expression web: Import website but save remote pictures saved locally on hard disk? - expression-web

I have imported a website using Import of expression web 4. Works great but the pictures are remote URL (http) links. Is there anyway to force them to be downloaded and the url of the img pointed to the local saved image?
Or is there a feature where i can right click on an img and force it to be downloaded locally in expresion web 4?
I can't seem to figure it out.

I thought Expression Web does this automatically upon saving the HTML file?
Otherwise, try downloading the website completely offline (e.g. with HTTrack) and work with this version from within Expression Web.


Is there a difference in page paths when on localhost verses deployed?

My app is created in next.js and works great in localhost. When I deployed it in heroku, only the front page shows up and all page paths do not work even though they are correctly inputted in the browser. The only page that is connected to the index.js file in my page paths is the front page. Do the other pages need to also be connected to the indec.js file? I am terribly lost with this issue since the site works perfectly in localhost. In heroku every page path besides / has a 404 error. I didn't add any code to this question since no one file seems relevant to the issue. I've been searching all over for an answer to this issue but can't seem to find any relevant information online since the app is deployed successfully it just won't render any file paths besides /.
Thank you in advance for any help you can offer. I really appreciate it!
Applications are ran differently on localhost and when deployed to the server. Since you added react tag on the post, I assume you are trying to deploy react native app on Heroku, there is lots of information on internet how to do it.
For example this post.
Anyway first you need to build your app correctly, so static files would be generated (you didn't mentioned how you are running that app).
To your question:
Relative paths are the same on both local and server, but absolute paths will be different.
But for your 404 error I see that no static content are found on the root path.

Uploading image file from VBA Excel

I know this question has been asked a lot of times already but unfortunately none of the answers have helped me. I want to upload an image file to my remote Web server (Apache). In my Excel cell, I have the file path of an image and want to use VBA to upload that file to a remote server.
I can't use any 3rd party tool in conjunction (like WinSCP), because that will make my product not very "portable-friendly". I was fine with Windows FTP, but it doesn't seems to be supporting passive mode and hence I also can't use that.
There are some threads which used IE to upload the file, and some which I believe are uploading via POST request by reading file in binary mode.
I want to replicate something similar to uploading files via HTTP POST on a website.

Including Images in RenderPDF in Play Framework

I use Play framework 1.2.x
I use PDF module renderPDF to generate PDF from HTML. I would like insert a image into the PDF.
Im trying to download image from controller downloading in the HTML which will be render as PDF as like this
<img src="#{AwardController.getSignature()}">
From the forums I found that we need to define play.pool in application.conf, So I defined it and works well in local environment. But It doesn't work in QA or Prod environment where we have two processors, so I thought it would take nbprocessors+1. I tried both defining play.pool and not defining. But there is no luck in QA/Prod environment. Please help me to resolve
UPDATE: It working when http request, but not works in https request. Do we have any settings anywhere to resolved this problem with path

I have created a web application in that application i have added two folder. one is admin folder and under admin i have added a upload folder. In upload folder i have three different audio's. And also i have imported DLL for Windows media player. Through this media player im able to play the audios in local host.
By giving Direct path like MediaPlayer1.Filename="C:\User\sam\waka.mp3"
But when i host the website im getting problem the page is getting refreshed but the audio is not getting played.
I have tried this path Server.Mappath(".\.\upload\waka.mp3")
and Server.Mappath("~\admin\upload\waka.mp3)
the above both paths are not working when i host the website please reply.
It's still a bit unclear, but it sounds like there's some kind of audio player in your website (an ActiveX control or something?) that's trying to reference a path on the server as though it were on the client that's loading the page. Naturally, this will work on your development machine because the client and the server are the same thing.
What's actually being rendered on the client side? What happens if you reference the audio file by its URL rather than its file system path?
Or are you trying to do something different than what I describe? Are you actually trying to play the audio on the server when the client accesses the site?

Apache not loading CSS files on remote browsers but works on localhost

I have an ubuntu installation on my laptop i use for web app development. When i type in http://localhost/blah.php i see my php web page as i normally would with all css style loaded and rendering fine.
When i try to connect to this same apache server from a remote machine by typing in the IP address the page loads but without any css styling at all. I also get the same problem trying to connect to the apache server from a virtual machine on the same box. I would like to get this working so i can test my web apps in IE but obviously css not loading is a problem. Any tips ?
Look into your source code and look how your style sheets are referenced.
If you have references to http://localhost/mystylesheet.css, that's your problem right there.
If that doesn't help, try to access a style sheet directly (enter the address in the browser) and tell us what happens. Also post the URL you are using. The head of the HTML document you are calling would also be helpful.