"componentsSeparatedByString" Memory leak - objective-c

I am facing some strange memory leak in our existing iPad application,
Here is a function which gives memory leak in instrument
-(NSString *)retriveInfo:(NSString*)fromstring:(NSString*)searchstring
NSArray *arrRetrive = [fromstring componentsSeparatedByString:searchstring];
if([arrRetrive count]!=0){
if ([arrRetrive count]!=1){
NSString *strDisplayOrder = [arrRetrive objectAtIndex:1];
arrRetrive = [strDisplayOrder componentsSeparatedByString:#"<"]; //MEMORY LEAK
return [arrRetrive objectAtIndex:0];
Here is a input parameter
Param 1 : <displayorder>1</displayorder><filename>201103153_0100.pdf</filename><title>【1面】東日本巨大地震直撃、日経平均一時675円安[br]原発関連売られる、東電はS安</title><category>トップ・注目株</category><dirpath>/var/www/mssite/webapp/data/pdf/20110315</dirpath><TimeStamp>201103141700</TimeStamp><FirstPageImg>20110315top.png</FirstPageImg></pagedata>
Param 2: <displayorder>
Basically i want to found (parse) value between start and end tag.
(I know NSXMLParser class but asper i explain this one is existing code and if i changed in code its too much time consuming)
Any suggetion?
With Regards
Pankaj Gadhiya

The code you've posted doesn't look like it's leaking memory -- all the methods you're calling are of the autorelease type (i.e. there's no new, alloc, copy, or retain in the code).
It's probably the code you have that calls retrieveInfo and does something with the result that's leaking memory (e.g. overretaining it). The leaks tool is pointing you at the componentsSeparatedByString because that's where the memory was allocated which was eventually involved in a memory leak.
Can you show us how you call retrieveInfo and what you do with the result?
Btw, what's the point of this nested if?
if([arrRetrive count]!=0){
if ([arrRetrive count]!=1)
It's wasteful, you might as well write this and get the same effect:
if ([arrRetrive count] > 1)

That leak probably means that you're over-retaining the return value. And leaks-tool just shows you the place where it was created.

You are leaking the NSArray when you re-assign a new NSArray inside the if block. The pointer to the original array is lost, which means that the runloop cannot release the memory allocated for the first result. The memory allocated for the second result is released.
You should really use a proper parser... however to address the leak, the following will work.
-(NSString *)retriveInfo:(NSString*)fromstring:(NSString*)searchstring
NSArray *arrRetrive = [fromstring componentsSeparatedByString:searchstring];
NSString *result = nil;
if([arrRetrive count]!=0){
if ([arrRetrive count]!=1){
NSString *strDisplayOrder = [arrRetrive objectAtIndex:1];
result = (NSString *)[[strDisplayOrder componentsSeparatedByString:#"<"] objectAtIndex:0];
return result;

What do you do with the object that's returned by this method? [arrRetrive objectAtIndex:0] is likely what's being leaked.
Leaks indicates that line with componentsSeparatedByString: because that's where the strings in the array are allocated. But the array isn't leaked.
Go into Leaks, look at a leaked instance, and click that little arrow button. You'll see all the retains and releases of the leaked object, which should point you to the problem.


passing objects from no arc compiled class to arc enabled class?

I ran into this problem while trying to fix a memory leak with the facebook-ios-sdk. How do i handle this situation when passing objects from no arc compiled classe to arc enabled classe?
This is the code inside the non arc compiled Facebook library: (i removed the unnecessary stuff which is not related to the problem) as you can see, result object is not autoreleased or released.
- (void)handleResponseData:(NSData *)data {
NSError* error = nil;
id result = [self parseJsonResponse:data error:&error];
self.error = error;
// Call the defined delegate wich is my AppDelegate didLoad method wich is arc enabled
[_delegate request:self didLoad:result];
- (id)parseJsonResponse:(NSData *)data error:(NSError **)error {
SBJSON *jsonParser = [[SBJSON alloc] init];
//gets the object wich leaks or gets overreleased
id result = [jsonParser objectWithString:responseString];
[jsonParser release];
return result;
Now if i try to add autorelease to the result object, i am facing a NSZombie when my arc code in my AppDelegate try's to release the object. However if i leave the code like this i'm facing memory leaks whit the result object which gets not released.
am i missing something basic? i can't get my head around this?
Thanx for any advice! Chris
The result returned from -parseJsonResponse:... is autoreleased already (see note at bottom).
Since the name of the -parseJson method doesn't begin with new, alloc, copy or mutableCopy, the compiler assumes that it returns an object with a +0 reference count, meaning it needs to be retained by the calling code if it is to be kept around, and doesn't need to be released if it's not being kept around. That's a long winded way of saying that it should neither leak nor cause a crash in your ARC code as written in your question.
Passing objects between ARC code and manual reference counting code doesn't require any special handling. You just need to make sure that methods' names match their memory management semantics in the non-ARC code. It certainly seems like you've done that in this case, although as you say, you didn't post your complete code.
Note: Presumably, objectWithString: returns an autoreleased object. If it doesn't it, it should (because it doesn't start with alloc, new, copy, mutableCopy).

