Is eager loading same as join fetch? - sql

Is eager fetch same as join fetch?
I mean whether eagerly fetching a has-many relation fires 2 queries or a single join query?
How does rails active record implement a join fetch of associations as it doesnt know the table's meta-data in first hand (I mean columns in the table)? Say for example i have
people - id, name
things - id, person_id, name
person has one-to-many relation with the things. So how does it generate the query with all the column aliases even though it cannot know it when i do a join fetch on people?

An answer hasn't been accepted so I will try to answer your questions as I understand them:
"how does it know all the fields available in a table?"
It does a SQL query for every class that inherits from ActiveRecord::Base. If the class is 'Dog', it will do a query to find the column names of the table 'dogs'. In production mode it should only do this query once per run of the server -- in development mode it does it a lot. The query will differ depending on the database you use, and it is usually an expensive query.
"Say if i have a same name for column in a table and in an associated table how does it resolve this?"
If you are doing a join, it generates sql using the table names as prefixes to avoid ambiguities. In fact, if you are doing a join in Rails and want to add a condition (using custom SQL) for name, but both the main table and join table have a name column, you need to specify the table name in your sql. (e.g. Human.join(:pets).where(" = 'John'"))
"I mean whether eagerly fetching a has-many relation fires 2 queries or a single join query?"
Different Rails versions are different. I think that early versions did a single join query at all times. Later versions would sometimes do multiple queries and sometimes a single join query, based on the realization that a single join query isn't always as performant as multiple queries. I'm not sure of the exact logic that it uses to decide. Recently, in Rails 3, I am seeing multiple queries happening in my current codebase -- but maybe it sometimes does a join as well, I'm not sure.

It knows the columns through a type of reflection. Ruby is very flexible and allows you to build functionality that will be used/defined during runtime and doesn't need to be stated ahead of time. It learns the associated "person_id" column by interpreting the "belongs_to :person" and knowing that "person_id" is the field that would be associated and the table would be called "people".
If you do People.includes(:things) then it will generate 2 queries, 1 that gets the people and a second that gets the things that have a relation to the people that exist.


Automatically connect SQL tables based on keys

Is there a method to automatically join tables that have primary to foreign relationship rather then designate joining on those values?
The out and out answer is "no" - no RDBMS I know of will allow you to get away with not specifying columns in an ON clause intended to join two tables in a non-cartesian fashion, but it might not matter...
...because typically multi tier applications these days are built with data access libraries that DO take into account the relationships defined in a database. Picking on something like entity framework, if your database exists already, then you can scaffold a context in EF from it, and it will make a set of objects that obey the relationships in the frontend code side of things
Technically, you'll never write an ON clause yourself, because if you say something to EF like:
context.Customers.Find(c => = 1) //this finds a customer
.Orders //this gets all the customer's orders
.Where(o =>> DateTIme.UtcNow.AddMonths(-1)); //this filters the orders
You've got all the orders raised by customer id 1 in the last month, without writing a single ON clause yourself... EF has, behind the scenes, written it but in the spirit of your question where there are tables related by relation, we've used a framework that uses that relation to relate the data for the purposes thtat the frontend put it to.. All you have to do is use the data access library that does this, if you have an aversion to writing ON clauses yourself :)
It's a virtual certaintythat there will be some similar ORM/mapping/data access library for your front end language of choice - I just picked on EF in C# because it's what I know. If you're after scouting out what's out there, google for {language of choice} ORM (if you're using an OO language) - you mentioned python,. seems SQLAlchemy is a popular one (but note, SO answers are not for recommending particular softwares)
If you mean can you write a JOIN at query time that doesn't need an ON clause, then no.
There is no way to do this in SQL Server.
I am not sure if you are aware of dbForge; it may help. It recognises joinable tables automatically in following cases:
The database contains information that specifies that the tables are related.
If two columns, one in each table, have the same name and data type.
Forge Studio detects that a search condition (e.g. the WHERE clause) is actually a join condition.

