Sending mail using -

I have developed one application for sending mail using for that i'm using namespace; but while sending mail i got one error that is time out.
& for avoiding this error i used try catch block but i'm failed to resolve this problem.
Is there any solution on this error?

It seems the problem with the SMTP server, please verify your SMTP settings are valid and also verify firewall settings.

you need open in windows firewall setting I think. What OS you used?if server need this. another I not try yet :D


Cyberduck Error "Login Failed"

Exhausted available authentication methods. Please contact your web hosting service provider for assistance.
I continue to receive this error on Cyberduck. I was able to log into the account when I first downloaded Cyberduck. When I was finished with my work I saved/ closed everything, and it was so far so good. I hadn't logged out of the account. But since I have been trying to log back in I have been receiving this error.
Please help.
If you are using Mac, try removing the application password from Keychain. There's a possibility that the old password is corrupted.
For me, my password was set to "$this->request()". So no matter what I type when connecting, Cyberduck used this "old" password.
You use Cyberduck to connect to an FTP server right?
If it's at all possible that anyone else has access to this account and failed to login a magical number of times (usually 3) then the server may have locked your account and needs to be restarted.
Or something is wrong with the server itself.
I hate to say it but contacting whoever is in charge of the server, as it said, is probably best. Without more information there's no way to know what went wrong.
I tried to remove the application password but it kept failing to connect.
The solution was simply to remove and re-install the app.
In my case i was passing the username wrong.
I typed ununtu instead of ubuntu.
Check you server details you entered.

Connecting to azure through SQL crashes it

I've been attempting to migrate from my own MSSQL to Azure Database services.
I got all the firewall things working and the database running on the azure, but when I try to connect through the local pc it crashed with an unknown exception.
So does visual studio.
Any ideas what could cause this unknown error?
Heres a picture demonstrating the crash and its not a user/password error. Just not.
Maybe it's better if you try to provide the Exception/Error code. You can use:
I had similar problems and in the end it turns to be the connection I've used - so one option is to restart your LAN/Network.
Update: According to me is config related error, please see these solutions here:
About SSL certificate and Browser you're using:
Maybe you've missed something, also what Win are you with?

MYSQL ERROR 2049 (HY000): Connection using old (pre-4.1.1) authentication protocol ref used (client option 'secure_auth' enabled)?

I have seen several solutions to this error on stackoverflow, including adding useLegacyAuth=1 to the Advanced options box in the connection settings dialog. My problem is everytime I add this into the options box, it never saves the addition I made. I will test connection with this, and it works, but once I exit out and attempt to do a mysqldump (my purpose and through which I discovered this error), it gives me the error above again.
Does anyone know why this setting doesn't save or how to have it save? I would like to solve the problem this way as it seems easiest and I can't change the root password to the database I am trying to connect to (another potential fix).
Anyone know another solution to fixing the error below in case there isnt above?
ERROR 2049 (HY000): Connection using old (pre-4.1.1) authentication protocol ref used (client option 'secure_auth' enabled)

Managed server not starting up however Admin console is up

If i try to start the server as a window service it gives an error stating that ceradentials are not correct.However on correcting the credentials in when i try to start the server again it gives the same error.Any alternative for starting the server.I gave the same username and password in my startup Script and
Scenario 2: If i start the server remotely through console then will it come up?
Thanks in advance.
If i try to start the server as a window service it gives an error stating that credentials are not correct.
Then they aren't. Maybe provide more details on what you do exactly and the error message.
If i start the server remotely through console then will it come up?
First, if your credentials are not correct, then it won't change anything. Second, if you don't have a node manager configured, this won't be possible. Provide more details. Send Smtp Mail From IIS FormatException

Well i got a page that sends emails and everything runs fine in the developer web server but when i publish to a IIS Server i get a FormatException when i try to send the mail....
ex.Message = "the specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address."
the email is in this sample
Im using the "SmtpClient" and the "MailMessage" classes to send mails..
And the server runs windows server 2003
Im using same smtp settings on the Dev Webserver as im doing in IIS.
Check that you've enabled local email relaying for the SMTP service on your Windows Server 2003 box. By 'local' I mean that applications on your local machine can use the SMTP service to relay emails - but you almost certainly don't want to allow external connections to do the same.
Make sure you don't have any invisible whitespace around your email address. For example, if you are getting the email from a database, or input control, try trimming it, like:
mail.To.Add( New MailAddress( txtEmailAddress.Text.Trim() ) )
If any one gets this problem the solution is don't use the empty constructor of MailMessage!!!!!