Getting exit status after launching app with NSWorkspace launchApplicationAtURL - objective-c

I'm kind of new at Mac programming. I am porting a plugin to OSX. I need my application to launch a second app (which I do not control the source for) and then get its exit code. NSWorkspace launchApplicationAtURL works great to launch it with the needed arguments but I can't see how to get the exit code. Is there a way to get it after setting up notification for termination of the second app? I see tools for getting an exit code using NSTask instead. Should I be using that?

The NSWorkspace methods are really for launching independent applications; use NSTask to "run another program as a subprocess and ... monitor that program’s execution" as per the docs.
Here is a simple method to launch an executable and return its standard output - it blocks waiting for completion:
// Arguments:
// atPath: full pathname of executable
// arguments: array of arguments to pass, or nil if none
// Return:
// the standard output, or nil if any error
+ (NSString *) runCommand:(NSString *)atPath withArguments:(NSArray *)arguments
NSTask *task = [NSTask new];
NSPipe *pipe = [NSPipe new];
[task setStandardOutput:pipe]; // pipe standard output
[task setLaunchPath:atPath]; // set path
if(arguments != nil)
[task setArguments:arguments]; // set arguments
[task launch]; // execute
NSData *data = [[pipe fileHandleForReading] readDataToEndOfFile]; // read standard output
[task waitUntilExit]; // wait for completion
if ([task terminationStatus] != 0) // check termination status
return nil;
if (data == nil)
return nil;
return [NSString stringWithUTF8Data:data]; // return stdout as string
You may not want to block, especially if this is your main UI thread, supply standard input etc.

In fact, this property of the NSTask should do the trick: terminationStatus
From Apple's doc:
Returns the exit status returned by the receiver’s executable.
I tested it and it works ok. Watch out to test if the task is running first, otherwise an exception will be launched.
if (![aTask isRunning]) {
int status = [aTask terminationStatus];
if (status == ATASK_SUCCESS_VALUE)
NSLog(#"Task succeeded.");
NSLog(#"Task failed.");
Hope it helps.


