How to deploying website on IIS 6.0 using msdeploy - iis-6

I have a zip file on source server in a shared location and, using msdeploy, I would like to copy it to the destination server. However, if for the first time, the site does not exist on the destination server, then it should create the website as well. Both source and destination servers are IIS 6.0 on Windows Server 2003.
I have tried using different combination of providers e.g.
msdeploy.exe -verb:sync -source:package="\\SourceServer\WebSites\" -dest:metakey="Site1"
I am getting the following message:
Error: Source (contentPath) and destination (metaKey) are not compatible for the given operation.
I have also tried creating the website on the destination first from the default website, then copy the files across, but then I don't know how to make the new website Site1 point to this new directory:
msdeploy.exe -verb:sync -source:metakey="Default Web Site" -dest:metakey="Site1"
msdeploy.exe -verb:sync -source:package="\\SourceServer\WebSites\" -dest:contentpath="\\DesitnationServer\WebSites\Site1"
How to make the new website Site1 point to the new directory "\DesitnationServer\WebSites\Site1" ?
Even if I follow the above steps, I do not want to perform step 1 and 2 everytime I deploy Site1.
I am sure there must be an easy way to do this? Any idea?

Your source package is a content-only backup (not settings (I assume from "contentpath")) - you can't mix a backup from one provider with a restore to another provider (except in special cases).
Your "metakey" syntax isn't a metabase key location I've seen before - it has to be a site identifier based on the site location in the metabase (for eg, Default Web Site would be "/lm/w3svc/1" )
There's a walkthrough of what you want to do here. Give that a try!
(Skip to the bottom-most section for the bit that most closely resembles what you're trying to do: "Optional - Synchronize your site to the target by using a package file")

You have to use iisApp MSDeploy provider with destination. iisApp provider is compatible with both IIS 6 and 7 whereas appHostConfig is compatible with IIS 7 only. So give the below a try
msdeploy.exe -verb:sync -source:package="\\SourceServer\WebSites\" -dest:iisApp="Site1"


What is still missing in my attempt to host a blazor-server app?

I've been hitting my head against this wall for days now and to my knowledge I've followed every direction I've found. But I'm still getting a 500 Error when I browse to the URL.
What I've got to work with is a Windows Server 2012 R2 with IIS 8.5. I'm not married to IIS but I'd prefer not to dip into YET another tech just to get this running.
What I've done:
Old-style blazor-server app (with Program / Startup pair) without authentication. Dependencies:
published it using dotnet publish -o bin/publish --self-contained -r win7-x64
copied that folder to the server
On the server:
installed urlrewrite2
installed everything under Windows Features Word Wide Web Services and Web Management Tools
created a new site in IIS
set the application pool to unmanaged
set the physical path to the folder I copied from my dev system
What I haven't done:
Anything regarding Visual Studio as I'm currently forced to contend with Visual Studio Code and none of that applies/is possible here.
Provisional Workaround
running dotnet my.dll --urls http://*:1234 does work to expose the app to the network
the command needed to be run inside the application folder otherwise the app would fail to load the connection string.
I've also had to provision a production database and modify my appsettings.json accordingly
This is workable for now but not having the app "auto start" with the server is unsatisfactory.

How can I publish an MVC 4 application on visual studio?

When I try to publish it I get the following error message:
Error 1 Web deployment task failed. (Could not connect to the remote computer ("..*.*"). On the remote computer, make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ("Web Management Service") is started. Learn more at:
I dont understand why is it referring me to a remote computer, I've specified the destination URL as my own IP address. And I have web management service checked on windows features.
How do I solve this particular error?
Try to publish to the file system, if this works move the files into you wwwroot, normally c:\inetpub\www.
then go to start and run inetmgr to open iis configuration manager, if you see your folder there right click and convert to application, accept settings then right click / manage / browse and you should see your site or an IIS error that should be easy to debug.
I never use the deploy to IIS feature from VS as it's pants.
Good luck!

