Cross thread error reading form control -

I'm learning VB.NET coming from a VB6 and Java background.
In my app, I've got a function that validates the fields on a form. All it is doing is reading them, not updating. I've searched and see info about the backgroundWorker class, but all the examples are about updating the fields.
I understand the idea of threading and how it works, but have never written code that spawned threads myself. I've always let the language handle it. It seems like a lot of work that I would have to write a sub using the backgroundWorker for every time I wanted to read or update each field. The couple of books I've got that introduce you to the language show you reading or updating the field directly.
How do I know what threads are running other than writing the code like I'm used to then running through debugger to figure out what variables are on which thread?

Here and here is some reading on the BackgroundWorkerProcess. My advice, don't use this unless you have to i.e. only when you have a long running process and want to
Have the user switch between screens while that task is running.
Use a progress indicator on the form
That being said, I find it useful in cases like processing invoices. When I have to generate say, 4k invoices, while that task is running I can put an indacator on the form.
I find the following book helpful "Visual Basic 2008 Recipes" in explaining several use of threading, including the BackGroundWorker

The background worker does a lot of work for you. Certainly easier than managing threads and marshalling callbacks yourself. However, I agree with Saif... no point in doing any work unless there is some benefit to be had. Use it only for processes that may potentially take a lot of time.
Hopefully you're using VS2010, as it added some threading features. For example, use the Debug Location toolbar to select the thread of interest.


Can I run a DLL in a separate thread?

I have a program I'm writing in that has ballooned into the most complicated thing I've ever written. Because of some complex math and image rendering that's happening constantly I've been delving into multithreading for the first time to improve overall performance. Things have honestly been running really smoothly, but we've just added more functionality that's causing me some trouble.
The new functionality comes from a pair of DLLs that are each processing a video stream from a USB camera and looking for moving objects. When I start my program I initiate the DLLs and they start viewing the cameras and processing the videos. I then periodically ping them to see if they have detected anything. This is how I start and stop them:
Declare Function StartLeftCameraDetection Lib "DetectorLibLeft.dll" Alias "StartCameraDetection" () As Integer
Declare Function StopLeftCameraDetection Lib "DetectorLibLeft.dll" Alias "StopCameraDetection" () As Integer
When I need to check if they've found any objects I use several functions like this:
Declare Function LeftDetectedObjectLeft Lib "DetectorLibLeft.dll" Alias "DetectedObjectLeft" () As Integer
All of that works really well. The problem is, I've started to notice some significant lag in my UI and I'm thinking it may be coming from the DLLs. Forgive my ignorance on this, but as I said I'm new to using multiple threads (and incorporating DLLs too if I'm honest). It seems to me that when I start a DLL it running it's background tasks on my main thread and just waiting for me to ping it for information. Is that the case? If so, is it possible to have the DLL running on a sperate thread so it doesn't affect my UI?
I've tried a few different things but I can't seem to address the lag. I moved the code that pings the DLL and processes whatever information it gets into a sperate thread, but that hasn't made any difference. I also tried calling StartLeftCameraDetection from a separate thread but that didn't seem to help either. Again, I'm guessing that's because the real culprit is the DLL itself running these constant background tasks on my main thread no what thread I actually call it's functions from.
Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to offer!
There's a lot to grok when it comes to threading, but I'll try to write a concise summary that hits the high points with enough details to cover what you need to know.
Multi-threaded synchronization is hard, so you should try to avoid it as much as possible. That doesn't mean avoiding multi-threading at all, it just means avoiding doing much more than sending a self-contained task off to a thread to run to completion and getting the results back when it's done.
Recognizing that multi-threaded synchronization is hard, it's even worse when it involves UI elements. So in .NET, the design is that any access to UI elements will only occur through one thread, typically referred to as the UI thread. If you are not explicitly writing multi-threaded code, then all of your code runs on the UI thread. And, while your code is running, the UI is blocked.
This also extends to external routines that you run through Declare Function. It's not really accurate to say that they are doing anything with "background tasks on the main thread", if they are doing anything with "background tasks" they are almost certainly implementing their own threading. More likely, they aren't doing any task breakdown at all, and all of their work is being done on whichever thread you use to call them---the UI thread if you're not doing anything else.
If the work being done in these routines is CPU-bound, then it would definitely make sense to push it off onto a worker thread. Based on your comments on what you already tried:
I moved the code that pings the DLL and processes whatever information it gets into a sperate thread, but that hasn't made any difference. I also tried calling StartLeftCameraDetection from a separate thread but that didn't seem to help either.
I think the most likely problem is that you're blocking in the UI thread waiting for a result from the background thread.
The best way to avoid this depends on exactly what the routines are doing and how they produce results. If they do some sort of extended process and return everything in function results, then I would suggest that using Await would work well. This will basically return control to the UI until the operation finishes, then resume whatever the rest of the calling routine was going to do.
Note that if you do this, the user will have full interaction with the UI, and you should react accordingly. You might need to disable some (or all) operations until it's done.
There are a lot of resources on Async and Await. I'd particularly recommend reading Stephen Cleary's blog articles to get a better understanding of how they work and potential pitfalls that you might encounter.

