PostgreSQL and locking - sql

Hopefully some smarter DBAs than I can help me find a good solution for what I need to do.
For the sake of discussion, lets assume I have a table called 'work' with some number of columns, one of which is a column that represents ownership of that row of work from a given client. The scenario is that I'll have 2 clients connected and polling a table for work to be done, when a row (or some number of rows) shows up, the first client that selects the rows will also update them to imply ownership, that update will remove those rows from being returned to any other client's selects. My question is, in this scenario, what sort of locking can I use to prevent 2 clients from hitting the table at the same time and both of them being returned the same rows via the select?

The UPDATE statement with RETURNING clause is the way to do this.
UPDATE table
SET ownership = owner
RETURNING ( column list );
Similar Question

My question is, in this scenario, what sort of locking can I use to prevent 2 clients from hitting the table at the same time and both of them being returned the same rows via the select?
No locking needed here.
In the UPDATE, simply specify that you only want the script to take ownership of the task if the owner is still null (assuming that's how you flag unassigned tasks). This should work:
UPDATE foo SET owner = ? WHERE id = ? AND owner = ? WHERE owner IS NULL
If the number of modified rows is equal to the number you expected (or a RETURNING clause returns results as suggested by #Ketema), then you successfully grabbed ownership.
Fake edit because I noticed your comment mere moments before submitting this answer:
eg: 2 clients issuing that query at the same time, they have no chance of manipulating the same rows?
Correct. You might want to read up on MVCC. Running these statements outside of a transaction will do the right thing. Behavior inside a transaction will be different.


SQL unique field: concurrency bugs? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Only inserting a row if it's not already there
(7 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have a DB table with a field that must be unique. Let's say the table is called "Table1" and the unique field is called "Field1".
I plan on implementing this by performing a SELECT to see if any Table1 records exist where Field1 = #valueForField1, and only updating or inserting if no such records exist.
The problem is, how do I know there isn't a race condition here? If two users both click Save on the form that writes to Table1 (at almost the exact same time), and they have identical values for Field1, isn't it possible that the following would happen?
User1 makes a SQL call, which performs the select operation and determines there are no existing records where Field1 = #valueForField1. User1's process is preempted by User2's process, which also finds no records where Field1 = #valueForField1, and performs an insert. User1's process is allowed to run again, and inserts a second record where Field1 = #valueForField1, violating the requirement that Field1 be unique.
How can I prevent this? I'm told that transactions are atomic, but then why do we need table locks too? I've never used a lock before and I don't know whether or not I need one in this case. What happens if a process tries to write to a locked table? Will it block and try again?
I'm using MS SQL 2008R2.
Add a unique constraint on the field. That way you won't have to SELECT. You will only have to insert. The first user will succeed the second will fail.
On top of that you may make the field autoincremented, so you won't have to care on filling it, or you may add a default value, again not caring on filling it.
Some options would be an autoincremented INT field, or a unique identifier.
You can add a add a unique constraint. Example from
EDIT: Please also read Martin Smith's comment below.
jyparask has a good answer on how you can tackle this specific problem. However, I would like to elaborate on your confusion over locks, transactions, blocking, and retries. For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to assume transaction isolation level serializable.
Transactions are atomic. The database guarantees that if you have two transactions, then all operations in one transaction occur completely before the next one starts, no matter what kind of race conditions there are. Even if two users access the same row at the same time (multiple cores), there is no chance of a race condition, because the database will ensure that one of them will fail.
How does the database do this? With locks. When you select a row, SQL Server will lock the row, so that all other clients will block when requesting that row. Block means that their query is paused until that row is unlocked.
The database actually has a couple of things it can lock. It can lock the row, or the table, or somewhere in between. The database decides what it thinks is best, and it's usually pretty good at it.
There is never any retrying. The database will never retry a query for you. You need to explicitly tell it to retry a query. The reason is because the correct behavior is hard to define. Should a query retry with the exact same parameters? Or should something be modified? Is it still safe to retry the query? It's much safer for the database to simply throw an exception and let you handle it.
Let's address your example. Assuming you use transactions correctly and do the right query (Martin Smith linked to a few good solutions), then the database will create the right locks so that the race condition disappears. One user will succeed, and the other will fail. In this case, there is no blocking, and no retrying.
In the general case with transactions, however, there will be blocking, and you get to implement the retrying.

When is the dm_db_partition_stats updated?

I want to create a scalar SQL function that checks the row count of a table using dm_db_partition_stats. I have a handful of tables that get pushed to me and during that time the tools that use those tables are rendered useless.
I have these tables backed up on another server. What I'd like to do is run a check on the row count. If the results are 0 then the scalar function will return a 1. In the .NET front-end if a 1 is returned then it can query the backup data.
My question is when will the row count get updated in dm_db_partition_stats? Is it immediately or is there some lag involved?
The Dynamic Management Views directly return information about the current internal state of the server, so they are as immediate and real time as it is possible to get. However, the row count from that view is only guaranteed to be approximate, and if there are active transactions in the process of inserting or deleting rows, the count you get may or may not match what you would see if you actually queried the table. So from what you describe it sounds possible that the code that runs subsequently might not find what it was expecting.