NSTask Race Condition With ReadabilityHandler Block

Basic Setup
I use NSTask to run a process that optimizes images. This process writes output data to stdout. I use the readabilityHandler property of NSTask to capture that data. Here is the abbreviated setup:
NSTask *task = [[NSTask alloc] init];
[task setArguments:arguments]; // arguments defined above
NSPipe *errorPipe = [NSPipe pipe];
[task setStandardError:errorPipe];
NSFileHandle *errorFileHandle = [errorPipe fileHandleForReading];
NSPipe *outputPipe = [NSPipe pipe];
[task setStandardOutput:outputPipe];
NSFileHandle *outputFileHandle = [outputPipe fileHandleForReading];
NSMutableData *outputData = [[NSMutableData alloc] init];
NSMutableData *errorOutputData = [[NSMutableData alloc] init];
outputFileHandle.readabilityHandler = ^void(NSFileHandle *handle) {
NSLog(#"Appending data for %#", inputPath.lastPathComponent);
[outputData appendData:handle.availableData];
errorFileHandle.readabilityHandler = ^void(NSFileHandle *handle) {
[errorOutputData appendData:handle.availableData];
I then call NSTask like this:
[task setLaunchPath:_pathToJPEGOptim];
[task launch];
[task waitUntilExit];
(This is all done on a background dispatch queue). Next I examine the return values of NSTask:
if ([task terminationStatus] == 0)
newSize = outputData.length;
if (newSize <= 0)
NSString *errorString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:errorOutputData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(#"ERROR string: %#", errorString);
// Truncated for brevity...
The Problem
Approximately 98% of the time, this works perfectly. However, it appears that -waitUntilExit CAN fire before the readabilityHandler block is run. Here is a screenshot showing that the readability handler is running AFTER the task has exited:
So this is clearly a race condition between the dispatch queue running the readabilityHandler and the dispatch queue where I've fired off my NSTask. My question is: how the hell can I determine that the readabilityHandler is done? How do I beat this race condition if, when NSTask tells me it's done, it may not be done?
I am aware that NSTask has an optional completionHandler block. But the docs state that this block is not guaranteed to run before -waitUntilExit returns, which implies that it CAN begin running even SOONER than -waitUntilExit. This would make the race condition even more likely.
Update: Modern macOS:
availableData no longer has the issues I describe below. I'm unsure precisely when they were resolved, but at least Monterey works correctly. The approach described below is for older releases of macOS.
Additionally, with the modern Swift concurrency system in place and the new paradigm of "threads can always make forward progress", using semaphores like below should be a last resort. If you can, use NSTask's completionHandler API. I have no FORMAL guarantee that the readability handlers will complete before the completionHandler is called, but they seem to in practice, at least on modern macOS. Your mileage may vary.
Old Advice:
Ok, after much trial-and-error, here's the correct way to handle it:
1. Do not Use -AvailableData
In your readability handler blocks, do not use the -availableData method. This has weird side effects, will sometimes not capture all available data, and will interfere with the system's attempt to call the handler with an empty NSData object to signal the closing of the pipe because -availableData blocks until data is actually available.
2. Use -readDataOfLength:
Instead, use -readDataOfLength:NSUIntegerMax in your readability handler blocks. With this approach, the handler correctly receives an empty NSData object that you can use to detect the closing of the pipe and signal a semaphore.
3. Beware macOS 10.12!
There is a bug that Apple fixed in 10.13 that is absolutely critical here: on old versions of macOS, the readability handlers are never called if there is no data to read. That is, they never get called with zero-length data to indicate that they’re finished. That results in a permanent hang using the semaphore approach because the semaphore is never incremented. To combat this, I test for macOS 10.12 or below and, if I’m running on an old OS, I use a single call to dispatch_semaphore_wait() that is paired with a single call to dispatch_semaphore_signal() in NSTask’s completionHandler block. I have that completion block sleep for 0.2 seconds to allow the handlers to execute. That’s obviously a godawfully ugly hack, but it works. If I’m on 10.13 plus, I have different readability handlers that signal the semaphore (once from the error handler and once from the normal output handler) and I still signal the semaphore from the completionHandler block. These are paired with 3 calls to dispatch_semaphore_wait() after I launch the task. In this case, no delay is required in the completion block because macOS correctly calls the readability handlers with zero-length data when the fileHandle is done.
(Note: assume stuff is defined as in my original question example. This code is shortened for readability.)
// Create the semaphore
dispatch_semaphore_t sema = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
// Define a handler to collect output data from our NSTask
outputFileHandle.readabilityHandler = ^void(NSFileHandle *handle)
// DO NOT use -availableData in these handlers.
NSData *newData = [handle readDataOfLength:NSUIntegerMax];
if (newData.length == 0)
// end of data signal is an empty data object.
outputFileHandle.readabilityHandler = nil;
[outputData appendData:newData];
// Repeat the above for the 'errorFileHandle' readabilityHandler.
[task launch];
// two calls to wait because we are going to signal the semaphore once when
// our 'outputFileHandle' pipe closes and once when our 'errorFileHandle' pipe closes
dispatch_semaphore_wait(sema, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
dispatch_semaphore_wait(sema, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
// ... do stuff when the task is done AND the pipes have finished handling data.
// After doing stuff, release the semaphore
sema = NULL;
Create a semaphore with an initial value of 0. In the readability handlers, check if the data object returned from availableData has length 0. If it does, that means end of file. In that case, signal the semaphore.
Then, after waitUntilExit returns, wait on the semaphore twice (once for each pipe you're reading). When those waits return, you've got all of the data.

