When should an object be included as a member of another object, and when should it always standalone? - oop

An example problem:
On Stack Overflow, a question page shows a number of different answers. In displaying these answers, the site also gives information about the author of the answer. This means that although the number of badges a given user has has nothing to do with an answer in and of itself, that data still needs to be retrieved in order to display the page.
From what I can see, there are three different ways to go about pulling this view data in a model:
A Post object could include a full User object as a member. The view would then access the user like this: $post->user->getReputation(). This seems cleaner, since a Controller could just request the posts and be done with it, but yet inefficient since a Post probably doesn't always need a full-blown User. I suppose it works well enough if the User object is relatively light, which it probably would be. The problem would then be that you would need to duplicate User retrieval code as part of the Post retrieval query.
The Post object could hold just an ID for a User. When the Post, or Posts, are returned to the Controller, the Controller could then extract the unique User IDs from the returned set and pass them to a User factory. The returned User objects would then be passed along with the original Posts set to the View as a separate collection. The view could then grab user info using something like $users[$post->getUserId()]->getReputation().
A hybrid approach: Include the User object inside the Post object, but have the unique id extraction and User retrieval as part of the Post retrieval method. i.e. Post::getPosts() would grab all relevant posts and convert them to objects with null User members, then it'd extract all user ids and pass them to User::getUsers(), then assign the Users to the relevant Posts before returning the set of Posts to the caller.
I guess what I'm getting at is, how do I know when an object needs to contain another object fundamentally? Is it unclean/a code smell to instead have such related objects returned separately, with neither object knowing the other has been retrieved. I'm leaning towards the separate retrieval concept - it seems the most efficient - but it really does feel like they're too related for that to make sense.

There is also a solution in between 1 and 2. You can have a lazy loading proxy for the user class. With this solution you can have best of both worlds because the proxy is interchangeable with the real thing so depending on the situation you can have the object itself or the proxy.
I'll try to explain this with an example.
Say that you have a view where you don't need user info, then you can instruct/configure your post factory to use the lazy proxy (see wikipedia)for the user which will only contain an ID. So no access to users is needed.
In another view you occasionally need to access user info but only for some posts, here again you instruct/configure your factory to include the lazy proxy for the user.
But when you actually need access to the user info, you can access the proxy object that will then load the actual user object and redirect messages to it.
In yet another view you need both post and user info, so here you instruct your post factory to use actual user objects.

It seems to me that this is another case of dependency injection. A general enough idea that could help you.
Read something about the Inversion Of Control also.

why not add optional member to model to know informations?? you can ignore when you don't need and can use when you do need.


Designing a REST API

In my application, I will have clients trying to book some slots. For this, the client will give some input and based on that input, I have to first create these slots and then return them to the client. Then after getting the slots, the user will book one of these slots. This "book" action is not creating any new resource but simply modifying 2 existing resources.
How do I design my URIs and what methods should I use?
I have 1 existing resource whose URI is: /api/v1/vehicle/id
Using the application front-end a user will fill some form data, with fields date and booking-type and submit it. Then this data will be used by the backend to "calculate" (no resource called slots exists currently) booking slots available to the user. These calculated slots will then be saved in the DB and returned as a response to the user. Out of these slots, the user will book a slot. However, this book action will not create any new resource, instead it will simply modify an existing vehicle resource (add booking related data to it) and the slots object returned by the previous request. I want to create a REST API for this.
I was thinking of doing it like this:
POST /api/v1/slot (1)
PUT/PATCH /api/v1/vehicle/id (2)
PUT/PATCH /api/v1/slot/id (3)
First, I am not sure if I should use PUT or PATCH here, in both (2) and (3). I will only be supplying partial updates to the request. Second, when the user selects a slot and clicks on book button, the front end can only send 1 request to the server. But here, I need to modify 2 resources. How do I do this? I guess I should create 1 URI like /api/v1/createbooking and use the POST method. Then in my backend call 2 different methods to update vehicle and slot objects. Is this URI structure and naming good?
How do I design my URIs and what methods should I use?
How would you do it with web pages?
It sounds like you would have the user navigate to a form which collects the date, booking type, etc. The user submits the form, and the information is sent to the server; because this is not an essentially read-only operation, we'd expect the form to indicate that the POST method should be used.
The server would make its local changes, and present to the user a new form, with the input controls presenting the available options. Once again, choosing a slot doesn't seem to have read-only semantics (we're passing information to the server), so we would see POST again.
What are the URI targets? One way to choose which resources should handle the POST requests is to consider the implications of cache invalidation; because caches know to invalidate the target-uri of a successful POST request, it can be useful to target a resource that is likely to change when the request is successful.
My guess would be that first post would go to the resource that presents the slot choices (since what we are doing is generating new choices for the customer).
For the second submission, since the representation of the vehicle is what is going to be changed by selecting a slot, it makes sense to send that POST request to the vehicle uri.
In general, think about how you read (GET) the changing information from the server; you change that information by sending some request to the same URI.
I am not sure if I should use PUT or PATCH here
PUT and PATCH are typically available together, not as distinct things. They are two different methods for sending a replacement representation of a resource.
A simple example: if you wanted to change the title of /home.html, you could either PUT the entire HTML document with the new title, or you could PATCH the HTML document by sending a patch-document in some format that the server understands.
In other words, both of these methods have remote authoring semantics; we normally would choose between them based on considerations unrelated to your domain model (if the document is small relative to the size of the HTTP headers, a client would usually choose PUT for the additional idempotent semantic guarantees. If the document is really big, but the change is small, we might prefer PATCH).
I need to modify 2 resources.
There's no rule that says a request may only modify one resource. The side effects of the changes may impact the representations of several resources (see 4.3.3 and 4.3.4 of RFC 7231).
What's tricky is telling general purpose clients (and intermediate components) which cached representations are invalidated by the change. Out of the box, we only have semantics for the effective request uri, the Location and the Content-Location. Location and Content-Location already mean something, so you can't just hijack them without the potential of introducing a big mess).
You could do it with Linked Cache Invalidation, using "well known" link relations to identify other documents that have been changed by the request. Unfortunately, LCI doesn't seem to have achieved the status of a "standard", so we may be out of luck for the time being.

