Lock at the time of Inserting record - sql

I have windows service have two method which are inserting data to the same table at the same time.but at the time of insert it threw the exception.how i can make lock on such situation.
thank you in advance

if its update statement, i would suggest BEGIN TRANSACTION with READ COMMIITED isolation level. but since its insert, u might want to create extra table act like a queue. Insert everything in new table and after that u can run your validation.


Truncating And Inserting on the same table at an instant

We use a DB2 database. Some datawarehouse tables are TRUNCATEd and reloaded every day. We run into deadlock issues when another process is running an INSERT statement against that same table.
TRUNCATE is executed on a table.
At the same time another process INSERTS some data in the same table.(The process is based on a trigger and can start at any time )
is there a work around?
What we have thought so far is to prioritize the truncate and then go thruogh with the insert. Is there any way to iplement this. Any help would be appreciated.
You should request a table lock before you execute the truncate.
If you do this you can't get a deadlock -- the table lock won't be granted before the insert finishes and once you have the lock another insert can't occur.
Update from comment:
You can use the LOCK TABLE command. The details depend on your situation but you should be able too get away with SHARED mode. This will allow reads but not inserts (this is the issue you are having I believe.)
It is possible this won't fix your problem. That probably means your insert statement is to complicated -- maybe it is reading from a bunch of other tables or from a federated table. If this is the case, re-architect your solution to include a staging table (first insert into the staging table .. slowly.. then insert into the target table from the staging table).

Keep a shadow copy of a table while retaining records removed from the original

This is probably laughably easy for an SQL expert, but SQL (although I can use it) is not really my thing.
I've got a table in a DB. (Let's call it COMPUTERS)
About 10.000 rows. 25 columns. 1 unique key: Column ASSETS.
Occasionally an external program will delete 1 or more of the rows, but isn't supposed to do that, because we still need to know some info from those rows before we can really delete the items.
We can't control the behavior of the external application so we came up with a different idea:
We want to create a second identical table (COMPUTERS_BACKUP) and initially fill this with a one-on-one copy of COMPUTERS.
After that, once a day copy new records from COMPUTERS to COMPUTERS_BACKUP and update those records in COMPUTERS_BACKUP where the original in COMPUTERS has changed (ASSETS column will never change).
That way we keep the last state of a record deleted from COMPUTERS.
Can someone supply the code for a stored procedure that can be scheduled to run once a day? I can probably figure this out myself, but it would take me several hours or so and I'm very pressed for time.
just create a trigger for insert computers table
ON [Computers]
SELECT * FROM Inserted
It'll work when you insert new computer to computers table and it'll also insert the record to bakcup table
When you update computers you could change computers backup too with update trigger
ON [Computers]
//can access before updating the record through SELECT * FROM Deleted
//can access after updating the record through SELECT * FROM Inserted
(attributes) = inserted.(attribute)
WHERE id = inserted.id
At the end I guess you don't want to delete the backup when original record is deleted from computers table. You can chech more examples from msdn using triggers.
When a record removed from computers table
CREATE TRIGGER computerDeleted ON [Computers] AFTER DELETE
Besides creating triggers, you may look into enabling Change Data Capture, which is available in SQL Server Enterprise Edition. It may be an overshot, but it should be mentioned and you may find it useful for other tables and objects.
IMHO a possible solution, if you never delete records (only update) from that table in your application, can be to introduce an INSTEAD OF DELETE trigger
CREATE TRIGGER tg_computers_delete ON computers
DELETE computers WHERE 1=2;
It will prevent the deletion of the records.
Here is SQLFiddle demo.
A trigger for Before Delete event can help you to guard this table:
CREATE TRIGGER backup_row_before_delete ON COMPUTERS_Table FOR Delete
INSERT INTO Computers_Backup
SELECT deleted.* from deleted
You can change deleted.* for deleted.col1, deleted.col2 if you want to keep certain columns only.
will delete 1 or more of the rows, but isn't supposed to do that
Then you have permission and integrity issues.
You can most certainly use a trigger to record deletions (and updates of course) but I would not recommend you use it purely to keep a copy of stuff you didn't want deleted in the first place!
Remove delete permissions if you have to or beef up your data integrity if you can. Without your schema it's hard to tell exactly how though.
Finally, use your (INSTEAD OF) trigger to check whatever conditions you need to prevent the delete when appropriate.