Can I use an IN clause with a LEFT JOIN clause

FORE NOTE: This question regards the IN clause that belongs in the FROM statement and lets you reference to an external database. Do not confuse this with the IN statements that might live in a WHERE clause, please.
Version: MS Access 2016
External table is on the local network
The crux of what I am trying to do is grab an [Employee] table from an external ACCDB database and LEFT JOIN it to a local [Employees] (note the 's') table. I am trying to generate a list of (non-terminated) employees that are not yet added to my local [Employees] table. As in:
SELECT Employee.Last_Name, Employee.First_Name, Employee.Job_Title
FROM Employee IN "\\{full path}\Time Clock 1.0_be.accdb"
LEFT JOIN Employees
ON Employee.Last_Name = Employees.LastName
AND Employee.First_Name = Employees.FirstName
WHERE Employees.FirstName IS NULL
AND Employee.Termination_Date = ""
ORDER BY Employee.Last_Name, Employee.First_Name;
Only the above SQL doesn't work. Access gives me the ever-so-not-very helpful Syntax error in FROM clause to brighten my neurotic insanity.
Does the IN clause have to go last and does it effect both tables? At:
they say it can be combined with a LEFT JOIN but they don't specify if both tables must be external.
Can you even LEFT JOIN a table from an external DB to an local table? I don't really want to link the table formally as this query will only run occasionally and I don't want any more traffic pinging the Time Clock back end DB than I have to. It's slow enough as it is.
In answer to my original question:
#cha was right to suggest I use nested queries. This solves the problem of an internal table being joined to an external table.
#Gord Thompson had a much more specific way of referencing to an external DB that seems clearer to me than the IN clause in this simple case. Programmers may want to use the IN clause when connecting to different types of external databases as it gives you the ability to specify all that in the IN clause.
In the end none of this helped me because the train-wreck-of-a-database I lovingly caress uses multi-value fields and Access will not link an internal table with multi-valued fields to an external table.
Those who come after you (and probably you yourself) will thank you for observing 1st 2nd and 3rd normal forms except in the most unusual and carefully considered cases and for never ever ever ever using multi-valued fields instead of linking tables for many-to-many relationships.

SQL: Reference one to one-of-many

I'm having what some would call a rather strange problem/question.
Suppose I have a table, which may reference one (and only one) of many different other tables. How would I do that in the best way?? I'm looking for a solution which should work in a majority of databases (MS SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL etc). The way I see it, there are a couple of different solutions (is any better than the other?):
Have one column for each possible reference. Only one of these columns may contain a value for any given row, all others are null. Allows for strict foreign keys, but it gets tedious when the number of "many" (possible referenced tables) gets large
Have a two column relationship, i.e. one column "describing" which table is referenced, and one referencing the instance (row in that table). Easily extended when the number of "many" (referenced tables) grows, though I can't perform single query lookup in a straightforward way (either left join all possible tables, or union multiple queries which joins towards one table each)
Make sense? What's best practise (if any) in this case?
I specifically want to be able to query data from the referenced entity, without really knowing which of the tables are being referenced.
How would you do?
Both of these methods are suitable in any relational database, so you don't have to worry about that consideration. Both result in rather cumbersome queries. For the first method:
select . . .
from t left outer join
on t.ref1id = ref1.ref1id left outer join
on t.ref2id = ref2.ref2id . . .
For the second method:
select . . .
from t left outer join
on t.anyid = ref1.ref1id and anytype = 'ref1' left outer join
on t.anyid = ref2.ref2id and anytype = 'ref2' . . .
So, from the perspective of query simplicity, I don't see a major advantage for one versus the other. The second version has a small disadvantage -- when writing queries, you have to remember what the name is for the join. This might get lost over time. (Of course, you can use constraints or triggers to ensure that only a fixed set of values make it into the column.)
From the perspective of query performance, the first version has a major advantage. You can identify the column as a foreign key and the database can keep statistics on it. This can help the database choose the right join algorithm, for instance. The second method does not readily offer this possibility.
From the perspective of data size, the first version requires storing the id for each of the possible values. The second is more compact. From the perspective of maintainability, the first is hard to add a new object type; the second is easy.
If you have a set of things that are similar to each other, then you can consider storing them in a single table. Attributes that are not appropriate can be NULLed out. You can even create views for the different flavors of the thing. One table may or may not be an option.
In other words, there is no right answer to this question. As with many aspects of database design, it depends on how the data is going to be used. Absent other information, I would probably first try to coerce the data into a single table. If that is just not reasonable, I would go with the first option if the number of tables can be counted on one hand, and the second if there are more tables.
This is legitimate for small number of static tables. If you anticipate a number of new tables might need to be added in the future, take a look at 3) below...
Please don't do that. You'd be forfeiting the declarative FOREIGN KEYs, which is one of the most important mechanisms for maintaining data integrity.
Use inheritance. More info in this post:
What is the best design for a database table that can be owned by two different resources, and therefore needs two different foreign keys?
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Hibernate Criteria queries and how to efficiently join data?