currentDirectoryPath and NSTask

OK, let's say I'm creating a (Bash) Terminal emulator - I'm not actually, but it's pretty close in terms of description.
I've managed to get (almost) everything working, however I'm facing one simple issue: maintaining the current directory.
I mean... let's say the user runs pwd and we execute this via NSTask and /usr/bin/env bash. This outputs the current app's directory. That's fine.
Now, let's say the user enters cd ... The path is changing right? (OK, even for that particular session, but it is changing, nope?)
So, I though of storing the task's currentDirectoryPath when the Task is terminated and then re-set it when starting another Bash-related task.
However, it keeps getting the very same path (the one the app bundle is in).
What am I missing?
Any ideas on how to get this working?
The code
- (NSString*)exec:(NSArray *)args environment:(NSDictionary*)env action:(void (^)(NSString*))action completed:(void (^)(NSString*))completed
_task = [NSTask new];
_output = [NSPipe new];
_error = [NSPipe new];
_input = [NSPipe new];
NSFileHandle* outputF = [_output fileHandleForReading];
NSFileHandle* errorF = [_error fileHandleForReading];
__block NSString* fullOutput = #"";
NSMutableDictionary* envs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
envs[#"PATH"] = [[APP environment] envPath];
[_task setLaunchPath:#"/usr/bin/env"];
if (env)
for (NSString* key in env)
envs[key] = env[key];
[_task setEnvironment:envs];
[_task setArguments:args];
[_task setStandardOutput:_output];
[_task setStandardError:_error];
[_task setStandardInput:_input];
void (^outputter)(NSFileHandle*) = ^(NSFileHandle *file){
NSData *data = [file availableData];
NSString* str = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
fullOutput = [fullOutput stringByAppendingString:str];
[outputF setReadabilityHandler:outputter];
[errorF setReadabilityHandler:outputter];
[_task setTerminationHandler:^(NSTask* task){
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[[APP environment] setPwd:[task currentDirectoryPath]];
[task.standardOutput fileHandleForReading].readabilityHandler = nil;
[task.standardError fileHandleForReading].readabilityHandler = nil;
[task.standardInput fileHandleForWriting].writeabilityHandler = nil;
[task terminate];
task = nil;
if (![[[APP environment] pwd] isEqualToString:#""])
[_task setCurrentDirectoryPath:[[APP environment] pwd]];
[_task launch];
return #"";
As a general matter, it is difficult to impossible to modify another process's environment and other properties from the outside. Similarly, it is not generally possible to query those from the outside. Debuggers and ps can do it by using special privileges.
The parent process which created the process in question has the opportunity to set the initial environment and properties at the point where it spawns the subprocess.
The cd command is necessarily a shell built-in command precisely because it has to modify the shell process's state. That change does not directly affect any other existing process's state. It will be inherited by subprocesses that are subsequently created.
The currentDirectoryPath property of NSTask is only meaningful at the point where the task is launched. It is the current directory that the new process will inherit. It does not track the subprocess's current directory, because it can't. Querying it only returns the value that the NSTask object was configured to use (or the default value which is the current directory of the process which created the NSTask object).
If you're trying to write something like a terminal emulator, you will need to create a long-running interactive shell subprocess with communication pipes between the parent and the shell. Don't run individual commands in separate processes. Instead, write the commands to the interactive shell over the pipe and read the subsequent output. It probably doesn't make sense to try to interpret that output since it can be general in form and not easily parsable. Just display it directly to the user.
Alternatively, you will have to interpret some commands locally in the parent process. This will be analogous to shell built-ins. So, you would have to recognize a cd command and, instead of launching an NSTask to execute it, you would just modify the state of the parent process in such a way that the new current directory will be used for subsequent tasks. That is, you could track the new current directory in a variable and set currentDirectoryPath for all subsequent NSTask objects before launching them or you could modify the parent process's current directory using -[NSFileManager changeCurrentDirectoryPath:] and that will automatically be inherited by future subprocesses.
I am fairly certain that running cd in NSTask does not change the value of task.currentDirectoryPath. Have you tried setting a break point in your dispatch call to see if that value is actually being set correctly?
From your termination handler try doing [[APP environment] setPwd:[[[NSProcessInfo processInfo]environment]objectForKey:#"PATH"]];

