MS Access Query problem? - sql

I am using this query:
SELECT D.Generic, D.Ww, D.Dd, D.Plan, c.TotalScan, D.Plan - c.TotalScan AS Balance
SELECT COUNT(a.Specific) AS TotalScan,
b.Generic, a.Dd,a.Ww
FROM TableB a
ON a.Specific = b.Specific
BY b.Generic,a.Dd,a.Ww
WHERE DATEDIFF(DAY, a.TransactionDate, GETDATE()) = 0
) c
ON c.Generic = D.Generic
AND D.Ww = c.Ww
AND c.Dd = D.Dd
WHERE DATEDIFF(DAY, c.TransactionDate, GETDATE()) = 0;
to filter all records that is a insert in my sqlserver database.
Now i am having a hard time how can i do it ms access.
1. DATEDIFF(Day, TransactionDate, GetDate()) = 0 -- Not Work on MS Access(Which Filter all Records inserted in current Date)
2. Cant display TotalScan from subquery
Example Output Date:
3/21/2011 7:26:24 AM
3/21/2011 7:26:24 AM
3/22/2011 7:26:24 AM --
3/22/2011 7:26:28 AM --
3/22/2011 7:26:30 AM --
3/22/2011 7:26:32 AM --
3/22/2011 7:26:35 AM --
if my date today is 3/22/2011 5 records will be displayed.
Thanks in Regards

GetDate() is SQL Server specific, Access has Now() instead.
The DateDiff() function also exists in Access, but the parameter for the interval is different:
DateDiff("d", TransactionDate, Now())

Equivalent of:
DATEDIFF(DAY, c.TransactionDate, GETDATE()) = 0
DATEDIFF("d", c.TransactionDate, Now()) = 0


SQL query for extracting accounts whose last load date is not equal to today

I seem to have some issue in the query and need your help.
I have 2 tables:
1st table contains Bank account details - account number, status etc - bankacc
2nd table stores name of the statement and the load date on which the statement is imported - bankstm
I am trying to write a query that will populate only those bank accounts whose statement was not imported as of today date.
Date format in database - 2020-01-17 00:00:00.000
Code that i have tried:
SELECT b.bank_acc as Bank_Account, max(b.date_ld) as Load_Date from bankstm b
where b.date_ld < CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE) and
b.bank_acc in (select a.acc_no from bankacc a where a.in_use = 'Y' and a.analyse03 = '1517')
group by b.bank_acc
This code populates all the records from previous date whereas most of them statements loaded today.
I also attempted the code with '=' or '<>' or '>' based on the queries raised previously in stack overflow. But nothing seems to be giving me the correct result.
So finally i am raising it for experts to help me out.
You need to apply the date filter on the max.
I cast the max(b.date_ld) to date in case its datetime format
SELECT b.bank_acc as Bank_Account, max(b.date_ld) as Load_Date from bankstm b
b.bank_acc in (select a.acc_no from bankacc a where a.in_use = 'Y' and a.analyse03 = '1517')
group by b.bank_acc
having cast(max(b.date_ld) as date) < CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)
You can modify your statement to use a not exists if your only criteria is that the record doesn't have a corresponding entry for today's date as a load date.
If the criteria is different, may require modification.
SELECT [b].[bank_acc] AS [bank_account]
, MAX([b].[date_ld]) AS [load_date]
FROM bankstm AS b
FROM [bankstm] AS [bb]
WHERE [b].[bank_acc] = [bb].[bank_acc] AND
FROM [bankacct] a
WHERE b.bank_acc = a.bank_acc and a.in_use = 'Y' and a.analyse03 = '1517'
GROUP BY b.bank_acc
first of all you can improve your query with join and avoid using sub query.
SELECT b.bank_acc as Bank_Account, max(b.date_ld) as Load_Date
FROM bankstm AS b
LEFT JOIN bankacc AS ba ON b.bank_acc = ba.acc_no
WHERE ba.in_use = 'Y'
AND ba.analyse03 = '1517'
GROUP BY b.bank_acc
I would use not exists:
select ba.*
from bankacc ba
where ba.in_use = 'Y' and
ba.analyse03 = '1517' and
not exists (select 1
from bankstm bs
where bs.bank_acc = ba.acc_no and
bs.date_ld = convert(date, getdate())
For performance, you want indexes on bankacc(in_use, analyse03, acc_no) and bankstm(bank_acc, date_ld).