Using Web Deploy (msdeploy) to publish a WebMatrix site

I started building my site in WebMatrix and then switched to using VS2010 so I could have better Intellisense and debugging. I've been loading WebMatrix to deploy and it's been working fine.
However, loading WebMatrix is a PITA and I actually want more flexibility over the web deployment process.
So I started learning about msdeploy.exe and how to use it. I was able to successfully get the site to sync as I wanted with the following command line:
-source:iisApp="C:\Users\charlie\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\WebSites\MySite"
I had to use -allowTrusted because the cert on the server uses a differnt host name than www. No biggie. I have some -skips for stuff I don't want to write to the dest as well.
It all works great.
I use SQL Server (Express) on my host (a WebMatrix AMI on AWS).
I want to have the ability to push my database to the host as well. I am trying to use the following msdeploy commmand:
-source:dbFullSql="data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=C:....\MySite.mdf;User instance=true"
-dest:dbFullSql="\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=webmatrix_db;Uid=webmatrix_user;Pwd=<pwd>"
This gives me
Error: The database 'webmatrix_db' could not be created.
Error: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing aa
connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. ...
I think my problem is the connection string. I copied Server=".\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=webmatrix_db;Uid=webmatrix_user;Pwd=<pwd> from the WebMatrix UI and pre-pended it with thinking it needed my hostname somewhere.
Obviously this is not correct and I can't find any examples of connection strings that work either.
Note that SQL is not exposed directly by this server. I assume WebMatrix's invocation of msdeploy is connecting using my admin credentials (not the SQL credentials) first and then msdeploy invokes the SQL commands on the remote host. I need something like the,username=administrator,password=blahblahblah in the -dest option of the first example I gave above.
It would be awesome if I could see a log of how WebMatrix was invoking msdeploy.
What is the correct msdeploy command to do what I want?
One of the best things about StackOverflow, is that posting a question really makes you think about what you are doing. Shortly after I posted the above, I realized the,username=administrator,password=blahblahblah parameter in the -dest parameter was the key. The question became how to correctly add it to my specific example.
This msdeploy command line now connects correctly:
msdeploy.exe -verb:sync -source:dbFullSql="data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=C:\Users\charlie\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\WebSites\Fiinom\App_Data\MySite.mdf;User instance=true" -dest:dbFullSql="Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=webmatrix_db;Uid=webmatrix_user; Pwd=rI2vP3rK6hV8nN8",,username=administrator,password=blahblahblah -allowUntrusted
Now that msdeploy is connecting successfully and executing commands, I need to figure out how to make it actually merge the database. Right now it's giving me an error that a table already exists and can't create it...
This is related to your side comment on merging the database...
Currently Web Deploy does not have any provider that supports database merges - the dbFullSql provider uses SQL Server Management Objects ("SMO") to script out the db contents and we then apply it on the other side. Effectively Web Deploy thus will only overwrite the destination db with the source db.
If you are okay with that as a "merge" you can get around that table already exists error by using SMO scripting options - this is what WebMatrix does to make the db publishing/downloading work. To your source just add:
(this scripts out drops for all the objects in your source database so that if they exist on the destination they will get dropped and won't block you)
You might also need:
(if you aren't a sysadmin on the remote SQL database, chances are you won't be able to create logins, which are a server-level action. Typically if you don't use this setting, you'll get an error about creating a login, or login doesn't exist, because SMO scripts our your database user as "for LOGIN " and that login doesn't exist on the server)
Hope that helps!

SQLExpress connection fails in IIS 7 w/ user instance error - "Failed to generate a user instance