select be.* from BlogEntry be join Blog b on join Follower f on where be.publishStatus='published' and be.secured=false and f.user=? union select be1.* from BlogEntry be1 join SecureUser s on join User u on s.userProfile=u.userProfile and order by publishDate desc";
hello, folks. i have been trying to use HQL and native SQL to execute the above query and i have been frustrated at every turn, for the most part because doing UNION is super awkward in Hibernate. even if you try a SQLQuery you still have the whole mess of establishing your entity relationships by being FORCED to include every single attribute of every subclass referenced in the SQL. this is proving to be a total pain to get past.
SO, i am moving on to a possible criteria query solution, but i think i need some help. the query below is totally fine in MySQL workbench and fast as lightning. the hump i am trying to get over with the criteria query is that some of my entity relationships are defined by foreign key references in the tables and some are not. when they ARE, i can, of course, do something like this (which evaluates part of my query, before the UNION):
ExtendedDetachedCriteria entryDetachedCriteria = extendedDetachedCriteria.forClass(BlogEntry.class);
entryDetachedCriteria.createAlias("", "blog");
etc, etc...
HOWEVER, when i am joining data in a different way, like in this portion of the SQL:
select be1.* from BlogEntry be1 join SecureUser s on (no actual foreign key relationship defined in the tables, SecureUser entities are just stamped with the relevant BlogEntry ID when they are created)
how should i write the criteria queries differently from the way demonstrated above?
i realize that questions like these are a total pain to get your head around if you are not already knee deep in trying to solve - please excuse the convoluted-ness of the question i am asking. i would deeply appreciate any guidance someone could offer, even if it's "get your hibernate act together, ya doofus!". sort of stuck at the moment.
createAlias creates an inner join using an association between entities. So,
is equivalent to the following HQL:
inner join rootEntity.blogEntry as blogEntry.
The root entity is BlogEntry. And I guess you don't have a blogEntry field in the BlogEntry entity. So this line doesn't make sense.
If you don't have any association between two entities, you can't make a join. You're reduced to making an inner join in the form of an equality between two fields in the where clause:
select be1 from BlogEntry be1, SecureUser s
where = s.blogEntryId
But since Criteria only allows to select from one root entity, and a series of joined associations, it's impossible to do this using Criteria.
Your best bets are:
to do it in SQL
to do it using 2 separate HQL queries, and join the results using Java.

How to best explain on what fields should a user join on?

