Group by in t-sql not displaying single result - sql

See the image below. I have a table, tbl_AccountTransaction in which I have 10 rows. The lower most table having columsn AccountTransactionId, AgreementId an so on. Now what i want is to get a single row, that is sum of all amount of the agreement id. Say here I have agreement id =23 but when I ran my query its giving me two rows instead of single column, since there is nano or microsecond difference in between the time of insertion.
So i need a way that will give me row 1550 | 23 | 2011-03-21
I have update my query to this
SELECT Sum(Amount) as Amount,AgreementID, StatementDate
FROM tbl_AccountTranscation
Where TranscationDate is null
GROUP BY AgreementID,Convert(date,StatementDate,101)
but still getting the same error
Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Column 'tbl_AccountTranscation.StatementDate' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

Your group by clause is in error
group by agreementid, convert(date,statementdate,101)
This makes it group by the date (without time) of the statementdate column. Whereas the original is grouping by the statementdate (including time) then for each row of the output, applying the stripping of time information.
To be clear, you weren't supposed to change the SELECT clause
SELECT Sum(Amount) as Amount,AgreementID, Convert(date,StatementDate,101)
FROM tbl_AccountTranscation
Where TranscationDate is null
GROUP BY AgreementID,Convert(date,StatementDate,101)

Because you have a Group By StatementDate.
In your example you have 2 StatementDates:
2011-03-21 14:38:59.470
2011-03-21 14:38:59.487
Change your query in the Group by section instead of StatementDate to be:
Convert(Date, StatementDate, 101)

Have you tried to
Group by (Convert(date,...)
instead of the StatementDate

You are close. You need to combine your two approaches. This should do it:
SELECT Sum(Amount) as Amount,AgreementID, Convert(date,StatementDate,101)
FROM tbl_AccountTranscation
Where TranscationDate is null
GROUP BY AgreementID,Convert(date,StatementDate,101)

If you never need the time, the perhaps you need to change the datatype, so you don't have to do alot of unnecessary converting in most queries. SQL Server 2008 has a date datatype that doesn't include the time. In earlier versions you could add an additional date column that is automatically generated to strip out the time companent so all the dates are like the format of '2011-01-01 00:00:00:000' then you can do date comparisons directly having only had to do the conversion once. This would allow you to have both the actual datetime and just the date.

You should group by DATEPART(..., StatementDate)


SELECT MIN from a subset of data obtained through GROUP BY

There is a database in place with hourly timeseries data, where every row in the DB represents one hour. Example:
id date_and_time entry_category
1 2017/01/20 12:00 type_1
2 2017/01/20 13:00 type_1
3 2017/01/20 12:00 type_2
4 2017/01/20 12:00 type_3
First I used the GROUP BY statement to find the latest date and time for each type of entry category:
SELECT MAX(date_and_time), entry_category
FROM timeseries_table
GROUP BY entry_category;
However now, I want to find which is the date and time which is the LEAST RECENT among the datetime's I obtained with the query listed above. I will need to use somehow SELECT MIN(date_and_time), but how do I let SQL know I want to treat the output of my previous query as a "new table" to apply a new SELECT query on? The output of my total query should be a single value—in case of the sample displayed above, date_and_time = 2017/01/20 12:00.
I've tried using aliases, but don't seem to be able to do the trick, they only rename existing columns or tables (or I'm misusing them..).There are many questions out there that try to list the MAX or MIN for a particular group (e.g. or Select max value of each group) which is what I have already achieved, but I want to do work now on this list of obtained datetime's. My database structure is very simple, but I lack the knowledge to string these queries together.
Thanks, cheers!
You can use your first query as a sub-query, it is similar to what you are describing as using the first query's output as the input for the second query. Here you will get the one row out put of the min date as required.
SELECT MIN(date_and_time)
FROM (SELECT MAX(date_and_time) as date_and_time, entry_category
FROM timeseries_table
GROUP BY entry_category)a;
Is this what you want?
SELECT TOP 1 MAX(date_and_time), entry_category
FROM timeseries_table
GROUP BY entry_category
ORDER BY MAX(date_and_time) ASC;
This returns ties. If you do not want ties, then include an additional sort key:
SELECT TOP 1 MAX(date_and_time), entry_category
FROM timeseries_table
GROUP BY entry_category
ORDER BY MAX(date_and_time) ASC, entry_category;