Rewriting a threaded Objective-C 'story engine' in CoffeeScript: How to script actions & conditions sequentially without a ton of callbacks?

I have been experimenting with porting the underlying 'story engine' of my Objective-C iPhone adventure Scarlett and the Spark of Life to HTML5 using CoffeeScript (and I am looking into IcedCoffeeScript).
The graphical part can just use DIVs on the DOM — the requirements there are fairly simple. The problematic part is the 'command and control' story-type commands. The ideal is to be able to express high-level story commands — including conditionals — and have them executed sequentially. So, for example, in faux-CoffeeScript:
if interesting
scarlett.think('Looks interesting.')
scarlett.think('Looks boring.')
In Objective-C (this was back when scripting languages like Lua were banned on the App Store), we achieved this by having two threads. The main thread ran cocos2d-phone which handled all the OpenGL calls, animation and other cocos niceties. The 'story' thread handled the command-and-control of the story, and if necessary the thread would sleep, awaiting an NSCondition before returning from a function and proceeding to the next call.
It sounds awkward, but it allowed us to express story commands and conditionals in a sequential, natural way, just using normal-looking code. Note that in the example above, the if check for the variable interesting would be evaluated right before Scarlett says something, not at the start of the function. Also, the walkTo(), turnTo(), wait() and think() calls will not return until their associated animation, delay or text box is finished back on the main thread.
What I'm struggling with is how to achieve this expressiveness using web technologies. As I see it, my options are:
Using a Web Worker as the story 'thread'. However, as far as I'm aware, workers can't sleep, and state isn't shared so they can't even perform a busy wait.
Using a callback chain, probably utilising IcedCoffeeScript's await and defer keywords to keep the code tidier. Even with those, though, that's a lot of extra line noise.
Somehow evaluate lines from the story script one-by-one as strings. I can't help feeling that it would be highly problematic.
(Similar in some ways to 3.) Write the story commands in a specially-designed interpreted language, where the program counter could be stopped and started as needed. It seems like this is unnecessarily re-inventing the wheel.
I can't help feeling like I'm overlooking some really obvious solution, though. Am I looking at this back-to-front, somehow? Is there an acknowledged pattern for scripting sequential actions and conditionals over time using actual code, without a mountain of callbacks?

Is it possible to introduce multi threading in dotnet without explicity creating new threads?

