Convolution along one axis only - numpy

I have two 2-D arrays with the same first axis dimensions. In python, I would like to convolve the two matrices along the second axis only. I would like to get C below without computing the convolution along the first axis as well.
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sg
M, N, P = 4, 10, 20
A = np.random.randn(M, N)
B = np.random.randn(M, P)
C = sg.convolve(A, B, 'full')[(2*M-1)/2]
Is there a fast way?

You can use np.apply_along_axis to apply np.convolve along the desired axis. Here is an example of applying a boxcar filter to a 2d array:
import numpy as np
a = np.arange(10)
a = np.vstack((a,a)).T
filt = np.ones(3)
np.apply_along_axis(lambda m: np.convolve(m, filt, mode='full'), axis=0, arr=a)
This is an easy way to generalize many functions that don't have an axis argument.

With ndimage.convolve1d, you can specify the axis...

np.apply_along_axis won't really help you, because you're trying to iterate over two arrays. Effectively, you'd have to use a loop, as described here.
Now, loops are fine if your arrays are small, but if N and P are large, then you probably want to use FFT to convolve instead.
However, you need to appropriately zero pad your arrays first, so that your "full" convolution has the expected shape:
M, N, P = 4, 10, 20
A = np.random.randn(M, N)
B = np.random.randn(M, P)
A_ = np.zeros((M, N+P-1), dtype=A.dtype)
A_[:, :N] = A
B_ = np.zeros((M, N+P-1), dtype=B.dtype)
B_[:, :P] = B
A_fft = np.fft.fft(A_, axis=1)
B_fft = np.fft.fft(B_, axis=1)
C_fft = A_fft * B_fft
C = np.real(np.fft.ifft(C_fft))
# Test
C_test = np.zeros((M, N+P-1))
for i in range(M):
C_test[i, :] = np.convolve(A[i, :], B[i, :], 'full')
assert np.allclose(C, C_test)

for 2D arrays, the function scipy.signal.convolve2d is faster and scipy.signal.fftconvolve can be even faster (depending on the dimensions of the arrays):
Here the same code with N = 100000
import time
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sg
M, N, P = 10, 100000, 20
A = np.random.randn(M, N)
B = np.random.randn(M, P)
T1 = time.time()
C = sg.convolve(A, B, 'full')
T1 = time.time()
C_2d = sg.convolve2d(A, B, 'full')
T1 = time.time()
C_fft = sg.fftconvolve(A, B, 'full')
>>> 12.3
>>> 2.1
>>> 0.6
Answers are all the same with slight differences due to different computation methods used (e.g., fft vs direct multiplication, but i don't know what exaclty convolve2d uses):
print(np.max(np.abs(C - C_2d)))
print(np.max(np.abs(C - C_fft)))

Late answer, but worth posting for reference. Quoting from comments of the OP:
Each row in A is being filtered by the corresponding row in B. I could
implement it like that, just thought there might be a faster way.
A is on the order of 10s of gigabytes in size and I use overlap-add.
Naive / Straightforward Approach
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sg
M, N, P = 4, 10, 20
A = np.random.randn(M, N) # (4, 10)
B = np.random.randn(M, P) # (4, 20)
C = np.vstack([sg.convolve(a, b, 'full') for a, b in zip(A, B)])
>>> C.shape
(4, 29)
Each row in A is convolved with each respective row in B, essentially convolving M 1D arrays/vectors.
No Loop + CUDA Supported Version
It is possible to replicate this operation by using PyTorch's F.conv1d. We have to imagine A as a 4-channel, 1D signal of length 10. We wish to convolve each channel in A with a specific kernel of length 20. This is a special case called a depthwise convolution, often used in deep learning.
Note that torch's conv is implemented as cross-correlation, so we need to flip B in advance to do actual convolution.
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
def torch_conv(A, B):
M, N, P = A.shape[0], A.shape[1], B.shape[1]
C = F.conv1d(A, B[:, None, :], bias=None, stride=1, groups=M, padding=N+(P-1)//2)
return C.numpy()
# Convert A and B to torch tensors + flip B
X = torch.from_numpy(A) # (4, 10)
W = torch.from_numpy(np.fliplr(B).copy()) # (4, 20)
# Do grouped conv and get np array
Y = torch_conv(X, W)
>>> Y.shape
(4, 29)
>>> np.allclose(C, Y)
Advantages of using a depthwise convolution with torch:
No loops!
The above solution can also run on CUDA/GPU, which can really speed things up if A and B are very large matrices. (From OP's comment, this seems to be the case: A is 10GB in size.)
Overhead of converting from array to tensor (should be negligible)
Need to flip B once before the operation


