I am making an app that has an MKMapView. I have a translucent UIToolbar on top of the MKMapView. The problem is that the Google logo is beneath it. Is there a way to show the Google logo above (in Y direction, not Z) the UIToolbar instead of beneath it?
Yes, you can. And it can even get approved by apple too.
See here:
And here:
The only way would be changing size of MKMapView in the same time with MKCoordinateSpan that should compensate the amount of the map occupied by UIToolbar. If you goal is to be able to display some portion of the map beneath the toolbar, it is not feasible.
I had the same problem, worrying if it might violate terms of use. As #Black Frog recommended, you should move toolbar or resize the mapView to show Google logo. Though it makes translucent toolbar to be meaningless, it's better than making your app to be potentially rejected.
There is no Google API to move the logo. You will need to move your toolbar.
It's tricky, but it is possible. Enlarge the MKMapView.frame, so the Google logo is hidden. Apple would reject your App, so you need to add the logo again. This can be done with a png of the logo (pm me, I can send it to you). You can place this png wherever you want on the map, Apple accepts.
I'm trying to make an UITabBarController like this:
No matter the device width (whether it is rotated or not) the buttons should not be stretched and the leftover space should be on the right side.
My questions:
Is this possible with the UITabBarController?
For the whitelines inbetween the buttons I am planning to use an unclickable UITabBarItem with an image. Is this the best way to do this?
With this tutorial that I followed I am getting this result:
2 problems here ^, whilst my background.png is 320x49, the selected image (68x49) has padding. This should not happen, both pictures have the same height?
The second problem is that the button/image has trailing space, and I want it sticked to the left side, as in my first screenshot. How would I accomplish this?
I don't expect anyone to post code, just merely a push in the right direction as I'm totally lost on this.
Check this library, you can customize the UI in interface builder with consstraints and get what you want.
I'd like to create a toolbar item like the central item seen in Xcode/iTune/Instruments/etc:
Can anyone tell me what it's called and how to go about creating my own?
Also, will I face problems getting my app approved by Apple when I submit it to the Mac App Store, for imitating Apple's own apps too much?
I finally implemented the solution from here:
iTunes or Xcode style information box at top of window
Here are the initial results:
This is an Apple's private control, but you cannot create it as a NSToolbarItem. Check this other Q/A to know how to add a custom view in the window's main frame.
Is it possible to draw in the label area of NSToolbar?
I've noticed some interesting things about Instruments:
If you make the window narrow such that the overflow menu is triggered, the items in that menu are all blank.
You can't change the icon size or turn labels on/off.
Colors does not have a label when you add it to the toolbar.
The labels on Space, Flexible Space, and Colors do not line up with the other items' labels.
These are interesting because they seem to fit an idea I had for implementing this: turn labels off, and give all your items custom views, where normal-looking items actually have manually drawn labels. It would obviously be a lot of work, but it gives you enough freedom to effectively do full-height items.
The nice thing is that, unlike the view/window hack that Xcode seems to use, you still have a customizable toolbar with draggable items.
I'm using a webview to display a PDF.
The webview displays the PDF at it's actual size which is a little smaller than the size of the webvieww itself, revealing the scroll view underneath it.
I've tried setting the Webview to opaque and setting it's background color to another color, which works fine and dandy in the simulator, but fails to change the color on the device. On the device it changes the color of the background of the view behind the scroll view, this can be seen when the PDF is pulled all the way down.
I've also tried setting all the UIView's backgrounds, by iterating through the subviews but to no avail.
I've updated a diagram to help illustrate which area I'd like to color.
Uploaded Diagram
You really shouldn't mess around with UIWebView's internals.
They can change anytime and your code might just crash on the next version of iOS.
If you need more control about pdf display, you might wanna take a look at other possibilities to show pdf, like using the CGPDFDrawPage* functions. Of course they are pretty low-level and it's a lot of work required until you can get fast page display, zooming, etc all right.
Right now I have a splitview that loads PDFS to a webview. When the application is in portrait mode, the formatting is correct and it does what it needs to do. However, when I switch it to landscape mode, the pdf is too large and goes off of the right side of the screen. How would I fix this? One solution I can think of is to resize the rootView table, by making it thinner it would open up more space for the PDF. Any ideas on how to do that? or if it is even possible?
Thanks in advance!
You can't with the default SplitViewController, luckily Matt has written a pretty good one that can do stuff like that!
You can find it at GitHub: https://github.com/mattgemmell/MGSplitViewController/
Is there a way to change the orientation of the iPhone using a button?
No. flip the phone, the orientation changes. Leave it at that, or you'll ruin the integrity of the phone.
sometimes we need to show our app in the correct orientation, even if there is not direct way on doing what domness want, you can look at this SO entry and see some responses.
P.S. # domness, try to search for what you need before posting a new question.
What exactly are you trying to reorient? You can change the position of the status bar with UIApplication -setStatusBarOrientation:animated:; rearrange your UI with the proper transformations and you'll pretty much have it.
You can force an orientation change, but only using an unsupported, private API. If this is something you'd like Apple to make public, you should file an enhancement request.
This is my new account btw..
Right, I got this sorted by apply the transformations to what I wanted to show when the button was clicked. It was to show a scrollview with applied animations to objects within the scroll view.