I need to explain to somebody how they can determine what fields from multiple tables/views they should join on. Any suggestions? I know how to do it but am having difficulty trying to explain it.
One of the issues they have is they will take two fields from two tables that are the same (zip code) and join on those, when in reality they should be joining on ID columns. When they choose the wrong column to join on it increases records they receive in return.
Should I work in PK and FK somewhere?
While it is indeed typical to join a PK to an FK any conversation about JOIN clauses that only revolve around PK's and FK's is fairly limited
For example I had this FROM clause in a recent SQL answer I gave
YourTable firstNames
LEFT JOIN YourTable lastNames
ON firstnames.Name = lastNames.Name
AND lastNames.NameType =2
and firstnames.FrequencyPercent < lastNames.FrequencyPercent
The table referenced on each side of the table is the same table (a self join) and it includes three condidtions one of which is an inequality. Furthermore there would never be an FK here because its looking to join on a field, that is by design, not a Candidate Key.
Also you don't have even have to join one table to another. You can join inline queries to each other which of course can't possibly have a Key.
So in order to properly understand JOIN you just need to understand that it combines the records from two relations (tables, views, inline queries) where some conditions evaluate to true. This means you need to understand boolean logic and the database and the data in the database.
If your user is having a problem with a specific JOIN ask them to SELECT some rows from one table and also the other and then ask them under what conditions would you want to combine the rows.
You don't need to talk in terms of a primary key of a table but you should point to it and explain that it uniquely identifies a given row and that you must join to related tables using it or you could get duplicated results.
Give them examples of joining with it and joining without it.
An ER diagram showing all of the tables they use and their key relationships would help ensure that they always use the correct keys.
It sounds to me like neither you, nor the person you are trying to help understands how this particular database is constructed and perhaps don't really even understand basic database fundamentals, like PK's and FK's. Most often a PK from one table is joined to a FK to another table.
Assuming the database has the proper PK's and FK's in place, it would probably help a great deal to generate an ER diagram. That would make the joining concept much easier to grasp.
Another approach you could take is to find someone who does understand these things and create some views for this person to use. This way he doesn't need to understand how to join the tables together.
A user shouldn't typically be doing joins. A user should have an interface that lets them get the data that they need in the way that they need it. If you don't have the developer resources to do that then you're going to be stuck with this problem of having to teach a user technical details. You also need to be very careful about what kind of damage the user can do. Do they have update rights on the data? I hope they don't accidentally do a DELETE FROM Table with no WHERE clause. Even if you restrict their permissions, a poorly written query can crush the database server or block resources causing problems for other users (and more work for you).
If you have no choice, then I think that you need to certainly teach them about primary and foreign keys, even if you don't call them that. Point out that the id on your table (or whatever your PK is) identifies a row. Then explain how the id appears in other tables to show the relationship. For example, "See, in the address table we have a person_id which tells us who that address belongs to."
After that, expect to spend a large portion of your time with that user as they make mistakes or come up with other things that they want to get from the database, but which they can't figure out how to get.
From theory, and ideally, you should define primary keys on all tables, and join tables using a primary key to the matching field or fields (foreign key) in the other table.
Even if you don't define or if they're not defined as primary keys, you need to make sure the fields uniquely identify the records in the table, and that they should be properly indexed.
For example, let's say the 'person' table has a SSN and a driver's license field. The SSN could be considered and flagged as the 'primary key', but if you join that table to a 'drivers' table which might not have the SSN, but does have the driver's license #, you could join them by the driver's license field (even if it's not flagged as primary key), but you need to make sure that the field is properly indexed in both tables.
...explain to somebody how they can determine what fields from multiple tables/views they should join on.
Simply put, look for the columns with values that match between the tables/views. Preferably, match exactly but some massaging might be necessary.
The existence of foreign key constraints would help to know what matches to what, but the constraint might not be directly to the table/view that is to be joined.
The existence of a primary key doesn't mean it is the criteria that is necessary for the query, so I would overlook this detail (depending on the audience).
I would recommend attacking the desired result set by starting with the columns desired, and working back from there. If there's more than one table's columns in the result set, focus on the table whose columns should be returning distinct results first and then gradually add joins, checking the result set between each JOIN addition to confirm the results are still the same. Otherwise, need to review the JOIN or if a JOIN is actually necessary vs IN or EXISTS.
I did this when I first started out, it comes from thinking of joins as just linking tables together, so I linked at all possible points.
Once you think of joins as a way to combine AND filter the data it becomes easier to understand them.
Writing out your request as a sentence is helpful too, "I want to see all the times Table A interacted with Table B". Then build a query from that using only the ID, noting that if you wanted to know "All the times Table A was in the same zip code as Table B" then you would join by zip code.