Some sort of “different auto-increment indexes” per a primary key values

I have got a table which has an id (primary key with auto increment), uid (key refering to users id for example) and something else which for my question won’t matter.
I want to make, lets call it, different auto-increment keys on id for each uid entry.
So, I will add an entry with uid 10, and the id field for this entry will have a 1 because there were no previous entries with a value of 10 in uid. I will add a new one with uid 4 and its id will be 3 because I there were already two entried with uid 4.
...Very obvious explanation, but I am trying to be as explainative an clear as I can to demonstrate the idea... clearly.
What SQL engine can provide such a functionality natively? (non Microsoft/Oracle based)
If there is none, how could I best replicate it? Triggers perhaps?
Does this functionality have a more suitable name?
In case you know about a non SQL database engine providing such a functioality, name it anyway, I am curious.
MySQL's MyISAM engine can do this. See their manual, in section Using AUTO_INCREMENT:
For MyISAM tables you can specify AUTO_INCREMENT on a secondary column in a multiple-column index. In this case, the generated value for the AUTO_INCREMENT column is calculated as MAX(auto_increment_column) + 1 WHERE prefix=given-prefix. This is useful when you want to put data into ordered groups.
The docs go on after that paragraph, showing an example.
The InnoDB engine in MySQL does not support this feature, which is unfortunate because it's better to use InnoDB in almost all cases.
You can't emulate this behavior using triggers (or any SQL statements limited to transaction scope) without locking tables on INSERT. Consider this sequence of actions:
Mario starts transaction and inserts a new row for user 4.
Bill starts transaction and inserts a new row for user 4.
Mario's session fires a trigger to computes MAX(id)+1 for user 4. You get 3.
Bill's session fires a trigger to compute MAX(id). I get 3.
Bill's session finishes his INSERT and commits.
Mario's session tries to finish his INSERT, but the row with (userid=4, id=3) now exists, so Mario gets a primary key conflict.
In general, you can't control the order of execution of these steps without some kind of synchronization.
The solutions to this are either:
Get an exclusive table lock. Before trying an INSERT, lock the table. This is necessary to prevent concurrent INSERTs from creating a race condition like in the example above. It's necessary to lock the whole table, since you're trying to restrict INSERT there's no specific row to lock (if you were trying to govern access to a given row with UPDATE, you could lock just the specific row). But locking the table causes access to the table to become serial, which limits your throughput.
Do it outside transaction scope. Generate the id number in a way that won't be hidden from two concurrent transactions. By the way, this is what AUTO_INCREMENT does. Two concurrent sessions will each get a unique id value, regardless of their order of execution or order of commit. But tracking the last generated id per userid requires access to the database, or a duplicate data store. For example, a memcached key per userid, which can be incremented atomically.
It's relatively easy to ensure that inserts get unique values. But it's hard to ensure they will get consecutive ordinal values. Also consider:
What happens if you INSERT in a transaction but then roll back? You've allocated id value 3 in that transaction, and then I allocated value 4, so if you roll back and I commit, now there's a gap.
What happens if an INSERT fails because of other constraints on the table (e.g. another column is NOT NULL)? You could get gaps this way too.
If you ever DELETE a row, do you need to renumber all the following rows for the same userid? What does that do to your memcached entries if you use that solution?
SQL Server should allow you to do this. If you can't implement this using a computed column (probably not - there are some restrictions), surely you can implement it in a trigger.
MySQL also would allow you to implement this via triggers.
In a comment you ask the question about efficiency. Unless you are dealing with extreme volumes, storing an 8 byte DATETIME isn't much of an overhead compared to using, for example, a 4 byte INT.
It also massively simplifies your data inserts, as well as being able to cope with records being deleted without creating 'holes' in your sequence.
If you DO need this, be careful with the field names. If you have uid and id in a table, I'd expect id to be unique in that table, and uid to refer to something else. Perhaps, instead, use the field names property_id and amendment_id.
In terms of implementation, there are generally two options.
1). A trigger
Implementations vary, but the logic remains the same. As you don't specify an RDBMS (other than NOT MS/Oracle) the general logic is simple...
Start a transaction (often this is Implicitly already started inside triggers)
Find the MAX(amendment_id) for the property_id being inserted
Update the newly inserted value with MAX(amendment_id) + 1
Commit the transaction
Things to be aware of are...
- multiple records being inserted at the same time
- records being inserted with amendment_id being already populated
- updates altering existing records
2). A Stored Procedure
If you use a stored procedure to control writes to the table, you gain a lot more control.
Implicitly, you know you're only dealing with one record.
You simply don't provide a parameter for DEFAULT fields.
You know what updates / deletes can and can't happen.
You can implement all the business logic you like without hidden triggers
I personally recommend the Stored Procedure route, but triggers do work.
It is important to get your data types right.
What you are describing is a multi-part key. So use a multi-part key. Don't try to encode everything into a magic integer, you will poison the rest of your code.
If a record is identified by (entity_id,version_number) then embrace that description and use it directly instead of mangling the meaning of your keys. You will have to write queries which constrain the version number but that's OK. Databases are good at this sort of thing.
version_number could be a timestamp, as a_horse_with_no_name suggests. This is quite a good idea. There is no meaningful performance disadvantage to using timestamps instead of plain integers. What you gain is meaning, which is more important.
You could maintain a "latest version" table which contains, for each entity_id, only the record with the most-recent version_number. This will be more work for you, so only do it if you really need the performance.

