Insert and update in the same transaction - sql-server-2005

I have heard you can not insert a row first and immediately update it in next statement in the same transaction in SQL Server? But I have been doing that (SQL Server 2005) and my results show its been done. Am I missing something or doing something stupid here? Please enlighten. Thanks.

From my experience insert and update in the same query may result in locked queries if the amount of inserts are relatively high. I'd consider creating triggers on insert and modify values before inserting them. Not sure how relevant this approach would be in your case. But having said that, it is definitely possible to do insert and update in the same query.


Modifying database in Access with query by insert?

Currently I am modifying my database tables with query SQL and I just have to insert a new row into the table but I can't seem to make my query run and at the moment my code reads:
INSERT INTO Facility( facname)
Values ('Swimming Pool')
Is there a step within the SQL I am missing or something for I genuinely can not figure it out. Thank you.
You need to execute it:
CurrentDb.Execute "Insert Into Facility (facname) Values ('Swimming Pool')"

Need a sql statement to do upate and insert at the same time

I need a sql statement, to insert a new row in one database table and update an existing row in another database table based on some conditions.
Is there a way to do this? To insert a row in one table and update a row in another database table in one sql statement?
Thanks in advance!
Yes, they are called Transactions, and are implemented with START TRANSACTION and COMMIT/ROLLBACK with something like:
UPDATE table2 SET name='TOTO' WHERE type=1;
This is not in fact one SQL query, but the operation is done atomically - and I think that is what you need.
A single SQL statement allows you to update one table, not several; if that statement is a MERGE then you can specify insert/update/delete actions but still targeting just the same one target table.
If you just want consistency, use transactions; until a transaction is committed, changes within it are not visible to the outside world.
If you want that a single update (which you cannot control) resulted in a coordinated insert, use an on update trigger in the table being updated. The trigger would insert appropriate row(s) into other table(s).
You can use Trigger to update second table on insert of first table
Yes, it's possible with stored procedures.
Watch this: Stored procedures

Multiple inserts in one SQL query

DB: SQL server
I am using the below construct for inserting multiple records into a table. I am receiving the data (to be inserted) from other DB.
Insert into table1
select '1','2' UNION ALL
select '3','4' UNION ALL
select '5','6';
would there be any other chance in doing inserts in less turn around time. Its also been executed as a web request. I guess bulk insert would not fit here, as I don't have the data in a file to do a bulk insert.
Any suggestions please..
If the source database is also a SQL Server, you could add a linked server and:
insert table1 select * from linkedserver.dbname.dbo.table1
If you're inserting from .NET code, the fastest way to insert multiple rows is SqlBulkCopy. SqlBulkCopy does require DBO rights.
That is actually the best multiple insert I have ever seen. Just be careful to SQL injections, always use CommandParameters in ASP.NET or use mysql_real_escape in MySQL.
I looked into this recently, coming from MySQL and expecting the syntax from cularis' answer, but after some searching all I could find is the syntax you posted in your answer.
Edit: Looks like cularis removed his answer, he was talking about the INSERT INTO x VALUES (1, 2), (3, 4); syntax.
If you are using SQL Server 2008 and stored procedures, you could always make use of table valued parameters:
It then becomes an INSERT INTO ... SELECT * FROM ...
This would help against injection problems. Not sure if this is possible with parameterised SQL.

update table without using update statement

can anyone tell that how to update some records of a table without using update statement. it is possible using select statement.
I don't think you can update the table without update statement.
It is not possible with a select statement.
You can delete a row and insert the same row + your changes which is in many ways like an update, but will cause lots of trouble with foreign keys.
Oh, and your DBA might kill you.
You can use
REPLACE INTO tablename(primary key, ...{rest of the columns in the table})
VALUES(the same primary key, new values );
This will delete the previous row and insert a new row with the same primary key and updated column values. Not so much worthwhile, but maybe there is some other way.
It depends what tools you are using and what you actually want to achieve.
There are libraries which allow you to update data you got from a select statement. (eg. ORM's like NHibernate, I think ADO.NET also). These libraries are writing the update statements for you
You can use functions or triggers which change data when you just perform a select statement. In these functions or trigger, you still have an update statement.
For security reasons, you have to make sure that nobody injects an update statement into your select statement. So it is not just save to only perform a select statement.
how to update some records of a table
without using update statement.
Use a MERGE statement.
it is possible using select statement.
Logically, an update is a delete and an insert: INSERT INTO..SELECT to a staging table, modifying the data as appropriate, then DELETE then INSERT INTO..SELECT from staging table.
On the off chance you were asking how this happened when a module ran a select statement it created, then you need to read up on SQL injection. You cannot do an update without an update statment of some kind (includiing not only update but doing delete and then insert or useiing merge) and the user must have update permission on a table, but you can add an update to a select statement that is dymanically created if you haven't correctly parametized it to avoid SQL injection.

How can remove lock from table in SQL Server 2005?

I am using the Function in stored procedure , procedure contain transaction and update the table and insert values in the same table , while the function is call in procedure is also fetch data from same table.
i get the procedure is hang with function.
Can have any solution for the same?
If I'm hearing you right, you're talking about an insert BLOCKING ITSELF, not two separate queries blocking each other.
We had a similar problem, an SSIS package was trying to insert a bunch of data into a table, but was trying to make sure those rows didn't already exist. The existing code was something like (vastly simplified):
INSERT INTO bigtable
SELECT customerid, productid, ...
FROM rawtable
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT CustomerID, ProductID From bigtable)
AND ... (other conditions)
This ended up blocking itself because the select on the WHERE NOT EXISTS was preventing the INSERT from occurring.
We considered a few different options, I'll let you decide which approach works for you:
Change the transaction isolation level (see this MSDN article). Our SSIS package was defaulted to SERIALIZABLE, which is the most restrictive. (note, be aware of issues with READ UNCOMMITTED or NOLOCK before you choose this option)
Create a UNIQUE index with IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ON. This means we can insert ALL rows (and remove the "WHERE NOT IN" clause altogether). Duplicates will be rejected, but the batch won't fail completely, and all other valid rows will still insert.
Change your query logic to do something like put all candidate rows into a temp table, then delete all rows that are already in the destination, then insert the rest.
In our case, we already had the data in a temp table, so we simply deleted the rows we didn't want inserted, and did a simple insert on the rest.
This can be difficult to diagnose. Microsoft has provided some information here:
INF: Understanding and resolving SQL Server blocking problems
A brute force way to kill the connection(s) causing the lock is documented here:
Some more Microsoft info here:
How big is the table? Do you have problem if you call the procedure from separate windows? Maybe the problem is related to the amount of data the procedure is working with and lack of indexes.