SQL Server Yesterdays Count

I am trying to get a count of all of yesterdays rows. The query i have runs good but does not pick up null values. Is there a way i can query a count of null and non null values?
Here is my code:
SELECT dateadd(day,datediff(day,0,GETDATE())-1,0) as Received_Date,
COUNT(*) as Enrollments_Completed
FROM Table CD,
CCMDB.dbo.ResolutionLetterDetails RD
WHERE CD.ccid = RD.ccid
and CompletedDate >= DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,1,getdate()),0)
and CompletedDate < DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,0,getdate()),0)
AND CatID in('cat0014')
AND IncomingType <> 'RITS'
AND status = 'Completed'
Convert your CompletedDate to a date with no time and make it equal yesterdays date with no time (from GETDATE()) and use correct JOIN code.
SELECT dateadd(day,datediff(day,0,GETDATE())-1,0) as Received_Date,
COUNT(*) as Enrollments_Completed
LEFT JOIN CCMDB.dbo.ResolutionLetterDetails RD ON CD.ccid = RD.ccid
WHERE dateadd(day,datediff(day,1,CompletedDate),0) = dateadd(day,datediff(day,1,GETDATE()),0)
AND CatID IN ('cat0014')
AND IncomingType != 'RITS'
AND status = 'Completed'
Return NULLs:
SELECT dateadd(day,datediff(day,0,GETDATE())-1,0) as Received_Date,
COUNT(*) as Enrollments_Completed
LEFT JOIN CCMDB.dbo.ResolutionLetterDetails RD ON CD.ccid = RD.ccid
WHERE dateadd(day,datediff(day,1,CompletedDate),0) = dateadd(day,datediff(day,1,GETDATE()),0)
AND (CatID IN ('cat0014') OR CatID IS NULL)
AND (IncomingType != 'RITS' OR IncomingType IS NULL)
AND (status = 'Completed' OR status IS NULL)
I would fix your query and do:
SELECT CAST(DATEADD(day, -1, GETDATE()) as DATE) as Received_Date,
COUNT(*) as Enrollments_Completed
CCMDB.dbo.ResolutionLetterDetails RD
ON CD.ccid = RD.ccid
WHERE CompletedDate >= CAST(DATEADD(day, -1, GETDATE()) as DATE) AND
CompletedDate < CAST(GETDATE() as DATE) AND
CatID IN ('cat0014') AND
IncomingType <> 'RITS' AND
status = 'Completed';
For the date part, you could also do:
CAST(CompletedDate as DATE) = CAST(DATEADD(day, -1, GETDATE()) as DATE)
This version is even index-safe in SQL Server (although not necessarily in other databases).
The DATE data type considerably simplifies your calculations.
Never use commas in the FROM clause. Always use proper, explicit, standard JOIN syntax.
You should qualify all column names so you (and anyone reading the query) knows what table the column comes from.

correct count of grouped results

I have a procedure:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetActualFeedbackQueueTree]
#dtNow datetime
count(f.Id) as [Total],
InnerPortal.Feedback.QueueFeedback f
left join
InnerPortal.Feedback.QueueFeedback f2
f2.AccountCode = f.AccountCode
(f.Done is null or f.Done = 0) and
(f.Busy is NULL or f.Busy = 0) and
((DATEPART(hour, DATEADD(HOUR, f.Utc, #dtNow)) >= 9 ) and
(DATEPART(hour, DATEADD(HOUR, f.Utc, #dtNow)) <= 20))
group by
f.AccountCode, f2.CityCode,
f2.CityName, f.AccountName, f.Utc
I group rows by AccountName and by CityName. As result we have something like a tree. The problem is the [Total] not calculates correctly.
Then I get a select for a special AccountCode the count if much less then get me as result the procedure. For example:
select count(f.Id) from Feedback.QueueFeedback f where f.AccountCode = '01507'
returns 16 rows but the procedure result is 256.
The target is to get a count of collected rows with the same account. How to make it work correctly?
Software: T-Sql, Ms Sql server 2012
Pretty sure you want