SQL Server 2008 Express locking

OK so I have read a fair amount about SQL Server's locking stuff, but I'm struggling to understand it all.
What I want to achieve is thus:
I need to be able to lock a row when user A SELECTs it
If user B then tries to SELECT it, my winforms .net app needs to set all the controls on the relevant form to be disabled, so the user can't try and update. Also it would be nice if I could throw up a messagebox for user B, stating that user A is the person that is using that row.
So basically User B needs to be able to SELECT the data, but when they do so, they should also get a) whether the record is locked and b) who has it locked.
I know people are gonna say I should just let SQL Server deal with the locking, but I need User B to know that the record is in use as soon as they SELECT it, rather than finding out when they UPDATE - by which time they may have entered data into the form, giving me inconsistency.
Also any locks need to allow SELECTs to still happen - so when user B does his SELECT, rather than just being thrown an exception and receiving no/incomplete data, he should still get the data, and be able to view it, but just not be able to update it.
I'm guessing this is pretty basic stuff, but there's so much terminology involved with SQL Server's locking that I'm not familiar with that it makes reading about it pretty difficult at the moment.
To create this type of 'application lock', you may want to use a table called Locks and insert key, userid, and table names into it.
When your select comes along, join into the Locks table and use the presence of this value to indicate the record is locked.
I would also recommend adding a 'RowVersion' column to your table you wish to protect. This field will assist in identifying if you are updating or querying a row that has changed since you last selected it.
This isn't really what SQL Server locking is for - ideally you should only be keeping a transaction (and therefore a lock) open for the absolute minimum needed to complete an atomic operation against that database - you certainly shouldn't be holding locks while waiting for user input.
You would be better served keeping track of these sorts of locks yourself by (for example) adding a locked bit column to the table in question along with a locked_by varchar column to keep track of who has the row locked.
The first user should UPDATE the row to indicate that the row is locked and who has it locked:
SET `locked` = 1
AND `locked_by` = #me
WHERE `locked` = 0
The locked = 0 check is there to protect against potential race conditions and make sure that you don't update a record that someone else has already locked.
This first user then does a SELECT to return the data and ensure that they did really manage to lock the row.

SQL, selecting and updating

I am trying to select 100s of rows at a DB that contains 100000s of row and update those rows afters.
the problem is I don't want to go to DB twice for this purpose since update only marks those rows as "read".
is there any way I can do this in java using simple jdbc libraries? (hopefully without using stored procedures)
update: ok here is some clarification.
there are a few instance of same application running on different servers, they all need to select 100s of "UNREAD" rows sorted according to creation_date column, read blob data within it, write it to file and ftp that file to some server. (I know prehistoric but requirements are requirements)
The read and update part is for to ensure each instance getting diffent set of data. (in order, tricks like odds and evens wont work :/)
We select data for update. the data transfers through the wire (we wait and wait) and then we update them as "READ". then release lock for reading. this entire thing takes too long. By reading and updating at the same time, I would like to reduce lock time (from time we use select for update to actual update) so that using multiple instances would increase read rows per second.
Still have ideas?
It seems to me there might be more than one way to interpret the question here.
You are selecting the rows for the
sole purpose of updating them and
not reading them.
You are selecting the rows to show
to somebody, and marking them as
read either one at a time or all as a group.
You want to select the rows and mark
them as read at the time you select
Let's take Option 1 first, as that seems to be the easiest. You don't need to select the rows in order to update them, just issue an update with a WHERE clause:
update table_x
set read = 'T'
where date > sysdate-1;
Looking at option 2, you want to mark them as read when a user has read them (or a down stream system has received it, or whatever). For this, you'll probably have to do another update. If you query for the primary key, in addition to the other columns you'll need in the first select, you will probably have an easier time of updating, as the DB won't have to do table or index scans to find the rows.
In JDBC (Java) there is a facility to do a batch update, where you execute a set of updates all at once. That's worked out well when I need to perform a lot of updates that are of the exact same form.
Option 3, where you want to select and update all in one shot. I don't find much use for this, personally, but that doesn't mean others don't. I suppose some kind of stored procedure would reduce the round trips. I'm not sure what db you are working with here and can't really offer specifics.
Going to the DB isn't so bad. If you aren't returning anything 'across the wire' then an update shouldn't do you too much damage and its only a few hundred thousand rows. What is your worry?
If you're doing a SELECT in JDBC and iterating over the ResultSet to UPDATE each row, you're doing it wrong. That's an (n+1) query problem that will never perform well.
Just do an UPDATE with a WHERE clause that determines which of those rows needs to be updated. It's a single network round trip that way.
Don't be too code-centric. Let the database do the job it was designed for.
Can't you just use the same connection without closing it?