sql count function with subquery

here is my query
select narr,vocno,count(*)
from KontenLedger
WHERE VOCDT>'2018-07-01'
group by narr,vocno
having count(*)<'3'
actually if i wright as i given above ,the result which calculates two fields ('narr' and 'vocno') if i remove the field ('narr') answer is correct. i need to view the field 'narr' also without counting
Without knowing your database, nor having some limited sample date, nor expected output?
COUNT(*) AS total,
MAX(narr) AS max_narr
FROM KontenLedger
WHERE vocdt > '2018-07-01'
GROUP BY vocno

how to display last 10 numbers in sql

i have a table A with two column (number varchar(600),Date_ varchar(800))
now i have to display last 10 numbers order by Date_.
SELECT top(10) Number,Date FROM A ORDER BY Date_ DESC,
the problem is that for one month its showing result as desired,
but as soon next month start it not showing result as desired
i want the result like this.
i am getting this result for --/1/2016 month but not for --/2/2016.
so kindly help.
Try the below script
SELECT top(10) Number,Date
ORDER BY convert(datetime,Date,103) DESC
If you don't want to/can't change the structure of your table, then you need to use Parsing.
SELECT TOP 10 PARSE(Number AS int) AS Number,
PARSE(Date AS datetime2) AS Date
You may need to do a PARSE in your ORDER BY as well.
Just a small change to your code should fix this
SELECT top(10) Number,Date FROM A ORDER BY cast(DATE_ as date) DESC.
Typically dates are stored as numbers in Microsoft world, i.e. 1/1/1900 is 1
1/2/1900 is 2
1/31/1900 is 31 and so on...
So changing your varchar to a date (provided there is no junk in the field) should fix this.

Getting Dates only less than a particular date using date functions

I have a table called tableA with TrasactionDate as one field. I have a particular date called myfixeddate (say it's 2014-03-08).
I want to get the TransactionDate within 4 months, but only before my fixed date myfixeddate ('2014-03-08') from the tableA. Say my query should give '2014-03-06','2014-03-05','2014-02-01',....
But when I use the following query :
SELECT TrasactionDate
FROM tableA
WHERE datediff(mm,Transdate,myfixeddate) < 4
It gives the TransactionDate in both ways (before and after). That means the result gave '2014-03-10','2014-03-18' with the wanted ones like '2014-03-05',....
Could you please tell me how to prevent this and what code I need to use to get the TransactionDate in one direction?
You may try like this:
Select TrasactionDate from tableA
where [TrasactionDate] between DATEADD(month, -4, myfixeddate) and myfixeddate

Possible to use SQL to sort by date but put null dates at the back of the results set?

I have a bunch of tasks in a MySQL database, and one of the fields is "deadline date". Not every task has to have to a deadline date.
I'd like to use SQL to sort the tasks by deadline date, but put the ones without a deadline date in the back of the result set. As it is now, the null dates show up first, then the rest are sorted by deadline date earliest to latest.
Any ideas on how to do this with SQL alone? (I can do it with PHP if needed, but an SQL-only solution would be great.)
Here's a solution using only standard SQL, not ISNULL(). That function is not standard SQL, and may not work on other brands of RDBMS.
ORDER BY ISNULL(myDate), myDate
SELECT foo, bar, due_date FROM tablename
WHEN 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, due_date
So you have 2 order by clauses. The first puts all non-nulls in front, then sorts by due date after that
The easiest way is using the minus operator with DESC.
In MySQL, NULL values are considered lower in order than any non-NULL value, so sorting in ascending (ASC) order NULLs are listed first, and if descending (DESC) they are listed last.
When a - (minus) sign is added before the column name, NULL become -NULL.
Since -NULL == NULL, adding DESC make all the rows sort by date in ascending order followed by NULLs at last.