Times times) where T : class
verifyActions.Add(() => mock.Verify(expression, times));
return mock.Setup(expression);
public static ISetup<T, TResult> SetupAndVerify<T, TResult>(Mock<T> mock, Expression<Func<T, TResult>> expression, Times times) where T : class
verifyActions.Add(() => mock.Verify(expression, times));
return mock.Setup(expression);
Then in TestInitialize(), I call TestUtils.InitVerifyActions(), and in the unit tests:
TestUtils.SetupAndVerify(myMock, m => m.Foo("bar"), Times.Once()).Returns("baz");
TestUtils.SetupAndVerify(myOtherMock, m => m.Blah(), Times.Once());
While far from enough Moq indeed has the AtMost() and AtMostOnce() methods on the Setup call, however it is marked as Obsolete, but it appears to be a mistake according to this GitHub issue

Repository Pattern with NHibernate?

I am wondering how much should my service layer know of my repository? In past project I always returned lists and had a method for each thing I needed.
So if I needed to return all rows that had an Id of 5 that would be a method. I do have generic repository for create, update, delete and other NHibernate options but for querying I don't.
Now I am starting to use more IQueryable as I started to run into problems of having so many methods for each case.
Say if I needed to return all that had a certain Id and needed 3 tables that where eager loaded this would be a new method. If I needed a certain Id and no eager loading that would be a separate method.
So now I am thinking if I method that does the where clause part and return IQueryable then I can add on the result (i.e. if I need to do eager loading).
At the same time though this now makes the service layer more aware of the repository layer and I no longer can switch out the repository as easy as now I have specific NHibernate in the service layer.
I am also not sure how that would effect mocking.
So now I am wondering if I go down this route if the repository is needed as it now seems like they have been blended together.
If I get rid of my repository and just have the session in my service layer is there a point to having a unit of work class then?
public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork, IDisposable
private ITransaction transaction;
private readonly ISession session;
public UnitOfWork(ISession session)
this.session = session;
session.FlushMode = FlushMode.Auto;
/// <summary>
/// Starts a transaction with the database. Uses IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted
/// </summary>
public void BeginTransaction()
transaction = session.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);
/// <summary>
/// starts a transaction with the database.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="level">IsolationLevel the transaction should run in.</param>
public void BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel level)
transaction = session.BeginTransaction(level);
private bool IsTransactionActive()
return transaction.IsActive;
/// <summary>
/// Commits the transaction and writes to the database.
/// </summary>
public void Commit()
// make sure a transaction was started before we try to commit.
if (!IsTransactionActive())
throw new InvalidOperationException("Oops! We don't have an active transaction. Did a rollback occur before this commit was triggered: "
+ transaction.WasRolledBack + " did a commit happen before this commit: " + transaction.WasCommitted);
/// <summary>
/// Rollback any writes to the databases.
/// </summary>
public void Rollback()
if (IsTransactionActive())
public void Dispose() // don't know where to call this to see if it will solve my problem
if (session.IsOpen)
Everyone has an opinion how to use the repository, what to abstract etc. Ayende Rahien has got few good posts about the issue: Architecting in the pit of doom: The evils of the repository abstraction layer and Repository is the new Singleton. Those give you some pretty good reasons why you shouldn't try to create yet another abstraction on top of NHibernate's ISession.
The thing about NHibernate is that it gives you the most if you don't try to abstract it out. Making your service layer depend on NHibernate is not necessarily a bad thing. It gives you control over sessions, caching and other NHibernate features, and thus enables you to imporove performance, not to mention saving you from all the redundant wrapping code that you've mentioned.

Iterate through IPersistentCollection items

I am listening to audit events in NHibernate, specifically to OnPostUpdateCollection(PostCollectionUpdateEvent #event)
I want to iterate through the #event.Collection elements.
The #event.Collection is an IPersistenCollection which does not implements IEnumerable. There is the Entries method that returns an IEnumerable, but it requires an ICollectionPersister which I have no idea where I can get one.
The questions is already asked here: http://osdir.com/ml/nhusers/2010-02/msg00472.html, but there was no conclusive answer.
Searching NHibernate code I could found the following doc about GetValue method of IPersistentCollection (#event.Collection):
/// <summary>
/// Return the user-visible collection (or array) instance
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// By default, the NHibernate wrapper is an acceptable collection for
/// the end user code to work with because it is interface compatible.
/// An NHibernate PersistentList is an IList, an NHibernate PersistentMap is an IDictionary
/// and those are the types user code is expecting.
/// </returns>
object GetValue();
With that, we can conclude that you can cast your collection to an IEnumerable and things will work fine.
I've built a little sample mapping a bag and things got like that over here:
public void OnPostUpdateCollection(PostCollectionUpdateEvent #event)
foreach (var item in (IEnumerable)#event.Collection.GetValue())
Hope this helps!
If you need to do more complex operations with the collection, you are probably going to need the collection persister, which you can actually get with the following extension method (essentially, you need to work around the visibility by of the AbstractCollectionEvent.GetLoadedCollectionPersister method):
public static class CollectionEventExtensions
private class Helper : AbstractCollectionEvent
public Helper(ICollectionPersister collectionPersister, IPersistentCollection collection, IEventSource source, object affectedOwner, object affectedOwnerId)
: base(collectionPersister, collection, source, affectedOwner, affectedOwnerId)
public static ICollectionPersister GetCollectionPersister(AbstractCollectionEvent collectionEvent)
return GetLoadedCollectionPersister(collectionEvent.Collection, collectionEvent.Session);
public static ICollectionPersister GetCollectionPersister(this AbstractCollectionEvent collectionEvent)
return Helper.GetCollectionPersister(collectionEvent);
Hope it helps!
Best Regards,
Oliver Hanappi

How to turn off NHibernate's automatic (dirty checking) update behaviour?

