I downloaded the following image and opened it in Adobe Illustrator:
For some reason, the image appears differently inside Illustrator than it does in a webpage. Why is this happening?
Here's what it looks like in Illustrator:
If you change the stroke it will fix it (It did for me.)
Illustrator does not always read SVG data correctly,
Good day good people of Stackoerflow,
I encountered the following problem, I cannot resize textbox in Illustrator or Images.Example for image
example for text
I tried the Free Transform Tool it didn't help. I am using Illustrator CC 21.0.2 64-bits.
for image: -click on the image after look top tool bars your show a tool "transform" please look below image.
click this menu fix height and width and after that make a new template and copy paste to this image and export in .png format with 72 ppi resolution
The text box maybe set to 'automatic' in the Type>Area Type Options... Uncheck the option and it should fix the issue
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Closed 1 year ago.
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Is there any tool in some PDF Viewer/Editor like Acrobat, Evince, etc. where I can navigate and watch coordinates(i.e. (x,y)) of any selected point in PDF-document?
Apache PDFBox PDFDebugger 2.0.* displays PDF coordinates in the status bar. Get it here:
Download the pdfbox-app-2.0.*.jar available under command line tools on above link. Then run the below command with the required file.
java -jar pdfbox-app-2.0.*.jar PDFDebugger "InputFile"
You would be able to see the coordinates by hovering the mouse on pdf page. You can select a particular page from left hand side and corresponding page will be displayed on right. Note pdf displays coordinates from lower left of the page so if you want to extract some text using these coordinates you need to subtract the y axis from the total height and then use it. In case of below example you will have to use x:47 y:(792-522)=270
The 3.0.0 version has a few extra features unrelated to this question:
I've found that Gimp is perfect for this! It even has different units of measure, so this is my choice
To explain #michael Z's answer, I found the following works:
These steps are for paint.net, but most image manipulation programs like The Gimp should be similar:
open the pdf up in reader.
screenshot it.
paste into paint.net
choose image > flip vertical.
choose view >show rulers.
Also tick pixels.
Resize image to use inches and be 8.5 x 11 (if it's American letter) and 72 DPI.
Now use the rectangle select tool. The image is upside-down, so the upper-left of the tool is the lower-left for the .pdf and the lower right is the upper-right for the .pdf.
FYI - In Paint.Net, the bottom toolbar always shows the xy coordinates of the cursor.
It makes your eyes a bit squiffy to read documents upside-down for while, but at least you can now get a pretty good estimate of the locations on the document!
I found this description helpful too
Also good old GhostView (gv) shows coordinates.
CanOpener is a very impressive tool for working with PDF files. It operates as a plugin for Acrobat Pro - http://www.windjack.com/product/pdfcanopener/
Another option would be to use the Foxit Phantom PDF Advanced Editor which allows you to select objects and see the properties of each object.
You could use a library such as Quick PDF Library to render the image to a BMP file and then write yourself a little TOOL to scroll and zoom around the BMP file reporting back coordinated. http://www.quickpdflibrary.com - (Note : I do consulting work for Quick PDF)
I am sure you could load the PDF into Adobe Illustrator and get the current coordinates in the status bar.
If you are trying to do this without using Acrobat Pro because it not free, here is how you can do it.
1. download and install Acrobat Pro (yes seriously)
2. activate the trial version. if you already did this, it's okay
3. once the trial is done you will lose a bunch of tools from Acrobat, but you will definitely not lose the cursor coordinate tool
here is how to use it
1. go to the main menu strip, click view, and select show/hide
2. from here you can select cursor coordinate and voilà
I use InkScape v 0.91 to map out PDF rectangles for extracting text. It can load a PDF into the canvas. Don't forget to change the measurements to inches (Ctrl-Shift-D) with the document open for the document properties. For the Page property tab set the Default Units to inches, for the Grids property tab set Grid Units to inches.
This page, PDF coordinates, explains the PDF coordinate system, and its unit of measurement.
I was looking for a tool to get the co-ordinates to use extract option available in PDFBox library. Gimp way worked well for my purpose. I opened the PDF in Gimp and set the measuring unit to points.
In case you don't want to install any heavy software for such a trivial task, you can create annotations in a xfdf file, set their location and then see which area is annotated in PDF.
You can use this template:
<xfdf xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/xfdf/" xml:space="preserve">
<square style="solid" width="4" color="#000000" opacity="1" creationdate="D:20190624111403Z" flags="print" date="D:20190624111403Z" page="0" rect="0,0,135,390.6" subject="ROI" title="ROI" />
<pdf-info version="2" xmlns="http://www.pdftron.com/pdfinfo" />
Change the coordinates of the "rect" attribute, save the file as xfdf. Then, as you open the xfdf file in Adobe reader, the reader will ask for the location of the PDF file. Locate the PDF document, and you will see the rectangle drawn at the specified coordinates.
There is ImageMagick which is lighter than Gimp and gives you coordinates along your mouse pointer.
Adobe Reader has it.
Edit->Analysis->Geospatial Location Tool
I would like to have an application where a user views an image of a document in TIFF Format.
If the words "foo" and "bar" appear on the page. And a selection is made on the image that only contains "foo", then I would like to only select the word "foo".
Is there a format that lends itself to storing both the location of text and the text of an image?
Since you know about searchable PDF, and it perfectly implements what you are suggesting, I assume that there is some reason why you can't use it. If not, you should use PDF -- the format supports mixed-content and overlaying them. All of the viewers that your users are likely to have will understand what to do with text beneath the image.
The TIFF format does not support this directly, but if you are making the viewer, and it only needs to work there, then you could try to store the text and positions in a custom tag.
Then your viewer would need to read this tag, interpret mouse positions, and look up the text that is being selected on the image. No other viewer would support your text tag, but they would show the TIFF.
For either of these mechanisms, you will need OCR and a way to encode the data you get either into PDF or the custom TIFF tag. For open source OCR, take a look at Tesseract from Google.
Disclaimer: I work at Atalasoft. Our imaging SDK, DotImage, has add-ons for OCR that can make searchable PDF, and can add and edit TIFF tags.
I have added a image in SiteAssets library. I have referred to that image in my aspx page. While redering page, image is not rendered in IE. While same image is rendered correctly in Chrome / Firefox . Am I missing something here?
Thanks for help in advance.
Just to give an update if anyone face this issue-
The issue was with image only. Image was distorted. I reopened the image in a photo editor and saved it. Uplaoded the image in library. Then it worked for all the browsers.
"Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 dropped support for jpeg images saved as CMYK and now only supports images saved in RGB mode. "
This was the problem!
If this issue exists, the CMYK image will appear as a red X or broken image in Internet Explorer. However, opening this page in Chrome or Firefox should show both images. If both images are visible to Internet Explorer, this is not the issue with your version of Internet Explorer.
Fixing this issue
Image editors such as Adobe Photoshop, The GIMP, and others is capable of identifying if a jpg image is a CMYK image and saving a CMYK jpg as a RGB jpg. Online services can also be used to convert any JPG image into a RGB image.