Vectorized version of argmax across 2D heatmaps

Input: C=17,H,W numpy array of 17 (C=Channels) body-joint HxW heatmaps.
Desired output: Array of C=17 pairs of (Y,X) that specify the coordinates within H and W with the maximum value per each channel.
I would like to use fully vectorized solution (ideally one-liner) and replace my current per-channel solution wrapped in one ineffective "for-cycle":
kpts = [np.array(unravel_index(j.argmax(), j.shape)) for j in input]
Something like:
import numpy as np
C, H, W = 17, 10, 10
arr = np.random.rand(C, H, W)
out = np.array(np.unravel_index(arr.reshape(C, -1).argmax(axis=1), (H, W)))
out is shape (2, 17), which you can optionally transpose.

Expand a dimension of 3-dimensional array into a diagonal matrix with vectorized computations

I have np.ndarray A of shape (N, M, D).
I'd like to create np.ndarray B of shape (N, M, D, D) such that for every pair of fixed indices n, m along axes 0 and 1
B[n, m] = np.eye(A[n, m])
I understand how to solve this problem using cycles, yet I'd like to write code performing this in vectorized manner. How can this be done using numpy?
import numpy as np
A = ... # Your array here
n, m, d = A.shape
indices = np.arange(d)
B = np.zeros((n, m, d, d))
B[:, :, indices, indices] = A

Vectorizing ARD (Automatic Relevance Determination) kernel implementation in Gaussian processes

I am trying to implement an ARD kernel with NumPy as given in the GPML book (M3 from Equation 5.2).
I am struggling in vectorizing this equation for NxM kernel computation. I have tried the following non-vectorized version. Can someone help in vectorizing this in NumPy/PyTorch?
import numpy as np
N = 30 # Number of data points in X1
M = 40 # Number of data points in X2
D = 6 # Number of features (ARD dimensions)
X1 = np.random.rand(N, D)
X2 = np.random.rand(M, D)
Lambda = np.random.rand(D, 1)
L_inv = np.diag(np.random.rand(D))
sigma_f = np.random.rand()
K = np.empty((N, M))
for n in range(N):
for m in range(M):
M3 = Lambda#Lambda.T + L_inv**2
d = (X1[n,:] - X2[m,:]).reshape(-1,1)
K[n, m] = sigma_f**2 * np.exp(-0.5 * d.T#M3#d)
We can use the rules of broadcasting and the neat NumPy function einsum to vectorize array operations. In few words, broadcasting allows us to operate with arrays in one-liners by adding new dimensions to the resulting array, while einsum allows us to perform operations with multiple arrays by explicitly working in the index notation (instead of matrices).
Luckily, no loops are necessary to calculate your kernel. Please see below the vectorized solution, ARD_kernel function, which is about 30x faster in my machine than the original loopy version. Now, einsum is usually as fast as it gets, but it's possible that there are faster methods though, I've not checked anything else (e.g. usual # operator instead of einsum).
Also, there is a missing term in the code (the Kronecker delta), I don't know if it was omitted in purpose (let me know if you have problems implementing it and I'll edit the answer).
import numpy as np
N = 300 # Number of data points in X1
M = 400 # Number of data points in X2
D = 6 # Number of features (ARD dimensions)
np.random.seed(1) # Fix random seed for reproducibility
X1 = np.random.rand(N, D)
X2 = np.random.rand(M, D)
Lambda = np.random.rand(D, 1)
L_inv = np.diag(np.random.rand(D))
sigma_f = np.random.rand()
# Loopy function
def ARD_kernel_loops(X1, X2, Lambda, L_inv, sigma_f):
K = np.empty((N, M))
M3 = Lambda#Lambda.T + L_inv**2
for n in range(N):
for m in range(M):
d = (X1[n,:] - X2[m,:]).reshape(-1,1)
K[n, m] = np.exp(-0.5 * d.T#M3#d)
return K * sigma_f**2
# Vectorized function
def ARD_kernel(X1, X2, Lambda, L_inv, sigma_f):
M3 = Lambda.squeeze()*Lambda + L_inv**2 # Use broadcasting to avoid transpose
d = X1[:,None] - X2[None,...] # Use broadcasting to avoid loops
# order=F for memory layout (as your arrays are (N,M,D) instead of (D,N,M))
return sigma_f**2 * np.exp(-0.5 * np.einsum("ijk,kl,ijl->ij", d, M3, d, order = 'F'))
There is perhaps an additional optimisation. The examples of the M matrices given are all positive definite. This means that the Cholesky decomposition can be applied, wo that we can find upper triangular U so that
M = U'*U
The point of this is that if we apply U to the xs, so
y[p] = U*x[p] p=1..
(x[p]-x[q])'*M*(x[p]-x[q]) = (y[p]-y[q])'*(y[p]-y[q])
Thus if there are N vectors x each of dimension d,
we convert the N squared O(d squared) operations on the LHS to N squared O(d) operations on the RHS
This has cost an extra choleski decompositon (O(d cubed))
and N O( d squared) applications of U to the xs.

