forcing glassfish to use UDP (config or application code) - glassfish

Hey guys, I am not very familiar with glassfish, but am attempting to resolve a small issue we are having. It seems that when our application is sending packets over a certain size, glassfish is doing so using TCP. However, we want it to always use UDP.
I am having trouble finding any information regarding if there is some configuration parameter we can change so that it will not do this. Also, I am not sure at what point glassfish begins using TCP. If I was able to figure that out, I bet I could somehow alter the application so that the packets would not reach that size.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: I am using sailfin and SIP over UDP.

I ended up finding this information:
It seems that it switches to TCP at 1250. This value is not currently configurable.


How best to manage Redis connections using ServiceStack?

I work on a few .NET web apps that use Redis heavily for caching along with ServiceStack's Redis client. In all cases I've got Redis running on the same machine. I've used both BasicRedisClientManager and PooledRedisClientManager (always implemented as singletons) and have had some issues with both approaches.
With BasicRedisClientManager, things would work fine for a while, but eventually Redis would start refusing connections. Using netstat we discovered that thousands of TCP connections to the default Redis port were hanging around in TIME_WAIT status.
We then switched to PooledRedisClientManager, which seemed to fix the problem immediately. However, not long after, we started noticing occasional CPU spikes that we narrowed down to thread waiting (System.Threading.Monitor.Wait calls) caused by PooledRedisClientManager.GetClient.
In code, we use a get-in-get-out approach (using ServiceStack's handy ExecAs shortcuts) so in general connections are acquired very frequently but held as briefly as possible.
We get a modest amount of traffic but we're no StackExchange, and I can't help but think the ServiceStack client is up to the job and we're just doing something wrong. Is PooledRedisClientManager the correct approach here? Would it be advisable to simply increase the pool size? Or is that likely just masking a problem with our code?
Just looking for general guidance here, I don't have specific code I need help with at this point. Thanks in advance.
Are you absolutely sure all Redis connections are being disposed?
With ServiceStack, the Redisproperty on Service and ViewPageBase (if you're using SS Razor) do dispose themselves, but any time you request a connection from the pool yourself you must dispose it yourself.
However, despite this, we recently had issues with our pool being exhausted of all connections, too. One of my colleagues discovered that there wasn't proper clean up for Razor pages and made a pull request here - This means that there has only been correct disposal on Razor pages since ServiceStack v4.0.21. I have not checked if that fix has been back-ported to the v3 branch.
My colleague also added TrackingRedisClientsManager that may help you track down the improper disposal. See here
You can also check the stats of a PooledRedisClientManager by using this helper method. We threw it on a little razor page to check the stats as we feel appropriate) but you could write better code around this to monitor the pool health of specific nodes, too.

Is it possible to transfer data via rtmp?

I am building a project which requires constant connection with the server.
There are two major ways to achieve this:
Ajax pull
Ajax push
I have to decide between pinging a server (expensive) and maintaining keep-alive connections (firewalls block that.)
I was thinking about the live video streams. They are not keep-alive connections, nor frequent pings.
Is it possible, to send data, like JSON strings through rtmp?
It would be theoretically possible to implement RTMP's AMF3 and AMF0 Message types to carry the data. RTMP [Wikipedia]
The problem is that using a protocol typically used for streaming video might get your connection blocked or throttled by some service providers that limit such protocols to conserve bandwidth (and prevent employees from watching internet videos at work).
Maybe this article may be of some use to you. It explains how to set up an RTMP server with nginx.
From the article:
nginx is an extremely lightweight web server, but someone wrote a RTMP module for it, so it can host RTMP streams too. However, to add the RTMP module, we have to compile nginx from source rather than use the apt package. Don't worry, it's really easy. Just follow these instructions. :)
One comment on this article by a user named 'stefaniuk' linked to a github respitory for this that I think you should look in to. Check it out here.

Do all bindings require setting URLACL?

We set up a windows app that talks to a windows service for certain operations. It's set up and working using wsHttp but we need to add the url to the URLACL list for the service to run. Is this going to be an issue with other bindings as well, or are we basically just using the wrong one at this point?
In the future the service might be moved from the end user's local machine to a server on their network, so maybe we should use some other binding?
Seems like the "next" best option is netTcpBinding, but to use that you need to start the TCP Port Sharing service:
Since the whole point was to simplify installation on client machines and reduce the number of changes to their configuration I'm not sure that gives any real advantage. I could convert to netTcpBinding for speed since it is the fastest protocol... but in this case it's fast enough to not justify more dev time.
Hate answering my own question, but hopefully this helps someone else down the line!