Multiple Selects into one select

I'm trying to put some data together for a High Charts Bar chart using ASP.NET. Basically, i have three users who i need to track when they have logged into the system. the variants to be used are:
1) Today
2) This Week
3) Last Week
4) Last Month
So, i've created individual tsql scripts for today and and last week, but i'm now a little stuck on how to combine the two statemets, which will eventually be four.
SELECT Count(*) as CountToday from hitsTable WHERE Convert(date,hitDate) =
Convert(date,GETDATE()) Group by UserId
SELECT count(*) as CountLatWeek from hitTable
where hitDate between (DATEADD(week, DATEDIFF (week,0,GETDATE()),-1))
AND getDate() Group by UserId
Searhing on google, leads me to nested select statements, which all seem to form dependacies with the two statements. However, what i need to do is produce a table of results like this:
I've set up a SQL Fiddle, so we can test out the examples!6/a21ec
the fiddle has tsql for today and tsql for last week (which may need some tweaking)
Select Distinct
, ( Select Count(*) as CountToday from hitsTable h2
Where h2.UserId = h1.UserId
And Convert(date,hitDate) = Convert(date,GETDATE())
) As CountToday
, ( Select count(*) as CountLatWeek from hitsTable h2
Where h2.UserId = h1.UserId
And hitDate Between DATEADD(dd, -(DATEPART(dw, GetDate())-1)-7, GetDate())
And DATEADD(dd, 7-(DATEPART(dw, GetDate()))-7, GetDate())
) As CountLastWeek
FROM hitsTable h1
Here’s another alternative based on #Avinash comment on the question.
, CountTodayTable.CountToday
, CountLatWeekTable.CountLatWeek
, ...
FROM hitsTable h1
Inner Join
( Select Count(*) as CountToday from hitsTable h2
Where h2.UserId = h1.UserId
And Convert(date,hitDate) = Convert(date,GETDATE())
) CountTodayTable
On CountTodayTable.UserId = h1.UserId
Inner Join
( Select count(*) as CountLatWeek from hitTable h2
Where h2.UserId = h1.UserId
And hitDate between (DATEADD(week, DATEDIFF (week,0,GETDATE()),-1)) And getDate()
) CountLatWeekTable
On CountLatWeekTable.UserId = h1.UserId
Try this query
sum(case when Convert(date,hitDate) = Convert(date,GETDATE()) then 1 else 0 end) as as CountToday,
sum(hitDate between (DATEADD(week, DATEDIFF (week,0,GETDATE()),-1)) AND getDate() then 1 else 0 end) as CountLatWeek,
...... -- Add more condition
group by
sum(case when Convert(date,hitDate) =
Convert(date,GETDATE()) then 1 else 0 end) as cnt
group by userid
| User1 | 3 |
| User2 | 0 |

