Keep tables in sync between databases on the same server - sql-server-2005

I've got a database with a table that is updated whose updates I need to push to an archive database so the two tables are identical.
Do I use replication? What is the most efficient choice given I have roughly 14,000 rows (increases daily to become roughly 30,000 rows every two months or so)

Personally, I'd go with transactional replication. Your other options would be to do this in code with a synchronous trigger or asynchronously via service broker, which IMHO, is a much bigger pain to set up than replication.


SQL Server Architecture on Production Environment

I want to understand the best approach for SQL Server architecture on production environment.
Here is my problem:
I have database which has on average around 20,000 records being inserted every second in various tables.
We have reports also implemented for the same, now what's happening is whenever reports is searched by user, performance of other application steeps down.
We have implemented
Table Partitioning
And all other required things.
My question is: can anyone suggest an architecture that have different SQL Server databases for reports and application, and they can sync themselves online every time when new data is entered in master SQL Server?
Some what like Master and Slave Architecture. I understand Master and Slave architecture, however need to get more idea around it.
Our main tables are having around 40 millions rows (table partitioning done)
In SQL Server 2008R2 you have database mirroring and replication available, which will keep two databases in sync.
A schema which is efficient for OLTP is unlikely to be efficient for large volume reporting. The 'live' and 'reporting' databases should have different schema with an ETL process moving data from one to the other. I'd would like to negotiate with the business just how synchronised the reporting database needs to be. If the reports are processing large amounts of data they will take some time to run so a lag in data replication will not be noticed, I would suggest. In extremis you could construct a solution using Service Broker to move the data and processing on the reporting server to distribute it amonst the reporting tables.
The numbers you quote (20,000 inserts per second, 40 millions rows in largest table) suggests a record doesn't reside in the DB for long. You would have a significant load performing DELETEs. Optimising these out of peak hours could be sufficient to solve your problems.

MS sql. Not inserted value

In our company we using many DB servers in different cities. Sometimes data in one server should be synchronized with another. For example, in table "Monitor" values "status" and "date" may be updated very often. My problem is when theese values updated in server A, they also should be updated in server B:
Update Monitor set(date='2013-06-13')
and then
'Update Monitor set(status=4)'
in server A udating of both values is sucsessfull, but in server B (usualy with highest loading) somtimes, in approx. 0.03% cases updated only value date and status is stil old. Can anybody explain, is it possible in DB server with high loading?
It's hard to explain without looking at the boxes, logs and workload each is doing; there are a thousand things that would cause server "B" to miss data, including table and row locks, requests dropped by the network, unfinished transactions and the like. To find out exactly, you'd have to turn on the logging and compare the requests on "A" versus "B". The first thing I'd do, however, would be to look for errors in the SQL logs.
But in general keeping database synchronized across regions is do-able using existing technologies available in MS and Oracle. One scenario involves using a master, central db to receive all requests. It then distributes inserts, updates, delete and queries out to the regional DBs using SSIS or regular DB connectivity over a WAN.
Here's a high-level guide to the technology solution available in SQL Server.
You were probably looking for a simple answer, but I don't think there is one.

Synchronise Table Data every particular time interval SQL Server

I have a online Database which will be updated Daily from various Sources.
I need to have a local Database with some tables from Server Database which have to check for any changes or new rows in tables in server and update the local Database for particular Intervals of Time. How can I Achieve this???
You may want to look into SQL Server Replication.
Replication will manage the data synchronization between the two copies of your database. You can configure replication for any tables in the database, including all tables. Replication will take care of checking for updates, adds and deletes from the Server Database and transfer the changes to the local database.
You can setup replication to update the local database at near-real-time or you can schedule periodic updates.
Replication is a high-maintenance solution. It's designed to maintain two copies of the same database with significant reliability. This makes replication a good solution when you must avoid data problems or recover from problems with little to no data loss.
If you don't require the high-maintenance solution, then SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) may be a good alternative. With SSIS, you develop the data transfer and data management solution. Along with managing data problems, you design the solution to identify data adds, deletes and updates.