WCF - Compact Framework - Pull data from mobile client

I want to communicate xml serialized objects from the server to the client and the other way arround. Now it is (probably) easy to invoke methods from a mobile client (compact framework) using WCF, but is there a way so that the server can invoke methods on the client side or some other way to pull data from the client? I know that callback contracts are not available in the compact framework as you can see here:
Originally I thought of socket programming and of developing this by myself, then someone here mentioned WCF. But it seems like WCF only would work in a non mobile environment as I need callbacks.
Anyone can help me with this? Is it possible to develop a two way communication with a desktop server and multiple mobile clients using WCF, or will I have to do socket programming?
Thanks for any advice or any kind of help!
at ctacke
Thank you for your help. I actually stumbled across your Padran web server before.Havent really checked it out yet. But I definitely will do that later on. Anyway, a socket solution does not seem that bad at the moment. In the meanwhile I figured that it is quite easy to send data from multiple clients to a 'socket server'. If I can manage those connections somehow I can send data back to the clients. And then I would have to come up with some kind if protocol which handles the data or commands I send over the network... I guess the hardest part would be to make up such a protocol as I do not have a clue about that atm...
Even if you go to sockets it might be a bit difficult due to routing, carrier filtering and NAT translations (you've not mentioned what your actual network topology is). This is the reason that most mobile applications have to poll the server, even if it is a "push" paradigm (like Exchange's push mechanism, where the client actually polls).
Generally speaking, unless you're on something like a local wireless network where you have solid, routable, unfiltered network access, the client should periodically call the server and ask if the server has data. If it does, then it pulls the data from the server.
Now that we know a little more about your topolgy from your comment, I can steer you a little more. Unfortunately Microsoft has not made it easy for Windwos CE devices to host services (WCF or otherwise). There is, in theory, the required infrstructure to build up your own WCF channel and actually host a service, but it's not a trivial task. I looked into it quite some time ago and figured it was a couple months of work and that would have been with the assistance of someone in Redmond that knew how the existing Exchange channel works.
Personally I'd opt for hosting a REST-based web service using our Padarn web server because it's simple to do and I've done it for quite a number of clients now. I realize that it's a little self-serving to propose Padarn as a solution but the entire reason I implemented custom IHttpHandlers in Padarn was because I couldn't find anything else out there that really provided any easy way for a CE device to host it's own services and it's a problem we often have to provide a solution for.
The other options would be things like a proprietary socket solution, hosting an FTP server on the device, using the (abhorrent, IMO) MS-provided HTTP server with ISAPI, Telnet or something along those lines. All of them seem either a hack, a lot of work or both.

WCF client application hang -- need repro advice

I have a WCF application with a couple thousand clients connecting to a pair of services running under IIS. What I've noticed is that some of these clients get into a hung state, and I'm trying to reproduce this.
When this problem was first noticed, I had not modified the throttling configuration and the services were set to ConcurrencyMode.Single. One thing I noticed was that an IISReset on the server caused many clients to hang. Yet pulling this same stunt on the client running against IIS on my local machine doesn't seem to cause the problem.
I caught this only once in the wild, but didn't have debugging enabled at the time. The symptom I witnessed was that the client appeared to be trying to open a connection to the web server, but did not succeed. While monitoring with Fiddler, I saw no attempt to reach the service endpoint. Obviously that makes me suspect the client proxy.
I have a very solid hunch as to what's happening -- namely I've been using "Close()" instead of "Abort()" when the service throws an exception, which I believe is causing the channels to become corrupted. But considering the effort to get a new version out there, I need to reproduce this problem by causing a client on my own machine to hang before I can start making changes to the code.
Where should I start?
Thanks in advance,
Have you got any logging turned on? This could help in diagnosing the problem. It can be done completely in config, so no need to build a new version. Use the Service Configuration Editor tool to set it all up. The Visual Studio 2008 Training Kit has a good tutorial on how to use logging and the log viewer.
I suppose this was too vague a question though I was mostly curious what people might suggest. As it turns out there was a nontrivial difference between my workstation and a production environment that, once resolved, allowed me to see the problem. In this case, somehow using Fiddler to watch the traffic actually prevented the error from occurring! Now to ask another question.