NSUserScriptTask difficulties

I've been trying to make do (see this and this) with the recent NSUserScriptTask class and its subclasses and so far I've solved some problems, but some others remain to be solved. As you can see from the docs, NSUserScriptTask does not allow for the cancellation of tasks. So, I decided to create a simple executable that takes as arguments the path to the script and runs the script. That way, I can launch the helper from my main app using NSTask and call [task terminate] when necessary. However, I require:
The main app to receive output and errors from the helper it launched
The helper only terminating when the NSUserScriptTask is done
The code for the main app is simple: just launch an NSTask with the proper info. Here's what I have now (for the sake of simplicity I ignored the code for security-scoped bookmarks and the like, which are out of the problem. But don't forget this is running sandboxed):
// Create task
task = [NSTask new];
[task setLaunchPath: [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: #"ScriptHelper" ofType: #""]];
[task setArguments: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: scriptPath, nil]];
// Create error pipe
NSPipe* errorPipe = [NSPipe new];
[task setStandardError: errorPipe];
// Create output pipe
NSPipe* outputPipe = [NSPipe new];
[task setStandardOutput: outputPipe];
// Set termination handler
[task setTerminationHandler: ^(NSTask* task){
// Save output
NSFileHandle* outFile = [outputPipe fileHandleForReading];
NSString* output = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: [outFile readDataToEndOfFile] encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if ([output length]) {
[output writeToFile: outputPath atomically: NO encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding error: nil];
// Log errors
NSFileHandle* errFile = [errorPipe fileHandleForReading];
NSString* error = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: [errFile readDataToEndOfFile] encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if ([error length]) {
[error writeToFile: errorPath atomically: NO encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding error: nil];
// Do some other stuff after the script finished running <-- IMPORTANT!
// Start task
[task launch];
Remember, I need the termination handler to only run when: (a) the task was cancelled (b) the task terminated on its own because the script finished running.
Now, on the helper side things start to get hairy, at least for me. Let's imagine for the sake of simplicity that the script is an AppleScript file (so I use the NSUserAppleScriptTask subclass - on the real world I'd have to accomodate for the three types of tasks). Here's what I got so far:
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
NSString* filePath = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: argv[1]];
__block BOOL done = NO;
NSError* error;
NSUserAppleScriptTask* task = [[NSUserAppleScriptTask alloc] initWithURL: [NSURL fileURLWithPath: filePath] error: &error];
NSLog(#"Task: %#", task); // Prints: "Task: <NSUserAppleScriptTask: 0x1043001f0>" Everything OK
if (error) {
NSLog(#"Error creating task: %#", error); // This is not printed
return 0;
NSLog(#"Starting task");
[task executeWithAppleEvent: nil completionHandler: ^(NSAppleEventDescriptor *result, NSError *error) {
NSLog(#"Finished task");
if (error) {
NSLog(#"Error running task: %#", error);
done = YES;
// Wait until (done == YES). How??
return 0;
Now, I have three questions (which are the ones I want to ask with this SO entry). Firstly, "Finished task" never gets printed (the block never gets called) because the task never even starts executing. Instead, I get this on my console:
MessageTracer: msgtracer_vlog_with_keys:377: odd number of keys (domain:, last key:
I tried running the exact same code from the main app and it completes without a fuss (but from the main app I lose the ability to cancel the script).
Secondly, I only want to reach the end of main (return 0;) after the completion handler is called. But I have no idea how to do that.
Thridly, whenever there's an error or output from the helper I want to send that error/output back to the app, which will receive them through the errorPipe/outputPipe. Something like fprintf(stderr/stdout, "string") does the trick, but I'm not sure if it is the right way to do it.
So, in short, any help regarding the first and second problems is appreciated. The third one I just want to make sure that's how I'm supposed to do it.
Question 1: The sub-task doesn't run because its parent exits immediately. (The log message about "odd number of keys" is a bug in NSUserScriptTask, and happens because your helper doesn't have a bundle identifier, but is otherwise harmless and irrelevant to your problem.) It exits immediately because it's not waiting for the completion block to fire, which brings us to...
Question 2: How do you wait for an asynchronous completion block? This has been answered elsewhere, including Wait until multiple networking requests have all executed - including their completion blocks, but to recap, use dispatch groups, something like this:
dispatch_group_t g = dispatch_group_create();
[task executeWithAppleEvent:nil completionHandler:^(NSAppleEventDescriptor *result, NSError *e) {
dispatch_group_wait(g, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
This same pattern works for any call that has a completion block you want to wait for. If you wanted another notification when the group finishes instead of waiting for it, use dispatch_group_notify instead of dispatch_group_wait.
As a side note, the way you’re testing error after allocating the NSUserAppleScriptTask is incorrect. The value of error is defined if and only if the function result is nil (or NO, or whatever indicates failure). If the function succeeds (which you know if it returns non-nil), then error may be anything -- the function may set it to nil, it may leave it undefined, it may even fill it in with a real object. (See also What's the Point of (NSError**)error?)