Trigger on Audit Table failing due to update conflict

I have a number of tables that get updated through my app which return a lot of data or are difficult to query for changes. To get around this problem, I have created a "LastUpdated" table with a single row and have a trigger on these complex tables which just sets GetDate() against the appropriate column in the LastUpdated table:
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trg_ListItem_LastUpdated] ON [dbo].[tblListItem]
UPDATE LastUpdated SET ListItems = GetDate()
This way, the clients only have to query this table for the last updated value and then can decided whether or not they need to refresh their data from the complex tables. The complex tables are using snapshot isolation to prevent dirty reads.
In busy systems, around once a day we are getting errors writing or updating data in the complex tables due to update conflicts in "LastUpdated". Because this occurs in the statement executed by the trigger, the affected complex table fails to save data. The following error is logged:
Snapshot isolation transaction aborted due to update conflict. You
cannot use snapshot isolation to access table 'dbo.tblLastUpdated'
directly or indirectly in database 'devDB' to update, delete, or
insert the row that has been modified or deleted by another
transaction. Retry the transaction or change the isolation level for
the update/delete statement.
What should I be doing here in the trigger to prevent this failure? Can I use some kind of query hints on the trigger to avoid this - or can I just ignore errors in the trigger? Updating the data in LastUpdated is not critical, but saving the data correctly into the complex tables is.
This is probably something very simple that I have overlooked or am not aware of. As always, thanks for any info.
I would say that you should look into using Change Tracking (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/cc280462%28v=sql.100%29.aspx), which is lightweight builtin SQL Server functionality that you can use to monitor the fact that a table has changed, as opposed to logging each individual change (which you can also do with Change Data Capture). It needs Snapshot Isolation, which you are already using.
Because your trigger is running in your parent transaction, and your snapshot has become out of date, your whole transaction would need to start again. If this is a complex workload, maintaining this last updated data in this way would be costly.
Short answer - don't do that! Making the updated transactions dependent on one single shared row makes it prone to deadlocks and and update conflicts whole gammut of nasty things.
You can either use views to determine last update, e.g.:
FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats i JOIN sys.tables t
ON (t.object_id = i.object_id)
WHERE database_id = db_id()
Or, if you really insist on the solution with LastUpdate, you can implement it's update from the trigger in an autonomous transactions. Even though SQL Server doesn't support autonomous transactions, it could done using liked servers: How to create an autonomous transaction in SQL Server 2008
The schema needs to change. If you have to keep your update table, make a row for every table. That would greatly reduce your locks because each table could update their very own row and not competing for the sole row in a table.
table_name (varchar(whatever)) pk
modified_date (datetime)
New Trigger for tblListItem
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trg_ListItem_LastUpdated] ON [dbo].[tblListItem]
UPDATE LastUpdated SET modified_date = GetDate() WHERE table_name = 'tblListItem'
Another option that I use a lot is having a modified_date column in every table. Then people know exactly which records to update/insert to sync with your data rather than dropping and reloading everything in the table each time one record changes or is inserted.
Alternatively, you can update the log table inside the same transaction which you use to update your complex tables inside your application & avoid the trigger altogether.
You can also opt for inserting a new row instead of updating the same row in LastUpdated table. You can then query max timestamp for latest update. However, with this approach your LastUpdated table would grow each day which you need to take care of if volume of transactions is high.

