Saving Variables Prolog - variables

Is it possible to save variables in Prolog?
I would like to save and edit a list as the program runs but I cannot find anyway of saving the list between edits.

Probably the Prolog feature you want is assert/retract of a dynamic predicate like myListVars/1, which does nothing more than save a specified list of values that you can retrieve subsequently.
For example, if you had three variables X,Y,Z that you wanted to memorialize, they could be saved into a dynamic fact myListXYZ/1 with a predicate like this:
setListXYZ(_,_,_) :-
setListXYZ(X,Y,Z) :-
and retrieved with a predicate like this:
getListXYZ(X,Y,Z) :-
This approach assumes you will only have (at most) one fact at a time for myListXYZ/1, which is guaranteed if one only accesses that predicate through the get/set pair above.
I often use similar "fact" predicates to store test cases for Prolog programs where it is inconvenient to type required arguments in manually. More than one test case can be accomodated by adding an extra argument that "labels" the test cases.


Report Earliest Item in List

I am using Snap! to try to find the earliest item in a list. For instance, in list [3,1,2], I would like to report "1." I would like the solution to work for words as well (for instance, given list [Bob, George, Ari] report "Ari").
I tried to use recursion to solve the problem
and the solution works. However, I cannot find a way to do so recursively without the second "if else" statement. Is there a way to use recursion to solve this problem without the "if 0= length of..." statement?
Play with it here.
I don't see a way to do this without two if...else statements. You need two checks:
Is the list exhausted?
Is the first element less than all the following elements?
In some languages, you can use the conditional ternary operator ?:, but I don't think Snap! supports that. It's really just syntactic sugar for an if...else anyway.
You can do some clean-up on this function, though.
I recommend explicitly handling the case of a zero-length list.
"Earliest" is confusing. I recommend the term "least", since you're checking with the "less than" operator.
Don't call keep items such that [] from [] multiple times. This is inefficient and potentially a bug if someone modifies one line but forgets to modify the other. Instead, save the result in a script variable.
Don't compare the current first element to every element in the list. This gives the function an O(n^2) run time. Instead, compare it only to the least element so far. This reduces the run time to O(n).
Some of these changes are implemented here:

Dynamically execute a transformation against a column at runtime

I have a Pentaho Kettle job that can load data from x number of tables, and put it into target tables with a different schema.
Assume I have table 1, like so:
I want to load this table into a destination table that looks like this:
The columns have been renamed, the order has been changed, and the data has been transformed. The rename, and order is easily managed by using the Select Values step, which can be used within an ETL Metadata Injection step, making it dependent on some configuration values loaded at runtime.
But if I need to perform some transformation logic on some of the columns, based on where they go in the target table, this seems to be less straightforward.
In my example, I want the column "CountryName" to be capitalised, and the column "Rating" to be floored (as in changing the real number to the previous integer value).
While I could do this by just manually adding a transformation to accomplish each, I want my solution to be dynamic, so it could just as easily run the "CountryName" column through a checksum component, or perform a ceiling on "Rating" instead.
I can easily wrap these transformations in another transformation so that they can be parameterised and executed when needed:
But, where I'm having trouble is, when I process a row of data, I need a way to be able to say:
Column "CountryName" should be passed through the Capitalisation transform
Column "Rating" should be passed through the Floor transform
Column(s) "AnythingElse" should be passed through the SomeOther transform
Is there a way to dynamically split out the columns in a row, and execute a different transform on each one, based on some configuration metadata that can be supplied?
Logically, it would be something like this, although I suspect there may be a way to handle it as a loop or some form of dynamic transformation, rather than mapping out a path per column:
Kettle is so flexible that it seems like there must be a way to do this, I'm just struggling to know which components to use and how to do it. Any experts out there have some suggestions?
I'm dealing with some biggish data sets here (hundreds of millions of rows) so reluctant to use Row Normaliser/Denormaliser or writing to file/DB if possible.
Have you considered the Modified Java Script Value step? Start with the Data Grid step, the a Select Values step, then the Modified Java Script Value step. In that step you will transform the value of each column in what you form you want and output that in a file.
That of course requires some Java script knowledge but given your example it seems that the required knowledge is pretty basic.