SQL Table-value function optimisation / improvement

We've got a query that is taking a very long time to complete with a large dataset. I think I've tracked it down to a table-value function in the SQL server.
The query is designed to return the difference in printing usage between two dates. So if a printer had usage of 100 at date x and 200 at date y a row needs to be returned which reflects that it has had a usage change of 100.
These readings are taken periodically (but not every day) and stored in a table called MeterReadings. The code for the table-value function is below. This is then called from another SQL query which joins the returned table on a devices table with an inner join to get extra device information.
Any advise as to how to optimise the below would be appreciated.
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[DeviceUsage]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
( #StartDate DateTime , #EndDate DateTime )
SELECT MAX(dbo.MeterReadings.ScanDateTime) AS MX,
MAX(dbo.MeterReadings.DeviceTotal - reading.DeviceTotal) AS TotalDiff,
MAX(dbo.MeterReadings.TotalCopy - reading.TotalCopy) AS CopyDiff,
MAX(dbo.MeterReadings.TotalPrint - reading.TotalPrint) AS PrintDiff,
MAX(dbo.MeterReadings.TotalScan - reading.TotalScan) AS ScanDiff,
MAX(dbo.MeterReadings.TotalFax - reading.TotalFax) AS FaxDiff,
MAX(dbo.MeterReadings.TotalMono - reading.TotalMono) AS MonoDiff,
MAX(dbo.MeterReadings.TotalColour - reading.TotalColour) AS ColourDiff,
MIN(reading.ScanDateTime) AS MN, dbo.MeterReadings.DeviceID
FROM dbo.MeterReadings INNER JOIN (SELECT * FROM dbo.MeterReadings WHERE
(dbo.MeterReadings.ScanDateTime > #StartDate) AND
(dbo.MeterReadings.ScanDateTime < #EndDate) )
AS reading ON dbo.MeterReadings.DeviceID = reading.DeviceID
WHERE (dbo.MeterReadings.ScanDateTime > #StartDate) AND (dbo.MeterReadings.ScanDateTime < #EndDate)
GROUP BY dbo.MeterReadings.DeviceID);
On the assumption that a value can only ever increase over time, it can certainly be simplified.
MIN(ScanDateTime) AS MN,
MAX(ScanDateTime) AS MX,
MAX(DeviceTotal ) - MIN(DeviceTotal) AS TotalDiff,
MAX(TotalCopy ) - MIN(TotalCopy ) AS CopyDiff,
MAX(TotalPrint ) - MIN(TotalPrint ) AS PrintDiff,
MAX(TotalScan ) - MIN(TotalScan ) AS ScanDiff,
MAX(TotalFax ) - MIN(TotalFax ) AS FaxDiff,
MAX(TotalMono ) - MIN(TotalMono ) AS MonoDiff,
MAX(TotalColour ) - MIN(TotalColour) AS ColourDiff
ScanDateTime > #StartDate
AND ScanDateTime < #EndDate
This assumes that if you have reading on dates 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and you want to report on 2 -> 8 then you want reading 7 - reading 3. I would have thought you wanted reading 7 - reading 1?
The above query should be fine for relatively small ranges. If you have Huge ranges of time, the MAX() - MIN() will be operating on large numbers of rows. This can then possibly be improved even further with the following (with correlated sub-queries to lookup just the two rows that you want).
As a side benefit, this also works even if the values can go down as well as up.
(I assume the existance of a Device table for a simpler query and faster performance.)
start.ScanDateTime AS MN,
finish.ScanDateTime AS MX,
finish.DeviceTotal - start.DeviceTotal AS TotalDiff,
finish.TotalCopy - start.TotalCopy AS CopyDiff,
finish.TotalPrint - start.TotalPrint AS PrintDiff,
finish.TotalScan - start.TotalScan AS ScanDiff,
finish.TotalFax - start.TotalFax AS FaxDiff,
finish.TotalMono - start.TotalMono AS MonoDiff,
finish.TotalColour - start.TotalColour AS ColourDiff
dbo.Device AS device
dbo.MeterReadings AS start
ON start.DeviceID = device.DeviceID
AND start.ScanDateTime = (SELECT MIN(ScanDateTime)
FROM dbo.MeterReadings
WHERE DeviceID = device.DeviceID
AND ScanDateTime > #startDate
AND ScanDateTime < #endDate)
dbo.MeterReadings AS finish
ON finish.DeviceID = device.DeviceID
AND finish.ScanDateTime = (SELECT MAX(ScanDateTime)
FROM dbo.MeterReadings
WHERE DeviceID = device.DeviceID
AND ScanDateTime > #startDate
AND ScanDateTime < #endDate)
This can also be modified to pick up the start as being the first date on or before #startDate, if required.
EDIT: Modification to pick the start reading as being for the first date on or before #startDate.
start.ScanDateTime AS MN,
finish.ScanDateTime AS MX,
COALESCE(finish.DeviceTotal, 0) - COALESCE(start.DeviceTotal, 0) AS TotalDiff,
COALESCE(finish.TotalCopy , 0) - COALESCE(start.TotalCopy , 0) AS CopyDiff,
COALESCE(finish.TotalPrint , 0) - COALESCE(start.TotalPrint , 0) AS PrintDiff,
COALESCE(finish.TotalScan , 0) - COALESCE(start.TotalScan , 0) AS ScanDiff,
COALESCE(finish.TotalFax , 0) - COALESCE(start.TotalFax , 0) AS FaxDiff,
COALESCE(finish.TotalMono , 0) - COALESCE(start.TotalMono , 0) AS MonoDiff,
COALESCE(finish.TotalColour, 0) - COALESCE(start.TotalColour, 0) AS ColourDiff
dbo.Device AS device
dbo.MeterReadings AS start
ON start.DeviceID = device.DeviceID
AND start.ScanDateTime = (SELECT MAX(ScanDateTime)
FROM dbo.MeterReadings
WHERE DeviceID = device.DeviceID
AND ScanDateTime < #startDate)
dbo.MeterReadings AS finish
ON finish.DeviceID = device.DeviceID
AND finish.ScanDateTime = (SELECT MAX(ScanDateTime)
FROM dbo.MeterReadings
WHERE DeviceID = device.DeviceID
AND ScanDateTime < #endDate)
Your query seems to compute a cross-product of all readings in a time range for each particular device. This works semantically because the MIN and MAX aggregates don't care about duplicates. But this is very slow. If you are comparing 100 dates with themselves you need to process 10,000 rows.
I suggest you calculate the MIN and MAX values for each metric/column over the entire time interval and then subtract them. That way you don't need to join and you need a single pass ofer the data. Like this:
select Diff = MAX(col) - MIN(col)
from readings
group by DeviceID