I've just discovered that if I get an object from an NHibernate session and change a property on object, NHibernate will automatically update the object on commit without me calling Session.Update(myObj)!
I can see how this could be helpful, but as default behaviour it seems crazy!
Update: I now understand persistence ignorance, so this behaviour is now clearly the preferred option. I'll leave this now embarrassing question here to hopefully help other profane users.
How can I stop this happening? Is this default NHibernate behaviour or something coming from Fluent NHibernate's AutoPersistenceModel?
If there's no way to stop this, what do I do? Unless I'm missing the point this behaviour seems to create a right mess.
I'm using NHibernate and a Fluent NHibernate build from 18/3/2009
Is this guy right with his answer?
I've also read that overriding an Event Listener could be a solution to this. However, IDirtyCheckEventListener.OnDirtyCheck isn't called in this situation. Does anyone know which listener I need to override?
You can set Session.FlushMode to FlushMode.Never. This will make your operations explicit
ie: on tx.Commit() or session.Flush(). Of course this will still update the database upon commit/flush. If you do not want this behavior, then call session.Evict(yourObj) and it will then become transient and NHibernate will not issue any db commands for it.
Response to your edit: Yes, that guy gives you more options on how to control it.
My solution:
In your initial ISession creation, (somewhere inside your injection framework registrations) set DefaultReadOnly to true.
In your IRepository implementation which wraps around NHibernate and manages the ISession and such, in the Insert, Update, InsertUpdate and Delete (or similar) methods which call ISession.Save, Update, SaveUpdate, etc., call SetReadOnly for the entity and flag set to false.
Calling SaveOrUpdate() or Save() makes an object persistent. If you've retrieved it using an ISession or from a reference to a persistent object, then the object is persistent and flushing the session will save changes. You can prevent this behavior by calling Evict() on the object which makes it transient.
Edited to add: I generally consider an ISession to be a unit of work. This is easily implemented in a web app. using session-per-request but requires more control in WinForms.
We did this by using the Event Listeners with NH (This isn't my work - but I can't find the link for where I did it...).
We have a EventListener for when reading in the data, to set it as ReadOnly - and then one for Save (and SaveOrUpdate) to set them as loaded, so that object will persist when we manually call Save() on it.
That - or you could use an IStatelessSession which has no State/ChangeTracking.
This sets the entity/item as ReadOnly immediately on loading.
I've only included one Insertion event listener, but my config code references all of them.
/// <summary>
/// A listener that once an object is loaded will change it's status to ReadOnly so that
/// it will not be automatically saved by NH
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// For this object to then be saved, the SaveUpdateEventListener is to be used.
/// </remarks>
public class PostLoadEventListener : IPostLoadEventListener
public void OnPostLoad(PostLoadEvent #event)
EntityEntry entry = #event.Session.PersistenceContext.GetEntry(#event.Entity);
On saving the object, we call this to set that object to Loaded (meaning it will now persist)
public class SaveUpdateEventListener : ISaveOrUpdateEventListener
public static readonly CascadingAction ResetReadOnly = new ResetReadOnlyCascadeAction();
/// <summary>
/// Changes the status of any loaded item to ReadOnly.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Changes the status of all loaded entities, so that NH will no longer TrackChanges on them.
/// </remarks>
public void OnSaveOrUpdate(SaveOrUpdateEvent #event)
var session = #event.Session;
EntityEntry entry = session.PersistenceContext.GetEntry(#event.Entity);
if (entry != null && entry.Persister.IsMutable && entry.Status == Status.ReadOnly)
CascadeOnUpdate(#event, entry.Persister, #event.Entry);
private static void CascadeOnUpdate(SaveOrUpdateEvent #event, IEntityPersister entityPersister,
object entityEntry)
IEventSource source = #event.Session;
new Cascade(ResetReadOnly, CascadePoint.BeforeFlush, source).CascadeOn(entityPersister, entityEntry);
And we implement it into NH thus so:
public static ISessionFactory CreateSessionFactory(IPersistenceConfigurer dbConfig, Action<MappingConfiguration> mappingConfig, bool enabledChangeTracking,bool enabledAuditing, int queryTimeout)
return Fluently.Configure()
.Mappings(x => x.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<__AuditEntity>())
.ExposeConfiguration(x => Configure(x, enabledChangeTracking, enabledAuditing,queryTimeout))
/// <summary>
/// Configures the specified config.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="config">The config.</param>
/// <param name="enableChangeTracking">if set to <c>true</c> [enable change tracking].</param>
/// <param name="queryTimeOut">The query time out in minutes.</param>
private static void Configure(NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration config, bool enableChangeTracking, bool enableAuditing, int queryTimeOut)
config.SetProperty(NHibernate.Cfg.Environment.Hbm2ddlKeyWords, "none");
if (queryTimeOut > 0)
config.SetProperty("command_timeout", (TimeSpan.FromMinutes(queryTimeOut).TotalSeconds).ToString());
if (!enableChangeTracking)
config.AppendListeners(NHibernate.Event.ListenerType.PostLoad, new[] { new Enact.Core.DB.NHib.Listeners.PostLoadEventListener() });
config.AppendListeners(NHibernate.Event.ListenerType.SaveUpdate, new[] { new Enact.Core.DB.NHib.Listeners.SaveUpdateEventListener() });
config.AppendListeners(NHibernate.Event.ListenerType.PostUpdate, new[] { new Enact.Core.DB.NHib.Listeners.PostUpdateEventListener() });
config.AppendListeners(NHibernate.Event.ListenerType.PostInsert, new[] { new Enact.Core.DB.NHib.Listeners.PostInsertEventListener() });