Expanding an arbitrary Lucene Query

I am using Lucene 3.6.1. I receive a query from a user. This query may contain + or - operators, and may also contain phrases. In certain circumstances, I would like to expand the query by adding some extra terms that I compute. These terms are optional. However, any required include/exclude constraints specified by the user must be respected.
My initial strategy was to create a BooleanQuery, add a clause to it that contains the parsed user query, and then add further clauses that contain my expansion terms. The expansion terms would all be added as Occur.SHOULD. My question is how to constrain the user's query. I can imagine three possibilities:
The user's query contains no operators, which means I can include it as an Occur.SHOULD clause.
The user's query contains a + operator, so I need to include it as an Occur.MUST clause.
The user's query contains a - operator, but also other terms: Do I still include it as an Occur.MUST clause?
The question implicit in these three choices is how do I tell which condition is appropriate? I suppose I can rewrite the query and test for BooleanQuery instances, but that seems brittle.
I suppose can also try to tactic of creating a single string from the user's input and from my expansion terms, like this:
(fld1:userterm1 userterm2 -fld2:userterm3 +userterm4)^10 (fld1:expterm1)^8 (fld2:expterm2)^7 ...
Is this the best way to go? Or is there some elegant programmatic solution?
Okay, Not sure how useful this answer will be, but can't seem to come up with a hard and fast answer here, so I'll list a couple possibilities that come to mind:
First, a problem:
Modifying the query to look like:
(userquery) (other) (stuff)
I makes some sense to add the + with he rules you've shown, but a '-' prohibited term will be hard to respect correctly, since (query -prohibition) (other) will allow matches on other with prohibition present as well, and +(query -prohibition) (other) will require 'query' be matched.
The only way I see to really do that part right is to propagate the prohibited term into your automatically added terms as well, or extract it out to a parent query layer, more like (query -prohibition) --> (query) (other) -(prohibition).
And with user entered queries of arbitrary complexity, that may not be a great strategy.
If you want to tackle it by modifying the query string, then you should probably just add any terms to the end of the query. Nothing more to it.
I don't believe
(fld1:userterm1 userterm2 -fld2:userterm3 +userterm4)^10 (fld1:expterm1)^8 (fld2:expterm2)^7 ...
Is satisfactory, because userterm4 is only required within it's subquery, but a match Only on expterm1 is still acceptable. However, a query like:
fld1:userterm1 userterm2 -fld2:userterm3 +userterm4 (fld1:expterm1)^.8 (fld2:expterm2)^.7 ...
Should, I think, satisfy your needs, and prevents you from having to worry about the internals of your queryparser. I think this is the best approach.
I can also see logic in a query structured like
+(parsed userquery) (other stuff)
Effectively, always requiring a match on the user query. Lucene implicitly does this, in a sense, as it won't return a result that matches no term, even if no required fields are present in the query. This would then be using your added terms to impact scoring, rather than return a larger set of documents. This doesn't quite address what your asking, but might be worth considering.
If, despite the aforementioned problems of applying them, you still want to detect '+' and '-' operators, I think it can be reasonably assumed that a StandardQueryParser will return a BooleanQuery at base level for any query that you need to check for these operands on. You might have to worry about, for instance, DisjunctionMaxQueries, as well as what will happen when you have a simple query with an operator, like:
I don't know if QueryParser would simply return a TermQuery, losing the plus (since it would be redundant without another term present). Concerns like that make me hesitant to address it in this way.
Similarly, attempting to detect these values from the query string must make assumptions about how things are parsed, and could become complicated.
To sumamrize, I think the best options are to, either: add terms to the end of the raw query string before doing any parsing, or treat the user query as atomic, and define the appropriate booleanclause independant of it's contents when adding to a boolean clause wrapping it with whatever other queries you need to include.