Good practices for designing REST api relations

We currently trying to design some REST api for our webservices. We have two resources, 'record' and 'expedition'. As far as we know, a record can be associated with multiple expeditions, and an expedition can be associated with one record (but not necessarily).
When we create an expedition, and we want to "attach" it to a record, we have come to two solutions :
POST /expeditions?recordId=xxx
POST /records/xxx/expeditions
and a POST /expeditions WS to create expeditions independently.
My colleague suggested the first approach, but I found the second the most usual way to do so. I have not found articles on the web presenting the first approach as a good or bad design.
So, which solution is the good one for you ? Which kind of consideration can help us to choose ?
Thank you.
Which kind of consideration can help us to choose ?
Think about cache-invalidation.
HTTP is about document transfer. We obtain information from the server by asking for a copy of a document; that request might be handled by the server itself, or it might be handled by a cache that has a valid copy of the document.
We send information to a server by proposing edits to documents - POST being the most common method used to do that (via HTML forms).
When an edit is successful, it follows that the previously cached copies of the document are out of date, and we would really prefer that they be replaced by the updated copy.
General purpose cache invalidation is kind of limited; in particular, it doesn't support arbitrary invalidation of documents. Only the target-uri, Location, and Content-Location are invalidated.
Therefore, when we are designing our resource interactions, we want to consider this limitation.
That usually means that the request that we use to change a document should have the same target-uri as the request to read that same document.
(Yes, that means that if we are going to have different kinds of edits to the document, all of the different edits share the same target-uri, and we disambiguate the edit by looking at other parts of the request -- for instance by parsing the body.)
POST /records/xxx/expeditions and a POST /expeditions WS to create expeditions independently.
That's not required - the server is permitted to apply changes to more than one document; HTTP constrains the meaning of the request, but does not constrain the effects.
That said, general purpose caches won't magically know that both documents have been edited. To some degree, part of what you are choosing in your design is which document needs to be refreshed now, and which ones can be out of date for a time (typically until the cached representation reaches its max age).
For the special case where your response to the successful edit is going to be a copy of the updated representation of the resource, you have a little bit more freedom, because use can use the Content-Location header to identify which document we are returning in the response, and that header is automatically invalidated.
POST /foo/bar
200 OK
Content-Location: /foo
In this sequence, general purpose headers will invalidated their cached copies of both /foo and /foo/bar.
(of course, there are still issues, in so far as we don't have a mechanism to return both the updated copy of /foo and the updated copy of /bar in a single response. So instead we need to look into other ideas, like server push).
Design the URL paths in a way that the resources can easily be retrieved.
Query string/parameter present in the URL mentioned in the first approach is typically used to locate a resource and perhaps a little counter intuitive to me.
The second approach, perhaps this would work as you are creating an expedition under an associated record xxx i.e. /records/xxx/expeditions. But it could get challenging in a scenario where an expedition is not related to any record.
Another alternative thought here is to link the expedition and record through the payload i.e. have the record id XXX within the POST payload during the "expedition" resource creation. POST /expedition => This operation would return you an expedition id in response as the resource newly gets created. To retrieve the data, you could then use GET /expedition/XXX/record where XXX is the expedition id and you retrieve the record corresponding to XXX. You don't need to mention a record id in this case. You either get a associated record or you don't(in case there is no record tied to the expedition). To retrieve the expedition itself, the URL could be GET /expedition/XXX.