How to transfer ownership out of an #autoreleasepool with ARC

I have the following code
- (NSString *)stringByEscapingXMLEntities;
NSString *result;
#autoreleasepool {
result = [self stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"&" withString:#"&"];
result = [result stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"\"" withString:#"""];
// ... lot of -stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: calls
result = [result stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#" " withString:#" "];
return result;
I ask myself now how would I transfer ownership result out of the method. Before ARC I would have retained result before exiting the autorelease block and returned it autoreleased at the end of the method.
There are two ways to do that:
Rename the method to something like copyStringByEscapingXMLEntities -- the copy indicates the transfer of ownership and ARC creates the code accordingly.
Append, in the header, NS_RETURNS_RETAINED to the method definition like this: - (NSString *)stringByEscapingXMLEntities NS_RETURNS_RETAINED.
EDIT: As 'iljawascoding' mentioned, the #autoreleasepool has no real need to be kept around -- except for optimization.
EDIT 2: And remember: ARC always does the right thing. All the things you tried (your comment) result in the very same correct program -- albeit with the lack of some optimization if result was defined as __strong.
Get rid of the autorelease altogether. According to Apple, ARC will automatically insert the necessary release after your code is done with the temporary instances stored in 'result'. There's nothing to gain by rolling your own autorelease pool here.
The code you have posted is correct. Any crash has a different cause.
Because result is a strong reference outside the autorelease scope, ARC is responsible for keeping it alive when exiting the pool, and it does. You don’t need to do anything special.
More specifically, ARC generates code equivalent to this:
void *_arp = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
temp1 = objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue([self stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"&" withString:#"&"]);
temp2 = objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue([temp1 stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"\"" withString:#"""]);
result = objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue([temp2 stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#" " withString:#" "]);
// result is not released here
return objc_autoreleaseReturnValue(result); // Result is returned autoreleased, or handed off to a matching objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue() in the caller.
Note that the temporary variables are handled with objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue/objc_release pairs. Because of the runtime optimization implemented by objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue and objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue, this means that the temporary values will actually be released immediately without ever being put in an autorelease pool if -stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: is built with ARC. My guess would be that most of the system frameworks aren’t yet, though.
Why not use [[NSString alloc] initWithString:result] before the #autoreleasepool scope closes? But why the ARP in the first place?

Memory Management Questions

I have been programming in Objective-C for a couple weeks now, and I think its time that I think more about my memory management and so I have a couple scenarios I would like clarification on.
NSString *myString = #"Hello, World";
If I were to on the next line do
NSString *anotherString = myString;
Is it getting copied? or is another string just a pointer to myString? if it's just a pointer how would I make anotherString a copy of myString that has its own memory?
What if I were to
[anotherString release];
What actually gets released, just anotherString, or does myString go away too?
Then if I were to do
anotherString = nil;
Does that actually free up memory and for use or does it still have the space allocated with empty memory? Obviously the pointer can still be used. What does it do to myString?
This will really help me become better at managing the memory properly, instead of just [object release]; randomly and causing crashes.
Thank you VERY MUCH in advance to whoever replies.
When you do:
NSString *myString = #"Hello, World";
NSString *anotherString = myString;
...you're creating a single NSString instance, and two pointers to it. So to answer your questions, no it is not being copied. Yes, anotherString is just a pointer, and so is myString, the actual NSString instance is off in memory-land, at the address that both pointers are now pointing to.
To make a copy of the string, you would do:
NSString *anotherString = [myString copy];
When you do:
[anotherString release];
The NSString instance that anotherString points to is released. Nothing happens to anotherString itself. It continues to point to your now-invalidated object instance. If myString was pointing to the same instance, then yes, this causes myString to "go away" as well.
And if you do:
anotherString = nil;
...then you've caused a memory leak, because you reassigned the pointer without releasing the thing it was pointing at. Except not in this case because #"Hello, World" is a literal value that is loaded onto the stack and is not retained by your code.
In any case, setting anotherString to nil does nothing to your string, it just changes what anotherString points to. Your actual NSString instance is still off in memory-land, completely unaware that you just threw away your reference to it (possible exception: reference counted/garbage collected environments).
And yes, calling [object release] randomly will cause crashes. As a general rule you should only call release on something if:
You called alloc and init... on it.
You called retain on it.
You obtained the object as a result of calling copy on some other object.
Note that these stack, so if you alloc something, retain it, and then copy it, you need to have 3 calls to release, two for the object that you alloc'ed, and one for the copy.
As a side note, you may find it clearer to write your object declarations like:
NSString* myString = #"Hello, World";
NSString* anotherString = myString;
...which makes it more obvious that what you are declaring are pointers to NSString's and not NSString's themselves. Personally I think your original syntax, while commonly used, is also backwards.
This string:
NSString *myString = #"Hello, World";
is created on the stack. It's loaded into memory when the app starts. You don't own the memory backing the object, and therefore shouldn't release it.
If you want to copy a string to the heap (where you can manage the memory), you simply do this:
NSString *anotherString = [myString copy];
Then you're responsible for releasing that object when you're done with it.
[anotherString release];
Setting a pointer to nil just clears the pointer, not the object it's pointing to. It's still in memory.
NSString *anotherString = myString;
--- This is just a pointer assignment
--- You can copy myString using [myString copy]
[anotherString release];
--- You are releasing the owner ship of the anotherString (please read about retain count concept)
anotherString = nil;
--- you are just assigning the pointer to nothing.
I suggest Please read more about memory management apple documents ...