SELECT FROM (lv_tablename) error: the output table is too small

I have an ABAP class method, say, select_something. select_something has an exporting parameter, say, et_result. et_result is of type standard table because the type of et_result cannot be determined until runtime.
The method sometimes gives a short dump saying With ABAP/4 Open SQL array select, the output table is too small at "select * into table et_result from (lv_tablename) where..."
Error analysis: this particular case, the database table is 3806 bytes wide, but the internal table is only 70 bytes wide.
I tried "any table" too and the error is the same.
You could return a data reference. Your query will no longer fail, and you can assign the data to a correctly typed field symbol afterwards.
" Definition
class-methods select_all
!tabname type string
value(results) type ref to data.
" Implementation
method select_all.
data dref type ref to data.
create data dref type standard table of (tabname).
field-symbols <tab> type any table.
assign dref->* to <tab>.
select * from (tabname) into table <tab>.
get reference of <tab> into results.
Also, I agree with #vwegert that dynamic queries (and programming for that matter) should be avoided when possible.
What you're trying to do looks horribly wrong on many levels. NEVER use SELECT FROM (whatever) unless someone points a gun at your head AND the door is locked tight. You'll loose every kind of static error checking the system might be able to provide you with. For example, the compiler will no longer be able to tell you "Hey, that table you're reading from is 3806 bytes wide." It simply can't tell, even if you use constants. You'll find that out the hard way, producing short dumps, especially when switching between unicode and NUC systems, quite likely some in production systems. No fun.
(Actually there are a few - very very VERY few - good uses for dynamic table names in the SELECT statement. I need them about once every two to three years, and I code quite a lot weird stuff. Just avoid them wherever you can, even at the cost of writing more code. It's just not worth the trouble fixing broken stuff later.)
Then, changing the generic formal parameter type does not do anything to the type of the actual parameter. If you pass a STANRDARD TABLE OF mandt WITH DEFAULT KEY to your method, that table will have lines of 3 characters. It will be a STANDARD TABLE, and as such, it will also be an ANY TABLE, and that's about it. You can twist the generic types anywhere you like, there's no way to enforce correctness using generic types the way you use them. It's up to the caller to make sure that all the right types are used. That's a bad way to fly.
First off, I agree with vwegert's response, try to avoid dynamic sql selections if you can
That said, check the short dump. If the error is an exception class, you can wrap the SELECT statement in a try/catch block and at least stop it from dumping.
You can also try "INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE et_result". If ET_RESULT is dynamic, you might have to cast it into the proper structure using RTTS. This might give you some ideas...
Couldn't agree more to vwegert, but if there is absolutely no other way (and there usually is) of performing your task than using dynamic select statements and dynamically typed parameters, do some checks on the type of the table and the parameter at runtime.
Use CL_ABAP_TYPEDESCR and its subclasses to do so.
This way, you can handle errors at runtime without your program dumping,
But as vwegert said, this dynamic stuff is pure evil and will most certainly break at some point during runtime. Adding the necessary error handling will most likely be a lot more work and a lot harder than redesigning your code to none dynamic SQL and typed parameters

Filter inputs in custom ContentProvider functions

In a custom ContentProvider I need to filter out some columns specified in the inputs. Given the text-oriented Android interfaces this is giving me a hard time.
For example the input on MyContentProvider.query() would effectively ask something like:
SELECT column_a, column_b FROM my_table WHERE column_a=1 AND column_b=red;
The problem is that at this particular MyContentProvider _column_b_ might not make any sense and would not be present in the table. Filtering the projection so that only relevant columns remain can be easily done since it's a String[]. However, filtering the String "where" (selection) and "selectionArgs" inputs for these columns is not trivial. If done properly it would become:
SELECT column_a FROM my_table WHERE column_a=1;
Otherwise one would get a SQLiteException "no such column".
So, is there any easy way to ignore or filter columns from such an sql statement or do I need to go and write some smart albeit very limited regexp parsing code for the selection part?
The reason I'm not getting the right inputs is because I maintain a custom ContentProvider as an interface to address, but I talk to multiple custom ContentProviders herein (in the background). One way or another, I would need to filter the selection somewhere.
Please note that I am not asking simply how to do a query or use the SELECT ... WHERE statement. However it concerns my implementation of the query() function.
Since you are extending your MyContentProvider with ContentProvider why don't you just overload the query() method?
Look at ContentProvider - Sharing Content using the ContentProvider for someone elses example on how to create a custom ContentProvider. You should have full control over what data you fetch from your SQLiteDatabase.
More importantly, look at the arguments provided to query(), as they contain the information you need to you in a way where you can dynamically build the query from what is passed into the method call.
Depending on if you can find a good query builder, you have an opportunity to build a small but powerful abstraction layer to build your queries, so that you minimize the amount of actual SQL that you write yourself.
Also, always remember to sanitize your inputs!