Another Rest API relations

ive been digging through quite a few questions on here about restful relations but havent quite found what im after.
consider this scenario
GET /api/users(?include=custom_fields) - returns an array of users, optionally including relations as nested properties
GET /api/users/1(?include=custom_fields) - returns a single user object
POST /api/users - creates a new user (if the request includes an array of "custom_fields" these are created and linked)
PUT /api/users/1 - replaces user entity with supplied payload
PATCH /api/users/1 - updates the user properties provided
DELETE /api/users/1 - deletes
GET /api/users/1/custom_fields - gets all users custom_fields
PUT /api/users/1/custom_fields - deletes all existing custom_fields and creates ones provided
PATCH /api/users/1/custom_fields - appends if not exists, or creates new custom fields for this user
DELETE /api/users/1/custom_fields - deletes all custom fields for user
DELETE /api/users/1/custom_fields/{id} - deletes custom field for use by id.
this all makes sense to me and is working as expected, however im now implementing a "user edit" screen in my admin area, this shows the user object AND the custom fields.
right now the only RESTFUL way i can see to save this form is to:
PATCH to /api/users/{id}
to save the user. when thats done,
PUT to /api/users/{id}/custom_fields
to update the custom fields.
not ideal but would work, however going forward i know for sure i will have other related resources like user roles, emails, etc.
this doesnt change the situation it just means alot more endpoints.
something about this smells to me. to simply save a user im having to make requests to at least two endpoints.
how would you suggest best to handle this without the two different requests?
The simplest solution would be to just include all those (custom fields, roles, etc.) into the User representation, you already seem to be doing that anyway on GET and POST. Just extend that to PUT and PATCH too.
If you already support some media-type for the PATCH method on Users, then you could conceivably extend that to define adding/removing custom fields, roles, whatever you need.

Multiple endpoints to expose different views of the same resource

I'm struggling to find an answer to this (perhaps because I'm not asking the question properly) ...
I'm building API to expose resources for a basic social networking service I'm creating.
My understanding is that the structure of URLs in an API is essentially a hierarchy, directory like structure. I think that means I can have multiple endpoints to reach the same resources or collections of resource links.
For example:
I have an endpoint
Which will return all posts sent by the user or that the user is tagged in. Seems ok, but what if I have an endpoint such as:
Which when hit with a http GET will return all public posts (i.e. all users' posts plus his friends' and public posts).
The difference is that the first URL points to user owned resources whereas the second to public ones (of which the users posts are included of course)
Are these okay or am I doing it the wrong / less sensible way?
To reiterate, can I have multiple endpoints which point to different contexts/views of the same resource?
Basically multiple endpoints for the same resources should be avoided. However in this particular case it does make sense.
What you can do is to introduce optional query param userId to the following endpoint:
If this substitutes the first endpoint you mentioned that's the way to go.
I would like to add ontop of #Opal's answer.
Are these okay or am I doing it the wrong / less sensible way?
Ideally, like Opal mentioned, you would use queryParams in your url. For many applications I have build, I don't know the uids returned from the api beforehand, so selecting an item and passing it inside my url as a query parameter makes sense. But it also has the added benefit of having your key inside your url, allowing you to bookmark it, pass the url to another user and they will automatically see the same data you want them to see.
To iterate: Is your current implementation wrong? No, but ideally you would use a combination of both route parameters are query parameters to achieve this
To create an endpoints, you have to be sure that you have these information at once:
Name of the endpoint
Status: activate or not (required) - is the endpoint activated or disable
Service profile (required) - ID of the Service Profile assigned to the endpoint.
Tariff profile (required) - ID of the tariff Profile assigned to the endpoint.
You can add another optional informations, and be sure of the structure of your endpoint.
Hope this helps you.

REST API: How to name a derived resource?

There is a gazillion of questions about RESTful interface naming conventions, esp. around singular vs plural resource names. A somewhat convention is:
GET /users Retrieve collection of users
GET /users/{id} Retrieve user
POST /users Create user
PUT /users/{id} Update user
DELETE /users/{id} Delete user
However, the above does not work when resource is a value derived from the environment.
My hypothetical application has the following endpoint:
GET /source Get information about the source of the query.
That responds with:
Referrer URL
Remote IP
Since source is derived from the environment, there is never more than one source, therefore calling the resource sources or providing sources/{foo} lookup is not practical.
Does REST style propose how to handle naming of these entities?
Dr. Fielding notes in section 6.2.1 of his famous dissertation :
..authors need an identifier that closely matches the semantics they
intend by a hypermedia reference, allowing the reference to remain
static even though the result of accessing that reference may change
over time.
Therefore, it makes sense to use plain source endpoint.
It would be a different thing if you wanted to provide more general service around IP address provided, like this one.