Best way to archive/backup tables and changes in a large database

I have an interesting issue and requirement for a large multi-schema database.
-The database is around 130Gb in Size.
-It is a multi Schema database, each customer has a schema.
-We currently have 102,247 tables in the system.
-Microsoft SQL Server 2k8 r2
This is due to customisation requirements of customers, all using a single defined front end.
The issue we have is that our database backups become astronomical and getting a database restore done for retrieval of lost/missing/incorrect data is a nightmare. The initial product did not have defined audit trails and we don't have 'changes' to data stored, we simply have 1 version of data.
getting lost data back basically means restoring a full 130GB backup and loading differentials/transaction files to get the data.
We want to introduce a 'Changeset' for each important table within each schema. essentially holding a set of the data, then any modified/different data as it is saved - every X number of minutes. This will have to be a SQL job initially, but I want to know what would be the best method.
Essentially I would run a script to insert the 'backup' tables into each schema for the tables we wish to keep backed up.
Then run a job every X minutes to cycle through each schema and insert current - then new/changed data as it spots a change. (based on the modifiedDate of the row) It will then retain this changelog for around a month before self-overwriting.
We still have our larger backups, but we wont need to keep a larger retention period. My point is, what is the best and most efficient method of checking for a changed data and performing an insert.
My gut feeling would be :
INSERT INTO BACKUP_table (UNIQUE ID, col1,col2,col3)
select col1,col2,col3 from table where and ModifiedDate < DATEADD(mi,+90,Current_TimeStamp)
*rough SQL
This would have to be in a loop to go through all schemas and run this. A number of tables wont have changed data.
Is this even a good method?
What does SO think?
My first response would be to consider keeping each customer in their own database instead of their own schema within a massive database. The key benefits to doing this are:
much less stress on the metadata for a single database
you can perform backups for each customer on whatever schedule you like
when a certain customer has high activity you can move them easily
I managed such a system for several years at my previous job and managing 500 databases was no more complex than managing 10, and the only difference to your applications is the database part of the connection string (which is actually easier to make queries adapt to than a schema prefix).
If you're really committed to keeping everyone in a single database, then what you can consider doing is storing your important tables inside of each schema within their own filegroup, and move everything out of the primary filegroup. Now you can backup those filegroups independently and, based on solely the full primary backup and a piecemeal restore of the individual filegroup backup, you can bring just that customer's schema online in another location, and retrieve the data you're after (maybe copying it over to the primary database using import/export, BCP, or simple DML queries), without having to completely restore the entire database. Moving all user data out of the primary filegroup minimizes the time it takes to restore that initial backup and get you on to restoring the specific customer's filegroup. While this makes your backup/recovery strategy a little more complex, it does achieve what you're after I believe.
Another option is to use a custom log shipping implementation with an intentional delay. We did this for a while by shipping our logs to a reporting server, but waiting 12 hours before applying them. This gave us protection from customers shooting themselves in the foot and then requiring a restore - if they contacted us within 12 hours of their mistake, we likely already had the "before-screw-up" data online on the reporting server, making it trivial to fix it on the primary server. It also doubled as a reporting server for reports looking at data older than 12 hours, taking substantial load away from the primary server.
You can also consider change data capture but you will obviously need to test the performance and the impact on the rest of your workload. This solution also will depend on the edition of SQL Server you're using, since it is not available in Standard, Web, Workgroup, etc.

Continuously synchronize tables between two databases

I have had my experience with MSSQL Server somewhat 6 years ago, so I have only basic knowledge of its workings now.
The problem I'm posed with is that of syncing the databases between two live CRMs (NopCommerce and Rainbow Portal-based one if anyone's curious) running on the same DB server. The data I'm interested in is spread out among 7 tables in one DB and 5 in the other one. The idea is to have two web applications with same data with updates in one instantly propagating to the other.
Each database has numerous triggers and stored procedures that are used to keep the data consistent.
I am not aware of all possibilities of SQL Server, so I am open to suggestions as to what is the best and quickest way to achieve the goal. Is it about writing more triggers? Should I create a "watcher" application? Is there some built-in mechanism for that?
You should look at SQL Replication, and / or using SSIS for the integration ETL and scheduling etc.
Triggers (especially cross DB) can be messy to maintain and debug - you might also consider loading data into a separate (third) staging database, before then propogating the data into your other 2 databases?
(Other alternatives include Synchronous and Asynchronous Mirroring, which would require the entire DB's to be in synch, and log shipping - also entire DB - which would be one way only, typically for redundancy - These aren't likely to be useful for your purpose though)
You might want to look at SQL Server Replication - in particular Merge Replication