Run user defined command with NSTask

I would like to execute a terminal command specified by the user. For example, the user might write killall "TextEdit" or say "Hello world!" in a text field, and I want to execute that command.
NSTask is the way to go, except I have two problems with it:
First: the arguments. Right now I'm doing this:
NSArray* args = [commandString componentsSeparatedByString: #" "];
[task setArguments: [args subarrayWithRange: NSMakeRange(1, [args count] - 1)]]; // First one is the command name
Is this the way to do it? I don't think I've had problems with this yet, but I doesn't look like it's safe. Imagine this: the user writes killall 'Address Book' but the command receives as arguments 'Address and Book'?? That doesn't work. So, what should I do instead? How can I safely parse the arguments?
Second: the launch path. It's much more user-friendly to only have to write the name of the command, instead of the complete path to it. So I want to support that, which means finding out programmatically the full path for a command having only it's name. For that I wrote a category on NSTask like this:
+ (NSString*)completePathForExec: (NSString*)exec
NSTask* task = [[NSTask alloc] init];
NSPipe* pipe = [[NSPipe alloc] init];
NSArray* args = [NSArray arrayWithObject: exec];
[task setLaunchPath: #"/usr/bin/which"];
[task setArguments: args];
[task setStandardOutput: pipe];
[task setStandardError: pipe];
[task launch];
[task waitUntilExit];
NSFileHandle* file = [pipe fileHandleForReading];
NSString* result = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: [file readDataToEndOfFile] encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding];
if ([result length]) {
if ([result hasSuffix: #"\n"]) { result = [result substringWithRange: NSMakeRange(0, [result length] - 1)]; }
return result;
else { return exec; }
This seems to works well. However, how can I be sure that this path: /usr/bin/which will always work? I mean: will it work on 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, etc? I think I had a problem once where the path to a shell command changed with the system version, and you can never be too careful.
If the path is guaranteed to stay the same, then this isn't a problem. If it changes, then how can I know the 'path to the path-finder'?
It'll be far easier for you to not re-invent the command line parsing wheel. But, of course, going down the route of executing arbitrary user entered code is a security nightmare (tempered by the fact that the user has access to the system and, thus, could probably just run Terminal directly).
Specifically, have NSTask wrap an invocation of one of the shells with the command line option to have it execute an arbitrary string.
sh -c "ls -alF"
This would allow you to pass the path to sh as your launch path, which is in a fixed location on every system. The #"-c" argument tells sh to parse the next argument as a script and, of course, the next argument is whatever the user entered.
Note, this will also give the user the ability to pipe stuff, too.

NSTask does not receive stdout outside of Xcode 4.3.3

this is my first post, so let me send me many thanks to all the posting guys
outside there (I use SO extensively passively - great!)
I'm working on an video exporting tool for Mac OS X using the good old Quicktime API.
I cut frames from multiple input movies an arrange them (scaled) to a new output
movie (kind of media-kiosk).
As many of the needed QT functionality (e.g. writing timecode ...) need to be
nested in a 32-bit Application, I decided to do this offline using a 32 bit command line
tool. The tool renders frame by frame (offline) and prints the current progress
in values between 0.0 and 1.0
It is invoked by the main application (Cocoa, GUI, the modern stuff) via
NSTask. The stout is caught by a NSPipe.
I took a look at some examples and 'll give you quick overview over my code:
NSTask *task;
NSPipe *pipe;
float progress;
// prepare the offline process
-(void) prepareOfflineExport {
task = [[NSTask alloc] init];
pipe = [[NSPipe alloc] init];
[task setLaunchPath:pathToRenderer];
[task setStandardOutput:pipe];
// arguments are passed outside
// invoke the process
-(void) startOfflineExport {
progress = 0.0f;
NSArray *argv = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: /* command line args */, nil];
[task setArguments:argv];
NSFileHandle *fh = [pipe fileHandleForReading];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(dataReady:) name:NSFileHandleReadCompletionNotification object:fh];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(taskTerminated:) name:NSTaskDidTerminateNotification object:task];
[task launch];
[fh readInBackgroundAndNotify];
// called when data ready
-(void) dataReady:(NSNotification*)n {
NSData *d = [[n userInfo] valueForKey:NSFileHandleNotificationData];
if([d length]) {
NSString *s = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:d encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
progress = [s floatValue];
// called when process exits
-(void) taskTerminated:(NSNotification*)n {
task = nil;
progress = 1.0f;
Now the Problem:
When launching the application inside Xcode (via "run"), everything works fine.
The Invocation is done proper, the process is visible in the activity monitor and
the NSLevelIndicator (on the guy of the innovating app) is proceeding well according
the (float) progress variable.
BUT: if i "archive" the application and execute it outside of Xcode, the stdout of my
Command Line Tool never seem to reach the application. I tried writing a debug file
-(void) dataReady:(NSNotification*)n
No chance, it is never called! I tested the issue on several Macs, same problem...
Did I make an obvious mistake or is there some preferences to configure (Sandboxing is off),
maybe known issues that I overlooked?
Thank you for help