Efficient way to calculate the pairwise matrix product between one tensor and all the rolling of another tensor

Suppose we have two tensors:
tensor A whose shape is (d,m,n)
tensor B whose shape is (d,n,l).
If we want to get the pairwise matrix product of the right-most matrix of A and B, I think we can use np.einsum('dmn,>',A,B) whose size is (d,d,m,l). However, I would like to get the pairwise product of not all the pairs.
Import a parameter k, 1<=k<=d, I want to get the following pairwise matrix product:
Note here we we use a rolling way to deal with tensor B. (like numpy.roll).
Finally, we actually get a tensor whose shape is (d,k,m,l).
What's the most efficient way to do this.
I know several ways like:
First get np.einsum('dmn,>',A,B), then use a mask to extract the (d,k) pairs.
tile B first, then use einsum in some way.
But I think there exists a better way.
I doubt you can do much better than a for loop. Here is, for example, a vectorized version using einsum and stride_tricks compared to a double for loop:
from simple_benchmark import BenchmarkBuilder, MultiArgument
import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
B = BenchmarkBuilder()
def loopy(A,B,k):
d,m,n = A.shape
l = B.shape[-1]
out = np.empty((d,k,m,l),int)
for i in range(d):
for j in range(k):
out[i,j] = A[i]#B[(i+j)%d]
return out
def vectory(A,B,k):
d,m,n = A.shape
l = B.shape[-1]
BB = np.concatenate([B,B[:k-1]],0)
BB = as_strided(BB,(d,k,n,l),np.repeat(BB.strides,(2,1,1)))
return np.einsum("ikl,ijln->ijkn",A,BB)
#B.add_arguments('d x k x m x n x l')
def argument_provider():
for exp in range(10):
d,k,m,n,l = (np.r_[1.6,1.5,1.5,1.5,1.5]**exp*(4,2,2,2,2)).astype(int)
A = np.random.randint(0,10,(d,m,n))
B = np.random.randint(0,10,(d,n,l))
yield k*d*m*n*l,MultiArgument([A,B,k])
r =
import pylab

Slice 3D ndarray with 2D ndarray in numpy?

My apologies if this has been answered many times, but I just can't find a solution.
Assume the following code:
import numpy as np
A,_,_ = np.meshgrid(np.arange(5),np.arange(7),np.arange(10))
B = (rand(7,10)*5).astype(int)
How can I slice A using B so that B represent the indexes in the first and last dimensions of A (I.e A[magic] = B)?
I have tried
A[:,B,:] which doesn't work due to peculiarities of advanced indexing.
A[:,B,np.arange(10)] generates 7 copies of the matrix I'm after
A[np.arange(7),B,np.arange(10)] gives the error:
ValueError: shape mismatch: objects cannot be broadcast to a single shape
Any other suggestions?
These both work:
A[0, B, 0]
A[B, B, B]
Really, only the B in axis 1 matters, the others can be any range that will broadcast to B.shape and are limited by A.shape[0] (for axis 1) and A.shape[2] (for axis 2), for a ridiculous example:
A[range(7) + range(3), B, range(9,-1, -1)]
But you don't want to use : because then you'll get, as you said, 7 or 10 (or both!) "copies" of the array you want.
A, _, _ = np.meshgrid(np.arange(5),np.arange(7),np.arange(10))
B = (rand(7,10)*A.shape[1]).astype(int)
np.allclose(B, A[0, B, 0])
np.allclose(B, A[B, B, B])
np.allclose(B, A[range(7) + range(3), B, range(9,-1, -1)])