textfield enable clear button but dont allow the keyboard to come up - objective-c

Is there a way to have a UITextField with the text read only but still let the clear button work? I have a set of buttons on my view that interact with the text field so i dont need the keyboard to pop but if i disable the text field. the clear button shows up but i cant press it anymore. Is there a way to do this or should i make my own clear button?

Set clearButtonMode to UITextFieldViewModeAlways, and have the delegate return NO for textFieldShouldBeginEditing:.


How to add fix size for keyboard

I am using keyboardAvoidView and i have one input field and one button when I click on input field the button gets hide but I want that button to show so I tried setting a fix height for keyboardAvoidView but it didn't work please let me know how can I do this.

OSX: Move keyboard focus between textfields and buttons using tab key

I am trying to toggle between textfields and buttons on my view using keyboard's tab button. The switching between textfields work but it does not switch between buttons. The view is shown as below.I did not find enough resources online to proceed further. Does anyone know how to resolve this?
There is nothing you can do with that issue.
It turns out that in the System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts there is a checkbox, where you can change behaviour of the whole system:
To move keyboard focus only between text boxes and lists
To move keyboard between any of controls
And by default first checkbox is pressed.
As an addition. By default, NSWindow assigns an initial first responder and constructs a key view loop with the objects it finds. You can also change key view loop by calling this method: setNextKeyView.
For example,
[firstTextBox setNextKeyView:secondTextBox];
[secondTextBox setNextKeyView:secondButton];
[secondButton setNextKeyView:firstButton];
[firstButton setNextKeyView:firstTextBox];
This means that for users who expect moving control focus through all controls, this will work. And for those who have disabled this feature in settings, this won't work.
You can right-click on text field, drag "nextKeyView" and drop on another text field that you want to focus next when user press tab. Look like my picture below:
To add to #mjonka's answer, To move focus between controls is dependent on user's keyboard-shortcuts settings. What could be alternate solution is to just selecting your desired action button in your xib file and setting "Key Equivalent" value field to "enter" key in Attributes inspector as shown below. Same thing can be done for cancel button by setting "Key Equivalent" value to "Esc" key.

How to Add custom button to iPhone keyboard in iOS?

I want to add my customView on click of button which contain images similar to smiley(default button)while editing textField or textView using keyboard.
Thanks in advance.
You can't change default keyboard of Apple. But you can use inputAccessoryView of the text field, add a UIToolbar to it, and in the toolbar you can add a few buttons you want
or otherwise you create custom keyboard and then use it.

UIReturnKeyDone return or other feedback?

So I'm using textfield.returnKeyTYpe = UIReturnKeyDone in my code with my UIKeyboard. The problem that I am running into is that the done button and the hide keyboard button are both performing the same function in that, once they are clicked the keyboard hides but the program continues on to the next field and the keyboard pops up right away.
I want to know if there is something that the UIReturnKeyDone returns when clicked that I can grab to differentiate between clicking the Done key and the hide keyboard key.
Sorry if that does't make sense, I am new to all this.
It now make sense, You need to create UIButton and press it to hide keyboard.
When you want to hide keyboard.
[textView resignFirstResponder];

problem in TextFields

I got a problem in textfields.Actually I have 4 textfields when I click on to the first textfield and i entered the text into it.If I click on to the next textfield with out clicking on to the Done button in the keyboard of the first textfield the view goes up and the text in the first textfield is erased.
To solve this problem I used [TextField2 setUserInteractionEnabled:NO];
to disable the textfield until the first textfield should completes.
But I heard that Disabling the User Interface is a wrong process and its not a good idea to use in Iphone Apps.
So I got an Idea when we are typing the text into the textfield itself the text in the textfield should be saved.
Hey guys please help me how to get this.
Any one's help will be appreciated.
Thank you,
Monish Kumar.
Are your text fields inside a UITableView? If so, make sure you don't reuse cells or reload data.