I have a loop of several hundred items which need to be processed.
Each item is processed by conditionally setting a global SQLConnection where upon the item is processed using this SQLConnection as part of the processing.
For this reason it is vital that none of these items is allowed to be processed in parallel.
I appreciate that this is not good design and I hope to rectify it as soon as is practical.
However it would seem that despite my best efforts, this code is experiencing some form of multi-threading. Somehow one of these tasks has thrown an exception.
This exception is the violation of a foreign key constraint, but indicates that it was operating against a SQLConnection which it has no business connecting to.
Naturally I have concerns about this, however to my knowledge there is no multi threading code in this app.
I wonder Is it possible to introduce multi threading without explicitly creating new threads
VB.Net 3.5SP1
Console App + Class Libraries
Occasionally Calls out to web services
Makes SQL calls
not much of anything else. No Winforms, no WPF.
Yes - using System.Timers.Timer and/or System.Threading.Timer can cause the effect your describing. Whenever a timer ticks a new work item is queued in the ThreadPool - so essentially you have a multi threading program without explicitly creating new threads.
If the timer is AutoReset (remains enabled after elapsed has been called) you might cause another call to the same handler concurrently.
In addition to the others that have been mentioned: parallel extensions (PLINQ and task parallel library).
Alternatively tasks (ie Task objects) are not called threads, but are. Tasks are commonly found near lambda expressions, check if you have any.
Oh, and async sockets too and all the other async IOs.
Instead of trying to avoid multithreading at all cost, wouldn't it be easier to lock ? Sorry if the question is naive, I may miss something.
Could it be that your code is called from a 3rd party library. By using events another library can call your code - from as many threads as it like.
I suggest you check the code that invoke the code that changes and make sure that there's no suspicious calls to your code.

Visual Basic .NET Scheduling Threads

I am having an issue where I need to implement a type of thread scheduling... I'm looking to implement a list of tasks, each with a set time that they need to execute, and after the time is up they will execute the respective code that goes with that task. I would use a timer based solution, however, I don't think that it would be very efficient. There will be a very large list of tasks, some of which need to be executed within seconds of being placed in the list.
To an extent, I am familiar with multithreading and expect that to be used here; I'm just looking for a starting place - someone suggested a thread pool but I'm not too sure if you can assign timers to those.
Any help/suggestions are greatly appreciated!
I ended up creating a class that inherits System.Timers.Timer. I read that there are three types of timer classes and the one I chose is enhanced for multithreaded solutions.

Which .Net Timer() to use

I have a legacy WinForms Mdi App in VB.Net 2.0 which I am adding functionality to. One of the additions is a warning which needs to be raised when the current time nears a specified value (a deadline). My intention is to check the time once an hour until there is less than an hour until the deadline, then display warnings at specified intervals until the time's up.
The user needs to be able to continue to use the app up to and even after the deadline, but they need to periodically be made aware of the deadline's proximity.
The app does not use System.Threading yet and my knowledge of it is limited at this time. I do know that there are 3 different Timer() methods available:
Windows.Forms.Timer() and
My question is, which is the best way to go with this? I attempted to use the threaded timer, but since WinForms are not thread safe I got a run time error trying to access another class. Is it worth making the class/form thread safe? Am I completely off track?
This article explains pretty well:
Comparing the Timer Classes in the .NET Framework Class Library
It sounds like System.Windows.Forms.Timer is the one for you.
My guideline: If you want the timer to run on your main GUI thread, stick with Windows.Forms.Timer. If it's okay for your timer to be called asynchronously on a thread pool thread, or if you don't want to experience the small delays that System.Windows.Forms.Timer tends to suffer, use System.Timers.Timer. System.Threading.Timer has a different interface from the other two and is not thread-safe; personally, I'm not a fan.
I would just use the Forms timer. I think I read that it's not as accurate, but it sounds like you don't need it to be.
I agree that Windows.Forms.Timer() is the best for this case as it handles the cross thread marshalling issues.
Some useful related links:
Windows Presentation Foundation Threading Model
WinForms UI Thread Invokes: An In-Depth Review of Invoke/BeginInvoke/InvokeRequred
The System.Forms.Timer actually works on the main thread using the windows message queue. This makes it somewhat inacurate but since you don't really need ms precision it's good enough.
You could use one of the other timers that work on a separate thread but since you need to activate a winforms component that work in the main you'll need to use Form.Invoke or some other way to pass the event to the main thread - which would cause some latency as well.
In conclusion use the System.Forms.Timer when you need to activate a winforms based component.
Ok, first things first...
If you want to show the user a form and do something in the background I would use the BackgroundWorker class, it worked for me before.
Also, you need invoke methods as mentioned before and as Chris said, it sounds harder than what it actually is.
Here's a link which I think will help you out.