Mainly looking to answer my question #1 below, but more knowledge would be appreciated.
I tried to use these resources during my investigation, but was unsuccessful: (For this error: Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed.) (For this error: CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database master. An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file ? failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.)
1.) Why does this error occur while running the Telerik Rad Controls for ASP.NET AJAX "Live Demos" project with IIS 7 (Running Telerik Live Demos works fine using ASP.NET Development Server with this connection string)
Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed.
2.) How is creating a SQL Server Express instances different in IIS 7, from ASP.NET Development Server & SSMSE
3.) Are there certain attributes of a SQL connection string not allowed when running a website on different contexts (based on #2).
I'm not running the "Live Demos" .NET 3.5 ASP.NET web application via the ASP.NET Development Server (feature that pops up in your system tray and picks a port for you after clicking play in Visual Studio). That works just fine! I'm running the website on IIS 7. SQL Server Express is using the NETWORK SERVICE user in Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services > SQL Server (SQLExpress).
Using this connection string provided with the installed "Live Demos" web application demo project:
<add name="NorthwindConnectionString"
connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Northwind.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
I've tried setting "User Instance=False", but that just throws another error:
CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database master. An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file ? failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.
(where "?" is the path of the *.mdf file - C:\Users\\MyDocuments\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\TelerikDemos\Telerik\RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Q2 2011\Live Demos\App_Data\Northwind.mdf .. Stack Overflow italics is broken with some of those characters, so I had to remove that path)
Someone answered me on a previous question to set this "User Instance=False", but it appears User instances have nothing to do with whether or not you use SQL Express. User Instances are simply a feature of SQL Express that allows a very unprivileged user to host a database instance in it's own user context.
Note, this Northwind database is stored in an *.mdf file in the App_Data folder (under the "Live Demos" root application directory) along with the *.ldf (log file). I did previously try attaching the *.mdf files as actual databases under the "Databases" folder (in the SSMSE Object Explorer tree), but later removed them.
Web application "Live Demos" root folder (and nested folders/files) have the following users assigned with ALL privileges:
- IIS APPPOOL\Telerik ("Telerik" is the name of my application pool in IIS 7 for this site)
Making a note for myself about this SQLExpress master database query:
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_os_child_instances
Also tried different combinations of *.mdf & *.ldf permissions while also changing the user on the SQL Server (SQLExpress) Windows 7 service (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services) .. and also restarted the service after making those changes.
To reproduce:
download the Telerik Rad Controls for ASP.NET AJAX. Set the permimssions I mentioned in the "Live Demos" folder under Program Files\Telerik, change the .NET version of the web application to .NET 3.5, switch out their 3.5 web.config file with the normal web.config file in that folder. You have to use Visual Studio 2010, but I am running this in Visual Studio 2008 (with a little grunt work I did because our company is not yet on VS2010). Also switch out the proper Bin35 assemblies into the "Live Demos" folder Bin folder. Compile the solution. Create an IIS 7 website. Add Windows authentication. Enabled anonymous and Windows authentication.. all others are disabled. Set application pool to use Classic and 32 bit.
Then navigating to this URL and clicking the "First Look" image.
More evidence will be provided if requested.
You are using a connection string with trusted authentication = true. This means that the connection uses the security context of the calling process.
When you run with the development server you are running in the security context of the logged in user, so every thing works fine.
When you run in IIS you are in the security context of the application pool process, which is NETWORK SERVICE, which does not have a user profile, therefore it crashes.
You can fix it by either:
Change the identity of the application pool to a normal user with access to the database
Use a connection string with user name and password
IIS doesn't load the Windows user profile, but certain applications might take advantage of it anyway to store temporary data. SQL Express is an example of an application that does this. However, a user profile has to be created to store temporary data in either the profile directory or in the registry hive. The user profile for the Network Service account was created by the system and was always available. However, with the switch to unique Application Pool identities, no user profile is created by the system. Only the standard application pools (DefaultAppPool and Classic .NET AppPool) have user profiles on disk. No user profile is created if the Administrator creates a new application pool.
However, if you want, you can configure IIS application pools to load the user profile by setting the LoadUserProfile attribute to "true".

Writing WCF messages to a text log in configurable directory

I have a WCF web service that is deployed at IIS.
Part of the web service is to validate the inputs using EntLib 4.1
For ex, the string values can be of specific length and so on.
In case of the validation being failed a fault exception is raised and the service is supposed to write the message in log file.
How do I go about creating the log file to a location that can be configured from a config file.
Basically how do we write messages from IIS (since the service is hosted at IIS, I am assuming that that will be the source!)
To write to the log file, make sure that the identity running your web application has write access to the log directory.
IIS7: You can find the identity in the IIS management console. Select the application pool that your web application is using. Click on Advanced Settings. In the properties window, look for the identity field. It may say Network Service. This is the account that needs write permission to your log output folder.
IIS6: Same as IIS7 except right click on the app pool and select properties. The properties window of IIS6 will have an Identity tab.
If you already have a log file in this directory, try deleting it and letting the framework create it.
Hope this helps.
Why not just write the warnings/error to the Event Log? It's easier to maintain than arbitrary log files and you can query them from other machines.
This website helped me with the same problem on IIS 7.5, where you have new Application Pool Identities:
Using the command line ICACLS test.txt /grant "IIS AppPool\<AppPoolName>":F on the log file or log folder worked for me.
Trying to set the permissions via the file/folder properties dialog failed, the AppPool identity was not accepted there.