How to fix this potential memory leak?

I am new to objective c and I don't understand how there is a memory leak here:
MessageCustomCell *cell = [[MessageCustomCell alloc] initAutoreleaseWithLine:currentLine AndId:message.UID];
[[cell dateTime] setText:[formatter stringFromDate:message.Date]];
[[cell from] setText:message.From];
[[cell play] setTitle:#">" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[formatter release];
return cell;
On the return cell; line the analyzer says that there is a "potential leak of an object allocated on line 207 and stored into cell." This is the line where cell is allocated but I'm returning cell so how is this a leak?
Thanks in advance for the help!
The issue, based on the name, is you are trying to return an auto released object in an init function. The static analyzer makes assumptions that instance methods beginning with init return ownership to the caller (increased retain count) even if you call it initAutorelease. The same goes for methods that begin with new. You will continue to get analyzer warnings until you change the name but what you are trying to do needs to be a convenience method of the class.
+(id)cellWithLine:(int)line andId:(NSString*)mid;
//Sample Call
[MessageCustomCell cellWithLine:currentLine andId:message.UID];
return [cell autorelease];
Also, you are releasing formatter.
Before Fixing potential leaks we need to know what is retain and release. Retain is allocating memory, Release is deallocating memory.
NSstring *str = [[NSstring alloc] init];
Here we are allocating memory to 'str' variable. In the same .m file we need release the memory for the variable after completing the functionality of it.
Simple write in the code [str release];
It won't cause any memory leaks.
Unless your method name begins with "new" (as in newMessageCell), "alloc" or contains "copy", the returned object is expected to be an autoreleased object. Your code returns the object with a reference count of 1 and a well-behaved caller will not decrement it beyond that. If the caller wishes to retain the cell to take ownership of it, it will do so.
To fix this leak, simply autorelease the cell.

NSMutableString memory management get me confused

I am learning Objective-C right now, however, there is memory management puzzle here make me so confused.
Let me see, within one method, I create a NSMutableString, and return it.
- (NSMutableString *)methodNameWithParameter:(id)parameter
NSMutableString *string = [NSMutableString stringWithString:#""];
// do something
return string;
The question is who is responsible to release this memory, calling or called?
Second example:
- (NSMutableString *)methodNameWithParameter:(id)parameter
NSMutableString *string = [NSMutableString alloc]init] autorelease];
// do something
return string;
When memory has been released, it will be released at after return string;
or it will be released at call method and there is no reference to it.
The third one:
- (NSMutableString *)methodNameWithParameter:(id)parameter
NSMutableString *string = [NSMutableString alloc]init]];
// do something
return string;
This time the calling method need to release this memory, is that right?
If you follow the rule, you allocated memory then you are responsible to release it. 90% of time this will work. Of course there are some exception. But in general it should be good.
In your first example, you don't have to release it because you didn't allocate memory yourself, it's the stringWithString that is responsible (I believe it's doing an auto release)
In your second and third example, you are allocating memory with alloc, thus you have to release the memory once you are done with it.
In you second example, you are using autorelease, it means it the memory allocated will eventually be released. (similar to garbage collection in the Microsoft managed code world).