SQL Server 2005 Insert Trigger with Update Statement

I am currently not in a location to test any of this out but would like to know if this is an option so I can start designing the solution in my head.
I would like to create an insert trigger on a table. In this insert trigger, I would like to get values from the inserted virtual table and use them to UPDATE the same table. Would this work or would we enter some kind of infinite loop (even though the trigger is not for update commands).
As an example if a row was inserted (which represents a new rate/cost for a vendor) I would like to update the same table to expire the old rate/cost for that vendor. The expiration is necessary vs updating the record that already exists so a history of rates/costs can be kept for reporting purposes (not to mention that the current reporting infrastructure expects this type of thing to happen and we are migrating current reports/data to SQL Server).
If you have only an INSERT trigger and no UPDATE trigger then there isn't any problem, but I assume you want to catch also UPDATEs and perhaps even DELETEs.
The INSTEAD OF triggers are guaranteed not to behave recursively:
If an INSTEAD OF trigger defined on a
table executes a statement against the
table that would ordinarily fire the
INSTEAD OF trigger again, the trigger
is not called recursively
With and INSTEAD OF trigger you must do both the original INSERT and the UPDATE you desire.
This doesn't sound like it would cause any problems to me, providing you're not doing an INSERT in another UPDATE trigger.

CREATE TRIGGER is taking more than 30 minutes on SQL Server 2005

On our live/production database I'm trying to add a trigger to a table, but have been unsuccessful. I have tried a few times, but it has taken more than 30 minutes for the create trigger statement to complete and I've cancelled it.
The table is one that gets read/written to often by a couple different processes. I have disabled the scheduled jobs that update the table and attempted at times when there is less activity on the table, but I'm not able to stop everything that accesses the table.
I do not believe there is a problem with the create trigger statement itself. The create trigger statement was successful and quick in a test environment, and the trigger works correctly when rows are inserted/updated to the table. Although when I created the trigger on the test database there was no load on the table and it had considerably less rows, which is different than on the live/production database (100 vs. 13,000,000+).
Here is the create trigger statement that I'm trying to run
ON [Item]
IF update(State)
/* do some stuff including for each row updated call a stored
procedure that increments a value in table based on the
UserId of the updated row */
Can there be issues with creating a trigger on a table while rows are being updated or if it has many rows?
In SQLServer triggers are created enabled by default. Is it possible to create the trigger disabled by default?
Any other ideas?
The problem may not be in the table itself, but in the system tables that have to be updated in order to create the trigger. If you're doing any other kind of DDL as part of your normal processes they could be holding it up.
Use sp_who to find out where the block is coming from then investigate from there.
I believe the CREATE Trigger will attempt to put a lock on the entire table.
If you have a lots of activity on that table it might have to wait a long time and you could be creating a deadlock.
For any schema changes you should really get everyone of the database.
That said it is tempting to put in "small" changes with active connections. You should take a look at the locks / connections to see where the lock contention is.
That's odd. An AFTER UPDATE trigger shouldn't need to check existing rows in the table. I suppose it's possible that you aren't able to obtain a lock on the table to add the trigger.
You might try creating a trigger that basically does nothing. If you can't create that, then it's a locking issue. If you can, then you could disable that trigger, add your intended code to the body, and enable it. (I do not believe you can disable a trigger during creation.)
Part of the problem may also be the trigger itself. Could your trigger accidentally be updating all rows of the table? There is a big differnce between 100 rows in a test database and 13,000,000. It is a very bad idea to develop code against such a small set when you have such a large dataset as you can have no way to predict performance. SQL that works fine for 100 records can completely lock up a system with millions for hours. You really want to know that in dev, not when you promote to prod.
Calling a stored proc in a trigger is usually a very bad choice. It also means that you have to loop through records which is an even worse choice in a trigger. Triggers must alawys account for multiple record inserts/updates or deletes. If someone inserts 100,000 rows (not unlikely if you have 13,000,000 records), then looping through a record based stored proc could take hours, lock the entire table and cause all users to want to hunt down the developer and kill (or at least maim) him because they cannot get their work done.
I would not even consider putting this trigger on prod until you test against a record set simliar in size to prod.
My friend Dennis wrote this article that illustrates why testing a small volumn of information when you have a large volumn of information can create difficulties on prd that you didn't notice on dev:
Run DISABLE TRIGGER triggername ON tablename before altering the trigger, then reenable it with ENABLE TRIGGER triggername ON tablename